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li ~z !"2t S3 tlts ~!'2'i~i '.5. ~?r` , -,a._ ,'.~._^.t, _,~C -,; .. 3i _ - - <br />i _ 1aW ~~.:<-c;~v- ~.r,,.. ~-'~. ff.~ ,.~-e~Gs iii 1 - '~_...~ .,~. ~i: ~?.: ~:{:~ a_, r-3c i* E _ ,. _P ~ ~~ <:r. _. <br />i>ridni r3£ ipz;w7-,yCS£1t;5 ~.traCtTi ftaF;Yr?Grf,E'.aQC a:~ti Tf?_ :~~.._ ~,_., s -? ,5 ~:'>E .1 .,.. ., -.. _ - - :,.. <br />x ca.txz~,... .u .. ..,,;; i~,s,ve", a3ti s~ai; a~ci(; fart zr.'si, v >~..G .<ti,. a~'a.}, t. [~,;. <~~.: G.. ~,' -„2 x~e ie. .,. ~~ _:`.1P., i. [ atZ'r~ ;x~ Y'. <br />rryt;rr:rit;s,ui,_ntsvf~•_- °clr.~=e~izd-ae_gc. <br />1<- The `+{vr?gtt;r3r i;~rihe; agrzes t=fai <_~°3c f i£ tn~rt~=»ge =ad iv= eccx sAcar:~ i;ztzi~~ r:~* :.a ziig;~e itr in- <br />» ~!:arawcz ur-xlzthe Na3iyrai i-:c+zv;ng Act v,iit.i,, tx~o att f-.,rn tl~.;da:e hzrz.,f t°a rit=zn st~t~:~~n, cf fn•, ~i~..zr <br />>.~;fi t:f t;;€ =xe~a~tncr,: os f?4,~4ng z€ ?'t~.;ar vel~;pmz:tt or anthtr~c agent of tz Seet>~w€~ zt :tar;>s~:g s~ :te-;,n <br />f~ve?up;;.ent datc~~ st~t~.szcuent to rig $"x~3 t;~a tir;z frn n flte ,•~,ate of this =nott~gz. v+e ~'ini , t~, e:;siirt =mod <br />Hate at)d this rrorigage, Being dcemec cinci>xssve rraa£ cf s;;ci: ineligibid<ty}, the T~fostg.~gee vt holder c, t'-.?r ;.ore <br />rra y, at its option, de,^,Fare a;b st:s dsere?~y ;:rnme:li3ted=~ uue and rayat~Ie. <br />~~~ l3. T~;at if t"rae ~icr#gagor tail= tc makP any ~y*terts c--f money ±vhen tt3e se,^_e ?;ecamz due, car f ~ ; fc ce~rtf.trs to a€.# <br />carttply xr~itlt sny of the conditions ~r agreetneats :,ontained in mortgage, of the rote which it secures, tdzen the entire nrinc=- <br />3 pal sura~ and ;r.crued inter.^-st shalt at oncQ heacxr:e ;f::e a~ ~~gab:e. a the e,ection ;,f tI~ fifongagee: and thi, r,~crtaage :nav <br />t thereupan be foreclosed immediately for the v hale of said money. interzst, monthly pavment3. casts, ground rents. taxes and <br />~ €rx~ost of extending the abstract of tide from the date of this loan to ti;e ti.^tt of commencing such fareelosrirz suit, and a tza- <br />sortable atitirney`s fee, n;l of which shal3 d>e included in the s~-e~ree of ;forectos:rra; ana the zontract embodied in this maetgage <br />and ilte note securzd herzbp. sitald in ah respects be gnverned. construed and adjudgee by tl;e }°w~. of l+€ebrasica, where the <br />_~me is made. <br />The covenants heroin contained shall bind, end the heneftts and advantages shall insure to, thx rzspect~-e heirs, executers, <br />ad:z:inisirators, successars tnd assigns of the partizs hereto. Vr'heneaer used. the singvtar number shalt iaehsde thz piural, tax <br />plural the singular, ant the nee of any gender shat: Lx applicable to all genders. <br />The foregoing canditions, al? and singular, being perfatmed according to their natural and legal import, this conveyance <br />shall be void and said premises re#eased at the expense of thz Mortgagor: otherwist to be and remain in full force and effect. <br />?*, t3r`I'f'IVESS WHEkEC3F, the Mortgagors} ha v+t; hetzunto set ~ handfs) Lhe day and year first <br />al?tsve written. <br />In presence eft <br />Lf.~: ~ ~- ~ ~ s Pte. R~~st~ {-SEAL j <br />Y"Y?~..~ ~~::- ~ ~.,.- ~ "` (SEAL ] <br /> K.l RobbiSs <br />jSEAL~ <br />(SEAL] <br />GPYf 9ft•t36 <br />STATE (3F l+€EBRASKA, <br />S5: <br />42it this (`~- ctay of ,,#~p A, D. f9gg , befare me, tl~ >,~g~g~~ <br />>e ttt an+s fog ~~tnty, personally came <br />.~€~ f~ III K. ~, ~ ~ ifi.fe,, <br />_ _~~ <br />w eK tfie idettYic-al ~rsc~r~ gw~tase names 8t1`E amxed to the above and fore- <br />- ~u~m~izi,ts 4~1 ~ ~~ at~o~'retig~Cr~sala€nstt`ttrte~tdtFx <br />_- -- - _ -. - - - - -;<~i3c~`~'r~, ~'~ro~ i~c~,c' - - iw - _ __ - - - - _ _ - - - ti~TiCi1rV aiz aitsi ~ieaZa. F6r r~ - _ _SCS itHrCln 4X S€a. - - -_ <br />f~~ tfu~w. prey <br />in °testiwany wltereaf, i have heeeunta set t)ty hand and affixed by i~o't~iat7hseal at t Isl> <br />an the day and date taxi above written. ~~ - ~ <br />~et€ttat t4tttltttY - ~ 'f - <br />>~ ~. UVEt29E1it~°''~`~°~"i '' ,t ~~'i' -rte,: e:r~ <br />- - ihr Cc:ass. i'aa. idq. t7, tA7g 'VtsiBr} Ptrttfis - <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ss <br />~leil far record this day of A.13. !9 <br />~ asce,.n~ M., and entered Ir€ tirscne, i~-~ It~r. and - <br />~eorded ir! ax of Afortgages, on <br />P9ge of <br />iegister of weds <br />- fiiA•2163M {1Q-TT) <br />