11 l7 ~'r 's ,~. 'fvl~ ,- -yc.:;~, - :^.,.i-... ;. ..,, ~ is •,°., ~~~. ... ..__ _.. ~ -.
<br />,
<br />rel. .i. r, s.! s i, n i i. i.+•~lu_' ~~ _n~ .~ ~. rl•r }. ,i_o ~ ~, ~ ... .~.i .- ~ -,
<br />. ~ I I~ .,, ~, ..
<br />I ~ I I~Y :I.'re- :r'1. ,i li ![ I. I ~, s,w ~~ - ., ~ - '.t -...
<br />AI:cutivn o9 pay:r:em,k:s. ;:
<br />y~, ;ru"mr+ 1 "~n.:,'t ail t [ r .'. ; ~a ~ t i ! ~ I r ~ ,i.~; r chl
<br />,~ f,t.t.i_r l~, 33srrroae, +~rtir)e,. }: sraQtl°m~ ," :~~-!'e.., „irr~-~,: i ,•;< ar. I. ."r~x, ,i.. ~,,, }~- ~, ~ 1 ...:~- ,., ..
<br />an},and then to the principal of the 'wtc :ux: ro ta!~:~rinrlt>::I fir futon- Oman.'±~_ c env
<br />~ A. Chairgis; Lister. Barrvwet ~iaii lsav a.! taxes. s.-~,_ -_..._r:u antl ath€e cF:arg.-e. l3etr; st;ri rml:osition5 attnh-
<br />1 utalrle n tle YraperF}• whtc!t may attain :i Irrtur.ty o er ,., 'tinrtgage and grou i rents ,~ at Lenders
<br />option ai the ,zianaer fhro-.•idet! and€r I.aragral?h 2 i~ereaf ar ly B:,rruwer :naliinF payment, x S?er, due directly to
<br />~ the payee tht•*eof. F;orrox~er si?a!1 promtitty iurnash ±~~ bender ai tyotices of amo=;nr4 ,; u.- ~;ndrt this {~t+ragraph,
<br />and in the e?•eat Borrower dial? inakr payment clirert!v. Borroxcr shall prom;.*,1~ furnrnsi, :u Lends, receipts evi-
<br />Cr] dencing sucL• payments. Borrower shall pramptfy discharge any lren whirl, has pnoruc stvar this \Iurtgat;e. frro-
<br />j~. vided, tl?at Borrower shall not be required t+; discharge sm• such list: r;o longs Burrower shalt agree in writing to
<br />r-s the payment iii .tie obligation secured by such lien in a manner aereptahle to Ixrnier. or ,hail in goal faith contest
<br />~^ such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in. tega! !rrocer>.img', w~6ich operate to present the enforcement of
<br />~,r the lien or forfeiture vi the Property or any ,.an thereof.
<br />!, S. Iimtad Lmuraara. Borrower shalt kcelr tiu• improt'entent; now esisui;g or hereafter erected on t}re Prop-
<br />erty insured against loss Icy fire, hasards incitrded within the term "t.xtendeti <-overage ,and such outer hasards as
<br />Lender tnsy require and in such amounts anti for ;urlt !?eriafs :r~ Is•ndr- ni:,., require provtd~',I. that Lender shall
<br />sot require chat ttte amount of such roro•erage exceed that amount of cover:lge required to pay the sums seeuted'by
<br />~, this Mortgage.
<br />The instrance carver providing the msurartte sltali ire chosen try Borrower suoject W approval by Lender;
<br />provided, that such approval shall net ire unreasonably withheld :U.. premiums on iusurance Ixrlicies shall be paid
<br />at Lender's vptlon in the manner provrdetl under paragraph 'l hereof or hr Borrcwer making payment, when due,
<br />directly to the insurance carrier.
<br />Ia the event any policy is not renewed ore or before tern days of its e:pintion, the Leader, to protect
<br />its interest, may prawn insurance on the improvements, pay the prsmiums and sr•clr sum shall beeo®e
<br />immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said rate until paid and ahaH be
<br />secured by tltie Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, ooastitnte a dabttnh
<br />radar the terms of this Mortgage.
<br />Aii ine•.tn-nce polrciea and rerlezala thereof shall be in tone acceptable to Lender and shalt include a atdladard
<br />mortgage clause in favor a[ and io form acceptable to Lender. Lender shall have the right *.o hold the policies sad
<br />ronet-als thereof, and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender cif renewal notices aar~ aH receipts of paid ¢re-
<br />miuws. In the event of lose, Borrower shall give promp6 notice to the ineurarrce carrier and Leader, and bender
<br />may mate proof of Ions if n~ made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Uutw Lander and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoratioa or
<br />repair of the Pregaerty dan?aged, provided such restoration or celeste is erononlira!i}• feasibic artcf the seeerriLy at
<br />ibis Mortgage is not thereby impaired. If such restorntion or repair fs not economic.' ~~ feasible or if the security
<br />of this Alor6pge would be impaired, the insurance proceeds shall Itc applied to the sums secured by th» Mortgage,
<br />1<rith the , if any, paid to Borrower. If the Property is abandonai by Borrower or if Borrower fails to rapoad
<br />to Lender within 30 days after nw~ice by Lander to Burrower that the mauisnce earner offers to settle a claim for
<br />iawraaee benetit.s, Lender is authorised to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at I.erlder's vptivn P,sther to
<br />restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by t6i., ~forigagc.
<br />Uakw Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall
<br />not catered or putpone tt,e slue date of the monthly installments reterttd to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change
<br />the asaount of such itistallmente.
<br />U under paragraph f6 hereof the Property 1s acgwreti by I.ersder, af} right. title and interest of Borrower in
<br />and tea any i~-uranr:, pu+ici~s and ir. and to the proee~s ther~i eto the zmer;t ut the runes a~~utt~i by t is hiort-
<br />gys i,arrraediasely prior to such safe nr acgtrisitionl resulting from damage to the Prvpert}- prior to the sale or
<br />{. ~ t~ ~ ~ FrQ¢lttYf Lloath:_+ldsa C'.ond6artnar=!m=_ harm,t•~r shall 4°ep the ~_
<br />City n! gaa4 re1?si! ar?tl crest; ??faT, permlr Or rflmmit ws8te, lmpain??ent. Or rtCiwrtaratlUl? tit Cfie Proptny ailQ stlal!
<br />i.~ . _ _ _ _- __. f aaE :c 'h's :iii __.~ _ _ !°~ _
<br />---mac: - __-_ .,.- ,.~ v.. -, . ECa,~s .. , _ ,,._ .e ,.et. , _o :.~~gF '_. u,- n t-ur~~~>~~;~
<br />urdt, B4rt~~er ±#alI t~riorm afllut $orrowrr b obligatiun,; s+sd?r ih~ 1.~ i~rattur, 3i~.•urslazrai+=~:, r.r ttutstsr +1e~,
<br />the by-laws and re;irlatioas of the conilommium protect and corsstltuer?t dorunieuta.
<br />7. AralaQioa q! fssidat's $actuitT. Ii Borrower faits to IterTOrm the covenants and agreetnenta contained in
<br />this Aiartgage, or if any action or proceeding is commenced which nrateriulip at7ects l.rnder's interest in the Prop-
<br />erty, including, but net limited to; eminent domain; u?xrlvency..-tAic enforrenirnt. or arrangements or procesd-
<br />iogs involutes a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at bender -. opti.m, u{an notice to Borrower. may make such
<br />appearances, disburse aueh Burns and take such action a, i; reers4at-~' to pmtert bender's intereaf, including, but
<br />not limited w, disbursement of ies~etmahlc auoniry'a fees and entry upon the Property to make repaint. Any
<br />amounts duburaetf by Lender pursuant to this paragraph i • with interest thereon, shalt bzeome additional indebt-
<br />edness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. irn!ess Aorrowrr ant? Lender agree io ether ternr.. of payment, aueh
<br />amounts shall Le payable upon notice from lw:nder to Harrower requesting pa}'tttent thercu±. and shall freer tnter-
<br />est tram the date of disbursement at the refs stated m the Nate unl~a payment ui interest at such talc would be
<br />cotrts~y to applicable isw, in whreh e~er~t -uch am~xuitw shat! tear frets--rest at fife highest rate t~rsnieaible by
<br />sppl~ble lew- Vuthing r€~utan?~! ir, cet,- i~arngraPh shall reelulrtir I,entfer to incur an. expense ar do any ~
<br />~ 1~Ifsiiaa. Leadsr may rtsafte or rauee to Ire made reasrleiable entries upon and iiiapsetioas e4 the Ptap-
<br />e!t~_ aeevitl_etd that I+rater !hart ttitr! Borr+'*,wwer nMirr t+rior to env .nth insneetitxi rtiecifyitta i+sasenahte cause
<br />thereter rebated tea L~nde_'s ratsrct rn ttie Pi'%)pe«}' .
<br />$. ~eedssaissaast. ?`he proxtds of any aware or stator tar damages: direct or oortsequenaai, in canneetion
<br />xrith sage ~ other Eating of tFle Property, or Iwn tl?et•eof, or for eooveyanee in lieu of rotrdemna-
<br />titia,era hereby assigned and shall lx paid to I.euder.
<br />Ira tI~ event of a total fatties of the Frope;rty, the procseais shall Ire applied to the sums secured by this Mart-
<br />~. w#h the , if ang, peud to Berroa'er. In the event of a paetinl tatt.~ of the Property, wakes Borrewer
<br />asd i~ssade~ att~relRise ague is wetting: ttrere shall be applied to the Bums secured by this Mortgage each propor-
<br />tinsi of the pe?eer!~i as is eitptal ki theR. ptop'irtaeti whkh the ameuM of the sums secured by this \iort;aae imitie-
<br />tfiataly prt~ to the date of tatirgl bears to the fair rrurket value of the Property immediately prior to the date of
<br />tatleg, efRL ~ balance ~lhe pcwretds paid to &iirower.
<br />Ii the Isreiperty is atmadoaad by $arrmrp• or it after notice by Leridcr to Borrower tliat tir^ condemnor offers
<br /><4 stuff siss axelyd to er~te s far daita~as, BosYewer fads tea respond to Lender within 30 days of the dote
<br />rf notice, Lender is attthoriiwrt to ^all!€t scut apply the preat~e8s st I.e:xter's vptior. either tv restoration v*
<br />repair eat the >i'rope!rty ar as the auiua seerired by this Uortc.
<br />IIn1~ Ixrder and $arrawer atherviae ai;rce in writing, any suela applieatiar of F•rcccr~•is t., ;,rinrr}-xl alts;!
<br />,~ --
<br />