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'. ~ _ -'. ~~' r'^i ~ L,niF-" i'"ice,„• ~ • .V.~.. ".~ ~ C '~,~,,~ : i - ~i.- <br />I, I .~l ~Y,.^; . c ~ L.I' : ~,.. i ill ur,,- t c ~, tl ra, ~ , u ,.; ., , I i r' I ?I ,. ;I':,rri 3arr~. ~•. i- <br />v^IP[1 d:,, J~~'r,=1. L"~j-0: 'll irl . y.gti. a :a illy. ^.a.' ,.i,i. ,~ e!I;:~~ .^~i: ri ~~C. ~.~i:;c, ~,, <br />I~ <br />d4,. ~Iiprh,JSC,cilu:zyln ~cr: ~ir'Ih~,aurmia.rr. ~ a::-, Li _ ~,~, ~ ;__. I. ;,r-- l , : J'_a-rte. <br />- fl:!~,ii',I. h.u dr.i ~.,^~I'e .. V.1 ~"f~C ItJ_..I:~: i ~, !,. `a ~:~:,: I e, ~~~ C'~.~ - „il'i,i I^l :x `11 ~9':p a __'+~[ r.~'.".~]' ~"L.v <br />..s'rie~i~ uv~'-Br.aL,u;, .ail: ~ts~_r :. ~: ..,:., i ~ i~s~y^~ _,a:.J ....-r~ .. .,~( ~. ~ ..s.~ ~.4.,...-__ .. <br />_ ~ 3 , + <br />N a_,..~ 4 £ ~ fir- ~ ,','f<i:t ,'~'~ ~ .~ t ~ ~. _ ~ a , . 5 _ ~ ~ s _~_ ~- '~ <br />,h, ,a*avcde;; 4. ,a.: ...e,, ..•'~t<. ~s~.3P y u : ~~ A 1_ 'a <br />~~ the p~~<,.e .~=.,,a,. B:~rr v.r vha ;~rlrrpt a~rf: sx to Len;:er s,I's a; Ees of am i *=Irz1r_ ,;r.'tar ,h _ uaragrapl-z, <br />~,_. and in the e}°ent Marra+ker si,al rPaiiC pa~•rent direeti < Borro.-er al~a:i ¢m_rI;Y,: ;,;;?:i~h is i~r:der cteip: evi- <br />.~ w~y€;ng.=uv• ray~~^.* aar..o ter sf:a'=: ya:, - r ~.. _ z$ wl, ~:::Fay jsrerii eve; -.... '.T,s'f~e: ftr€r- <br />vi~, `_;;at a :_.o~•er ns~ be rev.~r?ri e:, .__.~ ..zee z^ ,~=cl= =gin =~ ,- n g Bar.lwer s;:a! rse . =x-htir-~g *,. <br />the payn-rsen, o? ti?e ob.~ga ann sseurecl b}-suer. lir/t~ i ~ :z :nann~r,le to i.~-~+;er, or suatfsr, gcsod fa;c.. cont+~t <br />,~+~y ~SC$3 L3°~ aI e`.~r ev ']. e_ .„d ?=i:'~'rieF ~en%~ cf z..Cfl .t:.e to +:A-_^Rf'w ])`n'w_si.,,3•r~~ ,~i7'{° h C'-P.~?"u~iS. 'La t - _-~~i31- [Q ~~. i~}ri:~n?Y~.t of <br />~ the lieu ar rarieatu.= ~i tk~ Px eriv - ., -,.€reaf. ~ • <br />I 5. FIrtzard insa:rcmas. Barraxer shall Deep tine i.nlaraver=!ent~ now existing cr hereafter ?rested on the Prop- <br />d <br />~ e; t inure{ agairsi fo:s bk fire; hassrds included sviuhii; the tern ~`ea't~rdad c©verage", and s:~ris other l,asards as <br />- ~ T.cndsr array regii.a am in sa:cla un,ounts and fa< suel. l:criad= a;- Ler:der ma;- require; provided, that Lender shall <br />not require that :lac amount. ai such coverage exeeei that amount of rar~rage required a pa~•rhF surn3 xerured'bv <br />this Mortgage. <br />?`he insurance carrier providing tl=e insurance shaft be chosen by Borrower subject io app..*ovai by Lender; <br />provided, that such approval shall not be unressanably ;vithheid. All pre5iums on insurance nolicies shalt bs paid <br />- at Lender's optia~s in the manner provided under paragrspla 2 liereaf or by Borrower naal:ing payment, w4ren due, <br />directly to the insurance carrier. <br />Ia the event any polio is riot-- renewed an or before ten days of irk s?pirat~N*. tt,~ _~,,a... tw ~Y'~ <br />- its interest, may procure insurance ort the improvements, pay the premiums. and such sum shall bec»me <br />irnrneciiately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said note until paid ar_d shad be <br />secured by this Mortgage. Pailu_}e by Harrower t~ comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a default <br />under the terms a# this Mortgage. <br />AlI insurance policies and renewals thereat shall be in form acceptable to Lender and shall inelud¢ a strsndard <br />_ i,.,.~., ~,~ r3u.~, r,€ ~,,,j ;n e„~, ,~.~ontyhle tv Under. F eTd~ st~tl ha,« Lha r;a~,r rr ~i4~ t~ .,olhiw 2Na <br />_v~,a~.. e~ ...._ ... - ..4..., .v .. <br />renewals thereof, and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all renewal notices and aII receipts of paid pre- <br />- miums. In the event of-loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier end Lender, and Leader <br />- may make praaf of lass if-not made promptly by Harrower. <br />finless 7 ender and Borrower otherwise agree ir. writing, insurance proceeds shall he applied to restoration or <br />repair of the Property damaged; provided sash restoration ar repair is economicall}- reasible and the security of <br />this Mo;'~tga~s is n€ittliereb~ impaired. Zf such restoration ar repair is not cconome= 11_ feasible ar if the security <br />of this Aortgage would tae impaired, the insurance proceeds shall be applied io the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with theoxeess, if-any, paid to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Barrawer or if Borrower fails to rsspand <br />_ to Lender within ~4 days after notice by Lender to Borrower That the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for <br />insurance benefits; Lender is authorised to collect and appip the insurance praeseds at Lender's aptian either to <br />restoration ar repair of the Property or to the cams secured b}• this ilartgage. <br />_ ITaieaa Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of procaeds to p,-incinal ehaiI <br />- .. Welt extend ar postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs i and 2 hereof or change <br />tl~aaruxmtaf-instate n#;s. <br />_- I -under paragraph i8 hereof the Pranerty is acquired by Lender, all ri¢hi, tiffs anti interest of T;arrawer in <br />and to any insurance policies-and in anct to the proceeds thereof (ta the extQnt of the sums secured by this ;±ifort <br />gage immediately prior to such wile r_.r acquisitioni resulting frcm damage to the Property prior to the sale or <br />a~'~q~.€tion slut3l pass t~ L~rtder. <br />e>ip in goad repair and shad not permit or crommit waste, impairment, or deterioration of the Property andiahail <br />camplp with file provisions of any lease, if this tIo*tgagz is on a Ieasehaid. if this ~iartgafe iil an a candarninittm <br />unit, L3tirro'~er shah perform all of Barrovrer's obligations under the declaration of eondo~ninium ar nsaster deed, <br />the bg-laws and regufations of the condominium project and constituent documents. <br />7. 4?totec4on of Leader's Security. If Borrower fails to perform the cotenants and agreements contained in <br />this Mortgage, or if any action or proceeding is commenced which inaterisiiy aSeets Lender's interest in the Prop- <br />- city, including, but not limited to, eminent domain, in,oivency, code enforcement, or arrangements ar proceed- <br />- lugs involving a bankrupt ar decedent, then Lender ai Tender's aptian, upon notice to Harrower, may make such <br />appearances, disbuiss such sums and take such sctiar, as is necessary to protect Lender's interest, including, but <br />trot limited to, disbur:ement of reasonable aitarney's fees and entry upon the Property to make repairs. 9ny <br />_ anxtuata disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional indebt: <br />-_ 4drt~ of i3ar~>wer sssnr~i by ~icrtaRage. Unless Borrower and I,Erdor ab:ee to other terms of payment, aueh <br />amauata shall bs payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting aayment thereof, and shall hear intet- <br />eat from the date of disbursement at the rate stated in the Hots unless payment of interest at such rate mould be <br />-- ~ santmry to applicable law, in which event such am+aunts shalt hear interest at the highost rate petznissiisle by <br />applicable law. ?clothing contained in this i>aragraplr 7 shalt require Lender to incur anW expense or do any net <br />hsssunder. <br />86. i,sader may make or cauce to lie made reasonable entries open andsnspeetions of the Pt~t- <br />ertp, pixivided That Lender slfai[ give Barrawer rcotiec prior to any such inspeetian specifying rsa~onable cause <br />Via; ~~ ds'a ih+st r the P.rzy: <br />~.. C °i*tcs prt~eed§ of any- acgard or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in cotmectian <br />~tlt arty condemnation ar qtr >i~ of the Peopst~ty, or part tltsi~of, or #`or conveyance in-lieu of sandemns- <br />- - - <br />6ipa, ash hereby wed and shalt be to sender. <br />_ _ In the e ~t-af a fatal ~gaf:fie Pmdrriv,-ice paacoe~= sha!1 _ise sppli~-Ln the sum, ¢seursd by this :fart- <br />-.- gage, with the eveegs~,f any, paid tc i3ttt~wer; In-the event of a partisi taking of the i?rope uy, unle~ Borrflwer <br />ana Lencaer otherw~se:~gree ia_+vrtingr flts~ shall 6e applied to the sums seeur~f by this hiartgage such propor- <br />lion of i.Ize prof cads xs ~ enisal tc that gropat't$on whisii the aiuount of trine soma secured by this Mortgage -imme- <br />~. - ~ste]y prior to the date of takuig lreazs la tl~fair~etatlcet v~l>€e aL:L1ae.I~ag€rt~_unmediatxly-prior to the dots of <br />t:,-3"-4b, e.;r~: +~o-.F~~~ of tree rore°...;.° p2 t.:;~cza>`. <br />Y <br />,' - Tf viiel=rrcy:;sabavdat~ed 6y Horrower,~3Ysffr~.sf~i~.~€~. i,F~€.,k,, - sae. ar;;, - <br />~~ .~d~iir.Gr ~ff~ <br />let rraalc~ sx aicsad or scttfe s claim for dsma¢es ~rmwe_r fs;ils to rec~ad to Leader ~itl2in 3fi-days of the date <br />afsuch aicrtiGe, Lender is au+~arized tc collacL and ap~.ty; psrocseds at f_enFiep's opE€ni either to iestoration or <br />TeUas ~f ttm_ Yrorrrf, ~+r to the Hems r~nrasi yy_~ia ~}ort~ <br />f ITnless Lea~'r and 13~"~=!r otfrer~isc`agtee in writing, any sash: appIion of pross$ds tQ principal shall <br />~~ ~~ <br />