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e'::Ld , r ;~r.rtte, ~. ~kz: *Sr3~ c...: . ca.-7 s:::a _ ... .~,_ .>.. ...., - ,i. .;r , ~:~r <br />wuar=e~ tlt . ^~ut:. _ns. :ritn~ra~'rt:r E .~ ,.d as .;cr ~ .. 1t r.=, ... tL. r or -:,t r , ~.c=err .:~a..6+s <br />t: <br />I.Einclin t y $1?:a~~€.^? •,~r~:i~x rUran~f~r,i~ , :rr:~,-1. _..,~ a~ :.. -__ ar~~. , i 'r=_.r ~ o.,i ~,~:xs-i ~.. ~ st,~rc ...7~ar:~°es=. it <br />any, ar~•~~rn tr_~ the lrrineipal p= ziic .°:oti- grad _; it;€ pr,nripa~ . _ _ture ?.r~:a r«~, Ji _ • <br />~. Gh~~es; #.iens. Horraa~er slfail ,~ i taxes, a.-..:sntencs and rril:er r_h3rges, fines and imr+asitions attri'tr- <br />utable to the Praparty xvlticl= may attain~~ ttrioriL~• oaf°er :iris x#origage, and ground rents, if any, at L-andsr's <br />option ir, the manner t:ravided under paragraph 2 h~reaf or in- Borrower making ;}ay*nent, when due; directly io <br />t~ the payee tlsera_nf. Han7accer shalt prarrzpily furt_isir to L,endc=r aIi r:otiee., of amounts due under t'ris paragraph, <br />+~t Qnd in the event Borra~cer shall make payment directly, Borrct;°er sitall proatptly furnish to Lender receipts evi- <br />C~" danring such Irwyments. Borrower sltali promptl}• iii-e3targe wny hen ;vhielt has priorisy aser t-his Mortgaged pra- <br />~"t vided, that Borrower shah not Ixe required to dischar};e any sucl: lien scr long as Barrotver shall agree in writing io <br />~ the payrtient of the obligation secured !:y such lien in :e manner acceptable to Let.der; ar shad ir, goad faith contest <br />such Iien by, ar defend enforcement of such lien in, legal proceedings a~}rich operate to prevent the enfareameat of <br />the Iien or forfeiture of the Property ar any Ina ~ titereaf. <br />5. t'#gaaza trsursnsa. Borower shalt keep tlrc= i:nliroveruents nuxr existing or hereafter erected an the Prop- <br />p" arty insured so~-s.inst Iosv by fire, ha„arils included :vitltiat the term "extended coverage"; and such outer hazards as <br />Lander may require and its such atrtaunts and far such periods as Lender +ita1~ rt~uire; provided, 'that Lender shall <br />uat require that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of eoverage required to pay the sums saeurad'by <br />this iV#crtgage. <br />~`he insurance carrier providing tlta insurance steal! be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; <br />provided, that such approval shall not 6e unressonabiy withheld. All premiums on insurance policies shall 6e paid <br />at Lender's optian in the manner pruvideil under paragraph `z hereof or by 13arrower making I;symant, when due, <br />directly to the insurance carrier. <br />In the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its aspiration, the Leader, to protect <br />its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, pay the premiums and such sum shall become <br />immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said note until paid and shall be <br />secured by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a default <br />under the terms of this IYIortgage. <br />dill insurance policies and renewals thereof shall be in ionn acceptably to Lender and shall include a s}:andard <br />tnartgage ylause in favor of and in farm acceptable to Lender: Lender shall have the right to IaoId the policies and- <br />rarawals thereof,-and F3arrower-she;. promptly furnish to bender all renewal notices and elf receipts of paid pre= <br />miurns. In the event of -loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender, and Lander <br />may make proof of lass if naC made pramptiy by Borrower. <br />Unless-Lanier and $arrower oilteawise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall Ira applied to rasiorutian or <br />repair of the-Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is yconomieaIly feasible and the security of <br />this ~#ortgage is not thereby impaired. It such rastaratian or repair is net economically feasible or if the security <br />Af this ~#ortgage would be impaired, the insurance }ara;eeds shall Ile applied io the sums secured by this 11lartgage, <br />with the exee~, if any, paid to Harrower' If the Property is abandoned ny Borrower or i# Borrower fails to respond <br />to Lander within 3ti days after notice by Leader to Harrower that the insurance carrier ofSers to settle a alaian for <br />insurance laenefits, I ender is authari~d to colleot and ap}?ly the insurance procaaeds at T endQr'~ optian pother to <br />restaratian or repair of the Property ar to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, cry such application o£ proceeds to principal shall <br />net extend ar postpone thi: due data of the inantlaly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and « hereof ar change <br />the amount of such installments. <br />if under garagiaph Ig Iteraaf ha Property is acquired by Lender, all right, title artd interest of Boi'rowar in <br />grad ~ any insurance }~iicias and iri and to the pitaeads thereof (to tlfe extort of the sums secured by this- ~#i~rt- <br />gage imcncdia#aiy prier to surh sale or acquisition( retuning from darnagc to the Property print to the ?ale- ar <br />»r",,ui~::an ah.311;.:~. eo L,,ndr <br />g. ~d Rr~#::n~se ~# ~~: F.helcis; ~-oat'-ssrnsatizm~. Bar:=Wxver shs.ll k~,u €ha Pr,~p= <br />t ey in gch4 ra<pair a..d si,ali ::^t pe^nit or corrrmit waste, impsirntent, or deteriaratian of Llte Proptirdy and s'~aII <br />v n r. -. _ -- -•. ~ ...s.-..---. r nn nm- <br />~e-.., __ v ...___. t- ----- - n„ ,~a~Pl,~td. t~ _h,:. _.__, ~- - ., __. .. _~_ .-_a~~ <br />.,.t,-~^w~ ~ts~~} ~-~ v,,,m a}I ~f I*.o~,r`v Wit,};~_~,o~.s under ti,a dp1,;vautYn of v~ ~a~.u L-= ->~{~= d ~-r. <br />the by-laws and regulations of the condotniniunt project anti canstiiuent documents. • <br />9. Prmtection ©# Lpsader':3 Security. if Borrower fails t.o perform the cavenanis and agraarn€nis contained in <br />this !•#artgage, or if any action or pracaading is camntenced which materially affects Lender's iutaragL in the Prop- <br />erty, including, but net limited ta, eminent domain, insolvency, Bode enforcement, or arrangements or pmcxed- <br />iatgs involving a bankrupt oa• decedent, than I.yndar ai Lender's optian, upon notice to Harrower, may make such <br />appearances, disburse such sums and take such action as is necyssary to proteci Lender's intaresi, including, but <br />not limited- tn, disbursement of reasonable attorney's Eeys and entry upon the Property to make repairs- Any <br />amounts disbursed by Mender pursuant to ttti paragraph T, with interest thereon, shall baaama additional indabt- <br />adsaas of Borrower secured by this \#arigage, Unless Borrower attd Lander agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall ba payable upon notice from Lender to varrawyr requesting payment thereof, and shall bear int~r- <br />est fmrn the date of disbursement at the rate stat;ect in the \ate unless payment of interest at sash rate would he <br />eantrary to applicable law, in which event su+:lt arnaunts sltaii bear itttarezi, at. the highest rata permiasilala Iry <br />appliaabla law. nothing eantainecttn this paragraph i shall n~quire. #.ander to incur any expanse ar do any eat <br />laereundax. <br />6< cticm. .lender may (Hake or cause to he :Wade reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Prop- <br />s s. r~-.i k__tt n~ i, { tat.. <br />,.k~y7 ~~-xu,~ ~~E..,.~ ~..~,~:. ~_~ ~ .~~~£ .<,~`> , .-.a. to =.t..°° Bur„ 3~;-~-~ti:a:. H~~r y}r:g :~--.~ ;:~~': <br />tr~Cai~fa~ re~lat t~ I~ntla-r's iu~re~; in tixe Prouat-ty. <br />8: atalcds< 'The graaeads of any awnrcl or c laim for alaauages, dia~yt ar yonsaquanGial, in aannaation <br />wii#It-a~.ttatian-ttr ath~r ttng-a( the l?'rty, or- part thcre~f, ar-fttr etut.~yance lit itn.s a# cande.trta= <br />lion; are y as$ign~l and shall be to I:t`sridar: - <br />In~.eygn~ e$ ~itotal taking of the Property, the laracaads shall be appfied to the sums secured by dais Mort- <br />gsge, wi[ft d aacei,` if any;-paid to $Qimnwer: Ir. the ant of a partsal taking of fire Pihparty, unless #tlarrcir~ttr <br />Lender ptiaarwisa agraae In writing; t~tere siiali be agipliecl to fire sums secured by this Tr#artgage such propor- <br />ties of tlt(r proeaadit as is equal #~ that proporti~in which tlra amount- of-the Burns scanted by this ibiortgaga imma- <br />-dnately prior to the date of taking-bears to tlaa fairtnarkat value a€ slit' Praparty, immediately prier to-the dada of <br />tiisrg, with the halanc;c of the praceeci_s paid 6t3BOrrtaaveC. <br />- Ii t'~e? I'sapegty is ah~.eElon°•i Its )litter cr i€ n€ter not~iae by-Winder-tit-Dower that dhe aand$ttsnur tears <br />t_ ~_, .~ <br />ca maxb uci award or seii.itr :e clams iar da1'rsurrowarfaats to respond do Lender within 3l7 days aftita date <br />of ;unit notice, lxticitr is ~ut..?z'isc~1 to ct:'lact sad Hgttiv tFie proeeei#~ &t I~eudar°s option either to restoration or <br />ti-~Y -~: - - rz ~' :s r icy . e,- _- , ;y' Lllra . - ia%a~`c. - <br />T3nlaeaLendar and Harrower ~thertvise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shai( <br /> <br />