- fi~uo,.,.~ .- -
<br />~~
<br />i....i., :.. a, .:,:.•, ~ .~, ~ ,w
<br />l~ v?r~r~• I~~aIP~ F~rie~9'~~ar:~~y., I:;~r.ii~3~r.,i~ i. ii~i3 Iii. _o _: 1?.a-0 .:~--~ i. ~ . ,~.~:~°;f~~ ,~T'a Fes- ~.~iF wa~~,m~?, i.a~ . a. c,k i., uit ~9~~.,,:
<br />s~~tt.~.~ea ilxi~ ,y ti.~~~.~~s,~,~,n,a~=u~: x~, ~~~t "~ ~r . - ., :,a-,i3; 3 t~ ,,i :9~.z:; . ~::, .,~,d ., _ 3gta~,et~'sto u:~ rt~~asir_
<br />~u un,~ ~ e e ' a1~i : ~ t o t ~ n ,~ i .r ~ ry- s t: ~~r~- I nt >, yF
<br />.~~~g BhKYr`~L ~L ...~ T iy ~ ~ .~ - t ~ ';~ ~~-.[}3`-:_ s€. - ' t. ~ = 3 '~ z --3 zt r J ~ ~r ~r ~- -t~.p - iL~:#,'.
<br />`~`€ ,,...:.x.;t`tSZa._.,. ..[ _'a. e. cTt S, _e,e ,.~~,:; x~ ;`is.'=-~. ~ _ ..a.:, i. .. _~ `3. :_fa_ v_.p,Ss..b~ ~.+.~._F~.Y--I' a~fs.
<br />.._..t
<br />P"~'Orra1re_`3 ~t1C';.G`'.-''°°-aI3 tn'lnterest. •-,•
<br />°'~ il. Porarunce icy F.sraer Fdo' a cri;er. any fa.:,?arance ;try Leridar ir. exercisi*:g a=c^ right rr renaed;'
<br />°~,I& iie:€uder,:s€ cth~~:s~ af:~,rde:i Tay sly;)ticai~.~'.a++•, ~?)at? :*.et re W raver r_.; or p;e?:I~Se the €xereis? of anp right
<br />~' or rarn€dv h:.,re„rder. The l;rn. uren~ert of insurance ar ti.e pa;-ruent of taxeE or nthor liens nr charges isy Lender
<br />sb31r ra n€ a s ver a- Lzrder's right to accelerate the )natL+'i -' ai i~ ) d€oiedness secured by this ~Iartgage.
<br />t~ l3erneo..s_ ~vnulative. ~l3 rFnj=r~i,ns pre=.•i•.I#c= ir. r,° ~tortgar- e dpi;,;ct ?rd cunst,ia*~;;x-e to any after
<br />ragh„ e. renTea, t...d+:r .t,; :tlartgagv° ar anard€yi }>+- Tar: ar c tc.itz•, and i .s; l,c. e~eretsed tancur.•ently, indapend-
<br />- ~t.tly or ~°c"~=iveiy.
<br />I3. Successors anc AS.iass: 3ouad: Joint and Several Liatlility; Captions. The cex•e.:ants and agreements
<br />2sr€in eont;:i:^.€d zha#i i:ind, and the rights hereu^der sha[i inirrr- to, the respec=irr~ st:ccessors and assigns of I,erdnr
<br />- and Barm+*•er, nubjeet io tlfe pr~;visia:;s of iaragraph 17 hEreaf. X11 cavrnanta and agreements of I3orrowsr shah
<br />be joint ant sereral. The captions and Headings nt tiie 3taragrat;hs of this ~Iartgage are tar Convenience and}~ and
<br />are not is be used io #nierpret or def ne the prow isiotts Hereof.
<br />_ I4. notice. any notice io Borrower I)rac-ided Tar in tt:i. Alartgagt~ sl't:?ll he ki~~ca !~s• ruaiiing sues: notice by
<br />certified r??ail addressed io tsorro:+erat the I'ropen~• address stated heto++, excc:i)t for snY notice required under
<br />paragraph 18 hereof to he given to F3arro+,er in the :?tanner lireseribe[l bc- ap;?lieable lac+•.:~ny notice pray=.ded
<br />- for in this Mortgage shall n€ deer=red io have been given to Borrower + hen ffiren in rite :Wanner designated herein.
<br />__ F5. UniEorffi Mortaaae: Gavezaiaa Law; Severability. This farm of utoristaee combines uniform eavenants
<br />for national use noel nor.-uxtifa^tn covenants with limited variations bc• jurisdiction to canstituta a uniform secu-
<br />rity in~trurnant covering real propertg. 'I'bis 1larigage shall be governed by the law o£ the jurisdi€tian in which
<br />the Property is beat€d. In the evenx that any provision ar clause of this lortgage or the Nate conflicts with
<br />. applicable Iaw, such conflict she-11 not affect other provisions of this Mortgage or the ': ate which can be given
<br />affect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the 3lartgage and th€ Nara are declared
<br />to be severable,
<br />- I~ _° Q Ce~nv_ Anrmn.ar chni[ hn frtrniaha~# :~ rrnfnrn>Fr3 cone- n# }hie A4nrt¢ana sf. the £irnn of axeru-
<br />lion or after recordation hereof.
<br />IT. transfer of tl-e Property: Assumption. If sli or anx part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />__ ~ tra;><nfarsed uy 33u.rvwer witltaut Lender ~ prier written consent, excluding {a;l the craatioa of a Tien or enattm-
<br />brance subordinate to this Mortgage, {b} the creation of a purchase inaney security interest for household agpIi-
<br />ances, {e) a transfer by devise, descent or tsy operation of lacy utian the. death of a joint Tenant or {d) the grant of
<br />_ - an3* leasaholci interest of three-years or Iess-oat containing sn apCian to purchase, Lender anav. at I.n.nder'z apticrn,
<br />deeiara-all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and payable. Lender shad have waived such
<br />option to aecalerate if, prier to lira aaie or transfer, Lender and the #~rson to cvhon? the Property is to be said ar
<br />transferred reaeh.agieement:in writing that the credit of such person is saticfaetat}• to Lender- and that the interest
<br />payatils gn the sums scoured- b3* this ivirirtgage shall ba at such rate as Lender shah request. I£ Lender has waived
<br />the option to secelerata provided in-this paragraph I7 and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed a wrii-
<br />ten assumption. agreement accepted i`n +vritirg by Lender, Lender shall re-ease Borrower from all obligations under
<br />this Mortgage and the Pdote.
<br />If Leitdereitaraisas such option to accelerate,-Lender shall. tna#! Bormwar notice of acealarat#on in ~acordaltce
<br />-_ +tiitl~ naraEraph i~ hareaf. Such notice. shall ttrgcida a period of not Ir'~ than 3i) days from fhe date the notice- is
<br />mailed within a°hieh F3orro+ver may pay the ~•ums declared du€. If Horro~ver fails to i~ay such sums prior to the
<br />expiration of such periiid; Lender may, n°itltaut further nottee or clammand an F3Urro+v€r; invoke any reniadiea per-
<br />. tnitt by paraaranlt If# leer~+f.
<br />~u~-r[?3t1''CiRhi t'oi~xa~tm>s. ~at•rocvc:r and Lender further covenant and agree a follows:
<br />Fg• AeceleretFor!: Aeizeedi~. Exeunt as ;xavitled in iutrnarztrh !7 hereof. =±nan Herm+ser's br€sch of env
<br />covenant'oragreement of Borrower in this _'+tortg.{ge. inchxi,ng rite ;avanants to }}ay when due any autos secured
<br />by this Mortgage,-Lander prior to acceleration shall nail notice to Rorro+vcr ss provided ire paragraph 24 hereof
<br />_ specifying: {I) the breach; i2) the neCion requiredi to cure such breach; t3) a date, not Iris than thirty days
<br />from the date rite notice is n?siled to Borrower; by +chich s+trh in•ruh roust be cured; and (4) that failure to cure
<br />such breach on or hefare the date specified in Clio notice may result in acceleration at the surtt~ =acured by this
<br />;11or6gage and sale of the Pmperty. T f the brea€h Ss root cured or) or befotr, the date specified in fire notice, Lender
<br />at Lender's option Wray declare all of the sums secured k)y this Zlorigage to he itmnt~cliate}y s#ue and payable
<br />without further demand and maY foreclose this ~Iartgnge 6v jadieiai pracee:lit~. Len+Ier sl-~;rii !x ent.ttled to calleet
<br />in such proceeding ail expanses of foreeIosure; inciucling, but. not limited ko, cost; of documentary evidence,
<br />abstracts and title reports.
<br />15: Horra~r'e RFgll# to Reinatat®. !Votwifhstand•,ttg Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this
<br />~Iortg~ge; B+~rravrer shale-have tkte-right to-have atiy proceedings begun by Lender to entarcc, ihh#s lortgage des-
<br />ebtiinued.at soy tirtta prior to entry o£ a judgrrtent et}foxeing this ~Iartgage if: ia) Borrower pays Lender all
<br />soma whieti would be then due under-this lortgiige; f he :iota .nod notes securing Future Advances, if any, had no
<br />item#eratFEtn neeaarrad; {b) Borraerer cures aII breaches of any other covenants or agtremant3 of 8arrawer con-
<br />~.-.......t tR~. it ,.+,.,, ;. f 1-_$e.r. ~-_ I„t~ 1l;ns~s_v_~~F_-.gStzen~_.m~+t431'Cd }3y lndCr. i11 s'r+fC3r?tig:t~4 P-~ve~~?4.
<br />.__-_... .., ..n_~ -T _
<br />and ss;,ec-tcesk, :,£ yt, ~Us+rer t=anistncd :n t, is ',f~rtgnke-at:d zn entaretnk_i,.etider's rot#t2dies as I;t~yrrlett to par~-
<br />grnph IS hereof, in~rluding, hu? oat limited to, ;easanable s4torneti's fee=; acid'tdi- Borrower-takes such action a.?
<br />L~:r..der n*~y reasonAbiy rectuire to asFi,ire that the Iz~t~or tti?i '~#t~tgagc, L~~cier's interest ire the Prbriv -a?t~
<br />I?ai°rowar's abligatiatz to pay the-sxrms secured h5~ tit#s-.+3rtga~irtl# con#,ittti~ creiimpaired. htpon-~•~alr flae~~t -
<br />anc; cure,try 3oi~wei•, thiel~fortgai;e and the obfiQatioriw serureii hereby =hs,11 remain in full foree and- effect a~ if
<br />ria acsetcratiar hate aerurred.
<br />~. ~iwignuterct a£ Floats: $ppaiiitmeztt a€ $eceiver; Loader in Pssseeasiou. ~.s addi#ioita# security h~re-
<br />under, 8oirower hereby ass<gt~s to Lemter the rnnta of the Yroparty, prrovided tl2itt 8ar3~ower sl-~I1; prior to seceler-
<br />atian under para~Uh i8 hereof cr ;shsndontnent of the Yrotterts•, i)al•c the right to collect need retain-such-rents
<br />:•s lhcY lreoome iTire and Payable.
<br />C?pm-? ar;eele.P,tian ~?nder ktara~&t~it E8'hcrecf~i r+har~?an:nor?t of ?he YTa -erry~, 1:+.=tar, ia-pat~ts~ by.stgent
<br />- ur oy juuiuissi#y' appuittte~I ieeeivch e#lSii to cttiiticu 6a-C7)iertx{taii, iaur {xl~nt~n ,mr of ~ud.iRana~e t}~ -'~rv}~c~v
<br />_ -- = end to coileettGe rents e? ~ e i'roperty_inaiudsnu fhaae pa>t due. l~_re•ucs rollet'ted-txr-Lender or the receiver
<br />- -. - --. ~ ~..x ti:3 pay:.,... t. I...... ..w :t&P ~1,.,,P,. 73;.. I'r t~~}-......-eailecttan of re nt~ .ntludrn~. but
<br />- not nutted ta, ;eaeivet' f~~s, lztei°niu,t~:; an c~~ei+~et - u,~~itl~ tit3€1 :easutuib#e rttnrn€y's fors. anci t1tCr, io fhe sums
<br />sefiured by Lhis Ltttltgage. Lender and the receiver altall Tic liable to aceaitnt only far those rents aciuati7 received.
<br />