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<br />ryv! Bran t%~
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<br />1.74° ~~L11 ~~ _
<br />il•IIS ~iGR`Z'GA{aF., made and eoeeuted this ..-.-----.~----------------- day of -__.. ---..._...~ r1.B,,
<br />.. - -__
<br />1;3..~~.-, betxsee2a €he 1l~Iortgagor, ..---:~dmcad_K..-,v~~xsons Sr.,,,and.Shazon_M.-.Eensa_-4--hasband--.---.
<br />..an~.~i.~E~, ap:,>.Gi.y.ar?~..°ach.-3„r>,.*he'-~•-own_r.ght.......-- - -... .------ ----- ._....._......
<br />of ... ~ga~td_ ISi3ad-_....._, County of ..:_. iiali ........................ State of .-ttelsxa;3.~..a-.-.-.-., hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Borra~er, and the Mortgagee, FiIIST FE~EI3AL SAVINGS ANI) LOAN ASS{3CIATI{3N {?F'
<br />LIh7Ct7LN, 2~"-5 "N" STreet, Lincoln, Nelzras'aa 685(32, ids successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Tender.
<br />~rr~ta<Ass~rx: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of ...T~f?13TY=FIStE--..........
<br />.-~QU~Atv~?_~*3D.,Y01100--°---.------.--arr.-r.-~---------°-~7ol:ars (US ~- 25-,OQCI.~O ............... }
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />fallowing described property located in the County of -_..-..?all---..--._-___--_--.-.-.., State of I~ebras&a:
<br />I~ot Ten (zo), in Knickrehm Seaenth Addition to the City of Grand Zslanci,
<br />Ha].1 County, Nebraska.
<br />TaGETr~ER sa~itls all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements,
<br />rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and
<br />water stac>i, anal aII fLetures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of which, including replace
<br />meats and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be and remain. a part of the property 'covered by this
<br />Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property Oar the IeasehaId estate in ttre event this
<br />Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br />$orrower covenants that ]Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br />to mortgage, giant and convey the Property, that the Property- is unencumbered, sad that Borrower wilt
<br />warrant and defend genernlly the title to the Property against all claims and demands; subject to any
<br />easements and rra~t=ictions listed in a schedule of exceptions tar coverage in env title insurtanca policsr irs- _
<br />et,r~~ I~nrlgr'G i<nterPCt i=n t=he FmpPrty, or {~1 attarnev's opianan of title #mm altstrsct of title :mortified
<br />by banded abstracter.
<br />}aa - a, .,a ,. ^~.~ t >zd d ''„n,.a~ , _ r why f ~~
<br />cz°.^ . ese pry Rig ~.,~ tid a.. e.~..:,.~rs ..~ .. ,. au..s ::;.F, ~ndt~:zY, s"r~-
<br />menfi arid~ob2ieatiags «f the Barrawer.+ to-wit;
<br />'die Barror a - - ,~~,~. -.s_~ .~~,y.~.~,
<br />grew ra pay to ttte Lender, or order, the principal slrm of ---_F1~~"Et:T-~t,3.t.Fi..A3~tiiF~~:=
<br />payaliie as pmyided in a note executed and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal,
<br />if not sooner paid, an the ---._....18ax-..--.--..._ day of -......J.asauary.-,_.-.-------....., 1~c -2Q09
<br />U~rrru Cc~uxxAta°rs. I3armwer and I,,e~lder covenant and agree as follows:
<br />` ' 1, Pazysnent o! I~riaatipaI anti Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and in-
<br />tereeit on the indebtedness evidenced by the P';ote, przpayment and late charges as pravialed in the Notes,
<br />and Ilse principal of anal interest on any Futuna Advances secured by this 1llortgage.
<br />s. p'un~ far b~~s tuna Irx$-rice, Sul-~jes.i to Lender's ~~ption order pan.grapha ~ sru 5 h~r~sf, .Bor-
<br />rower sham pay to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the
<br />' Nptez until the Note is paid ins full, a sum {hexein "Funds") dual to one-twelfth of tt~~ yearly taxes and
<br />aesementa which may attain: praasiity over this Mortgage, and ground rents on tlsa Property, if any plus
<br />one-twelfth of yearly pserniurrs. anatallments for hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly, prena:iutta us-
<br />' atalhnenta fur mortgage insuran::e, if anyy, all as reasonably estimated initiaQ~y and from flans tq tune liy
<br />Lender on the Basis of assessments and bills and reastrnable estimates thereof, Leaadea shall apply the Funds
<br />tic e~tv ~sssxrl #n~r,.f, -afi~195!?a!?y!~-i? *7 x3Z±*_±~± *?*P~s~~±~ ~+_-7~_ *_it_td r~it~ ?±+*2i~t?r shall 2??1k~ !?~ c~r~i? foP xio
<br />_'- -
<br />. h~sd arrsd a3iasg the Fi*_ssds or verl<ving antf L'O~pa~na said exs~R_mora ~~d hillsE-The Wider sfsell
<br />.,~ to the ~rrow+Fe, ~itliout charge,-ern annual aceaasnsting of tl:~ .rands s3ao~ing edits and debits to flee
<br />T ~daaud- purpose for-which eai~ta detxitto the ~rucla was mede. Tlse Fund.: era pledged as additional
<br />~` seetxrit~ frsr the aun>s se~vted try this Marfg. 'I'lae ~rmwar_a that thR FSsnt may he bald lry ttie
<br />.~~ Lander road roYttzriitkglad v,-ith.aatliear ~ seed-the I,euder'a o+vn funds and the I.etsder easy pay such items
<br />fsa_iEs _t~t~n- funcLe and the ~' ~ _atat -l~hle far intt er_deBds. ern Leh 1*ussda:
<br />It tlte':,rsacnnt of thr~ ~ h~ liy Lcssder, tsgetlasr with futstxe moasthly installments of Fisnds
<br />payable prios~ to the due dates of taxes, e~seesmenta;-issuraraee pFe~u#trs €~nd`~raund rents, shag exet~d
<br />the s`taa:rn* retlettr~d to pp,n~~:~ stud fazes ,sse~xments; ii~.ru#rata~a~bme ~tnd gr<sund-rents as thmy fal{ due,
<br />' tnii~esc ~ht~ll l:e at I3ormwet'R ctntion~ titk~r ~ to $arrower err crrdited tar 13e~sxower on
<br />sts~:rhl =~.~t,.,ll .:..ts ai fund.. If the .:rt of t e std by Lazrder shall-ant lie sufprient to pay
<br />taxes asae~.~ruents, inr~urance premiums. and ~tcund rd'dts a$ y fall:'dae, $oa~iower shall- pay to I.enaler
<br />axiy :sttiount, nee~v~azy to m~a ut~ the deflci~"' within thiit~? d&s~ a{t~?r notiee::fraiu Lender to Harrower
<br />rti~{L~Ciiig, p..yment reof, or Bdrrower shall, by an increase in ns+Rntlily installments of Funds required,
<br />- -iep.+y iSess-mss ~ 7-~e~. may. iriii~~0 thr r'uS](1 u~tiGtii141:~ r~iiltsl. - - - - -
<br />ilpo~ payrat:rat in frill of all stance aecsared by this Mortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against all sums due.
<br />