<br />~, ~ ~i~ ~ apt
<br />~~
<br />~- Fy 'dyiEl3~ ~, C +~~•_...~'r1° ~~ ~a4, tµ ~1'~'~+RMq"~ dl~°~~~41N~~"~:ll~"~i
<br />55~: A m.,.. ~"tUpyliiCr,9u
<br />
<br />z i .~{('-a-rr• ~~'• ~& ,~' a~,cl ~9-~t~.16e~: t€3i~ --_....... _i .---.~.... --~--- - day of -. _,..i ~~.. °-. u.~.~.:j-----~--..... r~i..D.,
<br />~-3~x~ ~iV~.hi ?A~L.
<br />i~. ~ ~s__, betK esn }.are Mortgagor, ... _ w.i.l,liaae..T.. _.Gannaze.-and . ~r.:ika _lt-. Garncsn> . h=zs??aa~.. _and_ ~?az 8 ,
<br />-.- ~~zr?31y_.aid..~¢.~~...~_ta~eit--~a~_T~,zt- ----- ------.._ ....................... - -.........- - -- - -._...... -- -- - -
<br />nf .G;~n~--~_s~=~!~'--.~.-......, fount, ref --.-- ~~~7-------------------_.., Mate of ..~~'a~'aska.--.--..., hereinafter referred
<br />to as the £sarrower, and the ~lertgagee, PfI~T FEDERAL SA~Z'*iGS AND Lf3Alti ASSC1ClA°F'I(3~l*l 4F
<br />_ LI24~£}%~i, 228, "``" Street, ~nrcln, ~ehaa.~ica fi';s'3, its sssccessars and a signs, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />Vtri~r~,-~rx: 'That the said ~onower for and in con3~~ideratioa of the sum of ---'t~1RT`~._E3.Gfl'~....-----°
<br />1~~~f$~..$~~-.g~'_N.~...-.ivOj1Q9----~~_...____----:--°-DaL:ars (GSS-..1$afi04.4Q.---------)
<br />~*~ b;, =-~a ~;.~; u've<a hereby mortgage, gram and convey to render, its successors and a>signs; the
<br />folowing descrt'bed property located in the County of -_ Ha:~.~ ................................. State of ?Nebraska:
<br />~,~^t S3~ {fi}, in Virden Subdivision in the Gizy o€ Grand Island, Hall CoLnty, Nebraska
<br />Tc,~~~xas with all the izaprovemeats now or hereafter erected oa the property, and. all easement,
<br />rights, ap~rtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and groats, water, water rights, sad
<br />vaster stock, and ali fixtcrteri now yr hereafter attached to the property, all o€ which, including repla€~
<br />_ mats and addifaons thereto, shall be deemed to l~ and remain a part of the proper±y covered by this
<br />?viarigage; and all of the foregoing. together with said property tar the leasehold estate is the event tlsis
<br />lvlortgaee is on a Iehaid) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br />Harrower chvenants that Borrower is Lawfully seised of the estate hereby snnveped and has the right
<br />to mortgage, ggant and convey the Property, that Llee Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will
<br />warrant sad defend generally the title to the :°raperty against all claims and demands, subject to any
<br />~-anal- restrictans listed in a ~hedule of excepttnns to coverage i_ae any ttt :xs~ranr~ P~ in-
<br />T~.r'.~~rterert its t~ ;~~°, or s~) at*~,rney's opining. a' t;~~a sue? ~-.~~.± n€ ~41Q ,
<br />_ liy bonded abstracter.
<br />P~avrtF~i ?k~5as, -and ~ presexrta are -executed andslelivered up*~a tae fuli~w,ng ~~,ridl~orfs, agr"a-
<br />- tsiaz!#s ~rtrl eit~lsstir-m Ehn Anrm*.g~r, i~a-w3t-
<br />~i'he BQrrawer agrees-to pav to the Lender,. or order, the principal sum of ..~IK.-EZt__Tiit~lSl"
<br />- - ---- - . .. ......:...... . .--'Dotlat±: tli5 $.......3t&.6f~I,.OD.....-- --- )
<br />payable as provided ixe a note e~etcuted sad delivered, 4oncurrenth herewith, the final payment of principal,
<br />if sot sooner paid, on the _.,.__:-,_._xst. - ~y of . __~brnary.. ~.,_~pQ8
<br />l:;rn~sss€ ~ev€*~wx~s. Borrower and Leader covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1, Payment m Pria~ripul and Interest. -Borrower shall promptly pay when due the priori l of sad in-
<br />teres€ ott the indetrtedness evidenced l5y the iNnte, prepayment and late charge as provided in the date,
<br />$rtd-the principal of and interest nn any Future Advances secured by this :~fnrtgage.
<br />2: ienxdssor iaxas cued Inavrcrace, Subject to tender's opiion nnder paragraphs ~ and a hereof, irr-
<br />mwer shalt .pay ter Lender an the day eaanthly i~tallments of principal and interest are payable under the
<br />Note; -until the Nate is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the vastly taxes and
<br />~.-.:es;a~i#~ wlric6 v attain n~rrity-over this .kiortSitge, sort gmeand rents on the Property, if say- pl~zs
<br />ane.-twelfth of yeai-ly preminat installments far hazard ,YSm,mxfce, Plus arce-twelfth of veariy premium ia'e-
<br />sta~eret~ for marta~ge instice; if an~r;-all as reasonably ~tienated initaelly and fitiffi tune to tune by
<br />wades +att t~ €+aa3s of is and hdla and rc*asonable estin}at~ thsrerif, Lender shall appl the Funds
<br />t~_„a d ~ ~ ~,.~~ ~ ~. ^^'° ~^~ and gym; rat±~ L~ sli n^e ~ =~~ f_o* ao
<br />.ao ..n<~_appt,n.:~ +be ~-s:~ c_ ve*:~ ~ ~ csttipztiatg mid aa~~n+-a end hiis¢ 't'he ~r ill
<br />gsvc to rite tiorrawer, wittrput-r dtt s~ttt~-at~otsitiag a~-the ~utii s`Eia~eing et~e<iit~t and ti~niais Ilse
<br />Funds and the nar;pose for ~ eaclide~ait; t4 th$ tune w~ ode. `I'l~e .l uortds ~ pledged as additiexial
<br />sE~izrity far fha sums s€cttxecl ~* t~tia`
<br />~_ ~irroctr~ _teQS wit tie-Funds mad ae held- by the
<br />i,endes and couuningled rviLl~.ptiu~ fmm~ and-Ilse t~enc~r's ow~rt-funds arttl tl~ Ziender mS3" 13ay saki i'i&ins
<br />--~-° -`--= frota i>< oisfi #unds -arid the iffier xhai'# ~Y - ieal~ fm` interest-tsr_""~~c-r~'-_ art !sr~eh- F'rc:~ttla. _ -
<br />- If the a:nouat n€ ttre Fuac3s lsetd'Isr I~°.dt~r t~get veith the firth stsantlaly installments o€ -Funds
<br />- _P~yahie Briar to tine due. dates of taxes, A~~++enta, insurasiee premiuau an~ gtrsund ri~-te, shall exi.'~d
<br />.+ho ea~rc;zust rr~uin'+1 f~: ;may sa3 rases, asr~tnea7ta, insuiauea przaiunrs'sintl mound rer~#s as tleey-fell- Clue,
<br />era .~..~efl-~, at Efurra~rer'a eta, ~#t~r preni~sth~ repaid-to $~TOr ar credited tn-HnrmaFer iin
<br />.al.l ,.i,~.....,. ., ..~ L~.-....1.. Yt a t a ~ T - i-
<br />a,a ..,,,,.~. ,.
<br />:~s ~ ,;~. ~..~ ., .,:~~ aau.,u-n„ a, :he r,x~ :.e,« br...endc~ i-act be su~ent ~a l~S
<br />tx~e':, a~sc~me insr:ra pzeusizims ,eaitl grouael rests ae+ t~Y €all due+ orteativer'8ltall icy ta.l..~sder
<br />any axn~nnt nec~+arg~ to make up ttEe deflcien.~ within tleirts~ days ~ rsptit~e'from 7lessder to 13osmwer
<br />rs~urg pay?r,ent- the?-~f, or fiorrovrer slrafl, by art increase ire messthIy_ instRllmeats of Funds reggired,
<br />--.. - - aa+~a~~-s.v=.'a';c..t~c.aCr wesi>_iu te`tc-i'~iuc~.$Ei~F3T5~L~t~~_YIUt1. .. -_ - _
<br />tTpnn payment in full of oll aurae secuz~l lay Clsis 3bSr:rt~age; E.eetider shell apply Fonds held as a credit
<br />agsittst all ~um~ due.
<br />