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,~~ <br />d ,~o.~,;:=,~'' ~~ s~ ::~ spa. <br />F ~~~e1681«~4n j ~ ~~"~.,.-~"k' i3iF~'`'7r`~¢~If~J~'h'Lw ~"~,:b~"~~'1C ~~'7~'~',~YP?~fl:'~'~& <br />I~ [:i~~i~°~~'Ia1Pb~u6~ j ~~lrllwt~t"a twtad~iE"~ <br />q"~ - _ -~;art~ <br /> <br />,-; <br />T~1SS ~I#}RT`~AGL, made and ~a~-,at~ri thzs ~:?...... day of .-..-..+.t!~-~.~~ a rte,, <br />~, . _ ...y---...._,.....k <br />19_~,~._.., hettx~eesr the Mortgagor, .....~? .1<?'~n.-Bloch.,--husband--ans.-z~fe=-- <br />s.-x-n g a ;_r- their ~^ 1 'tom <br />...--.~._'--~~=y-.eau--east:--.. ~ ....--..q'..u.. <br />of -..--brand--island-.- ..... County of -.......-.~?1~ ..............._ -, State of .-..i~gbraska,--.--, hereinafter referred <br />to as the ?Borrower, and the iirtorigagee, FIRST FFI3ERAL SAVINGS A~tD LFJAI*l AaSQC1ATIC)?~t OF <br />LIi4Ct~LN, 123 "N:> Stmt, Lin:coin, Nebraska f?l, its successors and assignQ, l±areirafter refezred to <br />as Lender. <br />€hTfTrt~ssrfr: That the said Borrower for and is consideratiaa of the sum of -....FQ13Ti'-Q-...-•--------- <br />.-.:._~I4:USA:A2ID.2Nt31.1.4?!?__---------.°-__-°-----°.---...----T~ol:ars (US ~--~'.2,Q.4'4,-US3-...-..--- -------•) <br />~d_ by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its succes.4ors and assigns; the <br />following-described Property located in the Cauniy of ...-......H~>:..-_--------------------- State of Nebraska: <br />Lot Eight (8} a.n Block Ta*elve (12), Rarkhill 3rd Subdivision <br />as Addition to the City of Grand Island, mall County, I#ebrat=ka. <br />Teo~~zas -with. all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and ail easements, <br />:rights;: apputi~nances, rents, rnyaiti~, zniueral, oil and- gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and <br />vtat•r et, and all fixtures now or hereafter. attached +ai the Property, all of which, including re~lace- <br />ments and additions thereto shall be deemed to be and remain-apart of the property covered by this <br />Mortgage; and all of the #oregoing; together-with said property (or the leasehold estate in the event this <br />lk+Iortgsge is on a leasehold) -are herein referrer! to as the "Property". <br />: Borrower covenants that BorroweF Ss 3aivfully seised: of the Mate hereby conveyed and has the right <br />tg ~nartgage,-grant and convey the .Property,. that the Property is unencumbered, and -that Borrower will <br />~~nt ahd defend: generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject Ya any <br />azzd restrictions listed in ;a -schedule of -eaceptioirs to coverage in any tills insurance policv iri- <br />_ surtag Lender's interest in the Property, nr (21 attorney's opinion of title from ?~*?tract of tale c?rti£~tl <br />lay, bonded ahatraeter- <br />- ~$4YIrr2i- ~Lw¢:'8, =irrd thes° 13re~n~ are eae~u#i::l a:trl riRl:Rarart eer*er_en the tnl}rk~i8~ ~..:a's' :~ ", S.~i~ <br />t~_a#td obligations of the Borrower, to-wit: <br />aa -€~orrower sgraes to Pay is the Lender; or order, the principal sum of -.t~t~it~Y-"3---.11SB1Y~J_------ <br />---=--1a.~~_:if:~~31-----~'" ---°----r-.----_.' ...:-°-.- ..:.:.:- • ° -----------Dollars (LTS ~-. ~:~~ ~~-=- - - - -------1 <br />payable as provided in a note exeeiited aad delivered; concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal, <br />', if not t>oaner paid, on the ...---First--------.. day of ..-.-. Fehrua?'1r"--_----..._._-...-., 2~2Q~9 <br />-iJ2gtroahr C6vCiNe~NT9. Borrowex and Lender coveaant and agree as follows: <br />i. Payxneat of Principal sad IatezeaL Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and in- <br />terest on .tIie indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and Isle charges as provided iri the Note, <br />and the principal of atid'xntirest on any Future Advances secured by this 'Mortgage. <br />~, Psi.-ds ~n Z+xu~ smc.' L~ssz:rnea,^~. Subj~t to Lender's option under paragrap:,s ~ and 5 hareaf, Bor_ <br />rower shall pay to Leader on th+z day rnanthly installments of principal. and interest are payable under the <br />Note, urt~il-the Nate is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds"j equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and <br />a~rrrents which may attain priority over this MMortgage; and ground rents on the 1"'roperty, if any plus <br />one-tiveh of yearly Premium- installments-for hazard. insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium. ti- <br />ataliment~- for mortgage insurance, if e~ntyy all as reasonably esti+inated rrflatly-and from time to time by <br />I:endsr otr-the latsis ~ assesarnents and "hitiR anti reasonable estimsteg theceef, Lender shalt apply the Funds <br />~. to t~Y said tsaegrassessrrrente, iafirsa premivriis and erourtd-rents; Lezrder shall make-cio charge for so <br />icoidadsg ~n aQpiyr the Futrds or verifying and crorpi4iliag said assessments and bi71a The Lender-shell <br />v~ to tt;4 La.,.,.,~., ;.,thsn't cl~srg~ arA niiii~ial aec<;uiitiiig of t Funds shriving crecti#s surd hits to the <br />~.~ ~uiida and the purpose torwiiic°h;~c+h debit to the Funds was made. 'I'f-e Funds are pl2dg~1 as additional <br />,,,,, seczL-it, fir the sums ~secrlred by this ?LTurtgsge. ?'he $artoiver agrees t~tt the Funds t:~v be held_by_ the <br />Len~lcr and commingled with other funds and the Lender's owr:_fune{a-and tf~Iearder mayp~ sash itrrns <br />from itn uvni funds aa3 the u~der_shall not F>e liable for intQr~_ ter ttivideads pn such Funds. _ <br /># If' hire arnor;ut. e# the Fends held 1}y L~dSr, i~ethe_ xvi~h ; ~ ~nrth+y instsilxrrents of "li`rruncla <br />~ puy~ble prior to the dry isles of rages, aerreeautents, iisuransaa sari ground reFr~ shall=exceed <br />t<he an~ut~C reeruirea t~ ga_v ea,id taus, a~essmeate, insurance pemiums"sttd gtpssttd rents as they fell due,- <br />"such ese shall b~; ai Aarrvwer's vp#ion, eiehor pxamptiv r~ d to'~-err credited ~s Bortnwer on <br />[noiathly iristnLmeatx of Funds. If the Azne~+_ of tile. Fe~~. ~ ~ ?ode: evil not i;a sufrtcient to pa, <br />~xe~ a.?an~sc*3~-errs, insu.^~ee prem:ucgs and ~muk'id: rerY#s es tlxey €hie, lr shall -pay to -Lender <br />~y m:~~;y w inttite up :the denciency within thirty days air rrot feniri 7eirder to #~urroiver <br />.~iu«Ltugl~~rayinu,i$ Ehereai, or 1'iorrawer siiaii, uy as increase in mcn'rfilg insfallntents of I ands required, <br />~TPitn PaYmeFrt in, fyll o€ all sums.. x~ured by this Mortgage; Iyendei shall apply Funds held as a credit <br />against all sums dale. <br />