<br />lP j ~!„'r
<br />E. µ11 ~.1 -.~ i~ :'~~e 7~~s~is~- ~~..a~ri~..
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<br />'=`I~1Z5'tDlTf~ACB, mace anw exxe_uted ti's ems- ~ of - - net - - -- -._ A.~s.;
<br />ar r
<br />19-- ?~.-, heg~veen +,he :Nlartgagor, ..._,Inx.~-r.-~•---Cxao':c_Gnd..Zkl...~I,... Graak-,---n~zsb~au_-~nd..~.;.;.e,.--.--.--
<br />s ..-
<br />._._.~.;?«Rx.:..~..~rs:.;...;~sar}".-~13.. ~.::~: z-. ~,el'r£2-..~..:F.°n>.a.-..-_._ ....................................
<br />af ...G~.-~;~d-..~Sz~Acl..........., County of .._-;I~~;i-..-.---..._..----..., Stag of .'.~l'tib~~~ka.------., hereinafter re2ert~d
<br />to a tl;e Borrower, and the Pv'4ortgag~, F1::S`T FIZ)Et~tAL Sr-t~lINuS kNs`r Z:J~*' :~SSG;CI~`TZ+.3iti t}F
<br />.v~CC3Z,'i, 123fi "TMF" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska C&Sill, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred tt>
<br />as Lender.
<br />~ITEaES$E'r$: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of -.~'.Z1?~~'.-SIP,..._----.....---
<br />......:~~iDl;3.~t1?...TWQ..litl2t'15 RFC.._lyQ~-I.Qft-.---------.--------Dollars {IJS S....S.fz,2D0..flfl------------------)
<br />paid by said Lender, dies hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />following described property located in the County of ......lla~,.2..-.._--_ .................... State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Sevin (iJ, Western Heights Second Subdivision,Iiall County, Nebraska
<br />Trxsx with all the improvements now or hereafter ezeeted on the property, and all easements,
<br />rights; appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas .rights and profits, water, water rights, and
<br />water stack, and all. fixtures now ar hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replsce-
<br />ments and. additions thereto, shall be deemed to be and- remain a part a# the property covered by this
<br />mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together w7tlx said property {ar the leasehold estate in the event-ibis
<br />~Iartgage is on a Leasehold) are herefit referred to as the "Property".
<br />Elorrower covenants 4;hat Harrower is Lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br />to mortgage, grant and Canvey the Property, that the Fmperty is unencumbered, and that 3orrower will
<br />warrant and defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any
<br />easeme_nt~ sad restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance. policy in-
<br />suring Lender's interest in the Property, ar {2) attamey's opinion of title from abstract of title eertined
<br />by bonded abstracter.
<br />?'aovll~~a Aiwa=s, id theve pxeeents axe execzted and delivered upon the foLlow•irlg crnditi+?ns. agree-
<br />:tlen and :rlil~na ioz;s of the L:.rrcwer, to-aEt:
<br />,.
<br />- - ise-. ~-rav~`z-~~ wt to pry €ci tae; ;i.--~"isd es°-, ~°s iss. ciez, $~i~ rays n€;a}`s~i ~c:3ts ai ..--ia ~i:-.~%a,...`~_.=~~~s'sas-,.-.
<br />payable as provided in a-Hate executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payrirent of principal,
<br />if not sooner paid, on the ...~~s~..........._. day af ......~anl?nry...__._ ............... ~..2t308
<br />Uwtr-elx~ CovFianr~;~rs, Harrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />f. Psryment of Principal rmd biterest, $orrower shalt prnmptIy pay when due the principal of and in-
<br />terest on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepa}~rnent and Iota charges as provided in the ;Fore,
<br />and the principal of and interest an any Future Advances secured by this ~tartgage.
<br />2. Fu~~ f4r ~'caxe$ ~d ~t?€~~~i+, ~1hje<'t tg T ~n~-er'a 9ptis~?t Clad€>r nara~ianhc ~ xnd 5 hereof, Har-
<br />rower shall pay to Leander on the day monthly installments of principal and interest arc: payable under the
<br />Nate, until the Note is paid in full, a sum {herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and
<br />asse~~lents cvllich :nay strata px~a.rity over this i4ltrxtgage, and gruad r`+?nt== cn tt~ ;?r~perty, if any plus
<br />rrne-twelfth of yearly prerliium installments for hazard insuranc;, plus one-twelfth of yearly pren3iuln in-
<br />sttdlrnents for rrlarkgage insurance,. ff any, all as re~rsonably estimated initialiv and front dine to tirrle by
<br />I.enderan the basis of assessrneriEs and bills and reasonable estimafxs thereof, Lender shall apply the Funds
<br />to pay said taxes, ~ss~gmsnts. inauE^aaee prQtniums and gmuad rants. Winder shall make no charge fox' so
<br />i~u'idfaf; and gpplgrrn kfie r finds yr v~sifgi~g-and- rampiiing mid asstmdntc i3nd bills. `t'he Lender slil
<br />- „~v~~ s >,~ ~ « +~ out ~~~~t v^ a~~l au :nug,vf t~° Fu".~ e~.~w; ~ e~eti 4.nd *i~II:~ the.
<br />uxtrls and the f+urpoae for which earcl~.siebt to Elie Funds was made. `f`he lends are pledged as additional
<br />e°ity far fh .sums srcvrecl By this.fortgage: ~"f~ rrawera~-that-the Frrads rosy be ;-old-by-:the
<br />~.R-n~:~r d ~curi~~ir~gla.2 ~. it.i, utl~~-f~ Elie Winder's own: funds-and-the= sides rnzr'v y ~tco$ items
<br />front its'mrm funds an<t the ;.ender gtlakl not lie liab-_e_fitr_ustersst-or div~derrdaan such Fuada.
<br />if thE• auivl,a of ti 3 urn;:; ltel.'.'uy=Lxztdar; together with the fora irtdnthty installlnants z~f F`uitds
<br />pavahl~ pzior to 13~e doe date's of fmxes, asgESSUteato, insatre~nce p and ground.-rents, shall exceed
<br />the amocnt. reyuire;l to pay said taxes, assessuents, iSr.GUrance gxasniutssa anti ground rents as they fall due;
<br />-such ~xoess shall fin, ut F~rrrewer's option, either pro:ugtly I~paitl to $orra~~t cfi >vretlited- Ea Horrawex ox:
<br />-r~t~hlhly inazalimant.; uE Furida If the aulount of tlxe Funds Iu~ri bv,L~md~r shall not be sufficient #a pay
<br />- la.~, ~~st~-c,rr,s. in_=u;~=~cP-t _r~mca*ns afl:l o ~.~nd r~:ats e~- try I-dine, Bornirrer shall pav to Center
<br />na,, ,^ r n .gip ~;IC4l.Lt:1CUVy N'14,lttl A~1LFG"vV lSi7.j/$-iiil+EF SFU4)C~ LiVW LCI2UCI l(l l3Ci£IVWCI
<br />- - _~c{`s`x"~,~ ~~~., ~agra3tri1 fi3etr,~V r,u~,A vJ SIJ1tCr S -ii, Uy aR U~~I'1='-'.554 sTt 7rfETRt~I~ ~~St.~III.Rf'3}L5 4': C:sIidS r~7dCP$d.
<br />>13--: fL. c. E~~ ..sl.,.~ +I~.. L`....-i -i--... .mot _
<br />t?gon payment ri full >af all suur,5 secured by this Mtlrtgage, Lender-shalt apr', Funds hold as a credit.
<br />against- all earns due..
<br />