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its; csa+ i r. , ,. ~-; , i a ~ iv, h+. r:~'i:, „ <br />i,ttan?~.. t,oe. d~tnvt,rrt u, i ~ ;tr.Lre; <br />'a'v"+ <br />~tCh Boxrowex Not $el~actaad. P t4~ uyf+. ~t .+ + r ~ t, ~_~ rr u u d ~" ~ ~ i :~ne c r , t;'yi~ P t ~~ e'u>7~~ <br />_ . <br />~~ecured by this `uiurxga~ge f,rsntuii ~ a i.a•~:,rrr u cats' - ~ ,. ,t i~ ^ .rr»z h4ur,uti; t ] sea ~ it i,y,Tera:e tcv reia,~ar <br />rn any manner, thF hay;ilttt o' t';a original iivrroccr• a. }s•,r<^nar.: =u,cersvra ,n;t I rnrter shall not be <br />r a~ <br />,.,~ rr.•quired to commence ptoeeeriuxrs agam'<t sac!; s•.,s, e~nr n: re}+iea• to externi time for payment yr ntherwise modify <br />arnortixation c the sums secured tn~ tit i. %;ortghgr~ I,y reA~s, vi .c=;_~ dernanri mar}c ny ti;e eriginai Burrower snd <br />•~~ Borrower's successors in interest. <br />iT 11. Foabearamce by Lauder Not a Waiver. Any iorbearanre by Lender to exercising any right yr remedy <br />~ hereunder, or others>ise afforded by apt3}icat,!e Isw, sha(; not !,e s a~si:er of or prec:vdr the exercise of any right <br />or remedy hereunder. "I'l:e !+tvcuremenz of insurance or the payment of taxer or ocher liens o* charge:, by Ir_>tder <br />j~ shalt not be a .valuer of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtednees_, secured by this '.Mortgage. <br />..-. 12. Ra>cladias Cumulative. Ali remedies provided in thin \lertgage arc distinct and cumulative to any other <br />4C right or remeriy ;nder this \lortgagi• nr affordrwi i,y !a•.v or ,•quity and n'^r ?r• ?xFrciserl concurrently. independ- <br />;J entry or sueeessively. <br />13. 3uesaason ~d AwaYaa Bound: foist mrd Savarai Liabiuty: Capticas. The covenants and agreements <br />herein contained shall bind; and the rights hereunder shall more w, the restcctirc saccessors and assigns of Lender <br />and Borrower, -~.,blret to the prnr~s.=ions of ;~sragral,h t; hereol AI! covenant,` an,i sgrecrnents of Borrower ehait <br />~ be joint and several. The rapiions sml headings of thr• paragraphs of this ~lnrtgage are for convenience only and <br />ate not to be [tacit to interpret or defier the provisums hereof <br />t4. Notiea. Any notice to Borrower provtrieri for ra tlu> \fortgag~ shall Iw given by rnaiLng such notice bq <br />certified mail addressed to Bonower at the Pruprn~• Addmss <tste,i Ix•low ezrrpt for any notice required under <br />paragraph 18 hereof to f,r gn•cn ire Hnrroacr to the manner !nrsenbed by appheahle Iew. Any notice provided <br />tot in this Mortgage shall ire deemed to hscc been given tv H+,rrower ahcn given m the manmar designated herein. <br />15. [Juilorat Mostya4e; Govat'nmg Lav-; $averabilitp. This form of wortgage eumtiinrs uniform eovenant$ <br />(or nations! lice and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction tc constitute a uniform sean- <br />rity instrument covering real property. This \iuttgt:gr shalt Fee governed by the law of the jurisdiotion in t*ltish <br />the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Note dots faith <br />spplicable law, such conflict sha!1 not affect other provisions of this \foltgage or the Note which can be pvau <br />af~ct without the conflicting provision, and W this end the provisions of the 4ortgage and the Note are doe4tred <br />to be tletirorabte. <br />if. fiorrewer's Copp. iorrower shall be fumrahed a conformed copy of t-his hfiortgsge at the time of eweesa- <br />tion or at6xr recordation hereof. <br />17. Trmtafar o! the PrspeetT: Asumpfioo. If all or any part of the Property or an inteenst thta+eia ~ sold <br />ar tramferred by Borrower without Lender's ptiw written. consent, excitrditrg raj the ctratiot of a lies or eaeust- <br />branee subot3itrate to this Mortgage, (bl the creation of a purchase money securit intet+mt for }touseltdd appli- <br />anxs, {e) straosfer by devise, descent or by operaticm of laa~ u}rmt the death of a ;Dint tenant or fd) the Grant of <br />say leasehold intrreet of thsee years or less not containing an option to purchase, Lender tm-q, at Lender's aptian, <br />declare adl the smrtte secured by Mtn Mat{7~e to be xnmedlAteiy due And payable. !.ender shall have waived ar>eh <br />optiotr fA accelerate xf, prior to *.he sate or transfer, Lender and titc ;rerson to whom the Yrvperty is to be sold or <br />tmnsferreci reach agreetnenc in writing that the credit of surlc I,erson is satisfactory to I.endcr and that t}:e interest <br />payable am the sunxs secured by this Mortgage anal} he at such rate ;~~ Lender sits!! rertuuest. ti Lrncier bas waived <br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph I e' and if Borrcreer's sucr•essor in interest has executed swrit- <br />tea pssump#aon Agreement accepted in writing by Ixnder. Lender .hall release Barrocver from all obligations under <br />this ItQotigage and the Note. <br />H Lemier exercise. stxh option to accelerate, Lauder shalt recall Boer.-rover riotire of aroz}erwt~ in aaeloes <br />rvrth par~ra[,h Id }rer~°rf- ,.~_. nd, ~,i t rte file t _rir„~ .:, r,t :e- t„ar:',;1 :; t, :curie the •iatc tixr [rvtiee is <br />maiLd within which Borrower may pay the sum.9 declared due. li Harrower ;ails to pay suetx sutrrs prior :a the <br />--+~°° of altcl: pr=clod, I~nc~r Wray: witlstt4t fort}4cr nutxx.:.c :!otz~ncf :.., Ei_urrswrr. rnveke Aar t ptAr- <br />!sy nxarasgraph Ift hers~tf. <br />?~...-_1T U.w,nu 1'r,vvv..: ~.: 1L.rr..u•u,~ u.,.i I.+n.iu,~ f,,,•r h.:r ...,~,,,.....I ,, .,~ ...., .,,, n~ f..Iln.r>_ <br />li. Via: Rasaediaa. Txee## tr:zrri~rf i ~ tsaragram: t~ lec~of. ul $or»e. s t~r~ACie Lf iia~ <br />oowataht or agreement vt Btrrrowrr in this ~1vrtKaRc. tnclurhng the covenants to pay wlirtt slur any sums secutvd <br />by this ~tartgagr, Lender !,rice to aceclrrattcn shall nc:ri; nutter to Bormacr ss pruvuird ut l.aragrap(t 14 hrreo( <br />t~eeifpitrg' 111 the breach. sty the ucuo^ n•ctuirr,'.i ts, +~rur sari; hryarh, t31 s date sat less than thirty dave <br />from the date the sauce is watlecl tr! Rurnnc,•r, I,v al:r'-; ,u.~i, i,re•;rcis nntst tx• cured. and ;~~ thaz tusktn~ to ram <br />such breath on o: before ttte date s(x•crlied m the sauce yna~ resuiz yn accclr-ration w the ,inn.. secure! by this <br />'.ttortgage and sa-e of the Yroper[y li the brracl; r.- c+vt curry+, ur: ur before 'he date rt,rcl6rrl m t!x nvuce. ixnder <br />at Lenders a~ption Wray declare all of the' sum,, serurrti by tin- Mortgage to !><• ymmeahately due anti payablr <br />withcwt further deura:xi and mac inn•ci~,r th.- AinrtKugc h~~ ;udu•tat pr~cvxfyng Lr-ndcr shai! Ise enttt!€d tv ev)llert <br />to such Urtlern'dint: alf rxtK•rLKrs ut Ivn•clu:-urn nx•lu,iwa. latt out Lnutr-,? t„ nret> of dueuuyrntarv rvidenre, <br />ahstraots ar? title rClxlrts <br />11E. lorroww's Aigbt to Raiustats. ~;•ta rt}i~`_:ndutt Lcndrr~> ucrelerahot: ;,! the _, xcourcvt by 'hr. <br />!4iorEgage, Borrower shall have tGr• r~ht to La` % rlt,v ?,rrx~r.',1tgg> !N•gan by I ct~rtr: rn , niurcc the. ~IortgA~• =tas- <br />eapt3a~d a(.'~ liras prove to entry of a ;Lrfgt;tetu sutWatcg the lfortgagc si. tat tdorrowsr {~ys Larder ail <br />circa irhislt tsts~ bs ~ due atntlar thin .liorta;atSe, the Note and rlotea serurirtg Futurn Adwnera, if any. !rod tw <br />aoee~rstion o~ooYurt~d; fib} ESorrowcr cures all hrcaritc'r ui any other covenants err agttrtnenta of 18orrowsr eutl- <br />in t•hif .*.iUt`tE~ i@i #iGrT jib arc trr~_4w ~-, 7r#~nrygr ia• rtt.r il+Ys Iflrirrfl?i 1,~ I.r{},irf in rtltiirrs[r~ file rc,va~tjaEi$n <br />!t!d ~ewfFS+~ of ~or ~r~taE ,~~ yet ttt;, 17.irr AUK gn.d tt> .-,.,..r.,.na t ..n. i.-r'p r"*!t°fi. ; :"aJYk_-.- tr ; 1r*_- <br />graph 18hrreot, ine}uditgt, but trot limited tv, rcASOttAl,le auunrey * ir-rs. sari Cdr Ilurrocrer takes such netrun as <br />L limy rrrv>mrtttbly requita to atwtrrr that the lira of this \lvrtgage. Ixndrr's interrat ur the Ptvrprrty and <br />Borrawtelr'a obiiEatiaa to pay the stints soared by this ±rlortgnge shall continue uaiarpainwt. Upon cosh pryrastst <br />and tsute by f3arrower, this M_orE;age snr! the obliRat.~us strured hereby shall remain in ful! tour Atxi effect ae it <br />tt ~t had ocestrtsd. <br />~. XMi-tasttwt d 1lrtaltti AptsiesRs+-..1 M laataaivast liamdr+r in Poaasesisca .~s sddkiorw! security herc- <br />under, f3orwwer hea+eby arigrts to T.tender the rents of the Property. provicird that Borrower shall, prior to acceler- <br />ation under paragraph 18 hsroof or Abatrdonrtunt a{ the Prolerty, have the right to collect alai reeain Ruch rent, <br />as they bseeme tlne and payablr. <br />upon arsokrat,itut under paragraph 18 heresf or ahamtonmeat o. the Yrvpert . l~tteier. in ;,rrson, by agent <br />or by judicially apptanted recaivrr tdt-il be entitle! to ewer ulwn, take poa,{ession of and manage the 1'ml,etty <br />sad to collaet the rents of the Property, itrohtditrg those !cast dae. ,ill rents coilrcced by Lender or the reretver <br />»ht.ii be applied Rret to pas ~trf o{ rile e^ete of mataattertlertr of the Ptrotrerty anti e•olirrt yr•n ui r•',sts ..rrirt+irnx .,rtt <br />not litmtfld to, receiver's tees, Premiums un receiver'. hond~ .tart rencr:u:,'~i, shorn r ,., Th, n , <br />secur*xl 6y this ~tortga{,e. Lender and the' recetrcr siisi± ?*. ;;sable to a: rosin ,stir ±„r ti~:s~ r.-~;>~ ~r•~ri;ui'~ ~ -,. <br />