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IYIi'UFt r1=+17~:)•11J~ ;ir i1,5~'fa Y3.,. ~~2 J4~s_ ~. E~ _J,e 'CI I, _ ~ Y?E .i _ -yii --c, 11~ ,-~~:' Ili , ~.d_ ` °-..~s~ ~. <br />ldl. ~Gewnr~u~w~rrsx~ fio~t lEf,tls~z l~~.v.~e~~i,,~a r..~ _9 :r, t .~:7~., i~~r° ~„ , .a,.:» -~, .~1~,1.1 s Gl,,~,.: ~; ~.n.:..l.~ivs-.,,.,. ~~_ .a3a; ~a:r,~. <br />~eu4ta~~~r~ .,} t.j:d~ "II;,.Y.~;~g~ ~.__.~ ~,.< <, .~:'.~. . t . +~~..,, ,~.. ~.a.~a ,.. ,. 1_. _s .~~; lf:... .,.,~..II ..,t.; ofd"'-'~ c, ;•,-1lr:a~c, <br />uc a.~~' ~~vnr;~., C4.., .]z'€ii'o.<~.4 :1. ~~.e. s.: >:z,.,..:. :iJt. G:; t. ..,,', <~-.3..~r. _ .sr .,r... r. ~-._i."_-,. k_...~_r c. ,' i1'..~` <br />:~~rF~ Ev ~.•:":` - .,.~~ ,.~~~-t`a..z~ a~a .. .. _... ~' ..mss _- zv .. ~ z . a..:_ -~i ;rs._ ?ie :- rr s ,. et fi'i.-~ nCXX.1if`x` <br />ah£ar:sza=i~~it s,_ , ~ _ ~~_t_=- .~• r.._ ;~)ar€~a_e :t~4.:- u. ~r~=;_ : ;;~na n= s,~ orrt,r~: ~;rre~r~° ;.nd <br />$orrat±er's sttec'~ur3 in interc=t„ <br />II. I•~nearerrace Iuy Lert~r ~Ist ¢ YIsrYver. dry fa.aea:-saiee c;;,- Ir-:ae° r::~ercising r~ny rigl;t g: rt~*_~tiy <br />here~.rnder, ar ather;et~e off-arde~ b,- appiicatvfe tat,, shwli :rut ire a w•ai:•er c: ar prn<' ;d~ the exercise of any right <br />or rta}aec}• 3aereunder. Tlae pt~cureanent. of ins!~t-ance er the payfnent of [axe er Gther Iians ar charge- by Lender <br />slxalt at to ,a .rat.-.. a* Leper's ;gist to aceeieratc sloe rcaturitf of sate indei:tedness secured lfy this ;Mortgage. <br />I~ $s trnsstIItatiee, :iii ~medies ,~rGViden it ti,is ~farigag€' are dot*net anr_': ec?Sn~~Iative to any aLher <br />right tar ren;efdy under this ilangage ar ,tffarcicsl lay late ar e*luit}•. and rna}• !;€~ sect. ~w~u to=..tE-rzntiy, independ- <br />v I~, `~ ~ ~ grad ~ gerund; Ioielt turd Several Lia»ility; ~apticf~ The covenants and agreemen <br />herein rontzineti ~}asli bind, and the rights hereu2ider shad inure ter, t`ae re;periivt -necesaors aro asaigna of Lender <br />,~ and I3arrawer ui .set to Llaa proc•isiasL of Iaragraph 3 i iaereaf. ~ )1 covenant:: acct agreements of $ar7nwer shall <br />_ he j3trf.'- xnd several. T ee calriians and l;eadira~s f]t sloe Ira-agralahs of ibis 3ia?rga-g2 are for ncn+enienee only and <br />'~"" an*e eat ttt tae used to interpre*_ or de5ne the provisions hereof. <br />^~ ld, Plosive. Any notice to $orraseer provided for in Cltis Mortgage ;bait he given by Snaiiing =ueh native by <br />! c::a<.ihed Snail addressed to Borrower at the Property Address stated l}elate, eaeept for anv notice- required under <br />1 paragraph 18 '=_s?reo` to it£ btvpn to Bc~rro,e?r in the ananner {rrescribFd hr anl~',icataie iaw•. Any notice ;~ovided <br />~ for in this ?.lorigagc slash he deemed to have been given to $arrower when given in tlae rnanner designated herein. <br />~` I5, tTsifarin Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. This form of anartgage combines uniform covenants <br />for natinnal use and Han-;Sniform covenants with limited variatiof77 by j arw`riiction to eoSSStitutP a uniform secu- <br />rity instzument covering tea) property. This \Iartgage shall he governed by the Isrv of the jurisdiction in which <br />the ~ropeity is located. Ir, tl;e event that, any pravisian err clause of this tfaf?gage or the Note conflicfs with <br />applicable Saw, suet[ conflict shall oat affect other provisions of this Mortgage or the Nate which can toe given <br />effect without the conflictiug provision; and to this end the provision= Gf the \fartgage and the Note are declareal <br />to be severable, <br />_ 1~ B~re~srs Cn_n_v_ _Rnrrnaf:er shall he furnialren a rnnfnrmar3 enn~ of this 14n_rrosv> ai ~~ times n# mcnln3- <br />tian err after YCCOrdatiGn hereof. --- -- ~---^~__ _ _--_______ __,_- -_ n_.. --__ ~~ ~ -.._ n~_ _- ~___ <br />17. 'lraau-~r of the Property: Aasumgtioa. If ail or any part of the I'raperty ar au interest therein is sold- <br />err transferred by Bnrrawer without Lender: nriar written cansem. excluding rat tlSe ereaLian of a lien nr encam- <br />brance subordinate to this hfartgage, {b; the creation of a purchase ;Honey security interest far hotufehnld app&- <br />ances, {c} a transfer by devise, descant err ly operatiau of law- upon the death of a joint tenant err fd} the grant of <br />any Ieasehnkl interest of three gears or less not cantdining an aptia7, to pursha.Qe, Lender may. at Lender's opt-ion, <br />declare all-the sums secured by this Mortgage to be itm7fediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived such <br />optioa t~ accelerateaf, prior Lo the sale or transfer, Lender acid the person to whom the Prnperty is to be sod or <br />*..ransf"ezretl reaeli agreement in writing that the credit of such person is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest <br />payable an i'ne sums s:~cured by this Mortgage shah )se at such ratfi as Lender shall request. If Fender has waived <br />the nptian Let accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Iinrrawer's successor in interest has execut~i a writ <br />ten assumption. agreement accepted tie writing by Lender, Lender shall release Parrower-from aI) obligations under <br />this Mcs~ga$eaad the Note. <br />If 3.estder exercises suet[ option to accelerate, Lender shall snail l3orrawer notice of acceleration in acccsrdance <br />with naraueraah 24: hereof. Such notice shalt provide a period of not Iess than 30 days from Lhe date the notice is <br />Sxiailecl-within which Barrpwer may pay the sums dectsred due, If $arrower fails is pay such soma prior tar the <br />espirattan iii-such periaci, Lender Wray: n~itlaout furttaer notice or demand an $'orrower, invoke any remedies- per- <br />.. ~A1LL-2L! 9y }3&A'$~.+FY'l3fi- fC S:Gi'G(tL. - - - - - <br />°Nox-itri~ctat~ ~av~xa~'rs. ~arroEVer and L.:nder iut•ilacr covenant and agree as fallGt`°s: <br />__ _ _ _ ` I$. A~elsra#~r I3srsediRe. E,ece#?t rte- piat~i~leci in_ t34raeral3lt I7 laemef, upa>3 t3arr~wer ~_ breast[ 4f any _ <br />etivenani or egreeineat of Barra>4er in #)fis ~Iortgsigc, inciuciing the covenants io pay when dur any sums secured <br />by this Mortgage, Lender. prior to acceleration. shall plait notice to $orrower ss provided in paragraph I4 hereof <br />speei£ying: fI) the breach; f2l the action required to curc`auclt breacia '''t31'a itatc, not less than thirty days <br />feor7f the data the no*_ice is niaileti Lo I3arrotver, by w laicia _uelr brcacli' [[lust `ue euted;-and i41 that failure tG cure <br />.such breach an or before the date-specified iu Lhe noLicrsinay [caul[ tit aecelerstian of the soma secured by Lhis <br />;Mortgage and sate o£ the Property. If the breach is rat surest an or before the date specified in the notice, Lender <br />at Lender's ap£ion map'deciarc all of the suns secured by this Mortgage to he immediately due and payable <br />without ftsxtker dem&nd and may. foreclose this \+Iortgage 6y judicial proeeeding. Lender shall he emitted to collect <br />in-such prreeeding ail ertpenees of foreclosure, inciuciing, hu# not limited to, costs of documentary evidence, <br />abstracts and title reports. <br />19: asurs !flight io- Haiastate= '_VaGwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this <br />~ictt~nga, Sarrnwer shall have the tight to ha~~e-any protseedipgs begun by Lender to enforce this :Mlartgage die- <br />continaed a#t gny time prior to entry' of a judgment en#~'eing tktis 5iartgage if: fa.t Snrrowgr {~ys _Lender alt <br />.sums whictX ari»iId he [}ten duo under this: ~~iorrgage,--the-Note acid ranter securing Ftiturc Advaft~; if any, had un <br />acceleration e>reurreci ~; (h) IIarrowcer cures -all breanc~r> of any other cnyenants nr, itgtreettients of Borrower -can- <br />- to n,i .. ft.;e T,fn..f.. 1..1 12., It - der' £G ia: <br />- - - - - m~ ..ll,._ a~.;~. int~urrgtl izy I._.. . teen r~:_.g e~fv~.~:r <br />cad ~~: cant °r Bnrrcr.•ar ranta:n~rin `~,3 liartgstge _antl in enfarciny I~ndar'~ ren?edirs as p~vided in-papa- <br />graph 1$ hereof:. iaieluding, huS• not limited to, reasoftaltle aLtornev's fee,;-anti (d) Barmwertakes such actinn as <br />° Le~~der map. reasonably require to avsarF that the lien of thSP ~fortgd~,e Letdc~r's irtcrest in- the P~rtg aficl <br />.~, Borrower's obligation to paq the sums se+>ured by thi_ ~iartgage =hall canonize unimpsrod: Flpon Such ~aymegst' <br />%' and ceve by $orrow?r, this M4zt!_age,and the obligations.secured l}crehd sha)1 rzmain iia fylf force and _eEeet ae if <br />fro acceieratio,~s had occurred. <br />S.C..~Sdgnitszzt of : Ap~fo*aksseat of Eeceivsr: Lender is PQ€sesaioa. Ala :tddiiiottal .security heirs- <br />trrtder; Borrower he#+et~p aesaigtts to Lend?r tlae rents; of fire Propettyr {jrovtded that t3orrow-cr shad. Prior fo' afeoler <br />gt~ib7r uadespnrngrapb SS'„>:nof ar sbnadonment ofthe Property, h~vQ theright to collect a~id..retaiit`such Merits <br />as they neeanie due and payable: <br />LTI~sa~ letati,rn ucul*h #iarao eph 1$ !~;-tast or s7isrdanrs?€nt of-the .Property, Lender. in ~arsfln, Irv _~e]it <br />at~. uy juuiciasi~y ny}raii~iceustitiz~~r aitxll in; eutilti-u tti eiiiei upuv, ittise {~ust3a~iuliai and niuna};e cne.'~[h'r~geitty_ <br />and i:o coiieoL 'the rears if sloe !'rtiperty, iiteiaciing trtose {aw t Glue.:~}I rents ~ait~:c~teti lei J.ender err the reee)ver <br />`'`.1.^d. py::, vN_t J..P.:: vCSGS ::k:::.tC ..~.nt u; ti:C. rC~C. ~. .«.:1 Cc..LC'.laT 63 CnL$, 1723~)udiBg, het <br />t~u%lirniseil tv, rceeivar' ie~tYPretuiams an recrit~er's !;~?fici~ vne rcasonal;ie attorney's fce_?,-and then to the sums <br />;eCUret3 by.ti3aa ;l4artgage. Lender a*ad tae rece)FSr =latstl be liable-}a ctccaunti anlp-for those rents actually received. <br />