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~:~ fP$[3littE3i}~t.. <br />~••.~.,~-:- ~r~'ttC}3~AC. f'YI€~~iL 1+c~i~',~4Fa3CIES <br />~~F~I'~~4t~p~ J~ <br />~~~!"la+~u :reef :~.;. 72'J <br />_ 9 . , <br />'ten P~~m''Pr__39094..__--__~p$v--_-~_ <br />~,~. ~„nzn <br />~# ~©~°lr'GIAGE <br />•T i~iS ~-~fU~TGAGF, made and executed this ..-,.-...-- .............~~ day of .~t'~rrr-~----... A.3~., <br />l9.-`~~-~.., between the Mortgagor, _Rager..~T,-.-Loft and Donna R. Loft husband and e:ife and Bari <br />J.,.-.Hp:i=~tX--?~d_.i.-~=sd~..~,...~aT:aYx-,busha:~rt- and_ wife.,-..1prAl+.~y..ari~?..~a.~h..fTi.. riTei.T:. Q?~_~~1'~.~t---- <br />af _Orand..Zsland------------- County of --.-.-.---...Hal}.....-.........-, State of ..liebraskx....--.-, hereinafter referred <br />to as the Harrower, and the Mortgagee, FIitST F~I3Ei2AL SA Jr"cNGS AND LaAN ASSflCIA'i`i41`7 OF <br />L72dC(?LN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska &8501, its sui: a ors and assigns, hereinafter refereed to <br />as Lender. <br />Wa~rxf~sErt~: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of .--S~Y'I'Y-kII~_1'H~ASAND <br />--~F14._[fITN`DRED.ANND..bto(1o0---.--°-.----°----------------~'iol:ars {US 5.--..69.,2oQ.49--.-°---......_} <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the <br />follrsw>;ng described property located in the County a# .-......Hall--.--.,--.-__._.._._.__.., State of Nebraska: <br />The Westerly One Half {W~} of Lot One (1? and the Westerly Sixty Six (W66) Peet of the <br />Northerly Thirty Eight and Four Tenths {38.4) feet of Lot Thxee (3), Biock Si.x (fi), <br />College Addition to G7est Lawn, an addition to the City of Grand Tsland, Hall County, <br />Nehra~ka . <br />T~ETx~ with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, <br />rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, ail and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and <br />water stack, and alI fixtures now or hereaftez attached to the property,-all of which, including nepla~- <br />meats and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this <br />Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property {ar the leasehold estate in the event this <br />Mortgage is an a leasehold? are herein referred to as the "Property" <br />Harrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right <br />to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br />warrant and defend generally the title to the Fraperty against all claims and demands, subject io any <br />~~~~*~ta a_nd restrictions listed. in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title ir~urattce policy in- <br />~~~~ r~~;,a~~s Rter~t ;n tl3e P±~pe.~ty, n: {?) At#nrney's np~r,inn of title from ahfstrsCt of title cextifted <br />by banded abstracter. <br />I~ajv,1?EU ~ii.i~%nis, and 41T~ pP aF-;nom, aim e~ca ci.`,c'a ui,u d2ii.~ ~.' :;Fti :hti f ;llami:.~ ,~:::~`t..3..3, »~,Y'~- <br />n~s ~d ghli~>irions of the ?3oxrower, to-wit: <br />1''he Borrower egrets to I;ay to the Lender, or order, the princiial s~i of - ~:iaT'x~1~~..:ttiFr~`' i~:.-. <br />- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -_. - i -- t - -- -Q~ ~k~-- V~ - <br />...~4 ~UHD13,.c1 1Ii~C3 ---~...._ _ .. ...-..:.. ...'."le}ol,ars (LS $. r - .......... .:.) <br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal, <br />if not snonar paid, on the - ..._ First-.......... day of .......--_. -May ............._----.-., 3_2004 <br />Lzxsxoxar i^clvs.N,uvzs. Harrower and Lender covenant and agree+ as follows: <br />1, Payment of Priatapal and bntereaL Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and in- <br />terest an the indelttedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charger as provided in the Note, <br />and file principal of and interest on any Future Advaaees secured by this :Mortgage. <br />Z. Fuacs's-for iaxea and inav~,te. ,°-t. iibjec=t to Lender's option under paragm~hs ~ and 5 >~f, Her- <br />rawer shall- pay to Lender an the day nu~nthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the <br />2+lote, until the Note is paid in full, a sum lhereu, "`Funds") eslual to one-twei#th of the yearly taxes and <br />easeststnenta which xnay attain priority over this 2t#artgage, and ground rents on the F'roparty, if any ptus <br />one-twelfth of yearly premium ine~tailments #or hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium u1- <br />atnllments far mortgage insurance, i# any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from time la tints by <br />Lender an the basis of assessrrkaats and -bills and relasana6le estimates thereo#, Lender shall applthe Funnels <br />--~~ -~? * ~ ~ ~~~,:=~ p-~ni ~~d d *-~*~- i~ndez sal no rfts {_ a fcu• ~w <br />lR.+l%~ rte, a„~ ap~_:izg the Fnzids os ver..#yi~R and c^nzps~inh srnid a~e~-4ment~ gad hills: '1'Ize T~niler aIt <br />- the- rmvrer, ~tnchotzt eha~ge, an annual aeeouatxng of-the Funds auAis=ing c~vem"ts area devia ~ z~ <br />ua~ sad tbe p3nr{xlse firer staltieh each delsit tcf the Fund was -made. The Funds are pledged as additirr»al <br />ac~urit~ #olt the sus aecur~l flue A3artg~ge, `T7t~-Barror agt~ei+ that the_F`unds mxy he held by the <br />:F, I,en~er and eumoumgled with ohtr fusels and tide .Lender"e-atica fnesds aatd the Lender ma pa such items <br />_~~ #untik and t'~e i,cader shall- =11a4~.~~.ictsrea$ ur-tidt+ en stxeh_ >~tutds> - <br />n,,.n, <br />:= file ta~tffunt of the Fungi #izld by Le~lexy together with. t#e future monthly installrnenta of Funds <br />~; paya}~le pror to the due dates of ;axes, sadessmeata,-iaauran~s pkussiurna end ground relents, shall e~rceeti <br />tine ar'c vat requarad to ,may acid uses assa~u~~te, itzsorsutceiums aad ground teats as they frRl clue, <br />• #i ex °ss shell ;be, at Bt3r€ower's optf~ eitr #s ~~ ~'rx~t3ited to -Borrower on <br />- ~fiU~s ktily ~,'~~+c?i'i13~ntb Of Yi''i"iLCiu, if file au`tvau,i a3f tlYB ~~~ by I.endsr~hail pat be sufficient to pay <br />' toss, tl~Ressaiests, id~uratue premiumsand grous;d x~~-a~ £l far due, B©zrower shall pay 'to Gender <br />ani~.smount nece~tzv to make up the deficiency within tlrit~y clhys afl;er natc~ from Lcsnder to $or;owea <br />7ei;testiag peyr.:~ t Ll~ereef, or. liutrower ~hiill, uy an i;terr-in wiarlthly i~talenents of Fv-r;ds rec}uired, <br />- - P2~_.'9.y-file CCSl(:tCGIL;.'~ K1f.,S2"!. T+iA4' .~^. `lizllc! S4'i-'C' ~erii:ti. - <br />Upo~r payment in full of all some securesd by thss Mortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit <br />against. all sums dire: <br />