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<br />,f ,
<br />- 78-v~81'73
<br />,l~t3IVIDVAt.
<br />t3uE C7r,~ ~r4LE
<br />SkVfNGB FUt+etS
<br />FORM "10.720
<br />Loan Number- - - _%t39f7 _ _ _ _ _i 88 _ _ _ _i_
<br />T.-pe Srir.., s
<br />M O R T G A G E
<br />THIS MORTt;AGE, made and executed this -'day of ~~"Y~rz~-~~3-.- . A.D.,
<br />19..~~?., between the Mortgagor, ....-L~rerace..L. $r^tek sad Cyssthla A. Sroza3c~. husband -and..
<br />v1,_ e, joint: ly..an.d .e$cty .in_ their ~r*a . ri.~L., _ _ - ---- --------
<br />of -. Gragd Island... ,County of Ball .. ,State of Hebsaslca ,hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST' FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska t>fi501, its sucx~eaaors and asafgns, hereinafter referred ~
<br />as Lender.
<br />W rarpasartr: That the srid $orrower for and in consideration of the sum of 7t!>;[t'I'Y. ~WR_>;iSAND
<br />AND N~>hOtY-~----~-----------------------------."Dol:ara (US$.34.0~,9Q..._._..._-......)
<br />psi by said Lender, dose hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; tbe
<br />totlowirsg described property located in the County of Hall- „_. - _ , g~~ of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Porty-'Irro (42) Potash Subdivision 1n Uxll t:osmty. Nebraelca
<br />2hia is a corrected mortgage to include county mortgage dated December 12. 1978
<br />lnstsuiseret / 78-008173
<br />Tbe:a~rxat with all ties improvemersts stow or hereafter erected on the Property. and alt assementa,
<br />rights. +ppwtenances, rend, royalties, atineral, oil and gas rights and profits. watax. water rights; said
<br />avatar stock. sad a$ Llatruar now or heaeatt~ attached to the property, aA of which. uschrding rapfaoe-
<br />naanta said aeiditiues thereto, shall be deemed to be and retoain a part of the property covered bq this
<br />Mortgage; and all of the fomgoing, together with scud property (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br />Mortgage is on s ieaeehoid) are heroin referred to as the "Property"
<br />Bortowrr covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br />to tmsrtgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower wiU
<br />Vrarraret and defend generally the title to the Property against all clnirns and demands, subject to any
<br />aruf reatr~tiom fisted in a sek of ezceptions ~ cveerage in any title is:sruance policy in-
<br />~frtg Lender`s i.~t i^ the Property, ar (2) attorney's opinian of title frntxa ak~traet of title osrti6ed
<br />by 6ended abetractenr.
<br />~rsrrf€s A+ ~3r=, 3rd thew greeents err eaecvted and delivered nrl,~c~n ti+re iol~virtg conditiem, agz'ee
<br />menta sad obtiaatiags of the fl,-srrowar. rrr-call
<br />Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender, or order, the pnncipal sum of l'fiIH'PY lr11I$
<br />1SND J 1^v,~ ,
<br />--- ------°--:.°~`-__'-----dollars tt'S 3 ?Q..l~t0.,tlft- . )
<br />payable as provided in s note executed and delivered, :oncvrrentiy herewith, the final payment of prisxapal,
<br />if not sooner paid, on the :f.LL'.gt- day of ~acernbex LA 2t~7
<br />Ilpremaaa Covar+nra'rs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as foiktwe:
<br />!. Payaesnt of Prfacitrul amd Iaterrst Borrower shall promptly pay when due. the pnncipsl of and m
<br />terse! on flee indebtedaeae evidenced by the Note, prepayment sad fete charges asp sn the Note,
<br />end the prirtcipe) of rod irsterrst on any Future Advanc-es secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Funds !ar 7mras cmd tnsser~rs. Subject to L.ersder's option under paragraphs a srsd 5 h+weof. Bor-
<br />rower shall pay !o Loader oa the day monthly installments aF principal a+~d interest are payable under the
<br />Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum ! herein. "Funds") equal to arse-twelfth ut tfse yearly taxlw artd
<br />asawsnsertts which may attain priority aver thi., Mortgage, end ground rent<c on the F~'operty, if any ptskc
<br />oae-tweiftis of )nearly prenaiturs irwtalim~ts for hasard inRUranre, ~-tweUth of Yearfy prtaniuen i!a-
<br />~ lrsws~cf uurerrand and taaesf~~r aF~ ~ ~ P+
<br />4s gsty aa#d ~ arras wee pr+Mrdsrena acrd ~ rem. I~r s~N a ~~~~~ frrr zn
<br />~d~ ~t dar or verifying end mmpr ' acid cRx~rnents sled bilk. The r shall
<br />cbarl{e, err aasaai acoonrrtiag of flee Fund+e showing credits arrd debltas t+Ei the
<br />attd Ltee pterpprs far which sate dabtt to the Ftinda was made. 'fors Fasdr are pledged ar additional
<br />apanrity ter the scams ~byjr ~tkm- T6tr Hoem+rsr egrasa tfut the F~ may bs ttsl~ ~e +tfine
<br />Iw~atils sad whit oti<rr ~tis Lsedsr's a~ tasei. sae! t~s Lsodnt- augh fOrs+a
<br />ftiam its orarraiR~ tl4s Ilanel~r s~ srsi_be Cabin fior iahssai or ~ on sted- Ftia>¢a.
<br />Ili tier aaes~i: of-#il~s If~IMM Ili ~ i~sdst, ta~tMr wt`!h fie in~a'e rooatMy ims<s!}mcnts of Fttadte
<br />fPbJ~ tr- ties dms'dairs at t+asra4 gMlaareasata, tarursraee pence sad ground rents, sipll ereoeed
<br />.tiir sarauett ~ to rafd trams anra~ta, iae praeafnmas sad grorned rsnt8 as they fall due,
<br />such e:eass ahaU bs. st I'~a+~r's o~oa, e~psa~~ to gs~nawes or cradited to Horecrwer on
<br />ma~hly irdtaslieeertL~- of l!~uds. Il tag sxsarli lilts by Ier>sler ahaII not l~ sufficient to pay
<br />~. mss, irtfursace puemi;asrs -attd. gtmtrad -assay as tiwy ~ doe, Haaro+rer shall pay to Leader
<br />any arr~wnt t~Crssary to nst)te ~ witd~a tbi~ety days after soiree frors Lender to Borrower
<br />~ttia$ paY?bent tj:. 03' er af>all, sn imteseMae in tnonthiy irsatsli-nenh+ of Funds required.
<br />reluty the flcier-cyr witt'`~+ ~ 1 s~ petrod.
<br />Upe.n payment in fuU of elf sums secured by then Mortgage, Lender shalt apply Furdx hrld a. e ~ rr~iit
<br />against a71 sums due.
<br />