rl~rt'st e~ .-Ci I'tz ti1_i,p~t,.c +.t7~iz; .,e ~,aP~ r .... ...... . ... ...~i;.~~i ....:..,. „ i;~, ,, J .,. n;, ,, y,.-~~ ? . rra~ ,,.
<br />t;l'+TSt7~gv it:iL 2~tn~ixtrnt of :~u~r„I~,: i:s3iir.7.zr=t~.
<br />llth B~iogir2:rIV~ot Fleilrrussd» Lxter;: attrr of ..~ =ice . _ . .,Dial .r_ ;_ .._ ,€:~~:frr.~~~s't'~,a,r~i _r~...-r_~r-izatiat= of 'a-~ summa
<br />:a.ckllr^e~d „~ I,E'hAS ?certg6tge; graT_1ta,d pmt ;.,ender to a-sti- _; ~cr it n ~.~ 3_ rat $~erma5vi ~~. _.Qvii o~ a:.era,te t~ release,
<br />F: tyr:4.r n~ tltc n y _ P„1 j;ir-FG :.'FPti ~Cf C_.'fjYM1 lii Sr:tei`G:}. j_F.nP Ar C:lali ny:. r)je
<br />ir.a r .Wan n._r, ripe ..&,,;,.~-_, rigir:.... rr*_ :. _. ._.. _ _ -
<br />. w.sx~ir~ 's~3 rartl.rn~ ef'v praceedtng3 ag8snst. EiiCll Stl t"".CeSSar ar rt.'i ti:« tai exteno time tar paVlnent ar GtrserwYF~ ZBGrAIty
<br />arnGrtizatian ai the sums secured ii tills Mortgage f,y reas<•rr; ai an3• clerr:antt ma=ne i;y the original Barrav:er and
<br />BarrawBr'asnccew'ssars tie interest. - -
<br />11. Forlsearance Fey Lextder Net ~ Waiver, ktiy farbearanee by Lender in exerr_i,ing any right ar remedy
<br />hem_erntler, ar otherwise s~torded by appliealsie la;-, shall not be a waiver of ar pi-ecludc the exercise of any right
<br />or ren:edv hereunder. The iiracurement of insurance or fire payment of faxes or ot:faer• liens ar charges by Lender
<br />~ shall =^.at~he a;=.r!ieer of Zender's righs, to aceeler;rie the maturity of the indebtedness se,u>`ed by this t~fortgage.
<br />13. a~emedies Ctxmrxlative. ill comedies przvideti in this .lortgage are dWtinet. and eun,ulat.ive to any at$er
<br />~ right ar remedy under This \Iartgage ar affarrled by law ar e*ruity, and many hr exercised concurrently, •tndepend-
<br />~"- entry or suetessively.
<br />~ l3. suasessars mrd Aav-igns Soundr Ioin# and Several Liability; Cageioass. The oavenants std agreements
<br />~ herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure ta, the respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br />axYd FsGrro;v-er, subjzet to the pravisians of paragt•alth I," hereof. ~ll eovensnts and agreements of $orrawer shall
<br />4 be joint and several. The eantians and headings of the paragraphs of flue Zlartgage ere for convenience only and
<br />~ are not ~ be used to interpret or define fife provisions hereof.
<br />~. l4. Not<te. any notice to Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shall be given by mailing such natice by
<br />certified mail addressed t-0 Borrower at the Property address started below, except for env notice required under
<br />paragraph i$ hereof to be given to Harrower in the rlanner prescribe ; .,: alit:licsble law. Sri. natice provided
<br />fee iu this 1lartgsge shall he deemed to have been given to Borrower whengiven in tite tnannar designated herein.
<br />15. '<ins#orm Mortgage; Goverttirxg Law: Severability. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />far national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform aectr-
<br />rity instrutucnt caverirg rrsl property. 'his Mortgage sh_sll I±e governed by the lacy of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Property is located. In the event that auy° provision ar clause of this Mortgage or the Mate conflicts with
<br />agglieable law•, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Mortgage or the :Vote which can be given
<br />eHeot without the conflicting provision, and to this and the provisions of the Mortgage and the Note are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />iY. >~srbwezs Copy. Borrower shall be f:~rnislied a conformed eepy of this nlGrtgage at. the faire of enccu-
<br />tion or a#ter reeardatior. hereof.
<br />17. Treaeier of fine Property: llsaumptioa. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred by BGrrawer without. Lender's prior written consent, °xeiuding (a) tl:e creation of a lien or encum-
<br />brance subordinate to this i'tlorigsge, (b) the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appli-
<br />ances, (c} a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of lati• upon. the death of a joint tenant or (d) the, grant of
<br />any Ieasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase, i.ender may, at Lender's option,
<br />declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and payable. Lender shall have ;valved such
<br />option to accelerate ii, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and the person io whom the Property is to be sold c#r
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is saiisfactory to Lender and that the interest
<br />payable on the sums scoured by this i'4fortgsge shall k;e at sutit rate as Lender shall request. Ii Lender has waived
<br />rite option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest has executed awrit-
<br />ttri asb--umption rsgreement ae2epteri in writing by Lander. Lender shall release $arrower from all oblfgatians under
<br />this Mortgage and the Nate.
<br />Ii Lender exercises stroll option to ac,?eieraIe, I,;<nder gllalk riiail lttjrrawer notice ot" ae~#erati€€n in ac
<br />~i'itn paragraphk ~f hvre[~f. 4rrc12 rivtrtr: kh~li pfvviilt 4 i~riz. :: °,:i -~. ~ ,~..~ - ~ ~t`v x Gni thY sa. ix.~ s- . c~ '°
<br />tuailtd ivii3xirl wllicll Borrower n.ay pay file bums cteclarc.i due. if{Barro;t•rr fail. to pay such sums prior to the
<br />s+nn .~f c,..~?t perirtd; Isnd~* tray. witlaaut f:.t•the:~ notice at• :lt-::i:=till u:: Bdrrotver, invpiie buy rrrnedi~ per-
<br />pity-~__- - -
<br />Wi~*`-_'- !r= ~frs~;sph lfi h~rYrif_ -
<br />- -- _.~ ~.; 's it r-''^_.. ~. ,. ~, L~'r~~,nt. .,.:fal l.,n,t:;l'r t.H r•t3u~,' _.. ~.'~'rt~n! ~..ret vai•iaG ~~ tnll tx~u;
<br />- _ - - ,n-ti .:.e i- ~a e -vr. :ems r~T~_i•i~t- i~ .~'.•. ;`
<br />- - - _ _~ _ rp~gitfc~a~i7-73ssn8aFe8. - k'.Rt•e n un--,ems .-~ - __: `'
<br />covenant ar agreerneitt of Borrower in thi=~fartgsgt•. iru•tutting tht• tavr•ttsnt. tc pay n°hvn duo any sofas severed
<br />by title Jortgage, Lender }xrior to ucceleratian sl;alt Fuait n+=tir-r• tci Flr,rrci;rrr z~ pretvidc•d in t}:tr3t;raiii; 1•t hereof
<br />specifying: fli the breath; 1,21 the action ri~teriree4 to curt >ac•It lirti:attt, i3t a ciatc-, trot !~ tlr<tn ttrirt-y dayn
<br />front the date the noi,ire is atailert to Barrowcr. by tvtlich auk-i. t:rr:;cl: utust be curr~t_ anti r3} that failtttr to tore
<br />such breach on or before the date st~r'titevt in the notice Wray re~uft in aceelvratian of the stuns secured by this
<br />Mortgage and Salo of the Property. If the ktreaeh w: not rurtri an or before the dot-c specitie~l in tlik~ natice. Lender
<br />at Lender`s option may declare all of the suFxts .coated tsv this 3iartgate to ire irnruc~riiately slur: t.r:.~ payable
<br />without further demand and may tt"aretlase this Morta;:xge fry judicial praceed'.ng. I.encler shall t:e t~ntitlecl to collect
<br />..vt`}; pr~ling ~li t.xltpn.;r» Eli ir,rc,.~In.:~r•:~• ineindin~, Itch tint limited ta. cixt pf datumentary evldenet.
<br />abstraots and title relusrts.
<br />Ig, ~rewet's I~rldtt to ~t~s. otwlllt.talidint; I.endei•'s ucc?tcrutiau of the aunt. setur+exi by this
<br />.vim-'~',~, )r~rr =E-;tali l.a.~~ tf;e rift to F:..°t~ at:y rte zr~etin}~s fttgan by I.tnder to cnforct~ t.l:is l£ortta dis-
<br />eoatiurred tat y tune l~ ~ entry of to judgruent erlfaarting thin Mortgage if: tai Harrower pays` I~nder a!I
<br />sunta which would ht flrtrr dot under this ~itrrtgage, tiro :Nett and tiott~3 aeeuring l~'uture ~dvanecs, if any, had nc
<br />aectlerst"tan ttrrcd; fl'si l3t?rrovvr:r curve; aft bt~anc~~; of any other eovrnant= or stgreements of 8orrorver eon-
<br />Li+li an this ~ScrittaR~r. ; (<) Burtvwer pays all trasanable eElk~naex incurrr~ti by i:ender in etifarcing fife eavcrrantc
<br />- ~ ter fez' C`s777C~3n ISi tl-, - Ert.~tfu~i~ ilix-l- lit errfarelrr{;-Lc'ndi•`r'3 retr:adies ~~ prGvi.#€.d in pa ~°
<br />acts lg hereof, inaludirrg, but trot litnitavi ta, t'easattskale attnrne4's fee.: atad idl I3orrGwer takes suoh action as
<br />L~tdai tn~g re~rttsably re~uit~ to aasnre_'khet the lien cat` tlti:t 3(i+tt~gt, Lcr>:,}er's interest in the Ptalx~ry and
<br />Borrower's obligation to pap the stt~a securers by this f4iortgage shah continue unimpaired. Lpan such lraytntnt
<br />v'-~ 1#y fir, th~'_'~ar~sg=€ -arid i~tfu.x a€cetr~i lltrrsby alt=~tll rrtt?ain- in hall forvx end ~~ttt as i£
<br />. rio lorlatioki trod oeturted.
<br />_ ~!, of ~ _ - of taera ~ador is 1Pcasessiass. As additional security here-
<br />.. under, Barrpwsr botchy assigns to I;ender the tents of £he Property. I;roc~irttrl -that Barrow•er shell, prior to aectler-
<br />• scion tins-paragraph-lg Aer~ei€ err-abz~ndctntntttt ref thg xtrty, ki.~tve tl;e right to crallect and retain such mnts
<br />as they' become sue aAa payable.
<br />... lSsincr, li~.celrratlnli nrxler t}araeraph Ili IFerc>ef-Dr alHIndaiinrtttt Qf .flit PYQntt"1--.. l.a=ndtr, In rlQr:tan, bV a~Cnt
<br />p k a .tt .oa ~l,~it r,,, srti:.! aF .n esi~sr t~>~. tam ;'~o~t,-~;~,5 of -t,nd n*4naQe tl,e- Property
<br />y-s ~ ova.,.,. ..e ... ~..._ .. -"-fix -
<br />~~ R. n~#i_ ? _ t_ka zi• As ~,r ~P.orw ~v; i,rrtiz~I ~ ; !host ;btu d_t~e_ ~Il rtntc rollert~ck by Lender or the rereivrr
<br />a..,,.-t -1.,. __~ u..:Y ~,' ~- ....t ~: of .t- f 7 A .mil i.,..t:an . ~t,jVl;na i.llt
<br />ens-xt3~ rrc r~a~ Isamu ~rt au tM' psa~} sa.4-Rt _..mc~ ...a,~g . , z, . ~.r,.. ,:~ a.,..,...., , .. ~ . ...., .... ..t, .
<br />not liutiteri fay river's lets, premituns on-receiver`s kaotult; and rtasanahle attarnev~'s fees. surd then to t-he earns
<br />aeeured by this R~attgage. Lender and the receiver shaft br. liebie to account ugly for those rents ;tctualh• received.
<br />