<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> tom"~•• SAVINGS FUND
<br /> CO 4con Ntl Mber._.402 1;_ _ TF- r ~l ~L'1.~ • ar
<br /> 7KWt wt1,An['N
<br />
<br /> 7, (AA 631 M0RTGAGE~
<br />
<br /> THIS ";e.01t tt Y,F. Tnado arr4 executed this else ot~` ; c A.D.,
<br /> !9 , bplu,et~n tlae, Niortg,agor, r, tC"P th I tlf ec itnd Mara. ,t.., ReA8er,,.. hus', end .4nd wl.f e..
<br /> feint iy ran4 t,,a, h • n their ouv xf&hr
<br /> of ti..irra I:~1atu1 County of 1141 o f Nebraska. l►e:riinafter rrfurred
<br /> to •a% the liormwvr, anti the Mortgagee, f^"lltST M.DERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF .
<br /> l.lti(' OLN, V)3'% Strrert, uncoln, tie'bra~ka 68501,. its raue`Cemur%, and aesatiRns, hicereina.fter'rrefermd to
<br /> ~ raa l~aettele•r.
<br /> "lll;tt the said ROrrtava'e.r for nnef.in tans(lcrationtaithrtsum.of Fat7K .THQ•U$A.vA,
<br /> S1.GTN HVNII)KF,:1 FI.'LY cah:`t NO/100-------------- 77-7777-001'. t I 4 0a75 .QQ. )
<br /> paid lv, 4ald lAmder, dots livreby rntartgaage;, grant anti eaenw,~~ to Lender, i1r, sucet%4,4om and assigns: they
<br /> I ,1..1.1.. State of St braskiv.
<br /> VillwAing dv +,ribtil property located in the County of
<br /> t,oi Seven L .ssho; heights Third Subdivision, Hall, County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> ' v<artakk with all the %t pmvetrents now or hereafter erected on the property, and all a senjents.
<br /> righ!w, appurt,enanct--. rvws, royaaltivs, mineral, tail and.ga„e rights and pipfit,a, .utter, water rights, and
<br /> watt+r :.[rasa:,.. stab 01 fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which. including replace.
<br /> ments and additions thereto. sa all be, deerned to tie and remain a part of the property. covered by this
<br /> Ntort,g agti , and all of the forvgaing, together with said property tar the± le ehold estate in the event this
<br /> Mw-t};age is can it 'lvw,tehold) are herein referred to as the "Property
<br /> Ilorrtmer covtenantss that Borrower is. lawfolly seised of the. estxatt~ herebye, conveyed and has the right
<br /> Ul nw,"gaige, grant. and konvey the Prope.rt.y.'that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower wil',l
<br /> worra.rtt, and .defend gvnerally the Britt to the: Property against all cla m-s and demands, subject to any
<br /> ew enie^nus and restrictions listed in a ;schedule of exceptions to coverages in any title insurance policy in-
<br /> suring Lender'-, interest in the 'Propert.',,,or (2) aatterney^s opinion of title from abstract of title certified
<br /> b bontlaai al~5tractcer.
<br /> 1''z:rwim ra ALwAvs. anti theme presents are e%mutevd and delivered upon the following conditions, agree-
<br /> rnentw and obligations of tl a . orrower., tea-wit:
<br /> The Borrower agrees, to =pay to the Lender, or order, the principal stun of
<br /> -.--Dollars (LIS $A01...Z_a'A .QQ....,.. ...:.....J
<br /> payable as. Provided in 'a note exee toed and delivk!rod, concurremil\-lzer_}with, the finial payment of principal,
<br /> if not scaone'r paid. on the day of ...F.ebrux►ry XSl.~t7t7~
<br /> C9titr ?sat i'OvEti~iwx IIorrnwer and Lender covenant and agree as tolls s::
<br /> l.. Payment of Prin6pcd and intesrest- Borrower shall pmmptlu pay when due the principal of and in-
<br /> ter"t on the indebte•dne,~ evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note,
<br /> and the principal of and interest on aarzy Future Adva:nc" sertared by this 'Mortgage.
<br /> x Funds for Taxes sand lnxurmacu. Subject to I,endrr's a rkiun under paragraphs +i and a hereof, Rnr-
<br /> rouwer shall paar to Under on the day monthly installments of prrmcipal and interest' dire payable under the "
<br /> Nate, until the l=ute is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly ta'xeq and
<br /> kastat saasents which ny attam priority over this Mortgage, and ground rents on the )?'roperty,'if any plus
<br /> one-tnwelfth..of yearn: prntnium-installments for hazard insuranc- plus one-tw~Afth of yearly-premium in
<br /> sWirnents for mortgage, insurance, if any, all as reasonably est.isr.ated,initially z,-nd from tiltae to time by
<br /> Leander on. the-basis of sus n nts and bills and reasonable estimates tbereof, Lewder st=all applv.th'e Funds
<br /> to paN saW taxes, assessruetats, iasum ae premiums and ground renu,_ Lender slaall.rnake rao charge for so
<br /> holding and.applying the Funds or ve=rifying wW compiling s=kid asses=xwts; aid b l&, The,Le&Jer shall,
<br /> nm to. the Barrow-er..without `cbarge, im annual accounting of the Fun& sb ibg sved.6 and''dehits to the
<br /> un& and the puzpme lu: which each debit to the Fund,- war, made.. The Funds are pledged as additional
<br /> zk-curity for the su.us.secs:-as by this MortgsgG The Bormtver agrees that dii Funds may be her=d ray the
<br /> Lauder and commingled v ith other fund's and the Lender's own' funds and the, Under. may paj such item
<br /> from its o%m funds and the Lender shall not be liable for interest or divide nis on nurh Farkas. .
<br /> if the amount of the l:undb held by Lender, together with the future monthly' iinstallkra•_trts of Fonda
<br /> payable prior to the due daatats of taxes, assess:nernts, insurance premin and 'gtcmd. rents, shall exceed
<br /> the'sanount required to Pay-,,;u taxes assessanrntxs nsarraiire premiums and ground `avrats as-'hey fall: clue,
<br /> such "cess. skail be, at Borrower's, option. either promptly repaid to Borraw--r or credited to, BorrovmT on
<br /> tt mthly'iawta llments of f?'undx If the amount of the etch held by (.ender sh-Al not be suff'icient..us pay
<br /> sasses, a►~wca erxSs. insur4nc* premiums and ground renter as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lender
<br /> any aaniount nct ry t axasalee>_ up the defidency within thirty days after notice from', =der to Borrower
<br /> reqursting gay°ra3ent therreesf. or Borrower shalt, by an increase in -monthly instaallxmentaa of 'Fund; required,
<br /> repay the deficiency within the Fund aeemmting'faeriad-
<br /> tr,K-n paymm-it in fuia?"taf all sru s4~cured by this Mortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit
<br />