> >.
<br />tli~ .. ~n=v ~.7 env ~ _v ..~:e .~ ~t .~~;~ ,~ :~;I~ - - ---_ - ,._ ~ _ y .z: ,. _-..:
<br />,:?nt=unS ectl'rlf?i, erzr-txeLlt•~ f v1Ve.. ..,r ._-~ _ ~ ~.,, ~.-, ,-r-t ,_ _ -_:__ ,~ -° -_
<br />tii~f... Ci:e ?'tOYe crJrif fai3is'~ •t; itiioU; ':st. ii,2; _,..- _Cri.tL sift; ".. _.,. , pre; c1'tne77t .
<br />~~. ~'fij ti SElrn ;;!;~` t!l ti;e Fro+.rnu r- 1 - e1}', ne%' drle ,iiS C-:_ ~. _.:,.t. „ .. , . ..... ...... .rE..,.,' :<= C:._ 31- v2y ..Ic :,"
<br />:~~~ pc7i;cies~;;f tirF and oz err,az~rd insura:sc~ craverenu t;.e mertg4v^d 'v rp•^. , p c ~ _ , ~ es ~:_, ~ n[en.s .r_f due
<br />:~ rri ~- r v`_-d GrCp2rti' fell ns ns?. mfltt'd iI t i ~i-_~.'!n £ - . -~>~- i , .,....., ~ rt; ,-E.u .C=-:;:t. ...s_,x ~;= the
<br />;fur,:r,. ., nf.,nths~ to '7-f 1,_ ...._ : ,on.. .,r _ , 3 1
<br />a'tiscccmantc vs__ ._-., . __ .... .u 3r 1_citl '+~ ':,fJrt 3 ~_ Se, .C,F:, ,v w`. -~F ;,L:?:r ..-,,.<
<br />__ -, taxes 1 '1d h~,...^... - _ _ - - pre-
<br />r,.E .>t[, ..,,
<br />1 (_) ;~tl~pay?rents n[entioned in fhc iwti precedinf uhsecttans o` th:s paraq*anr and y;t .,aF,I,ier,tz, f,; i;e tn~de un=der
<br />~~'' the rV.e N eLL: l'l tlrre~): `:i•a:l I/C C:l tier i _ ~ i-7., r, ',;n~ Ii~2 a ?ate 1rr:ti a ei 't V ~; aid i`
<br />~- ~P[.ii[ ) , ta;f .. b~ 2,<P ,S~rty'~,^a£~Dr
<br />e:7sit :r ontn .,. ~ .!n~=f r3ent to __ grptie_ hY the ~•tar' .= !fie '~I' .. L v f6r
<br />- i%a` -E,asee i+~'•'::;_r ; :: rt;5 Sri tF to ". del °,?? - it;:
<br />(I3 ~.remiun; charges lsniiCr t17e :'or trl~tvf insurance wit!t the tcctetary .:;t i-loustr.g a,ad t;r!~an I;.veioPs ent,
<br />vi rn*3n[i3ly Ehar,~r~e +~i:`, z'rE2i •Jj 77:iaPegdiC;F titCtrY(IJtCe nrP77t71i TT; j, a3 t[[c' CaJP.:Tid i' be,
<br />(li} ground ;~.,. taxes, asSi:55n[nts.ue and other hazard insurance 3 ;emiums;
<br />{tit} in=?rest on rite note secured heret:y; and
<br />(iVj arnortizaiion oaf the priaetpai of said note.
<br />Any ~Gcier=~y in the amount of ~iy smit aegregdte mta[Ithiy cayment shad, uluess made good hf !fie Mcrt•
<br />gager prior to the due date cf the next such payment, constitute an event of default under this rttastgage. The
<br />f,9aztgagee [tta}• :altect a ..sate charge" not to exceed four cents {=#Qt trr each dollar {~ i i of each payment nova
<br />#han tif#een {1st days in areas to cover the extra expense invnived in handling detit[yuent payn7enzs,
<br />3. That i€ fl[e tarot of the fayments made by khe ~tarigagor under (h,t of paragraph 2 preceding shat? Qxfi¢ed
<br />the amount of payments actually made by the ;lortgaree far ground rants. uses ar;.i a:~sessments or insurance pre-
<br />mium'!, as the case may. he, such excess, if the loan is current, at the option of the ~iottgagor, shall be credited by
<br />±he Mortgagee an soh aquenc payments to he made h}' i?ta ltorigagar, ar refunded Uo the 3toregagor: If, ha:+evur, the
<br />- j__tm Ssa uic =~n,rt.~-.~,,xT tiilr3CT r [r j EEd r~73rYIa d~!i -G p£CS:L'sIna SIl'34i I1oS ['e 5135IIS:iCSIt [iJ ~~3~ ~t(.~1nd '
<br />rent„taxes andfassossments €?r insutan=°.e premiums., as the case may he, xtaen the same shalt become due and pay-
<br />af?ie, then the 't4ortgagor 4halt pay to the 'itartga„ce anp amount neee~sarv to make ufi the deficiency, on or before
<br />t;he dates whe:-t paytnenf of =ueh g~ttnd r~,tt~, taxes, .~:=ut~sments orins[trance pretniuma shalt be duo. If at any
<br />time tie ytottflagar shad tender to "the 'ttartganee, in aceardance with the gtovisians of the note secured hereb}~,
<br />felt payment of fhe entitw indebtedness represented thereby, the ortgagee ohatt, in computing the ;uttount of such
<br />indefrredness, credit to Ctrs account of the Afartga¢or atf payments made under the provisions of far of paragraph 2
<br />Iterecsf 1«rhich 6he ttartgagee has eat become obligated to gay to the ~zcretary of Itausina and Lirhan I}evefafxinertz
<br />attd_any ba3anee remaining iti the funds accumuiaied under the provisions af'~ 1 of paragraph 'hereof. If there
<br />shah he a default nnder an}_' of the provisions of this mrrELage resetting in a public sale of the tat•ernies covered
<br />hereby, or if the tlartgagee acquires the praperty' ntherxise after default, the yiortgaree snail :=ppt}, at ths' tEme of
<br />the commencement of such proceedings, ar ai the time the properf} is ctherxi;e at:quired, the haiance then remain-
<br />itag in t#te fonds rec:umutatrd u[tder,/~%af paragraph ? preceding, a:> a erc•dit against the amount. of pr[ncipai then
<br />remaining anpaid under said note, and shrill nrnne,•1y adest Win. pa}•„ants ..hi.h shad boos ueen [Halle unda~r i
<br />of pat~raph
<br />mz,~ tie - ~- tK gt•a --- pa5~ ground rents ca rs - i-,slot rate, an r:t:ter dove, ~ ._.,,,.-c=pa,
<br />charges, fines. or impositions; for which provision has Hat been made hereinhefare, and in defaul# th;re:~` :h~*.'•;artea;:ee :r
<br />pay the r;;utle; .end that the ~tartgago_r wit( promptly deliver the oiiiciat r=_+:eipts therefor to [he Mortt=?+?re. _
<br />3" , , ~ ~~ „-tom ~itr -Fitt 1"~ uti tote. w°hiCh rs _ ~_ . :ice' a{ra ere :.e! r._ ,ce'a .riere,t ie sa::. r;.3.. _ ahS:.,.,., , =v,
<br />ed t5y law and only to tl:e exten[uihat rush wit! not maize tkis ioan~usuriousf,-hut exc~luding*any int:iu~ne za1~~-State 57r t sacra!,
<br />:S.p~:se . ~s b~Ee.., ~ - .. .I.. .~e o~ciat receipt s;^,nw:nZ su:l[ ~ ..i k„n i:[e . - ~.,~ee, t E~ .. .:5. t u,°.ver-
<br />riiieF,- i'r`it ie - ~ v~ti~uKvr i5 ~rv3`ite'ii'_- i;Y ari+ iari rluvi tit ~ ~reariet c itirTg i~tn pa l~tri~ rite wT7ale ttr <nE-~ p4r[I,n ii `,^e 2t:Sre-
<br />said taxes, or upon the rendering of aayf court decree prohibiting [he patmeni by the Ito; tgagor or any such taxc s. ,+r if such taw
<br />ar decree pro>~ides that anp+ amount so paid by zhr ~fortragor sitar! be credited on the mortgage debt. the Mortgagee shad have
<br />the right to dive nine!}• days' v:ritten not-ice to the ax=net ci the mart aged premises. requiring the payment of the moragaue
<br />debt. If such notice be given. the said debt s%tuU become due, payahie and collectible <+.[ the expiration of said ninety dos s.
<br />6. Ttralt shauid he f.tii to pa} ary cum c-r keep any covenant provided tar in this Mortgage, ;hen tht' hinrtgag.~. <,[ its ap-
<br />titm, may pay or perform the same, ;2nd all expendituees so msde shall he added icr she principal cunt ox ing nn the above note,
<br />sStal! ~ secuxed herek±y. and snort hear interest a€ rho rate set s.~r:h in the said Hare, unlit pa=.d.
<br />7. Tt[a~ he hereby assigns, transfers and sets ewer tU the biotzgag.ee, to be applied coward the payment of rt=e ,.ate and al4
<br />sums secured }ierebv in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and eanditions of this ~fortgag: or rite said
<br />note, alt the rents, revenues and income to be derived Pram the montaged orert2ises durir.Q such tintg zts th„ motty:2~,e itidet?ted_
<br />Hess shat! remain unpaid; and the !kart!}as~ee shaft have pvwer to app ~[nt 1n, agent or agents it may desire far the p[srpose of
<br />repairing said premises and of renting t+[e same .[nd coBeaing [he rents, ,..venues and income, and .t map pay out of awl in-
<br />cer=<es ati expcne of repairing said premises and ne;.essar~. commissions anda rxpetes~s irt~utt=r:# ;n rertirtg and tnat?aging t:`tu
<br />same acct o€ ea,i::c-ting rentals tl>vrefram; rite balance remainin¢, if any. to ire applied toward rise discharge of said rtfartgage
<br />indebtedness.
<br />N. That he wiii keep the improvements Haw existinta or hereafter erected on the maetgaged praperty, insuied as may Ixe
<br />required from-time to time by the 3iiortgagee against loss hr fire and other hazards. casuattics and cc+rttingercias in such
<br />- ~tnottnts and--taesuz--7t p~iaa3 as-[nlp2sr-be-required by rite Mortgagee and x•itt pay promptlc°, when due, ;:ny premiums •n such
<br />ttt5t_1$23ite$- pr!!?/1\SCJti t€1F paV{r1~At Eft- ti}}t~t!-lids nF}i i-'L~n-~z~d~ ~rC~44l bLf(VR, _'4-`{! iTtCA1C>Si~`P <{#~E! 1~ .. a. Y:~ ~ :n .'.'.zmrf,~n n~~ ~p_
<br />proved by the Marti;<~tgee and the policies and renewals thereof shaft tze held b}' the 4#urtgngee anti have az+<athed thereto Is~ss
<br />payatR`te clauses itI favor of atul in form , cceptablc co the hfcrtg~gee, in-event of kiss !vfiartgagor wilt gii ~ im[nediat€ r:cs#i.^e by°
<br />• mail#~ s ~iatFgagt:~. st:-hci msir math ~rcra€ a` mss if not trade pritmptty b° ~tottgagi3r, and ea h inse;ranee ~tnipatfy rc~r,-
<br />cerned is hereAg authaaized and directed to make payment for ~ueh toss iiireczty to the ;vfartgagee instead of to the R4artKagar
<br />at:ilt3si: Mdctgr~ jointly: ~tu4he 'tnsuz-~irc~ fzrnceeds. ur rzty dart ihereui, maybe applied by the ~#artgag~e at its apzian either
<br />,tothe rettatt'titrn tits-indebf~dness herebv 3eenred 4st t€Y the restoration or repai* df the praperty damaged. fr, event of farecta-
<br />sur><~if ihia rnxi~#gagenr>athe. sran,*rfer of lit r to ttta msrtgaged prcrty in extinguishment of the indeb#edness secured htrebg .
<br />aif ru,~ht, t~tie attd interesE of the fv#artg2gor in and tti any insurnce policies then in €arce staal3 pass to the pt:r.:haser ar izraniee.
<br />_ `~, T'hat.as aadiiionil :+nd ~c?l.aterat security Ior the. payment of the Here described, and a!l sums to hecnme duo under this
<br />mortgage, tttt.tCiortar;#zetehE Qosigns to t~~ ~ft}rta $ee alt profits, revenues, royalties, rights and t><nefits a,. ruing to the
<br />rtar isnd€ran~ a~tl m,'l arrd B~ teasss on a~.i.'k prezriis:rs, with #tte right to receive and eceipr foe the-s2r.Ie snd apply
<br />mere to said indeirieaness as welt oefat'e as after default iti th+:-conditions al t(tis raartgage, and rise ?vk+rxgaa~e may demand, sue
<br />tar anti recover any such payments :v#tan-due asttl pay~at•ie, byt shat! Hat tae required so to da. Phis assignmem is ro terminate
<br />a~,'a ~.~...t L ~.3 '*n3 '-53:3 _~i •'. `-IC~L.~. f.. {,.-.".t F:i`~F{ .c - - __ _- -
<br />FHA i7d3~7 ft0-77j
<br />~ ~F,
<br />