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"f i-I3S T.kfCt~ZT"rrttil:, and exeet;ted tF;:3 f" :~ ~ day o€ J~s&t <.~-D. <br />l9 79 , b~ and between P,tay P~tt.2 :5~biz-s ~d 1 ~< ilabi~i, H~ fife, <br />of the C+xinty of 1 ,and State of hlebrasl<a, party of the first part, hereinafter oiled <br />she Mortgagor, and Ctz~i~;. ~`t?dte~;~ Sa'ain~s a € 8ssociatiaa <br />a sargoration organized and existing under ue ~ws of ?~l;~a:.~.~ , <br />PST of .~ second part, l~reinafter ~:alled the Mortga~>>, <br />R'I'1 tdE$SBTH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of fi~IJt~`Y-FCIi~ TIi4?ID- 7~J Af3!#D€tEU <br />FZf J$D /2fl4---------°----------------^.__....w Dallazs (5 Sq ~50.0(t ?, Paid by the Alort- <br />_ gages, -the xeceigt o€ which is hereby acknatvledged, has Granted and Sold and t+y these pr<se~is dt~s Grant, Bar- <br />~i^, Sell, C~ivey and CcittSsm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, tY~ following-descrih~ <br />real estate, six~ated3n the County of FIxt31 ,and State <br />of Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lot Eighteext {l8), is Block Otter ~l), in Ktsehler Plsce, ie tlae City of Gratttd Isias~, <br />Iia1Jl County, ~nbraskg; <br />TA DAVE AND Tt) HALD the premises above described, with all the aopurte~!±re< thereunto helon_' g ~c i}di~¢ <br />all heating; plumbing amt lighting fixtures end equipment now err hereafrer attached to or used in connection with said real estate <br />.~_ .. - - f.;:tivcr ; c ;'.u ~....,; re°ta~-.,.~ :„ ~,~d o~ve:,en:~ with, the ~ort~- <br />tiiiitt ttl4 P`iVlt~tit$c G, Cif tV tl5 3Y4tCD9iiti gAf~a Q.i3~6tia, _ bsav ~+ ............ .. <br />~, ~t t;te '~~ta ~~.: ,'~na ~ .,~i~. t ti. sell ra3 t-vrxs~r~y 3a'~; prcrrsca, beat thc)• are frac frann er~un-ibrz~c~e: a~ inert i~ <br />hf~tga~,Fr r:L war~}tt mtd di-feint R same ;.ga:nst €he la :~€ttl claitrs of all persons w hnf-tisnever: artd tip s<id hloriga~r here- <br />by ~tvti ~s s~ ~.;hts of hr}rnest~. a~ at~ .rar~.dl its, eit~r ir, taw orris e$•»ity, attd sll otl~r ~ xtt`trr°~nt i:+ter~ts r~ ti's <br />~:.~'~:.~ta~--u :;.mod -.°° _ ~' - ' <br />,ter.tii.:. ~:,.,~ - 4zrvey >-x~!~€ y ;.3. ~~u~ ;•it'~ a 1~ ~~zal~; <br />ir,s ~! rt~L n{ ~mf~r~d, e:ea ot_ rights oral interests as afares_+d ~ t~ _ - <br />PBAVIDED ALWAYS, and then; gresrnts as executed and delivered upon the fallowing conditions, to wit; <br />The Marlgagar agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of 1'HYRRY-F(XIIf. TIIOfISA11if! Tii~3 I~#H1fEII <br />gam[ {> ~AtIQ4---------------°--- Dollars (S X4,254.44 1. with interest from <br />date at the rate rif per ccnturn f ~o} per annum on <br />the nttpaisl Irufanee~upatTTft6 mid pr-~tt etpal and interest shalt be payable a[ the office ot9 ~ 50~~ ~.~~ ~~ <br />~~8$ <br />to , ~g , or at sash Qther place as the noldet of <br />the note may designate in wasting, in monthly installments of TW0 ~4Rm gj~y..Bj~p AIID BO/14C1°---..--- <br />voilars (3 2$g, Op 1, commending on the first gay of <br />1979 , and an the first day of eaeh month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />terest are fatly paid, except that the frnafi payment of principa- and interest, if not sooner paid, shall be due and <br />Payable otr the first day of g~~ , 2(#¢~ll according to the terms of a certain promis- <br />sory rtc3te of even date herewiffi executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor in order more-fully to protect the seeurity of this Mortgage, agrees: <br />1. That he will-pay the indetr(e lttess, u~ hPttitt3~fc~re ptavi•~d, Privfrege is tr-served to pay t_he debt itt wltolP, or in an <br />~:iauf:t equr~i i~ axle err rsac~ _manty- paymeisfs vas ifitr principal that are next due on the bate, on t first day of any month <br />prior to mas~nty: I'txttdrfed, hawever,'ttiat writte» naticz of an ittttntionSn exerciser such privilege is given at kasc thirty (~) <br />_`- nays pri~.r toPrp^Ymaut:, <br />"~. 'IXtat sogether with, and to addi~iottta,_tl~e mutitteEY_itsyts'oi~rinetpal aed antetest <br />peyab4e under the terms of t#e- <br />~rtate sec~~d herelsy, ttte MhYtg~or ~il[pay,tq t~ 1Kortgte, ottttte @rst day e1 each month until the will nai? is fully paid, the <br />''°'fallowing sutras: <br />(a) ,A.°nourt suf ttieaf to pra~~de the ~ heredl with-funds to pay the next nrottgage Insurance premiur. if this <br />,tiist#utris:rtt as~'t3te note aerated ~ ate red or s ~ ehar$e {tre llet~ a{ ~ incJrtg~r remrunr-e ~ <br />mnrm j if they are bald b3' 'die a`ecref~ry of housing gad Urban Deve]opinent, as follows: <br />!tt tf ~ a.. t ^.u `..raga..- aka ~~f+,~'° ;,`t:,t ~~ .ad „ ~..e ~ , urea , n~3a «ha <br />-~ .... v gro- <br />v+c~+_o_s of tF.F N~*«Ll~n~sta~ ~~t. ~~_am~vmis fR~Le:_._ t t~s ~~z;tt,~tata i;.~ it:e h2ne3u yi r},a h~~,{°r L,!e <br />_ r a-...-~ . -, _ <br />previous Ed's:tans ern t]bsntare - STATE t}F NEBItA$3iA <br />FHR-2i$3hi (Y0-77) <br />