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r,a.~tl` .~~,~.rt''k rx: 1 n~ s; ~. it=, ..;~s: ,a4.3a. r;1~ li .a._11; i..9a s ~ ~ !, s~~i~ s, r.+,..;,~ ,#~, ~ :r . ~. =u~.z~u~~3>< r~r <br />c hs;ca~sir,~ ~ its is~s7ruslsriill s:a'iX~ lsr r s _r?:il rs,.nr.Li~,~, <br />mi~J ~i~s^~rm~urairrl~~rrt~ ~Y.mfaas~ d 3i.~.s,~, si ~rsi.i r.i ,~iP°~~e ,.r.~a~ ~lo~s~, Vii ! s.~r~:,°,; aas,ur f~~hi, ~ul'rl" aza+i~e,r,-~.~~uo~ior ~i r~4:r~ sir,; <br />~~ua~a~l~ ,rsr I:=7ui.i'~ti`fa~~s~9~~i~g~i,~€-~~nva~l ~_~,. i.r..~s:~ a e,r~r:y~ ~_r,~;:.n~s~is~,i as...i.gz,a ~ih~.-~rh ~~-~9rxreu= ., is:°~~ault ~~~t sass r~ur ~t~s~ rP:~l'eru~, <br />;tn a.Z'7 ~"i:t€]i;~.S, t~'E` ;i;..:'s`,lYy CsI t.. ( anzsrai SC';rv'-~'==-i' 3.- . r--T~?°rGtS's:r .3 =?i'vC~Sz ~r£ i. in',~?~rT,. i£'?l.:`Er ::~rl,'.'{? €SUb J~ <br />i~"z.f ~=-~,~ ~~'N`~~.`s'5--~..~3=rte- _: -, :,...,:. _," _- -.. .c. e.._ __ ~_~_.-.. _~ .~- -.~"3?z ~~ -_ _-'-.~.""-'~.'~ya ynr,.~.~~ <br />~.c=&:za*so>:~ ,~f lase s:rt 3 ~_+. s{' r ~ ~ s x ' is „g _z - -s.r..=oi: a+2.,rt c- ~.emarct ma;e or `t;e on~g~nat $ar?awer arsd <br />Harrawei~'w arc^~~=1=e =~ inter.. <br />lI, Porbearr;~ee by Lender Not ~s 3Fi'aiver. :any fort~-ararre by Lender i;; ~.{erc:sirg arsy rsg.`tt ar r~medv <br />'~~ :,er>v~ner, ar otherwise a ~c wed oy gs.,.tics=~?~ la:y. ~..ati r.-at i,,. a :?aivcr of or preci;:de the exercise ~: any right <br />"°'` or remedy I?flx~:under. Tisr arocauy~:y:=r. of sn.:~!rarce rr the ,ra•rnenL of fax+x er ether liens or rhargea _r• Iffier <br />"`' shah-not as a wasyer ox LH~er's rag^.t to aceel~_ra,e the €naturstrr ,> ~..~ rndn_nt <br />- edn~~: ~~ured by this 'Mortgage. <br />'"""'' I2. $emerlies Csitcui~iYe. ~It re.nedies ,snot ide+; in tt:is :start.gage are distinct and cumulative to any other <br />_ '.t a reznoFSy =.~ndcr *1}i; ~F3rigagA ar a;frr~t~ ,ay :a;<.- cr ~.:I,:;r,~. ar<' area,- lr- ~:~r~i=ed eonnurrently, independ_ <br />'~' ent,I=,• ar sucvsivsl ~°. <br />I3. Saacesaors and Assigns $oummd; Iaiat sad Several I,iabi}ity; Captions. The covers.~ants and agreesraents <br />hereirs contained shall b>nd; and tlas n."ghts hereunder shall in,in:• ta. t,'ie r€spertive successor and assigns of Lender <br />I`a. and Barawer, castjeet to the p?'aui:.ians of l:aragr<;Ish I7 hereof. ~It raven~r,t: and ag_*ce5ents of Harrower shall <br />be jaittt and several. The :,options and I:cadings of the nara¢ ~l+hs of rt:is Mortgage are for convenience Daly and <br />- ors not to be uv;d is interpret ar define the provisions hereof. <br />I4. Notice. Ang notice to Borrower provided for in thin ~Iortgagn? sha'sl iK given by mailing suets native by <br />eeriitted snail addressed to Hor+•oscer at the Property address stated befaw, except. for any notice required under <br />paragraph I$ hereof to be given rn $orrox-er in the manner presrribecl by applicable taw. any uo"rice provided <br />for in this Siottgsge shall be deasned to have been liven to Harrower wlsen given in tise manner designated herein. <br />ate. vuuarxa i4lortgas~e; Governing La~v; Severabili#y. TI=i, form of mortgage combines uniform covenants <br />far national use and non=.utiiorm covenants with limited rariaiions by jurisdiction to constitute s uniform -secu- <br />rity instnunent rovering real propert_ .This _llortgage shall tae governed by the few of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is heated. In the event that any pzovLsion or clause of this l~iortgage or the 'tote condicts with <br />applicable law, such canHict shalt not affect other provisions of this Mortgage or the '.tote which can be given <br />effect without the cant€icting provision., and to this end the provisions of the ~fartgage and the Note are deelare$ <br />to be asverable. <br />lv. ver`g Copy. Borrower shalt to furnished a conformed copy of this 'tiartgage at the time of exesu- <br />tian car after recardatian hereof. <br />17. Traz>ISfer of rile isrog8rty; Asswnption. If all or any part of the Property or ansnterest therein is sold <br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender`s prior written consent, excluding IaI the creation of a lien ar encum- <br />brance subordinate to this-;Mortgage, {b} the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appli- <br />ances, (e} a transfer by devise, descent or by aperatian of taw upon the death of a joint tenant or fd} the grant of <br />any leasehold interest of -three years or Ie~ not containing an option to purchase, Lender may, at bender's option; <br />d~lare all the sums secured by this lYiortgage to be imtnediateIy due and payable. Lender shall have waived such <br />option to accelerate i#, prior to the sale of transfer, Lender and *he t~rson to whom the Property i$ to be sold or <br />tr~~gfet~I reach a~TM.~m~s` in •v*it9mg that the credit. a_f such pe3_~san is satisfactory to Leader and that tlse interest <br />psysble an the sums secured by this ~iartgage shall Ire at such rate as I-,ender shall request. If Lender has waived <br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph I7 and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed a writ- <br />ten assunxpiion agreement accepted iu writing by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from all abligatians under <br />this Oiartgage and the Note. <br />Tf Lender exercises such option to accelerate, bender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleration in acnce <br />with paragraph 1~ her~f. Such notice shal€ praride a period ot` not less Ittan days from the date the notice is <br />mailed witlein which Borrower may pay the sums declared due- If Harrower fails to ,ray such susua prior to the <br />eaY= titian a£ .,...,n ~;..^ad, I~nder array, a~ithaut further notice ar dan;ancl an B'orra:;-er. in:•ake any r~n:a.liz~ per- <br />~.ia~.l 1.t- _~~..r.. A ___ _ - <br />'~° 7 ICY ~"~t£ i6 tiG£Ziif. - - - <br />- i4_~ L3__~~__ _ _ i C___ fs33 <br />- ------v ---- __. - L'-a~a~ k- -- BEtr..wa;> ~Ir,~d 4~ndax= r ~.>`,k~--r rereY_,~nt- r.--- ' ~~.. x_ _ ,Ifr~ws: <br />~_-_ <br />A~e3erse~t4a;~eass. N~€aejs* as p*et°itlctl in isniugrnpii i`7 hereof; ~~jaon Hu*.•rotver's hr>:aeh of knt <br />cavenxnt or agreement of Borrower in this Sfartgagc, including the covenants to pay when due any sums secured <br />by this 3lortgage, Lender prior to acceleration shah nail native to Borrower ss 1?royidcci in paragraph IA hereof <br />specifying. (l}-the breach; (2I the action required to cure such breach; t3} s date,-real toss than thirty days <br />- from the date the notice is mailed to Borrower, by schirh-such brearti~stitst Uc eurcei'4 and i#l that failure to cure <br />such breach an or before the date specified in ,'tae native may result i¢ ,acceleration of the sums secured by this <br />bfartgage and sale of the Property- If the broach is not cured an or.befare-tht date specified in the notice, Lender <br />at. Lender's option may declare a€1 oa the sums secursci by this ~'fortgage to be immediately due and payah€e <br />without further demand and may foreclose this Mortgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shall be entitled w collect <br />is such pr~oce2ding all exl~ns~ of forelasurc, inehsding, but rat limitrzi ta, casts of daruarentar,.~ evident€, <br />abatraeta and title reports. <br />I& ~rcecass'a ~ to tiatwitlastamling Lender's acceleration of the sa3nlfi secured by dais <br />~, liver shall have the right to have any proceealing~ begun by Lender to enforce this artgage di?- <br />ernttinued at auy time prior kr entry of a judnt enfagrcing this \iortgage af: tat Borrower pays Lender all <br />sursrss which would br then due ua~er this ~fartgagc, tlafi tiate and no"tea ~enrusg Future Adeaace:c, if any,-had no <br />ae~ieratson occurred; {ta} Borrower cures a€€ breaches of any other covenants or agreements of I3orrawer can- <br />tiitsed-iB this Itilae fe} Borrower pays all reasonable exnerses incurn~+l by L rude: in enforcing the oovenants <br />' - - - <br />~rldarrrswer~aiaed in tisx~'rortga arul in enfarrang Lender`s remedies as provided in paw- <br />gta~lt l&htrw£; iuahtdingY brit not 1'nnited #o, reaffioarable attarn++evy's f~a; and idt Harrower takes such action as <br />- I.e¢4ler shy ~assnsblg iire,fta arueurg ghat Ll?e l~n ~f dais ~io~. Lenders uaterest in the Property and- <br />~orsviver'a glsligaton to pap rite sums seeumi }iy thin Mortgage alga€t ewstinue unim~ired. Lrpan such payment <br />an3 cn.°e <br />. image htid?€~€i€~ee~i# r Ir~€f m€tiain in ftr€€ toner: a~ effect as if <br />- $s:rm; er, this #~° <br />~ 8as'ele~tisre hear oeer3ra~d: <br />~B. A~iq®asrat of Rte: A s~ ~ Ileadpr ~ :ts additiartsl security here- <br />e~axler, herttr; ass"rue to Lend,zrtlte rnsts rrf the arty. ptn:•ided that Borrower shall, prior to aeceler- <br />aticnu wider. paragraph I>i taerecf er at:seda4-Erf the° may. err`-the ± ter-ealiaet and retaar-such rEnt~s <br />ae.'ulaey gecume due xnd pagaele. <br />ITpan aaeeleraLioa under naraffrspi~ i$ Iteraan4 oa ahaiaannrne~t-nC the Y`snnerty=Svz-in Berson; 4y went- <br />.. t _,t es; „tea __ ti ~ ,,:~+ _ ~_a, tr,~€ p~i~r9 _aru-n.srs~ the Irrar~~rty <br />_ artk k.r. ~nll_vr`..tha Iwa4a n{ fhc P nnart.t•• +rnras`iu~u rhnan r,., ar .-ii •S 4i1-_3~„^t-a__~Etnnti--ti~•. ~.gndgr r3~. t~P r~i+-e?Y~r <br />yl,.. ii. ....1 Q.,,s s _ E d .. v ~ #lr.... i`n"4 i f °"Iiid; l•, - <br />- _ a sac afr,a. u a -~ ~ - 4 . .4i3>3µ{ raaa~ .. i. _ _ _~~IY~ L - .av 3 U 14~~F4b; Ill4 inn,, ~iax- <br />not limiti~d ta, reeeiver'a fees, premiums on rece'sver's bomia atul reasonable attorney`s tees. and then to the sums <br />- secured t+Y this ;lortgage. Lender and'tlae receiver-shall be liable to account ortp for those rents actually received. <br />