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~i~aw~e~, .. <br />,~ .elWUwpu. , `i <br />r ~,„ <br />® ~ fr <br />•,~ ' ~~ ~^ <br />~ _~ ' <br />,perp;;`~a~.~ ~.t~ <br />~~"..' s3 it C.~ <br /> <br />-,.. Br.a.,cn <br />r~ ~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ <br />TAiS ivfC3RT'f:=A#~B, made anzl exec.zfed this ............. .. ... .La'day of ,C3/.,~.~s=.~~"........ -.. A.rt., <br />~. ~... ~`~.. !~1et~'~£rf th~c ~S~nrta~,gnr, .. ~sf,~ksa~i -.E~3.Z.1..{?~....^-eP_.2tts .~.:"3-.~!~t~°.-trGCsG~1?"Rs--Y:i3~3~T.2,'~.--s'i.IiL.-*~3.e <br />~ sint3y .and-. ~aGb- ~a-_tbeir p«an--rig:tt,_..-..---.-_-._ <br />vf .__........__.....-_ ................ Ca~znty of Bail . State of Nebraska..-....,.., hereinafter referred <br />trr as the Harrower, and the 'fortgagee, FIizST FFuEs%Ai, Ski :%i?dGi ANi) LOAN ASS~f/IA`I`IQ:k' t)F <br />LllxCilL:~i,-I23~ "Pd" Street, Linrtsin, iebraska 6S:ivi, its successors and assigrss, hereinafter referred to <br />as T~ndsr. <br />l~rrx~stax: That the said Borrower. fur and in consideration of the sum of -.___E7.even.ThQUS.aad <br />And ?>_--------.-------cr----c---rc--°c-------c----rr._--.IDollsrs 4US 3.11_.-(140-.-04---------------._..} <br />paid lay-said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the <br />fallavaing descri-bed property locate;l in the Cotusty af ................Ha~.7,..-._...-------., State of l~lebras;ta: <br />i~t Fourteen {1~+), Block f}ne (1}, in Dill and Huston's Addition to r_ixe pity of <br />Grand Island, Mali County, Nebraska <br />#nis is a correzted mortgage to include county notary €or mortgage recorded <br />cn date December 13, 1578 Instruszent # T8-x$145 <br />TocEmxs$ whir all the improvements now ar hereafter erected on-the property, -and all easements, <br />_ rights, sppurttnanees, rents; royalties, mine;al, oil and gas .rights and profits, water, water zigltta;. and <br />water stock, and all fixtures-:now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replace- - <br />mints and additions Iliereto; shall be'deemed t4 tae and remain a part of the property ccsvered by this <br />,3ortgage, and all of the foregoing, together with said property {or the leasehold estate in the event this = <br />_ ~`a'A~rtg&g~ is can a leaasehold} are herein referred to as tlse "Property"• - <br />$arrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right <br />%d mortgage, .grant and convey the Property, thai the Property is unencumbered, and ~hat"Borrowear wilf - <br />warrant-and defend.generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject to any <br />mitts trod xestrictions listed it1 a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance polio in- <br />siuting Lender's interest in -the Property, or (~? attorney's opinion of title from abstract of -title certim:d <br />lay-k~aaded abstracter. _ <br />~'.,`%'°°`' ' ~ ~, n~ are executed, and delivered upon the follors~g c.t~onditea:.s,~gfee- <br />ablzgati~s~ of tl:e Borrar:er; tv-wik: L <br />- ~~ a~~es e~i- :gay is t f~Zrder, ar order, the lirinrip$I s~i of :~; e T~°~~......:.. <br />... <br />€" ----__._-r_~~_~._____.___.._. t ~_ii -0(10 40 <br />and ~1QS)-:.._--;..__.__°_---_- ---- ----u...,..._....... ---. ..-----..-I3ollars IJS r..---. ........ .......~~-) <br />payable as grmnded in a note caseated and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final pawnriof principal, <br />. if-not sooner _...-, 38.93...... M.s ' <br />" paid, on the .:..F.irst......_. day of .....December.-..._. _ <br />UzazraaAa Govaxnrrrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follaa~s: <br />,. ' 1. Payareut of Principal -and tnisrest. Borrower shall promptly gay when clue the principal of and in- <br />terest an the indebtc-cineas evidenced by the ATote, prepayment and late charley as provided. in the Nate, <br />- and--the principal-of-and intermit an any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2 £unsla.for faxes and irr>stuasxce: Subject to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, Bor- <br />rower shall: pay to Lezlder. ozi the day monthly irsstaliments of principal-and interest are payable under the <br />A£otei untjl.tle 2'~otcla p€atd ii- fw=l;-a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and <br />s. <br />assessrn~sts ve2rieta may attain=privrit over thus Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, ii' atsy -plus <br />one=t~velfElt uiF }ern3v pretceiu~u instac~~s for hazard insurance, plug one-twelfth of Yearly pxee>t!utn ia° <br />staYlirzents for mortgage i~gsfaYsce, %f any, all as reasonably estimated -initiall arsd froze -time to E:une !iY <br />3 ehder on't&e bases-4f a~e;rts snd:5flls and reasonable estiznatea thereof, Lender shall aplaiy the. Funds <br />to'-yap aa,d iax~, asa-essmeul~, insiu~aisca laremivms amt gtvzzrstt re_ tits. T.~nder shall rnalce nu charge-for so <br />s+ zn..WA ~, ~_c nrriy-zib *~~ ~1i^ds cr ra:rc3'k..a noel ccspriZ~g d a:~~zeats aura' '.rzlLc 'i"ae Lendet<.shsll <br />Rive to the Borrower; without ch~ge, an annual accottuting of -the Fonda showing credits aizd debits to the <br />Funds azid thy; purpose for uli;.h eaah.debat to GIi~F'isnds wan m8>de. The--F'uzzzis are pledged as additi+oYisl <br />secilrity far tha sur:~ ~cuxt~I by this. Mortgage. 'I$e B~7r7'ower t< t$e Fundy naa5r be hc~d by the.- <br />i~neier raid eomminglea with other funds and the L.ender's awn~itnda azid tlse Lender may usy attchtems <br />from its own fisn~is and the Leader shall net be liRb!e fcr u3tei-eat or dividends oil susi~=l+unds. <br />Tf the amount of-the Funds held by Lender, totether with the future asoathly insta}}rnetzts of Fide <br />* payRble prior w the dose dates of taiaes, aavessnsenY,s, irustsrance gr4rzsiumis a:ad ground rents, shall eisceed <br />the ammsat r~utred to pay s.^acz taxes, aesex~zuerz~, au-gvrnnce pz'Eaxtiurns and ~ mobs as they fall due, <br />such eac~tc; shaIl he, at $origwer's option; either gmmntly repaid to Borrower exr cr~3ited tctlloarower on <br />'" . '+~tbl~. -i-,b'm~i°i'E~ of Fu-nos. if +lfr asrr~sunt of thg Funds betel by Lender sbs:I-mat be suff:eient-ter-pay -. <br />- --- <br />.s.a~, a~ rte`.' u:'.B ~.rivuuuwn au7: gsuussu rents as cnev fail due, normwet siaali pa tin lender <br />y a ~uvt :}~ c, :,,=ry lil tvniie uy ilsc deitciency wz~n7n iixiny days ui~ex novice ifsam Lender to Borrai~r <br />,.. rn...r~4 w~. ~ rk G^ a ~~ ~. Ar c. _ _.. •_ .., <br />-.~t ~ ~ c_-_:.x -' -'-.._,~-...._::~1'~~sac :=:s¢~stu ~i:iaa•.. <br />Ai... .I~~..i .. i 1L~ t~,.~ .t _ - <br />_ -. - ~ ., v, lEl f A. E11ei nal.l}C' i_!Zij f....r2Q'~• _. - <br />? pon payment in fill of all suzz~s secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall apply funds held as a credit <br />tilC",~i~A4 <br />~~Ifv~f~ ~"tfN.; <br />~ap~t ?da.?2a <br />