<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> R st 11e 44c act r i tl1K xlataritll4r it Wt ►tlrnrrrir; ro -rretl to iii lx%ritarapllI i and 2 Hereof 'or
<br /> ~ aFt:N'°t.c tfi~!:: P.I ,I.tUtit.t. rl}r•.1; 3Qktit",r"l1r'Ttx°sta -
<br /> a'^q
<br /> 10. $Grria.we.:Nrsl Rcleaaatl'. Ell of 1"tr tinli' for ,1"th`mOst or lon lifit at.ian of tIlllort.11":ttlt?(S Of the SlldtlK
<br /> L
<br /> ~ .t:'•,r ,t.: :iF ,glf'r>Z1,wr• -;I rl, t-j. h v O'.. 1,t~'S% i?.{Bt,1r7Y11\K!! !illJl}' nAy U19erlite to r0Cr1.9L', .
<br /> riri 1.t•rt ttci,a'tow•e v a t. iitlr.e ttt r'~ IS tl ms son. in F17tCrN," I,L1i4lCr Mall not be
<br /> rl rt+.s r tc,. ;Pero+: cat .xs . reitai eI"r. «cirli urrr IT or rt ii.i~t~ to vxtcllei tithe for pavirient or otherwiw modify
<br /> Iiti" ,A!CVICG' lt, Lh.,, M0r'1g,Agv lw rti"astx to Of Ally r,friTlind tni%Ae by the original Borrower And
<br /> l3z~rt r.Pa<~:~ sr. • :i+,~ret,t
<br /> I!. Porlwira:cnco by Lander Not a Waiver. AI)y forkwaranet by 1Xrl,ier in vxercising any right or remedy
<br /> i ?'rely' , r,h°!, tP-+:'t?a ,.ci-.<..:H ?ttlr,i tiv :rhtlalicatlie. fa11 -ls t; no%, 1w.. it Naiver of or p"`rcelude the exercise of ar,y right
<br /> :Nr of lu tirtance cir tht }trit°ili.S"nt of taxOs (,r lather iiens or cht►rgcs by Icnder
<br /> wti:!:;tie [,e:z r:l"ra rIf,9t tea it±rwts the taisl:t:urity 0 the zndcbtednea+n aecurelf h\ this 'Mortgage,
<br /> 1Z, Rurnedtes Cumulative. Ayi patal°celteI in tbk Xior'tgs gv ,artr di~tiuet arad etitlalthltive to any other
<br /> i.,:t w 1 >r`:19•. t~ aa:rie: 't19, \1<att.gsi . ol- r•,f .!1' iXAta or tat;:s6r`.;will. r1tw1` Er; cxcrci-i{i r<itlrurrentll', indeptel,ei-
<br /> 13, :;tiR ectgsar arlti Aw-i<xrr'draiirard. joint txnJ Several Liability. Caption,%. 'I`I:N rt9tenlintM'.atid tiptretrneiltw
<br /> %t; ri)}:t - r°•.lifft5.(i'' X,~ll'Y11f i.t'I.Skre,. I.e. tl{d".tf"w~}71,'i`tt~'t' r~~liCll'C;~wiDt'!N; :t114.i .l!lAt rt;l of I.NntfCr
<br /> :r.«'Si7,P a+ t w.,'; :t ttt ^i,l { "'tatian: oak t•~rliitratpAit i`; Itr°retki ,arll t't!1iri:tnt~ 40t1i igtecllwlitr: of Borrower Nhull
<br /> be 11;', i ii tt??.Tt? aallii ilk';xtllrrf" of 11te 1?ttriig, i1p!i* Of tli.• Nlortgacc lilv for t'un1•Ctl. -11ce only attid
<br /> 9.-r." ;tf tr.1 d'r^ a . ? rr?rt`; f:rr ".it"tli3"„' Zito' l+rt'11"i'w.jtar'tr lit'^ra`'taf . .
<br /> Ipeek 6V Ilimling ~Iwh notiro It}'
<br /> 14, ;tatitir, l: ti rtr,rii+:e It, l,ac?r w~tr.r pii%i> (tiif:t:l for 'iAs On. Njorlgltr,I: h"111 Ise
<br /> i':1'iC4! I:'':t13 l".t tr%ti eta l}.iY.'rd'f14R`r AL t4«f: l'"rr'Yird'rt 1" .'1ti<fte,X t. ii it!%i loviou t"'i*pet ilyi :1.111' Ilot3re rctllllrell 121111a't '
<br /> :i-1::t.a.,,1:tg' ; I't,•4`.It tr! lat• to ltv rour.,( )rOw IPi«ltmvt olvsc,nlie*d, tat- tt;N~+si!'Ptit}t• litw, Ar11' nutlet, lartal'ilett .
<br /> tt`r' Yt ai+ ti" rP c,,:layti'. ,Li+ "5 tie°r°;r:t'tt t4T .«ti11 i±e"%'ii ~11't"pN LtM Iita"'i't~.tti`:: S4'jtlxb% ,~ir'w:t it! Sipe 2l1tt19.11('r t.ff".+tl;i7ittaYl'111,`rt':17
<br /> 15. Unilor;:Q Mortgago. Governing Low: Se.verrability. "f t:&, forth i,r( ;{rs+irrilr;. N~"iliit+ine:« uniform roveimnts
<br /> f )r u3t. S n:% t.. -t%t:l '.on9 InlfC cnl 1s°ith hinite d °•url;-nero 1?y lurls,dirt.lo:it a' constitute a m iform ,eckt-
<br /> it}° 1: ty. "1'I':.: ert;sip;+` sIl'ail tf(', 7 Ls'trtic.~l t+1' 11;r law of till' piris.rliction in which
<br /> t;l1" l~rUtlt :1tR. It ti.c C:1.1; "hut. 1ttr' bleat' :u` t: of tE"is..~i3rtt tit` ear the Ntaii Cf;tlliilC}.\ w'Ith
<br /> 1} }alir xi":,. tti thiF, Mor;page or the Note which can he given ;
<br /> ?.4et z,;, .4,tho:, }'Tt.:15ion, '=r,. In this Ole plovgslof,,~ (if 'tic Nlortfagi• ar.,71 the Note are declared
<br /> to he
<br /> 16. So:rcwer•s Copy. Boirtwez-wliril lye iurniwhed a ronformt,,j copy of this Mortgage at the, tithe of exettu-
<br /> cull Or
<br /> 17. Tro safer of 'he Property: Assuri:ption. If :iii ter arit• part t:rf the Property or an interest t,hercin is sold
<br /> ti.. t.;:i :t{rr'e a' jie ow+'r 1t, t>ir9ut l e.-.9r.lcr.; s p'trior writes+:a consen excluding ira,l the civat.imi cif a hell or eneum-
<br /> tt,xal.et t~ 7x 9 c t+ i.: MI )ngagil_ i10 the rrratitnn of a imrrhww moriv aiecurity interest for hou". hold appli-
<br /> ;lt.cr- tci t1 1,a zfe.- lad devQ t.,, do-scent. or bi, cpcration'of i;tet up I,. the death. oi. t )itlnt tcriatnt or id) the p; rant of
<br /> Nti;7V lez*i;Y.r:rit. "i'rtrrt'."..rl tY>Yr-r• y§`itr.' or lm°..a :>titt. C'Cant:l:rzi,ta~„;arz is}f£i{ii1 l+7 ptaltc11a51', 1,.81ffer Ittby. at Lender's optiell.
<br /> t!=r ~-.uara r+.°.?'itrc*+z hV thi:.v \l.ortgagt tOt or, ttiilt9t•aliMs~t t^l~• doe app, ptva,lrfa:. Lender shall have t`•r{i1•ed such
<br /> eip:taaaQS tr.r as r r''r:t*.a^ ; ssr;:r two the: -nOe or trana,trr lXn+fer 414+1 thi, pvns..on to whom the Property rs to be sold or
<br /> ra.:•:rir,s ' t act. tkr 1 icieilt tf writing that tile Cre:'rfit of %kich }wnr on is faxisftacuirv to Lender tend that the intrres: q
<br /> 1}etalz ta.>. Ow srl,iartci bYw.thi5 "M o tgage sball 6c , at ~ut:il rats, u Lt, rode r shafS rf:°tluest, If lender has waivvd
<br /> chi: opticita to xcc.clrr;i:e provived.iti this prwrat;,rra;all 17 and iti .kiorrowerr, slid^t or in interest hai executed. a writ-
<br /> tctt zw,.: iM;xtaetr::tgr•tment, Arvetttell in wr tiug by Lender, .l..emie .§hzall releax a Borrower from all obligations under
<br /> Olls Mong&j t.. and tla; Nate
<br /> li 1.., rQ;ie.r tixctri_srr. stsci, op't'..ian ,,a ac:+clrtate.. Lender tha{ll :nail Borrower notirt of acceleration in accordance
<br /> with pa.ra r.lph 14 Imrt of. ',"tae11 11"tice' wl,ail p tvvitla, a lit'ricod of 1101 les'; lba n 30 datiss frorn the date the notice is
<br /> aiMird within w• iich Borrower x"y 11iy the s'unIt, declared due. If Borrower fails to pay stuch st.lms prior to the
<br /> xpiratton cf sot:: z riQ '3 alder eels. t` ithuut further- notices or 4emand oat' Borrower, Invoke anv remedies per
<br /> rriri by
<br /> paragraph Iihertof, 1
<br /> \i)ti r'':EFt)Ff'at ('ovjeV..-NTts. liort•~t~1'rwt'.1>ud Lender furflier covenant mid a.gr a ati follows:
<br /> 18. Accelercrtio= Remedies. Except .5ra lirot°itl,.i i-7 lt►racrii,ls 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any
<br /> cave. ;slit or hgrr'ceiicr,t of Bormvrrsr in thi: 11dr:Fa► c. tzwikAing the covenaiiLs to stay w:M^n {ftic ate suln's ~rrurcti
<br /> by tills 13N;r:hagt. I-k-mlex 11 or to alcce*i~ *t,ivQi smhzOl A,;Iil n twe to $grr*wvr ,4orovi#&,d in par:sgrat:+h 14 hereof
<br /> iw tiiftiiti t'l) tile tiri~arli, t''i titr.:avtloa rojuwmi +°,,in, such Iarctarll; 41- ;(ii.tc; not lea. tlutr. thirty tlu}:
<br /> from the,9iAtc :ire rietwe ss it-, i3orrolsrr, err" aci; i rNir t bmaO1 must be. eure'd and (4) that failure to cure
<br /> sN hre:ic'h ail or k~eivre~ the date !IpcTRfllett in the notice, may rftult itl Acceleration of the suing secured by this
<br /> It rtFagu anti Sale of thr. Property' le iltr lreszcEi i~ r:tlt. ctsr c~.on' or before the date zspteifitd in the notice, i,endtr
<br /> at, LT,,rodVr`s opziorl 1'na'` dea.lare all 04 the serurvii it thia Mortgagi to be immediately due and payable
<br /> wititeaut further jr.m►nd'and may forvf-lac this Mortgagg by judicial prroeet.dinf;., Under slixil Ite entitled' to collect..
<br /> iri s:a th pto etding all ex;vm. o i+arc~ ptx<xrL. inch9.ling but not 'laitAted. to, co*ts of dotumentar'n• evidener,
<br /> mh Lrar.:+ acid tizic r!spoits:
<br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Re'un<tate_ Notuit il~ttt*S~,np p.ender"r-.acceleration of the t:unls serurrd by this
<br /> Mort ti, )3Qrrpwer ,thall have the right to har't' any proret-:iinga 1*gurr hy'.Le'nder to enforce this Mortgage dis-
<br /> c;yntirtued at any time p nor to eatr4 of a )u4JgnwTa eritoscinkk chi 'lortgll~e if: tat Borrower pay,; bender all
<br /> Mains Whickh would be zh_-tl.eiue under &d,, Nip*rtgag-_ Ow Noto and motes sertfnng Future Adrances, if any, had no
<br /> socelemuon ear z=ed I Ito) Borrower cur" all brrache- of oily other covenants.or ;igl'retnenvi of Borrower con-
<br /> miurxl r this l.tiortgxige; (sR Borrower pay--, all Qyra anakPlr ex'p etit. _ iac.u red by Deader in enforcing the covenant-,
<br /> and agree-me ms of 1Aorro°., • c ontaiped in thi• Mortgage and in enforeing I e.-Kiet' remedres as provided in para-
<br /> graph 19 }'tmitf, including. but not.hrt~ited to, re;a_,oT -,1t attorne 's fee--- atui td) Borrower takes such action as
<br /> Lendcr loss rewsonably rC uire?to azure thst the licit of ilais; Xlorty:gv, Lenders intemt in the Property- and
<br /> horrtiver's.olilig'atuan to pay the isunr cured h thi, Murtg:xgc shall continue unimpaired- Upon such payntenE
<br /> xrd cure tl r 13Crs aver, this. '4tortgsge,told the obligations -,ectm-ed herelr- --tail remain in ftill force and effect as if
<br /> L-o ,WemIt i-at30da.. SSd occurred:. .
<br /> . = Assiq riae of Resat: Appoisetmeat of Roceiver. i.ender in P-session,. Ali additional eecur•ity: here-
<br /> theta„ B arrctw°ez hereby awign: to I,ermer the rentL~ of the Properly, provided t lia°t Borrower shall, prior to accele'r-
<br /> % itln wr*dcr;zxr tp}i I8.hereoi or alrandomnenL of the Property, have the riglt: to collect xnd.retain such rentn
<br /> AS t4tikty' tXV.,Cir%le clue and pi►yahl,r:
<br /> Vivo xcrelemtion rider par:agwh IS hertoi or xhazxsonmtant of the Property, 1, ender, in person,. by agent
<br /> cr 6a° a.tiodic:ialfy .a j,43*inted receiver shall be rn itler3 to ester upon, take pais"ksion of and loanalte the Property
<br /> isad to :ultra the rtutf Of the P t"rty, including thw rwt<st due 'ell rents`coif'ccted by Lender or the receiver
<br /> sh4ll tw appilivd firxt to payment of Ow mats of ntarYagtrnrnt n.' the property. aLa4'i collection of rent:`, including, but
<br /> ,o l wut kul to, recr"iver':s fens, p reel;tatwro,, on mccivter"ti hormbs an4 rrewnable attorney't, fps, and there.ta'the, sums.
<br /> rt ;err, t>y thli,.:dl,artrt*g LexkOrr a-vd the :Vcrzver AMl1 I'r liaMe tiS Acrcrtint.'only for those rents: actuMh received.
<br />