<br />it 411' f~:~-n L' nY 3f~~'y;C ,<~ ._ .. .-. ., . ,-,.. .sl ---_ . _.. .. .,..=*c.r, .=.e~~. ~ .:'~ft~1~ :jr
<br />3w. ~eiira.~rw=< .I~t Here~ge~. '~.:.~ ... ~ „~ ,.,,.....- _ _..., ... ~e4,~: t-o . ...,._ r ~6..,_acr h~ u
<br />securest ,",~i inns" icrtG ge ~r-a,~~l ;s s ~ ~ ~ . - ' -ot ?i•Y,.~, ~ tr- ~~c-,
<br />7ss ..n.. ~I~iIit n S n q, ~.T ...-NI3a.. qs.., „r.,_ __rr_'~?. r-_ ~ ~_ ,,.,..U,.. .,, .f .;r.,.., Ler, ;°r "a:,l'ret ~?;
<br />oe - aiz any .... , wne !i_. _. - - ~ 2, .~ .
<br />?~ v re{=aired tc commence lsrueesntags aga.ns:. Su^n sueceskrr or rt-:at-se as rxE:r- < tam=: 3cr pa: .;ant ar atherv.°ts~ modtf
<br />_" atnartisatio = of t:~- summa secured by this liarrg~~ :,v :ease.: of ny si>= <.^u~l .:fad=y uy the original orrower ~..,~
<br />- Barrawer's 5ti:'C`.;~^=Sara in intRr£~t"_ - - -
<br />II. Forbearance by Lerrder ltiot za Wcriver. any forbearance by Lender in exercising an :• right or reariedy
<br />~~ ::er~xncier. ar otht:rwis? affordd by a^plicablc itrr-, =ball ny be ~..; -_,-2r of or preclude the exer~=i-se of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. Th e pracuremeni of insurance ar the Irayment.~of taxes or ether liens or charges by Leader
<br />~ shall nut- i:e a evolver of Lflndsr's right to accelerate the tnatarity of tie indebtedness secured by Phis l4lor#gagc.
<br />e
<br />I2. Remedies CtaatulaSve. Ail renredie:; providedl in this'fat•tgage are distinct- and cunritls five to any other
<br />right ar remedy under this ortgage or afforded i:.~ ltrtt~ ar equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br />ently ar successively.
<br />y 13. Successors ~d Assigns hound; later cmd Several Liahifity; Captaoas. The covenan#.s and agreements
<br />iaereur contained-shall hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, t.kte respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br />and $orrower, subject to the previsions of paragraph 1 i hereaf..1i1 covenants and agreements of $orrower shall
<br />be joint and several. i'!re captions and headings of the paragraphs at this Mortgage am for canveniertce only and
<br />are net to be used to interpret ar define the provisions iteregf.
<br />Id. Notice. Any notice to Borrats-er provided for in this liottgage shall he given by :nailing such natiee iy
<br />certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Address stated bciorc~, except far any notice required under
<br />paragraph 18 lrereot to be given to $orrotcer in fire manner prescribed by applicable lay-. Any natiee provided
<br />far in this Jortgage shall be deemed to have k}ecn given to Borrarver when given in the tranner designated herein.
<br />I5. ifai#orm Mortgage; Gove:niac3 Law; Severabifity. This Earn} of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />tar national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdicticn to constitnte a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument covering real pro!>erty. This ~Iort•gage shalt I,e governed by the tare of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Property is located. In the event that any provision cr clause of this ~'tortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br />applicable lsw; such corftict shall not affect other provisions of This Mortgage or the \rote which can be given
<br />effect'nzthouL the conflicting pruvisian, and to this end the provisions of the ~Iartgage and the Note are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />I&. Rsrrower`s Dopy. Sorrarer she!! be furnished a conformed copy of This irioicgage 3t flee tii„c of ;:rcc~a-
<br />tian or after recordation hereof.
<br />1?. Trtnrsfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or any pert of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred 6y Horrawer without Lender's prier tvritter. consent, excluding (a} the creation of a Tien or eaeum-
<br />hrance subordir<ate tc this Mortgage, (b} the creation of a purchase tnaney security interest far household appli-
<br />ances, {t;} a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of lair upon the death of a joint tenant or (d} the_ grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of three years or less net containing £cu option to purchase, Lender may, at bender's.-option,
<br />declare all the stuns secured by this ?1Sortgage to be immediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived such
<br />option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer; Lender and "the person to whom the Property is to be sold ar
<br />tr~rtgfgr_red re~i agreement in writing #,hat the credit of such person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest
<br />payable en the sums secured by this Llortgage sh&tl he at such rate as Lender shall request. If Lender has waived
<br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 -and if $orrawer's successor in interest has executed a writ-
<br />ten assumption agreement accepted i~ writing by Lender, Lender shall release-$arraaer from alt obligations tutder
<br />-this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />Ii Lends; exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shall mail Botxower notice of seceleration in accordarx.•e
<br />with paragraph I~ hereaf. Hoch notice s1ral! pruviue a period of trot ees "ban 3;, ,.3ys am "he date. -ie na,,nc~; rs
<br />trlail°il witlti*t which $orrower may pay the sums dectared due. If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br />ti ;3: vtiu t of ~~vl: ;,VrI~K Z~?nder nu~y, rvithaut further notice qr detnana! on B~arruwer, invoke any remeiiiez~ per--
<br />- tnittzrl by pmzag mph i€l hereof.
<br />"r_~ T'_-r~~Y_ €'s -~,sr~~~. '~u..awe< ~Kd L°nd~r further 4..4..arat and 4~r.,R a.u falfot~~l~
<br />~b. R+'6elEREtrOr1; i8en*tesfTesr r~xcept ar azras-treit r,t I,ar;ek ripit l r ,r~t~t; ul,sn Her-.ant, ham: i :. cry
<br />covenant or agreement of $orrower in this '4lortlntge, including tree covenants to pay when dux: tiny sums securnd
<br />by this Mortgage, Lender prior is acceleration shall atoll notice to $orrower as pruvidecl in paragraph I~ hereaf
<br />specifying: {11 the breach; (2i the action required to cure sari' broach; -131 a date, not less than thin} da}s -
<br />from the date the natieets tuailecl #o $et'rower, by trtticG such breach must be cured; and ill thanfailure to ettre .
<br />such breach on ar before tie date specified in tie notice uaay result in acceleration of the sutrL ~ctied ty this
<br />;4lartgage and sale of tie Property. If tie breach is not cumd on or before the date specified in the natiee, Lender
<br />at Lender's option ttaay declare alt of lie suers secured. iy this Zlortgagc to be inttnediately due cad payable
<br />a•ithaut further demand and tnay fareclase this Mortgage 6y judicial proceeding. Lender shall be ent.itted to collect
<br />iri such prcc:~':iing all 4xpens~es of farv~elus~rc, including, but net limited ta. costs of documentary evidence,
<br />abstracts and title reports.
<br />1@, l~sa'ts Bsg~ to l~eiaa3rrt', ;Qo6withstanding Lender's acceleration of the ?ems secured by this
<br />Me~gage, $orrower ahatl have rho right to have cry proceedings begun Ity hander to enfoiee this biortaage di~-
<br />cantinueti at nay brae prtar t+~ csrttry of a jtrdgtnent enfQkcing this \iortgage if: (a} Borrower pays bonder sU
<br />sums which would be Lhert due under this Mortgage, the :3ote and notes securing Irutum Advances; if any; hhd-no
<br />acceleration vacurred; #hl F3ormwer ctrre>, all breaches of any ether rnvcrtant~ or agreements of Borrower con-
<br />i$ined iretltis Mortgage: (cl i~rrower pass dI1 reasonattla extrettses incltrrer! lay 7.citder in cr.areing tie covenants
<br />'°
<br />anc[ ~tgr4~~iie?tc3 ar der €stairteil iri ills }IoPtgage rand m >rtfor:izng i.eiiueF' reme.-'ies as T ~}~idozl irz paw=-
<br />- graph .8 i~ernQt, irteludir, Isut not Bruited to, zea_Ranabls attorney's ic~><; and td) Harrower takes such aetigR as
<br />Lender may rna6ly--r+egrrre 3n assure-mat ths__tuAn of :this ~{cr[1za~c;- Winder's interest irr the. Progei4.y cad
<br />Borrocvar's oblon to "~y,the sums sorured try this ;4iarttage sltatl continue unimpaired, l7pon sucdl pa:trc.-t
<br />end c~ra ty Harrower, ~Iiia ~~ertragc • the o$pY,;~ttcane s_c3tc:t ?:may-tfi~~ll=:~€~aitr-itr firl!-farce acrd ~ as if _ -
<br />ao scaeleretix Itad occa:rt=d:
<br />Z0. Ae;lgrr~a! bt ?art: Appoirotmart of Raeeivar; Leadsr,in N«~reon. ,#s>additianttl: security. hem:
<br />ux,u'6r, l3erraxar lterety amigos to Leader the rents of thcPropcrt}•:. ~ptm•it!"ed~~hstHmr.er shall: prior t-0 c~c$Ierr -
<br />atioa utt~3erpai'sgeaplt 181t;?<~af oe abandonrrer=t of i?re-Proi;PrEy. I}eve-tin ~p'e`~t t#tolls,fit-aTtd-~et.ia-suolr-inn#~-
<br />a~ they trec~Mte tln~ and payable.
<br />- T _ ralneptt_-_ _rari_ _,y, ~1. tR ,Pn•nfar :iktAndnnnrent: of the F'rauerty. Lender, ill-1''et'3nn, ttt. 8~ent;---
<br />e It S. } a ~ fgFV _~,~x.. }f urtid,;~sann~aa-tlte_I?roperty
<br />-^a a_ ..,:e...< .~... ~_.,:,. r_ nM , r ti ^, ~+,~o aft ,~ cdidr„t+td i'v Leadee ctr the=receiver
<br />3i n
<br />- t+t:al'>r1#: _pp'li€,53 ili:i i~paya.rerr- a...tre f6`&~ vi i,zas,+i4, :z,s~,:~ ,:z u:i au} ~ ~Va_ a •~! .+! ~=".an'... .,aztt-, nvlniiitt~o. hyt.
<br />nat.liraitati;tu, receivers fees;;pre:ttiams oft rccei~•er's I;otuis and,reasona)ile attorney's #aes, and then to the sums
<br />secured tay,tliis Mtrrtgtlge. Lender and ekie receiver shall he Iialrte tct accaetnt only fur those rents act,uatl}' received.
<br />