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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> i~ +v,<~i'w.c , .••~rl fi 'c!~ ,,r'tc',iai it l'f2tl~;•;.` is sCt;e2 Ed°' ;tti' 1'i+.';~;rt~° t.'3 t?tlt""'r1tr~,?" 11C;F~R11r7°t~ t~}\- ~:<'t14t1~~, i,1r}tiC"'r <br /> !4"5„ „c,d ?5 u i,•. r:i tt "l, ia4 {e'<,.YSt,✓F'I♦ Z': C~4' "r, l3t<' •lt it'. tff Fi,(' l;~C(•ii 4't t; or ity ;aA"tl t►1T1t 1{in let' l.t'aiik`r. "417\': 1^1lfietF . <br /> 1 1. '+.1• 51:. , .,dra t3 ne'}kilt; ~iir „ 7 * ri`=ia, ^.t.'itlitt'$ lrti" t11Z ~lt!rS te:,r•, <br /> Ir <br /> Z1 A p bcalion a: P ay-ments.' ..I it^ 7. it I. ,iii 71t}'11`r"Iv;,v, wilt E"9.YY.°4;i,.W1 rt'v'elved }?\"U'Zd!St;t . <br /> riJ!'.r'. i. 7i ii r,e• i.J`!- :r-,.i Er.1.` I.R,'li71'R!'; IT Tai it, tltax`)t7Cti" of :'stlriatrnt.r It;k\':a 1)!c^ try <br /> l . d• Si''Y t i`'z Siay'•w, t i. i l r, wli eS 'r Ct t. p".t\ aFlii* t;4S'i tiat," `d,1tY' :€4!!i t'itY 1 7itttt'S' ,x ,atl!'Y t: <br /> 'Yti'ti..... Y :;t,eo Ter` tr .=~t'.i'e•r:7i'Ct, t.f^F?` ~.iefiC' :.:tit teb O', l I i r?sw,`,;ii l• I' . <br /> r i `.itrC" Alil';irit•ttw, it +cta1'. <br /> .f• (•,4i•ar.~et~: 1.:~F't't.*`. 17v?rStk"x'e!•r±:.}.ears ah .7:i t':'t\4"'+" ,i'-at:.;Jttl4fSt`' :ad;.'i Y.atil,,, C:17,ar~. ,'7:S:t:' i.lttiS:110~StttrS~3t4r1E`.. ,E <br /> slat;:". <a ,..r. 0.,t, <br /> w l:ac) a aG ;4C4.9T.; .r lrci4nrita rexrlr t#ts dlrfaip ia!tr, .ir:airr>;iaddi 4C ,I.ti. i° aatd+ , 1t I;etader'~. <br /> ! rare ;U?i '•.,e. ^x' ] J!bx,.:twe, b,:ia(':r t>A ;,r',I'e..ri'ri:. 2 ht'lra}e, or N lip-tmrr 1,11.t1JI14 le:tv:C'.tnt., when (14)11, ellrtte0v to <br /> 1hr" I7:x } o I3C'.• ,`xi'"" •tt]Cli'pro-11" itZ:v 1ti"ais.l: t* l»vl4it"r .'tail aitla.:Ce..*. !~Yf' yi1ZYA.R1141tti iSdt!" under this i..,tlrti cAltiEa, <br /> ar.d in xt`r., l't..,e tit`! at7all maki, p"yulrtit dire('0y°, urr¢iax•e,ar wia.ill 140roptly faarnish t'.e, Letlder rereip t4 evi- <br /> Ctis:iC4 r;:,`ES + -\lc7t ^Y.Z t4 {!5-tas it ter d!P: Ca I{. j'>f i.7C1'. in.; 1; !1 ~,•a rge,a'+x" !lett \+',h.ich ha's priont.~" t{x'-r t.}Sls. Mortgage, lita]^ <br /> 4111 ri, r i !ref a r r P 1: e e, 1,;, rt•tiaxli r~l to ld a l!,Ar~ .t 9~" t w !:on *o long as t Er l"lc?;rrkttr"t , 1{yj}E :4}•rt`E' in x\'r1t}lilt to <br /> tld;.. ill.. ate e` t.'t1,, ar,.it Yt°tl P'V t;rt;,4 lea 4Ett:,tt iitld iii a t.17,;74'f -.1("'a't, 1+1:0ElT+" to i•„^°nd, <br /> r, or !li p,S.od faith 'r ori~tar <br /> ,,:r1P ePr R 1?: et•le°` 1111 ?"tr la:t`r:t` C}! 4,,twti ; Bent ir, la"1 311 p7., ^ r°w:ttng., Axlile'la edlttrrate' to <br /> ifte (`.;1 Est` l'tit(itt t`rtl!'tlt r'1~ <br /> text' 1}k"'Cr t F{1";r t: "e.e .lie".i°r Kwi td; r't, j' t dC t:"r` 1v°4 r':' aEirI6"wd{,; <br /> 5. M-tz d "tirrnce. lilt 77ir t'. hl4aii k n 4y, rh 4D,}irrt) ku law now a m vting or hC"rn•t►1te r vtt^ `*,vd oil tht, E'rop, <br /> I rtx ;r, lit nC,lla b iIrC.. 41rn$:la t1x1t.7dt"i lvtthin ef1•. tvnl4 "VX' k"wikxi rov t►gi 311 ``4C'11 ki kvi, E azur(k 4l, <br /> a r1 :r: i , i z, s r,7t~11 ^.>'araar:t, ";,xi for r.•ii ai lstr'4aa?• a l.,^taJi7:r tltti\" f\~17iirc. airt7x;,.it 1, tlt'1'', l.i.Yliift;' wi:tlli <br /> R.zt '..,'d.( v i,.tt t. ; t.e• .id :,•,;ysY S, 44 w.i:lt„,,"{ni lt:t'Ma.l"9'' r.xori"r;A' tlt,it ;,iSSiff.,unt, W E`ovi7ra C 7e mrrei t N,. . <br /> - a {r: pax the tillttlW FCt:t~rCf:►r.Etx' <br /> . !,tics:M - !t;d <br /> 1 z C + C« C Y!iti StlfSYy; 164 S".S tZie"d' 01101 be q•f,r?Yav 1Ys' Borrower pl'etecz e) approval Et\' l,,A. ilden <br /> 4 (wx 41. 1 li t izS 7i 7iivli "AA th uS'1,ZC i~rit'PlEvty lait.pitkeid.• AR prviniums o l truRur:11 r(' i!oh(-w,~ A17:all t')C intid <br /> ra, a.t46ci u;,t , ,'1f ti ill z~*t l i'wdx,ae,.+ ^t t.:a r'ta}iii !it~rwc.i. or ),v horrouc.r. nial:it'g iiagl)le'tlt., whvo due, <br /> Ctarect}1 to tht ion}a7 ~tiCc t,, trrtF <br /> In rl a rvt'tdt any px°<lic i, vot r4tnctwt•d vn or lx-fort- en dtivs of its expiration. the I.w~nd4er. to protect <br /> its irate rt t tt a ;,rtn: uric insurant:e. on the irnryretwe-l, ent,4, Iar►a, tie I.+r(`naiums and such gum shall IltTu tlc <br /> Irsatlecitattiti iiue and payable with interest at they ratte set forth. in %aid note until paid and Nhall be <br /> t ure ri by ON.,, Mortgage: Faalnre by Bt\rn'ewer to cunapaly may, at option .of Lender. constitute a default <br /> <br /> under tht', tvrni;.<. of thit:Mortgage, <br /> ! + c t7r ;~c~lit in{l renevvah~ there-of tl,iIf Oft in fortttuccCpz atile to Lender ;i:ed >E,:ill nwlt4de: a tared err! <br /> Izior1,i'y'N 4 C !'.:.«~4 t a A i4a1Z e7" .iZ 4. m ior-li,;*cck~p! hie' to I.R`nde r Iat".rtJf.r X11:111 have tilt` right t() li:)ld 9w pol rw :it1,t . <br /> . r ne~ryC•,tt to°rt•aT:, :elm I1r.P'ra]'6t'4 ,f,11 l'ir4ltYYi=f.t! :.k'{;"d11!4:i.} to I.e.EYt:e`:' ;111, r@S'xR'«1.: notice's alit. :t.ll rk'CC'tj.rf ~ (1,f jlxtYd prr . <br /> tniuni, It thLL t 4 1: O iil5;~, Po.roxtier ;'aaeli p v41 prompt notice to the anturaarlr;ei» rarr~,rr «atxtl l.c►7tier, rind I.enelt« <br /> rt.ay mr ke p oo .r" it rsot inaade pronlpth. 1,iv llorr+. we;.• <br /> U eK, l..rrklcr ,sr,ai'Borro err 4atheramire aagref in Writing, in,lUr ll(e Iiro,,wcri ?!,'all 1w ;applied to restoration or <br /> rvi,o)r of zht- l' crpt x' da ia'geli:. pro,,, lt:t.t:'4mt► Ca°'St4,l.•dt.ion or tt'l.e,iir' is t•Ct.IraCntialCaill\" tCti+tl;elc' at7C4 the :-t"C alrlt\• to <br /> this ;lorattage 1 .1 7t, tit $Ct•9• t7tp44ircii. If such 'o° tpr ltioa or rvp ai 1 : licit a l'iS+(1711rZ1iY~' :i•.°.~)We or if the S~,Cunty <br /> of this a ortg ypeV would 1w :vlp.almli, the iia,~urra^ v pri ec•4t;! wtY:tii 1k" ,Syl~ij>otigA t.+;}',flrr :.vms iecured by thiti :1to,rtgyli;,f',. . <br /> with th't czar t tYrd} v aid to llorrower,• Ii the k -aiterty t.'s'allatt".(a.Jcv, 1eY .B(rrxittr'tF or if Ilutr(!ir°e'r. icily to iez,ito►u; <br /> to l,erldea' 'A thixi 30 _aftvr notice by i_errld r tai Borrower that tilt ri~:cpraaoco ratrritar ofterx to Netter a "bill`: for <br /> inturAtice bo yittlts, l.e"ndvr tw mithorired to rollezt and apply tilt., ita~atr~tt4ce...I"rot't'e*lA At Lender's o}atiuri ritliafr to <br /> reair3ratstt;.r c}x stldat,; Of t.1ir Property or to the vulom. a(-cured by tldi~ or gap;ci <br /> Grtkss. xr der aaei bozrowe.r othrru!•i~,e agrea'in 'W1,116.11g, Any 411104 apphrzltiou of Bret"`„-eds to principai snail <br /> nos exteod ^ar 1106tpone. tile: due date of the monthly iti~txll'tricrita reiv.-re^t$ to in paragraphs l and 2 hereof or:change <br /> Uie art aunt of.. ouch itast alltxa<:.tlix. <br /> If unWer p>arigraph IS hereof thin I'rop M~ is acquired by Lender,, AN right; title and is tere`t of Borrower in <br /> and to'a l\ ins.uran,ic p licies, and ill. aarld toa , Ie Ilrr ,ecis,fla~ riot l'tu tzar extent of the -airnI5 <br /> stctlred by ttl:-,1!;fart- <br /> ;age itritlia~±istet\ g rwr w. such. "..ake..'or :rgqujsitionr from damage to the Pr% rty prior to the sale or <br /> art;.?s~iA on sitali pass to U-ider. <br /> G. c reA_ervction and Muintenaalm of Properly, Leasehratda: Coadozai,inaunuk .Horro,we•r shall .keep the Prop. <br /> erty* !.n goon repair a.rid shall riot Permit or C6=ytart k'ast.e, impAirment, or deterioration Oaf thw Property and "hall <br /> Gortzi3lti x\.t 1 the pz~rvisiollr: of all lcase, if this. 1I.ortgage i= on 3';ea_WFIoK IUthis Mortgage is on a coildorniniurn <br /> ur4t.,. Borrower ri~a.l pcrfonzl all of Borrower's obhgatiolo urdex the. declaration. of eoridominium or master deed, <br /> tl%is: by-laws arld regulatior s of the;oni niuti~ a}.tolcrt trtl t oxtstatursit'doctrrtlen+a <br /> 7 Protecticl a eaf lender's Sei eur ty_ If Borrower fails to prerffcirm the CO4*ez Ants and agreements coritaitied in <br /> r ats`Mortpge., o if alnv action, or pr;Ke,,ain; is comr enced irslich iuatertsaly aff is bender's interest in ti e:Prop <br /> tpMy, irciud r, Lut no-, litnized to, eminem no:tiair." in--0hralcy, e. enforceincnt, or arrsangetnents or prozeed- e <br /> iap involving a , or deee"*c ent, t'Oen 3 mder at 1_enoty's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make s4rh <br /> ap rsncts, d such sums erii take suck action a-, i. pert-.`3:'ary" to prrotect, bender's interest, including <br /> y <br /> not lim"ttiz to,, Jisbucrement- of reazor•ablft attonvr v', few, and entrti upon the I'ro~rir to make, repairs', In Any <br /> , <br /> arrifluZts di4t`,YIalwd .151.5,,x-nd'lr'. "vita`Rarti u-,: Uli4 fE:nl rie}rit i, wiLil iw,,trest.:ther•CMS,".: shall:beconie additional.indebt-. <br /> ednt'sa o Ri .-.--zwer Svcurxd by tea°s' Xlo-tgage, Uale-s5 1 orrrawzr and Lender agr".to other terms of payment;. such <br /> s nou' ats till!;! be psvable upon notice f=m Lt rder` to Borrawer requeytuag Patinaerit; ille.reof, area' silaii tlesr'inter- <br /> e"t fn7= the dt_t of 'disbunmment at the rate stag in tl:e Note u010--$5 J)4-,- lent of inte_-psi at such rate would be <br /> car4.,ritrer to %pillkahle law, ;-it which event. such aniauntk shall bear inrerv_~t at the. highest rate peimissiFle by <br /> app•aiicuble law". Nothinr, cor!tzzined in lhi_- patragrap l ; shall require bender to incur any expsense. or do any act <br /> lleroaisielrr_ <br /> 8. lrxpeetiaxa.. I.r mie•r treaty tvmke or'cauAe to tae inade rea onJablr. ontnes upon and inspections of the ,pi-oI,_ <br /> er' pmvitlni th,%t LkInder sliall give borrowK notice mior:to :ilia- such inspection specifying rca. nabit ,cause <br /> chf_-efor rt:ia.ued to ircndeC* interest; in the Pro werty-_ <br /> 9. CMd*=nazian- The, proceeihi of any e x-asd or claim for''diunsgea, direct or`con"tiential, in conneetiar!, <br /> -ith muy oonde utaati"cu or other to khog of the Property' oi- intrt. thereof, or for e; nv^evance its lieu of condnrnna- <br /> twa, xtz'e fiefeby as*Lgned and shall be.paid to Le ider <br /> ID t4[ tn1v=t. of a total: takitag of.. the Property, the proceedW -hali be ap piied to the sums secured brv this ~xort- <br /> gfiq,a-. With thc~eaxcen, it any, patid.t:o Bn rrowtr..ID the.cVMt of a p,arc.i,al taking of title'Fropertr, un:s~, Borrower <br /> h'ild i:r>de: eattbt; ac isc agree in writing, there slat►lI be applied to the sums secured by this ?tlortgage such <br /> ttoa o: the p'iroceeda as is eq"l to that proportion which the an> xmt of the sums Poor- <br /> f <br /> r tacky p tior to the date of tN,king bears to the fair va rkec value of the Pspptrt~ tsK immrraediethato e tly prior to or to the age ir dae of <br /> of <br /> ' <br /> aartr , w.t'h tiu: balaicex of the proceeds plaid to Borrower- q <br /> i the l te^tx is ab,&nd6 led by Borro er ar if often malice br l-cneles W B <br /> ltd i:c U-7-4 Aw*rd~or settle a C- aitn fora cirrawer tfiaat the etatsdeziuwr offers <br /> r ges> Borrower fails to reap--ad'to Lendiir within 30 days' of the jdate <br /> k'f 1-wh boil e. Lernder is autheritced to roiiect and 4pply tkse ptirocre'j. at LcadWF, option either to restoration or <br /> c- UC t, _ t; it P i'Tae:tz or tr7 ttia~ sllanri ~,Cd by this A\ 1(krt},we: <br /> i.`r?t s Lez-Aet: sari" Borru rer othcruise agr'e'e is wrct.izig, &nv such appp}>cat~ of proceeds to principal ithalf' <br />