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f, <br />ah~ E Gjt~ ,r; r c., :~mn r ~.~a~,E ~ a jar.., i:~: _i.. ~•' t ~t 1 ~.i ~,;,, ~ i-, :_I = <br />t~t,:~~,,'ti ' ~.ial e t~ ,ir .~ ,,t,a: ,~ ~ rn:il l.~s, .-. .. ,i ,. ~ - ~ ., _. <br />~f~"f~li'er~ac~rr ~l i~ rr~P~ 92~a s 3 "v.°-~-: ~ 3 - .t 1 i . 0 3 i ~ . L .,t . 9 .... I a , r t i i:: e>; ~. t: ~wi~: <br />t "~ it ..krlul E.<'~,e a~f,~~~ a . u ~9 !~, ~ tz4' t IriY'ta° . lr, r._°n :.. ~.ri-.: r ri r+~~r.;t...± ~.:.~:rti~~ .t -~au~1e ?r,. <br />9 i°r;n rv f ~]r*o~i' d€n~'s s tadma; z it I i tt 1'~ a-nr I rr il~ ~! r: t ~ t~ J t3 i [`su•^ 7 ~: ~ : _ < _..~ , .it,»..,_p.LS, <br />a nr y ~. t- r 7 - -s rr <br />~'0 4- ~'Ilr.Y~@£ at.F,'T5a 3a~r :qtr ?! `ft .~3 ~. .3._ ~ -"~_L,£n ~a~:;.9 <br />t utar„e ,xr the P ol:?,tg- r~r.a~ii ~ ay :_-t,~an a jrrior;t o er th 'Sa.;aaeE .~rci „r:, t.,., r4r~,-, ,: wr.}, a*, Lenders <br />apt-fan in t e rnarnc~,* ,,res~l,l2d under ;?srarr.~ih ? am€-o a* ?s- $arrc;~er s°=a#~trn ;;:a.y.;E~nt; twl;tn due. dira~*i~• is <br />the pixy€a iiiarenf. $orrawe?• she€': prccmrstlb f,±rn;sl; is LA^d~r iii .~etin€s a ame:: ,tz due urcier this vxragra; h. <br />and in the event Barrawer sl~ll ==?ake l;aynre t di°~.y?=;. r'3srra.ter s=~al1 r,rarrp.°,I_• furnish t<: Lender receipts evi- <br />dancing such payrrtents. Berraw'er seal prarn~>ify discharge any lien :shish has priority aver tip %a~.gage; pre <br />- ~ =ritlecl, that Bar_+rower shat nvt be required La disel;arnre a suelt lien sa ;rng as $arraw•er i:all agree in writ:ag to <br />the rsy-event of the ohligatidn secured h,° such lir=e in .r .,:inner aceeptabie to Lender, ar srali in geed faith contest <br />,~ such lien l;y, ar defend enfareement of such lien in, IegaI Itrec~ediny wl?icE overate to pt•ecent :he pnfareeatent of <br />rite lies or farfeitzre of tip. Prol;etty ar any part tlrereaf. <br />~ 5, ~rrrd Isreurancee Barrawar shall keep tine improvements nay- existing. or hereafter erected an the Ptrop- <br />arty-insured against loss by Errs, hazards included ivitliia t-he farm "extended eaveragp", and suv-h athcr itasards a.~ <br />Lender may require and in such anraitnts and far such p€r,ads as, Lender may require; provided, ehst Is•ryder shall <br />fay __ -t require that tfe smount of such coverage exceed tiaat amount of coverage reouired to pay the sums secured'by <br />~ this ~f~tgage. <br />7'Ite insurance carrier providing the insurance sl:ali 6e chosen by $orrower subject to approval by Lender; <br />providedx that such approval shall vat be unreasonahiy witl:h€ld. All premiums on insurance policies shad be paid <br />at Lender's option in the manner provided avatar paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower tusking psyment, when due. <br />directly is the. insurance. carrier. <br />In the. event any poficy is not renewed an or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect <br />its interest, may pricers insuiance on the iiapmvements, pay the premiums and such sum shaft become <br />immediately-dote and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said note until paid and shall be <br />secured by* this IvIortgage. p'ailttre by Borrower to comply may, at option etf Lender, constitute a default <br />under rise terms of this- Mortgage. <br />All iasttranee policies and renewals tltereaf ,halt be iri fora. aceeptabie to Lender and shall nelttde s standard <br />mortgage clause in fever of and in form acceptable to Lender. Lender shall have the right is hold the policies and <br />rnnewals thereof, and Borrower shall praaiptiy furnish- i:o F,ender all renewal notices and aii receipts of paid pre- <br />mitims. In the event of lass, Burrower shall give prompt native to the insurance carrier and. bender, and bender <br />may-make proof of loss if vat made promptly by $ormwer. <br />Unless Lender end Harrower otherwise agree in v~-riting, insurance proeecxls shad be applied to restoration or <br />repair of the Property damaged, provided such res-taratian or repair is economcally #easible and the security a# <br />-this R3ortgsge is not thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is not economically feasibly ar if the security <br />of this.lifortgage would be impaired, the i_nsuranee proceeds-shall be applied to the ; ums secured by this Mortgage, <br />- ~ with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. if the Property is abandaued by Borrower ar ii Borrower fails t~s respond <br />fA Lender within 30 days after varies by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier Driers to settle a claim for <br />insurance irenefits, ILender ;~ Rttt~hored tt{t calleei and apply the insurance p,-+~ at Leader's option either ttr <br />resturatiaa or repair ai the Property ar to the lfortgage. <br />Grnleas Lender and Borrower othen:ise agree in. writing, any such application of praceeFis to principal shall <br />not satend or postpone the due date o€ the monthly installiiients referred io in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change <br />9arattat of such installments. <br />=If larder paragraph Ifs berecf the Property is aegnired by Lender, all right; title and interest of Borrower is <br />uudtciauy ins-ursnee,olicies and in and to-the proceeds thereof (to the exi~nt of the sums secured by this ~iprt- <br />e immediately prier to such sale or acquisition} resulting -from damage to ti.e Property prior to the er~le ar <br />~~iart shall pA~~ to Winder. <br />t. 1:~eh crud xm.^e C~ Prty Leuashaltla, Cctttdaatir,?u~s. I3areower shalt $OpT the P_t~. <br />prig-tar good reesir and sn tI nee F:.rnit or ca n.rnit waste, impairment, or deterioration of t;~e Property and sltali <br />. ~ -aL.ti ~ ~~ ;:isE~ ~i Inc ¢~~. 'if - ~~~ t~agw is an ~ l,rve~hald. If th:-- -arils-age is sit a candy;-rintuat <br />tsn3tF Rn ~:ver Hn~tl-l~rfa~°*x wli of ~w~.r., ~~l:~tians uad2r the; decla:aiior. ar candaminiurri of ruasier d~tl; <br />thebv-laws and regulations of the condaminiam~ project and constituent documents. <br />~. Frotectiaa-af-Leader s Saeurity. If Borrower fails to l~rform the covenants and agreements contained in <br />dais It9Eartgage, or if env action ar proceeding is commenced which maieriaily effects Lender's interest in the Pr~p- <br />erty, including, bttt not limited ta, eminent domsin, insolvency, aide enforcement, or arrangements or praceed- <br />i_involviag a bankrupt ar decedent, then Lender at Lender's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make sash <br />appearances, disburse such sums and take suds action as is necessary to protect Lender's interest, including, but <br />eat-limited to; disbursement a# reasonable attorney's fees end entry upon the Property to make repairs; Any <br />arrisunts disbursed by Leader pursuant #a this paragraph ?, with interest thereon, shall become additional indebt- <br />edrtesg oi' Borrower secured by this lfortgage. Unless Hormwer and Lender agree io other.temas of payment, sue4t <br />sinbtittts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereo#, and shall bear inter- <br />. est from the date of disbursement at the rate stated in the Note unless payment of interest at such rate would be <br />s:ontrsry tcs applicable lacy, in which event such smounts sfrall bear interest at the highest rate. petirrissible by <br />~~ Isw. ±:oiltirg contained in flits paragraph ?shall. rcryuire Lender to incur-any expense ar t3v any-set <br />l`_ <br />-Lender may make or cause tai ise made'-reasonable >'ntxies upon anti:inspections of rile Prop- <br />- o~ ~ del *~. ~-' i,~;t, ; r nab^=~r ,.;;iiec Ipr far ~, ,n,'- styli iiiitctiv-r specify~n) rt•asunable cause <br />t~ ;,~-:~~ vt-L~r's inter#. sn rile $ropeiiv <br />,' ~antlamto-stion. The pro~e_d. of any swam or claim for damages, direst or-conset}uential, in connection <br />h'rav L'ondetnratian or ot}:er taking of the Prrzl~et~ty. o'r hart thcrr~f, or#tsr e€snveyatiae iz; Nett of coadna- <br />.- Mare hereby ~s:geed and shall he paid. to Lender. - <br />`irt the saint of a tarsi taking of the Yrope-ty, the proceeds 7rrI1 C,e applekfito the stems s~txed by td>is A$pt~ - <br />- - ~vt ~~LII~ aecw, if any, paid to $arrc~wer. In the event of s partial taking rf tilm v~p„~.t,, unless fiOnYfwBr <br />I~itds.,ri~isa agr~ in ivrihing, there ,ha{i'be applied to the survs secured by tIt?& i4Tortgage such prapor- <br />•.- ;fare of tht: proceeds as is >.tual to that rtroportion whieii the amount of t;te sums t;eenred:by this 11F.ortgtige ir- <br />• diately ,3riorta tl:~ •?ata a° slung ~,aar. Co the fair tndr!<eL Yalu: of rite Property i;naPediately prior to the date of <br />ts= v`ttlrthc lr'alanes of the gresCee88 }~sld co $arrower. <br />!f ctte Y~pet-ty i, abandoned by Borrower or if alike ntstire by I.Qt*der ta;°totver that the eondemaor offers <br />- - to mu?r a - i ~~ t i - :.-.. r z . ~~p ltlttt: ~.. flays of .lte flats <br />~ca~.a iiurx~m~er iatis io and to i,etttier w <br />f ` ~, ~_~; ~~. :n a.rtnurtiL~ a eeii~st an' a - <br />pl ty rile }ttvrx~c#h at Lender's aptian either to restoration ar <br />rvnnrr F 4t.o Di -~ _ - <br />_ _ _ ~.d_~ r: .ac o5E - - <br />L ~ ~~=.n~Hrand >:~ rower oLtianv;s2 rg,ae iu urtiiig; arty Leh application of praeeeds to principal shat) <br />_ ,- <br />„r. `+ <br />