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<br />~~ <br />li <br />t <br />a ~ ,-.. ~ ... _ - <br />u,1':' er dti.~~,?' . i~rR.~saliir`ir i" i i~'~i-I~~ ^.o ~ i f.r~•'a' _ l.qr - ~~i~°~.~ ; :_ <br /> t;, F+a,,;:ah~z•: ~ i t,;a.~y i _ ., iii .~ i i , i ..-.,, <br />iL~i=n~ ~ t i:qr ~rart3, tt~~ s,r = r F . t,t,] c: ? si .i_;~z ~ ~ r, ~ ! I, +.n _,':,~. _~ .; ~~ ;a ] <'lafl a , ..>e~l.~, _.a _, <br />j ~ ~iaar~es; Laeru,,..Barra Ytr ...,~ _ ... -„ a cr._x <,_ , f, ..e. _. ~.a~ rtr ~ - - <br />i utarl~ ~.s ... T'. v,; .. t; °~lsieii r.r° -t_a;.: y_:uri " a:"f~r - .. :.3c,.g~ ~r ~.a-~.., _r: 'i.endcr's <br />3. a;~vin i< ` ; n; rt,er I;ru~,°tdr~1 r ~ xr g .;', " .z ~r- i~:r =~'r;"'~ ~ air. 7- - s.. ~ e t to <br />the payer-i: area . Ba ro a ..nor rra-r.I-,n ~+„t.ts,.:,,}e u ,u c o a.n ~. ,zuF ,rr'~ vrag;yph, <br />"~ ?nn dP ne e` *' ii ?3o~ro-. fr; FT K ..: r r+tra ". 14a•-rs:r S-- ~ .r{ k t~-; .....:,a ~*t `- - - -e e:pi @:"s- <br />der ng suc'is , ay-rent k3o av. r -.hart Prot; ; i, ~ scr,serge , `.. ~ ;t ,, ttas y°zriar:t}- a r ,..s ?iartksae n o- <br />vTd d *~;- t i3ar over sh ~ rot bz li re:z tc a.c_i:ar .c aa3- s c e raa_ .z l3n o-ser rcal_ ag.ce ,n evrittng is <br />yr~ the pa ~:±. .e ob' ga , se ~ u;,l= iSfrri :r1 c: ;:,rnr. urc~t uae o c*c'er a ~%,rl( in good fa?t:t contest <br />i } snob „az lry, ar defend enforcement o. ~:url, Iten ir„ ,e, al t;ro, e~dt..g~ s, ut~n.., e ;_a p•"FrFnf the e4iarcement of <br />flee lien or forfeiture of the Trot>erty m• an~; ,rart t i;ereaf. <br />5. I°Iaxard Insurance. $arrasver shah keep the in:ptrovemenfs nac: <_Yttirg ar i;ereafter erected on tl:e Prop- <br />erty in-cured against las.~ by ure, hazards included r~ti-,iri the term "Gxt€;,d~d coverage", and such at}<er i;azards as <br />Ixnder map rewire and in such amounts and for encl. l.eriods as Len:lrr matt- rc:,ittrc : tTrariried, that Lauder shah <br />not require that the Amount of sucl; c average e:tceed 'that amount. of coverage required to pay the sums seeured`by <br />this 3lartgage. <br />'t'he insurance carrier providing the insurance sl;atl be chosen lrs Borror,"er snhject t.a aprroval by Lender; <br />prarided, that such approval shall not be ttnreasanabIy withheld.:~ll premiurris an insurance policies shall Fie paid <br />at Lender's option in the manner provided under ; sragraph ? leereof or "s>y P,arrower making payment; when due, <br />directly to the insurance carrier. <br />In the event any policy is not renewed on ox -before ten days of its egpiratian, the Lender, to protect <br />it_s interest, may procure insurance on the iml?roveme.^.t.Q> pay the pzerniums and such sum shall become <br />immediately duo and payable with int~-est at the rata set forth in said note until paid and shall be <br />secured by this l~Sortgage. Failure by Benawer to coruply may, at option of Lender, constitute a default <br />under the terms of this Mortgage. <br />AL insurance policies and renewals Yl;ereaf shalt be in form acceptable io Lender and shall include a standard <br />:norigage clause in favor of and in form aeeeptable tc Lender. Lender shall have the right to bald the polieies and <br />rSneeeals thereof, and 73arrawez• shall promptly furnish to Lender ail renewal notices and ail receipts of paid pre- <br />miiims, In the eyenG of toss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender, and-Under <br />may make proof of loss if not made prompt.Iy by Borrower. <br />sinless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in Writing, insurance proceeds shah be applied to restoration ar <br />repair of the Property damaged; presided such restoration ar repair is economic ;lly feasible and the security of <br />thi 'at3ortgage is-not thereby impaired. If such restoration ar repair is not economically feasible or if the security <br />oftltis Mortgage would be unpaired, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this-1lortgsge, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower, Ii the Property is abandoned hr- Borrower or if $arrocver fails to respond <br />to Lender within 3t? days after native by Lender to Barratver that the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim far <br />iti$uranae ljenefi, ZoFtder is authorized to collect and apply t.lte iusur~nce proceeds st Lender's option eitker to <br />restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this \Iartgage. <br />Unless Lander and Borrotiver otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall <br />-not extend or pt~tponi the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change <br />the amount of such installments. <br />If under para~aph 18 hereof the Properly is acquired by Lender, -ell- right, title and interesi of Harrower in <br />srxi trT y insurance policies-an3 in and to the proceeds :hereof ita the. extent of the sums secured by this ~3art- <br />gage.imn;ediatels prior to such sale or aequisitiant resulting from dar.;age to the Property prior to the sale or <br />aer;t?isitaort sl`~all pass to under, <br />6. Pt~;?vaktsa, ~ I+~~fenaace of Praudrtp: Leassksalda, Coacio~iafuxns. Fsarrcrv~r c,~x?3 ka~, the pr„r <br />arty in good repair and shall not per_~?it or commit waste, impairment, or deterioration of tl:e Prapert5 a shall <br />- It°-avat`s _~' sa3-c - of __ icy if- ~u- rat~ii'e? 3~ can ~ lY~ i_'-,cl~i, rf t,t~- 4~rtrta~~° ... _.~ k CaMda;n'.~i:S:;,^. <br />n I3arror~rr awl n~cr~~ll-nf ~orrosvQr'? abl~ation~ =_~nder 'the d~elarat=an ~f =a^dL^v..~,.Y~ ur ,-~°r dam, <br />the by-laws and regttlations of the eondominitmt project and constituent documents. <br />?. Protection of Lauder a Securitp. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in <br />thy-vortgage, or if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Lender's interest in the Prop- <br />erty, iacludfng, but not limited to, eminent domain, insolvency, code enforcement, ar arrangements ar pr~ceed- <br />ings involving a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender ai Lender's optiar., upon notice to Borrower, relay make such <br />appearances, disburse such sums and take suet; action as is necessary to protect. Lender's interest, irtciuding, but <br />not limited to; disbursement of reasonable sttornep's fees and entry upon the Properly to make repairs. Any <br />amount$ disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph i , tvitl; inierest thereon, shall trecame additional indebto <br />edness of Harrower secured by this ~fartgage. Unless Borrover and Lender spree to other icons of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear inter <br />oat from the date of diabtttsenient at the rate stated i*.t the Kota unless payment of interest at such rate would be <br />contrsry is applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear intare8t at the highest rata permissible by <br />agplieable law, Nothing. contained in this paragraph i shalt require Lender to incur any expense or da aay act <br />hereunder. <br />tusOa. Loncier may make ar cause to tre made reasonable entries upon and inspeetians of the Prop- <br />erti~, provided that- I~nder shall g;Va ?~~tr*owar nntc_e ;zri~+r to ;;n.f evch insnnM:a;t sl;nrif~ing tra~a-:ale ~~~ <br />therefor relAt~ t:. L~.ders inierest in the Property. _ _ <br />§, fMou~~aa~C+. i he' proceeds of any sward or claim- for datriages, direct or consequential, ir. canneetion <br />wath sTty eortdeuzn&Eian or other taking of the 2?raperty, or part thereof, or f+or canveyanee in lieu of condea3na- <br />tiuafvtrgheiehy a~lgned.and =hall lte~aid tcs~,€:ader. - <br />In the ever:t`of a iatat taking of the'Propeity, the proceeds shall he aliplied to the sums secured by this ~IOrt- <br />-ga, a"itlt the ex~eas, ii any-,:paid to Harrower, In rite evettt of a xiartiat-taking of the Property; unless $orrower <br />and sender athern•ise agree in writsag; there shall:. he aplrliod to the aums secured bg this Mortgage such propor- <br />tion of the. proczeda as is equal to that 7iroportion whtoli the amount ai tlse sums lured by this ~ioetgage imme- <br />diately i5rior to the dstte of Eaking b .era to the fair uzarket value of i,te Property itnmedistely prior to the data of <br />_ taiaz;g, ~vsth the Balance of rite proceeds paid to ~arroa-er- <br />1t ttsA t'?npe_rty is abandoned h~• Sflrrawar +ar if sfter naiice by Lender £d.Aorrawer that the condemnor offers <br />ton 1` 41_ ,.ett{e nib.... Go ,1.^_T. •• A-r.:... u.aa :..I5 L• en- <br />,.r _ ..,. _ s` , - - ,t. ~u+.uc.-ttra,er,der- within ov.day3 of tie u'$ie- <br />- - vx c i " . -, ,a rs utl,0"s >xe. i to ;:aneri ittici spt7.~'4iitr prt:eet~ci8- $:--Lender S _aptian either t0 TCSttlratiOn -OF <br />- - .,_i the U C:.~S';.,. `.h2. .. , _i__ 7, - _ _ - <br />u 43 ~.. Let,der-and Bara<cw at -,rise afire.;:. n riling, any `suett application of proceeds to principal shall <br />_''-., <br />