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<br />I - I , CE alt-?' ~ ~ _. _. .,t1;t .3,. >- . , . _ .. -_ ..,. -_ s. .,.. _ .
<br />d, h~Y'~1;IM!D~i2=Jr5 ~3 >?~.ZSSia `~, ...t _.'.'= .-.A ,.- _-• - -: `. _. -. ~ta~i-.z ... i ... -v= -
<br />;7, ,'.~_ .179. 7,1 ~- .. [, .~ 1 «,.. _ _ .. __. .-s' ....._... ... ,-i F i[a_.._ __...v_r:*. T..~ar3:'_' _
<br />I.enoar .r,~h,~~i~,sr an ~farpa:~~,......orro .. ..., ~ .r. _. __ y ,,_ s„ _ .r .~f .. ~~tt: ~.r . .t~.r; .aYf>nspa, z°
<br />...-. _ ;t~:F ... _. ,.. t-_._ .__. .... .ct ~ F P-, __ F`Fi.xirG%;^`=E'v, '.
<br />u ~. ~`Itazges T.i-°ns.~,,•~arrab3er s X31 • .xi: ?sx~ a_.___,. __. ur _ a .. E.. c~~r~ ~. ~ ~.-`ar,d itn,;asatia;:::- sttrib-
<br />utalsle to fife Property s~•t;ieh vet:;=. ,;s:,~,.. ~, prs:~:iiy a~-tir'.=iss .~_arrgagc, an:i grr,:in rcr:r~ at way, at I,~nder'~s
<br />aptiam in the r,'sanaer pra~•ided under paraaia€,n 2 hereof ar 'z,~- I3crrawer ena'aia3a lsayment, .~:1-:erg due. directly to
<br />flee pa~%es theror,f..r,arr€rv,er steal? i~?•an,I,tly f,rrnial~ to Landes- ail nrtices of amounts due ,rdert,:is paragraph,
<br />and is the went ~orrotver shall make p-~~.•n,ent ~-ir~th-; L'.arrawer slta"sl granrpti;~ furnisi: is Lens=ez• receipt= evi-
<br />`~ deneirzg svie':r 3,aymeaio. Barra}:er si:t,11 p; a. r,,tlg die^r,~,ge any l:er~ nr :fete has ;aricric,• aver this ~lartgage; pro-
<br />vided, "that BQrrowAr sna?1 oat Eze required to discharge any such lien sa long as Barras~•er =_halE agree in :vriting to
<br />,r's, lie?'s i. ^p~n nor -..l;~n n Ian ar .'}fail ' f., tli .
<br />~~-' tle payment of the obligatiart sec .r:'d l,v su_ ~, c.. ac e}.-:.. ,,. ° ~ d _ . ar ,.. _. ga nl ~i .., me
<br />~ spar-h Ilea by, or defemd enforcement of such laen in, legal 1>roeeedings :vluclt operate to precent•the enforcement of
<br />i' the ii@n ar forfeiture of the Property ar am~° 1,art titer~af.
<br />~ 5. i'I;azazd Txssersmce. Barrovrer :hall keep the inrl,raventents nacv existing or hereafter e.ected ar the T?rap-
<br />cety insured against lass by fire; haz~;ds inetuded within the term "exterdecl coverage", and such oil7er lazar{SS as
<br />?,ender may require and in such amounts ;tad far stzclt periods as Iknder ;nay require; provided, that I~nder shall
<br />not require that the arnaunt of such coverage exceed that amount of cavcrage required to poi tl-te sums seeured`by
<br />- this :Mortgage.
<br />"I'he insurance carrier providing fire insurauce shall be chosen ny $arrower subject ra approval by Lender;
<br />provided, that such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All premiums on insurance paticies shall be paid
<br />at Lenders option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof ar by Borrower making payment, when due,
<br />directly to the insurance carrier.
<br />Irz the event any policy is not- renewed on or taefore ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to pmtect
<br />its interest, may procure insurance an the improvements, pay the premiums and such sum shall ~e~ome-
<br />immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth fn said rote until paid ar_d shall be
<br />secured by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a default
<br />F under the terms of this Mortgage.
<br />i. All insurance policies and renewals thez•eaf shall be in form acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard
<br />mortgage clause in favor of and in farm acckl,table to Lender. Lender shall tear=e the right to lzald the paticies and
<br />E. reaervats thereof; and Harrower shah promptly furnisl'i tb Lender all renewal matice~ and all receipts of paid- pre-
<br />aniums. In the event of Ioss; Borrower shall give prompt noticera-the insurance carrier and Lender, and Lender
<br />may make proof of-Ions if at made p-an,ptly Ly ;;x,,rr:,war.
<br />~ - ITnIesx Lender and 13orrawer other3visa agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or
<br />t repair of the Property damaged, provided such restoration or rep=iir is econonically feasible and the security of
<br />this.>tIoztg&ge is net thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is not economically feasible or if the sscuriiy
<br />of this I1lortgsge-would be impaired, the insurance proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this-iViortgage,
<br />withthe excess, if gay, paid to Borrawea-. If the I?raperty is abandoned by Barrawer or if Borrower fails to respond
<br />to Lender within 3p days after notice by Lender to $arrower that the iusurance carrier offers to settle a claim for
<br />insurance ~nafi#s, Lender W au*harized to ca(Ieet and apply the i*zsuranee proceeds at Lender's aptie*.: either to
<br />restoration ar repair of-the I'raperty or to the sums seetzred by this \iortgage.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in trritimg, any such application of proceeds to principal shall
<br />' not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change
<br />theamount of-such installments.
<br />f Zf under paragraph I8 lereaf the lroperty is acquired by Lender, alt right, title and interest of $orrower in
<br />and tb any insurance policies and in and to ttze proeeecls thereof (to the extent of the sums secured 6y tlis ~Iori-
<br />gaga irnmediafely prier to such sale er aequisitianj ra -ultimg from damage to the Fraperty prior to the sale or
<br />s -: -qu;BiV;an she; z,a~ to I,~nder.
<br />~' i9. rrea&r,:3firn axzd iti~stanLnes rs# Property; Leaseholds; Caarlcmia3u~. $arrower shall keep the Pralr-
<br />~ erty ir, gaixE ~~pair and s:+att net perT::it ar commit waste, impai°?zent, ar :leteriaratiar: of ttze 1'rape,::y and shalt
<br />;,~y ~ ~r h ~.isiu'a aI any eaa~, if t~ € a-tgage i~ _. a t:c. t nit ? b~,ge is am ., comlam..mium
<br />art., ~~~ ¢? _ha,r perroz a„ ate u. tree :~ ~ „u„gat~-,.s un .,~. ,n., ~,l.,rzu.cn a ~o.r uenr~..ur~ ar r.;st~ ate.,
<br />the by-laws and regulaiians of the condominium project and constituent documents.
<br />7, Protectioa of Lender's $ecurity. If $ormwer fails to perform the covenants amd agreements contaimed in
<br />this liartgage, ar if any action or proceeding is eammeneed whicEr materially affects Lender's interest in the Prop-
<br />erty, including, but net limited to, eminent domain, iusolvcmey, code enianement, ar arrangements or pmeeed-
<br />fags involving a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at t,ender's option, upon natiee to $arrower, may make sucl
<br />appearances, disburse such sums and take such action as is necessary to protect Lender's interest,inetuding, but
<br />not limited to, disbursement of reasonable attorney's fees amd entry upon the Fmperty to make repairs. Any
<br />amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, avith interest thereon, shall become additional indebt-
<br />edrregs of Bai'rawer secured by this,\iartgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to otter terms of nsyment, such
<br />amounts shalt be payable open natiee from Leader to $arrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear inter-
<br />estfrom the dsGe of disbursement at the rate stated in the Note unless payment of interest at such rate would be
<br />eantrary to apgIicabla taw, in '<vhiah event such amounts shall pear imterest st the highest rate permissible by
<br />agpiicable law. ~Tathing contained iti.this paragraph .7 shalt require Lender to incur any expense ar do any set:
<br />hersander.
<br />B. I>Aapoctlca, Lender may make or cause to he. made reasonable entries-upon. and inspections of the-.Prop-
<br />eety, providd tmzt I:ezzder filzdll give T3armwer natiee prior to any -sorb zrrsf,eetran sp~iiying reasanabia cause:.-
<br />tber€fa= rela#~ to°TEend>ur"s int~re~t in the Prapert
<br />!g, Cottiiiagenation: The pmcseds of.any Ariard ar claim for dainagss, direot nr consequential, in ennnectian
<br />with env conderzaaian or azherta'xing of the t'raperty, at`liart thereof, or-for conveyance in lieu of coadernna- -
<br />firm, are hereby sszgned and aha11 1>e paidto r~s:nder.
<br />In the event cf ^. 'tot-,' "nk;ng of the PranP*?y, tn~T+mee~ahall-#rsapplier#_tczthe suntsaecuretlhythiaM4rt-
<br />g8ge, x~ ith the ~ext ss. ii guy: paid to Ecrract en In the event-af a partial txkir>~_af the Ftoperty;. dalea;s .$arrower
<br />and Lender othertiti`ise agree in writing, there ehall be appl=.ed io the autos ~~'ti-urud lz}^this Mort;age such propor- -
<br />lion of the pracet4.ls as is equal to tha=. proportion =k-hich zhe nmau:at of the 5ariis Secured°by tbi6•Mortgage mme-
<br />diatety I+xier to the date- ~f :eking beam-ta khe ,air in :rl:st value .n: Lhe YrapFrts` i:ntiatsly prior ttx the date-of
<br />tsldux, 5.yhthz 13,~Irrce pF lha prauciic paid 'U ;3arrawer.
<br />°= _ If the pratreriy is abundaHeii bz Bariower or if 3Fter noti e be I.euder to I3arrparer tlrs~ tlie_ enrrcls~ntr offer
<br />_ en make nn n.vaxl nr vrf+lr ~_ a•}~yr f _ .1 Yin_ - ~ fn_.1 , ,, .,;~i tr i lei w`.tll:: -.,~- days- a~. t;;-v. dat,° -
<br />nf ALLrl, 11Y+t 7i'.Y.. I vi :te~Y it< atti,}ynri~lr i~ rritlFrr 'anrl :ailnll ftiN nrnr os~.-jcla l.untin_ # tsftt?~n Qitltt?r fn rPaissr,~#.inn nr
<br />ranoir hF.:.,, V,•r,.;o,.i-.-,...:.: rl.no n..A'a. «,::. t - - - _ - - '. -
<br />~~Ln,esH Li^eder atidiBnrrarver ut}ser:vi~e agree in writing, any such [4pplieatioa of proe~ds to principal shall
<br />