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u t.c,Wr~s' , ~-'• Er ~: Nl"c~~ -...- .". _.I,-- .- ~_ .. .3,E: _. - _f. ~,~, _ - .. i ... _., -._. __- <br />vlr,~a'ii prpt,~", Irr~ ~_s~;r i;Eia. rri,na~ei~1 de v ._. ~i:,- ...t ~~ =.~ ~ r: ~ ._ ..- 1,.~~:.f _ . _ .,. :, <br />a+,:Iti t,r> h.i~r ~i r ~i- -F:e t +rf . _ _~tpp, s r~ ,aw, .~ ,. ,~ ,..+ •.~_ ~ _ ,,~ +. ':. ..,.. . ~i <br />. 'ppneI~ ~~t Y+xf:rx+~xxts, t_€i,~es s~E ~_-:ani ~I a~s~ :!i_: :a}.::-,ni _ .i~~.,.~c:: ~~c; ' Larz,e° <br />_~=~,at+,. iCa~e ~`ok, <.+rd ia4s ayir~s3lrN: ~'...~JE a Uc+.. ,~ i.:~t ~,l ,>Ili~i._ a i,ft,ri..r . .r-+ - , ~.ra+,:r r o; art zo ,r~t, r,a;eable 8v <br />I,o-ttair ,t. j',+~}" ~arrorr-e~~r u~nrier pzi~s•a~},ra;~k: ~ 3n,cr,,~h, xlse<. ,n .-=~+i ~ ,,+...~s~4,,° ~~r, c;ar "Cats ,.r«i „n ]F~it~u r..1-:vnnees, if <br />_ "d 'heri t A pr,iC.2ji8i 3i tl:C• ~iiC F... ?;3 itii' ,,, ,.: I'iii. ii* .. :3P.GE^., li an1.'. <br />•'~.i•Gharzxea, I.ieur=. Barra:ver sl±all *rx_r a'sl =.:r.'«'~..~>ew_ n_ ~<r=.~ and nsr * chsmf•s_ fin=e urti a n~rrs?tiar_ aftr~=s- <br />uta'.rile to t=nc Property xhieh may attain a, priarit~• avea. t r~ ~iE~rtgage, and ground rents, if arry, at Lender`s <br />aptic:n in = ~ manner Ixravided under paragrah ~ I;ereaf a~• l,:' Lrarr~~er;eina payment, whin due, ;irectly to <br />the payee tI-:ereof- Borrower shall prompt- furnish to I.enr'.er aii notices of amosrnts due ender this paragraph, <br />aid in the event Borrawer sirK'tl make payment c?ireetiy, Barro.res siraii pro:=r;~t?*.= furr:ish to Lender receipts evi- <br />dencicg accts payments. Borrawer shall promptiy discharge anc• lien wlrirhrza.~ priority aver this ortgage; pro- <br />~ vided, thafi ,sic*rrawer shaft not be required to discharge any such lien sa land; r:: Barra::er stroll agree in waiting to <br />the payment of the abtigatiau setured by such iiea in a manner ssceeptslrle to Lemier, or shall in good faith contest <br />~t such lien by, ar defend enforcement of accts lien in, legal nreceedirgs telricir operate to prevent the enforcement of <br />~ the lien ar farfeiiure of the Property or any part thereof. <br />C3 fi. hazard fnsursmce. Bontiwer shad kee;r tl+e irrrlrrovements note existirfi or hereafter erected an the Prop- <br />C~ ert.y insured ags:inst Pass by fire, hazards included within the tern? `extended coverage"; :rod such other hazards as <br />~ Lender may require and in such amounts and far such periods as I.ende>• may req+rire; pracideci, drat Lender .shall <br />~ not requre that th° arnaunt of sue h eavsr<tge exceed first amount of coverage required to pay the sums secured'by <br />ta. this :tioxtgage. <br />The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall he chosen by $or^ower subject to approval by Lender; <br />Provided, drat such approval shall eat be unreasonably withkreld.:~ll premiums on insurance policies shad he paid <br />at Lender's option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower making payment, when due, <br />directly to the insurance carrier. <br />In the event any policy is eat renewed on ar before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect <br />its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, pay the premiums and such sum shalt became <br />immediately due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said note until paid and shall be <br />secured by this Mortgage. FafIure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a default <br />carder the terms of this Mortgage. <br />All insrrance palicica and renewals thereof shad 6e in form acceptable to Lender and shall include a standarei <br />mortgage c€ause in favor of and in form acceptable to Lender. Lender shall !rave t.Ire right to hold the uolicies and <br />reneaais thereof, and Harrower siralI promptiy furnish is Lender ail renewal notices and all receipts of-paid pre- <br />miums. In "the event of toss, Borrawer shall give prompi notice to the insurance carrier and Lender,-and lender <br />may snake proof of lass if nai made promptly by $orrawer. <br />I;ntess Lender and Barrawcr otlrenvise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied tcs restoration or <br />repair of the .Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is eeonanic.tlly feasible and the security of <br />this Mortgage is not thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is not eeonenzically feasible nr if the security <br />of this Mortgage would be impaired, Else insurance proceeds shalt he applied to the sums secured by this A3artgage, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrawer: If the Property is abandoned by $arrower or if Borrawer-:fails to respond <br />to Lender within 3t} days after notice, by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for <br />ir,s+.€ranee IrGneSta, Lender is authorized to Collect .~'r.~-i apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option eit~r to <br />restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured bg- this lortgage. <br />Ilniess Lender and Harrower otherwise agree in writing, arty such application of proceeds to principal shall <br />not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 3 and 2 hereof or ehauge <br />Ghe amount of such installments. <br />If uadssr paragraph 38 hereof the Proper#,y is acquirexi l;y !.ender, all right, title and interest of Harrower in <br />and is any insurance Iialieies and in and to the proceeds thereof t to fire exient ai the sums secured by this Rfart- <br />gage immediately prier to such sale ar acquisi=ion! rrsultirg Erase damage to the Property prior to the sale ar <br />~L'S}Irx$1t1nZr ~Ixali p[St=.e f3 Leader, <br />ti, a~rFasseaiiaa aka ~xaigi~tzrxca of a'r$a+artg; fc.EaSasalda; ~andomini a3orrowar strait limn the 33- <br />erty in good repair and shall eat permit ar eamrrrit waste; irnparrrrent, ar detertiaratian ai the Property and chair <br />ii3r~pl~ R'lc.. i`;3C pre~ks i~ras,3 i:l :ny Ie:~, ri %hi~ ki:3Fi~#~,C i3 ar: le~5e half',. i. t[)fs siaFEgag~ 1~ a43 ~ if'rriiG~i~iir4iriS <br />unit, norrrrwa3r >hall perforrxr aii of Bo~r~vwvr's al>Ir~tians Unurr trtc c et rariton of conciasnlnsulxr or rnast~r ds€d, <br />the by-laws and regulations of the condominium project and eanst.ituent docwnents, <br />7, Frutectioa of Leads{a Security. Ff Borrower fails is Irerform the covenants and agreements contained in <br />this Mortgage, or i€ any action or pros:eeding is eamnrenced which rusterialty affects Lender's interest in the Prop- <br />erty, inc}uding, but upi ;unit€d to, eminent domain, intotveucy, cexl+~ enforcetnent, or arrangeucents or proceed- <br />ings involving a bankrupt or decedent, then Lender a Lender's option, upon notice to Borrower, may make such <br />appearances, disburse such sums and take such action xs is necessary to protect Lender's interest, including, but <br />eat limited to, disbursement of reasanalrle attorney's tees and entry upon tiic* Property to xuake repairs. Any <br />amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereau, shall became additiaxrat indebt- <br />edsr~ of Borrower sQCUred by thSs \iartgage, i3nle!?s -3orrc:wer azrd Lender agree to other terr?rs of psytrwnt, such <br />amounts strn.I! ice payable upon notice freer Lender to Borrawer requesting payment thereof, and shall bear intcr- <br />ast from the date of disbursement at the rate stated in the Note unless payment of interest st ettoh rate would be <br />contrary to applicable lair, in evlsieh evenf suc:ir arrraunts shall bear interest at the highest rate perns~ible kry <br />alrplieable Iaw, Nothing contained in this ts:ragraph 7 shat! require !.ender to incur any expense or do any set <br />hereunder. <br />$. lrurpe~aa. Lender znay snake or cause to ire made reasonatsle entries upon and inspections of Ylsc' Prap- <br /><. - - - - <br />erty, protc~ tirrtt i;enaer ~ritais give I3orro€~-er not-ire trricrr to rznr sorb inslrection specifying reaearratrle carte <br />L~~ rTM?~t~l a Ids~r o irrter~a m t?xe Pro,; sty. <br />~.-~asadvzzgExatdon. '.Cho proceeds of any -swan! or claim for daruages, direc;i ar cansequentiat, in ><arineetian <br />x=!ith_Y earrdeirinati~in car other taking of the Property, or part thereof, ar for eanveyance in fiefs of candexnna< <br />Hein, are ~ara~yied and ~isall be paid to bender. <br />In t~sant hf ~-t~,al taking of the Prcrperrty the };rtseercls shalt Ile applsrd to the sums seeur~d Iiy tltiss N7act- <br />;gage, with the excess; if any,-paid to I3arr~trvpr.-In the event!. of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrawer <br />acrd L®nder ot`rerwitae-agree iu writing. tdieze shall kia applied to the sums secured try this yiartgage such propor- <br />toti of fife praxis ae is equal la that propQrtiGn fvhicit the arssount of the suers secured by this itlortgage imme- <br />• diately_prior to the (late-!af, #akin~ bears to the !aii• tnarkct value of the-Property: iwxnediately prior to the date of <br />tea; with #~ bal~zice of the pr$ ~ trr I3or~xswer. <br />I#' leg is absrelorerd by l3srer or if after ixwtice Qy Lender trr l~ax•rower that the condemnor offers <br />tti msiie rsii,sw~a_ rtl ux i+attlc-s- clztim foY cla:nab; ~arrosvci• fails t4 rest_usrxd to Lender within ~(1 days of-the date <br />of stl~is noSiee, wader is ~uthorisecl tv ecfllecr. ~jx~i apply the proceeds of Lender's option either to-restoration or <br />_ aii of the P`ro:isrt~ ar ~^ ~Iza scales seers ~ rt sv _tliis ~Isartae¢e. <br />Uxrlesa Lender. and Borrawer other~.aie ,agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall <br />~8~ _. •,.,,~ <br />