Sl~a1; rauae4l~[i a~s c o3=tFSen~ =hr. ~r;'r,.r~ ~s~:,, r~~ rl~~~t r..,r,iE,_ ,i,k., 1, .. 1~~ s~,, e_: _,:. ~:~ : p• _ a3~nr 2 lr,ereof ar
<br />~zinair, r iN wa ;a~nlo;a~zr3: ^f ~ us tr SPastal] n: c-r,ts,
<br />lft. fl~ssxra~rser li6at rls~Ieeaar~dt, '~~tt+enstra.. <,f tl~s. .-~i. lien± c~^ rr~o;lilEic ti.IO_, s,Ii ^imo=_7-ixa~t~an at the stuns
<br />~~!~tsua b:i' dais ~l~r-tgat,r ~ra,Irts:r+ r_ ?.:rwnds: #.o a.=s>> ,-e~sof '., _!;-~_:~F.-i Eul F3rar-:•o,r~,~r s(,alg r<ot a:tla:rat4.:,~ ralpisse,
<br />in an 1 1'Y!$ntlei', ells liab:litl' of tllfl', al'lginai LPa> ixa':,, . ~ '- IaOrrOTS"Gr. ~ .s,ta~ess~ar n7 lr•,rrrr,gr, r,t*.der shall r:at bC
<br />rea7iFr~C1 to eG'U',:,eP.Ce pro~edings ages:nst s.?cls :;LCr•~~ar nr rvf:±cC- it) exfrnd tilnP Tar pgymrnt. ne n#.1tCrw2I:F madlfy
<br />stnortis$tian of the suI rs secot•ed by this . Iortgr~~e ! ti ,~awt ~. ~r7~,• a rra_,d F- ac .~y t„t ang; :~, 8,,;;r;,;~* ~Iid
<br />Borrower's suteessats in intar~t.
<br />11. ~'aaararce by La:sder Alert ~ Waivez. Any forl7earsnee by Under in exerei.4ing sr._' right err remedy
<br />17ere.uzder, or otherwise afforded by applicable latt•, shall not be a waiver of or pretitlde the exercise of any right
<br />~,, err remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or file paymeni of taxes: or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />:..hall not t,e a :o-°si~^or of Leader`s right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness sr:cured bz' this 1~4artgage.
<br />...I 12, Re;xcarBes Cutxsa}atx4e. .•t.11 PCtnedICS provided in t'ttis :7?ortgage are distinct snd eumt3istive to sny other
<br />~ right err remedy under this Mortgage err aitorded by iatt• err equitt=, and r-'ay he exerr•iised concurrently. independ-
<br />v entl} err suee~sively.
<br />•~ I3. 8lscee~aea road A~ Bata$d; joint aald SQVeral I.ialr:Iity; Captions. the covenants and agreements
<br />hatpin tant~ined shall bind, and the rights 17ereuF7del° shall inure ter, the respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrower, =ubjecG to the provisions of paragraph 1 ~ llereaf..111 eovenanis and agreements of Borrower shall
<br />~ be joint and several. ?'he captions and loadings of flee paragra;Jhs of tills \Yortgage are far convenience only and
<br />~ are not to be used to interpret: or define the provisions hereof.
<br />I4, Notice. Any notice to Barrowel• provided for in this Mortgage shall be given by mailing such native by
<br />certified hail addressed to Borrower at the Property Address stated below, ex,~ept far any notit;e required under
<br />paragraph 18 hereof to be given to Borrower in the manner pseseribed by applicable Iaw. Any notice provided
<br />for in ttlis Mortgage shall be deelued io have been given to Borrower when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />15, Uniform Mortgage: Governing bow: Severahility. This form of mortgage combines uniform covenants
<br />for n$tian$I use snd non-unifarnl eovenanis with limited varistians by jurisdiction to eons~itute a uniform ser;u-
<br />rsty illatlilfnent coverimg real property. 'his Mortgage shall [)e governed by the Iaw of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Property is Iocated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Note conflicts with
<br />applicable Iaw, such conflict shall nest affect. other provisions of this Mortgage err the Note which can be given
<br />effect without the conflicting pravisian, and to this end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Note are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />1_6. SoYrawar'r Cony. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed cony of this Mortgage at the time-of execu-
<br />tion or after recordation hereof.
<br />19. Transfer of the Property: Assumption. If all or sny part of-the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />err transferred by Borratver without Lender's prior written consent. e~eluding (al the creation of a Lien or enclim-
<br />branee subordinate to this hlartgage, (b) the ere€ition of a purchase money security intetest test household sgpli-
<br />ances, (cJ a transfer by devise,. descent ar ?~y operation of Iaw upon the death of s joint tenant err (d) the: grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of throe years err less nest Containing au option to purchase, Lendel• nlay, at bender's option,
<br />declare all the sums seethed 6y this Mortgage io be immediately due and payable. Lender shall have w$ived such
<br />option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and the person to wham Lila Property is to be said or
<br />transferred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is estisfsctory to Lender and that. =,he interest
<br />psyslsie on the seems secured by this .1lartgage-shall ue st sued rate ss Lender shall request. If Lander h~ waived
<br />the option to aCCSIeraie provided in this paragraph 17 and ii Borrower's suetessor in interest has executed s writ=
<br />ten assumption $greement sttepted in writing by lxnder, Lender shelf release Bortvwer £rom s1I .obligations under
<br />this 1Vlortgage and the Mote.
<br />If Lerldet• exercises suc11 aptirln to scceterate, Lender shall Inaii I.,orrower native of accelerst`ion in sccozdauca
<br />with paiaeraoh 1~ hereaI. Sucil notice .~jlall provide a t)eriod ai not less "than 36 days from the date the notice is
<br />mail€d within which Borrower Ina} pay the sums declarrd due. If Barrot;er fails to pay such sums ptinr to the
<br />expiration of such period, Lender ntay, tvithaut further notice or demand ass B'orrawer, invoke any remedies p+3r-
<br />mitt~f by paragraph IS hereaf.
<br />1~6IF-`I~NIF~R~i t.%oi~'f:Nrt:4'fa. ~5(iF'I'awti' Rnil, l~C:ndei' itli`Lltiti" i,0i`i'23itrtL <tnd ii~°,YE`E^ ii4 tt313aiiiri:
<br />~~. ACCEt~rati£3L+: FIPStl9flii+5. FxCC2?t a~ Ilrat-i!{.'cI nl 3t13ra1*raF1h I? 1}ernes}f._ 1321431 ~'lilrlY4i•er~ 1?rE~C11 r3f r~fl}_ _ _
<br />COYcnant Or $gCCement Ot Harrower 3n thl~ \Ial'tl;;1gC. Infltid 317F•,t11C Ca: criaats tU i?aY tvhctl due an} tiUft13 setUred -
<br />11Y this 1lOrtgagC, Lender' prlvr to atCClerlLlOf1 slsali in3nl n0t3tC to I~arrOit'CI` a~ pi'al'ldett 1n pa2;lltrai)li I4 17ereof
<br />speeitying: U1 the 6reaeh: f2) the aetiai7 required to euic asukt`I~[ti:ach;'j43~ li~ciate, nest less than thirty days
<br />from the dace the notice is mailed to I3m•rawer, ht• tt~hicfs;stith hu~lt3i`nlust ll~~ttiet,4zand s41 feint failure to cure
<br />such breads on err before flee slate sl)ecifte~i iza the naticc utay~ s•veult in atcclc:ratioii ai the *ulu+ secured by this
<br />~lartgage and s$le of ttie Property. If the bre$cit is not cured an or before the elate Irecified in tlly naticc. Lender
<br />at Londer's option nla_r° declare all of the sufns secured h}° this ~'#artg$ge to be in7meciisteiy due and pa}al)ie
<br />a•ithaut further desn$nd and tllay foreclose this ~lort{;age i1y judicial proceechr7g. Lender sliali be cntitletl to vollevt
<br />in such proceeding nit expanses of farcefosure, ii7cluding, bat not fimitcd to, ecaats of docunztntary evide~noe,
<br />abstracts and title repatt;.
<br />1& 8s+rpetaeafsa ~i9tlit to lfniastatlo. ,'4 r)twithst$nding hander's acceler$tion of the sums sa*tured by this
<br />vYarigage, Borrower sltail Mace the right to Have any proceedings t)ct;ltn by I.cntieY tit enfant this ltarig$ge dss-
<br />tontir2ued at arty tune prior to ontl'y of a judglnetlt sttfcfytsng this llortgltge if: tat Harrower I)ayi' Lender $ll
<br />sutt~ which wauid be then-due under feria Martgate, the ;time anti notes securing Ft3turt Advents;, i# an}, huci igis
<br />aece2erntian ateurred; t`b} Borrower cures ail bresscht^s of an}• other cm•enants err agrt~ments of BarrosYer vott-
<br />•? 4ae ~'1_ f _S t'-~fs;F ..~. r t t _.i tt r t.,.• -,~n 1
<br />- - -t~_,~,a--~:f: z,-=~~a , ~;r -~.. a`-~ff;~£ ~=~ -~-.+~ sl•r.«_.,. .,E-..7` ~S' .za^.~-. ,mot,`.=3~ - 1-.- --_u~._
<br />aQt~ti~e$t~ a#narrower t#)utaiAed in tf7istalartgas;e Gild eft lnfiirttn}C I.cntlcr:° Ptlicdii~ .~ prvbid~i Ill pi.PA-
<br />graph 1$ hereaf, including, lint not limited ter,. reasonable Sutarney''s fear; sntl fds 13orrawcr take such action as
<br />trey-l~asonably retire tt1 ttre tlsat the lien of this- Mort~a{?e. I,cnder's intei~st -in the Property and
<br />~ olilagati+an to pay the surna ltecutecl kly this- ~iorrgagt= ahslC rantintsc nntmpatrc:d. Elpon such payment
<br />andctsssss b~*-Bormvrer,~hs Mortgage and the_abligatialw scooted hereby shall tenl$in in fttll farce and effect acs if
<br />nts ~a~rFleraEion lied ittetst~esl: •
<br />2U. ! ±~ Vii: #l~solntsseaat of liver, Iatsder. is Posaessian. a>i additional security here-
<br />- uiader, Liorcitvr~r lierehy assigh~:to Lander tlrP rent s of the Pt~pcrtj ,provided that, Borrower shalt, prior to ateeler-
<br />sttion under;psr~grsttth I8 t2hreci€ or ~Fraiidonlne2lt of the Prol~rty, have the right to Catlett and retain such rents
<br />~ae t:hev beitnrse due aaiil payable. .
<br />lrlt~esleretiasi sanderparagrrpl: 1~ is€reof ur a:lidos:rrerne,tzf tiro I?rspesty; #:ender; in pessan, b5' scent
<br />oi•:Ixy juaioiali~' ~pptiinted reeefver ssisli ix' eutit Foci to c:111tr u1wn: fate I)aasessiat Qf snd manage the Property
<br />.sited to toll~t hh t`Eilts of thti-Pr~ipCi't}, int:tudiny rhorxrr q:ast due. t11i nntz tolleetod by Lender err tho rnctivcr
<br />ill heapli~i ~ to nt of il:c evsem o? nutn;:ge/ueil ua the # iv,rty find toiicet:iun of rents. including, fiat
<br />not lint9Cfsi tn, receiver's fees,. premiums on.recei~•or's hoprls and _reasonable lsttorne4-'s tees. and the2r to the sums
<br />seburetl by this li'+Aortgage. Lender $tsd the receiver shall be, liable ko account only for those rents aotuailp n~teivad.
<br />