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I ~ f ...,ter ~J~ '[.~J~ 'F.'ri ~ ~ 3(al@i f ~~. <br />!i tti~t.r=~^~r f.~ a.t t~r.~'u~ a9~~•-rvsr~ xad i.e~chru ~+~~;i~~~ar6 au ~.i aka°a, .€s Fvts~ii~:H,~o;: <br />lf.a:)tm+eaWi iditlf IG"ri6ttai7 ~~s3 3m~t l,ntet5i:at. ~G~S<,as rrawva is Sri i.~. rtvta.,; i,a4 yripyr ,a~lna;n ,what: 'Chw„,taa? a~E acrd ~.ati CO.re7C€ ors wile!'. <br />..~,1~,~;r ~Qia~ti wu€i?~,tiaed "zyr t.,~Gt l+d~oIX.^, S,~ss.~va;i~m,.2rt~ ~~~~I l~aiG~r ~ ~ fv~: -~ , ~,ruo7 ~aa9,~J[ .ti ,Sri ~~wllir, ~ant3 t~hL hrain,G:ipa. ,y~, ~.uY~~il dnilss:d~~. <br />oa u;ry F'ntnre ~[~;vat;ces sr:cut'=wd by this l~ost;;ragt. <br />- '-'vim' ;t,- ^~'a:~ a°,.: I~.:ra;, ~. uubje;:t > egg , .'~.:, la.• ,,:.u =rit' °aive= vy t..e=:ler, f?a , =steal? s <br />?~ L,°!^~Er fl~ i7e ~}` rnatr~rly izacYaitta~~nts -_f pri {tCi.3~t u;ici ri~r~sr alt pavab ' tin~eP~`Litc ixatt, u"3itiL tLac '<ots: ~ wit i n f:~ <br />u therein "L';~nds"} equal to one-evrelftL: ;;f the yearly taxes ary a5>assments ~vlttcLt tnay ate-sin prority rarer this <br />%a.~,e, acre groaner rents on ~~e Pr~per•.y. if ~ pLas a. e-twelfth of yearly premiere it+stalltnents for ha.xrd insuance, <br />plus env-€velfeh of yearly premium instahr<acnts for n±ortgage :nsurance, if any. ail as r+;asflttably estimated initial}y and from <br />ti<=r~ to ti:t?e b,: Lender an ffig bass of asserw<mcnt; .e..t !;;}Ls and reasonable ~stimatec thereof. <br />"l~ae Funds shalt be held in an inset*.ution the dtgosiis or accounts of wheel: are insured er graarante_ed hya Fa:cieral or <br />state agency ft`ncLudtne Lender if Lender is sacFt an ir_stituti:~n). Lender shall apply ihz Fu=ads to pay said taxes, ass~ments, <br />,.._ -~ ~,cyiu ..s and it:au ;d r°-_. Lzr:dei tsta> not °'::arga• far so `aLd,ng ar:d applying the Funds, anal~ing said au <br />ar ve.;fying and compiling sai6 a sesstm;rts and hills. unless Lender pays Borrawer i«tzrest an the Ftutds and applicable Law <br />t:...^ :,.~ ender to mah~ a .-;:arse icrr., a^d L4rdtr .. a; zgree in writing at .i:e tune ~x~ «t~^ ^t this <br />iYiartg-age that interest naa~tlt>_ Funds s -t be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is meta or appiicaL~le law <br />requires such iritere.:t to to paid, Lender sLSatl not ho required to gay Borrawer any interest err earnings on the Funds. l.esrder <br />shall give to Borrower, .vithaut charge, en annual accaanting at the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose far whic`= caci~ debit to the Funds a:-a made. "f he Funds are pledged ae additional secttrty for the earns secured <br />+ by this Mortgage. <br />Ff the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together wire: the future monthly installments of F;tnds payab?e praor to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, ittsurancz premiurrts and grouud rents, sh~Ll exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall @e, at Borrower's ogtian, either <br />ptoutptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. €f the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall drae, <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any ataount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the data entice is mailed <br />by Le-ttder to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />flpon payment in full of all sums secured h}' this Mortgage, I-ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />bald by Lender. If under paragraph tg fiereoF the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no later thansmmediatety praor to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds heW by <br />Lender at the liras of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. Appiica#iva oe Paytaeats. tierces applicable law provides otherwise, alt payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hemof, then to interest payable on the Note, then to the principal flf the i3ote, and then to infer~t and <br />p:itrcigai an any Futvre Advances. <br />4. Charges; L,Ieas. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, Ernes and impositions attributable to <br />the Property whicft may attain a priority over this Mortgege, aced leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, Ln the manner <br />pro+ :dsd under paragraph 2 hereof ar.rf net paid in such manner, by Borrawer making payntznt, whey due, directly to the <br />payt:e thertaf. Borrowei shat[ promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event <br />Harrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender mceipts evidencing su:.h payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Mortgage; provided, that Borrower shall not be <br />tzquired to di~hargz any such lien sa Lang as Bareaw~er shall agree in writing to the payment of the abligatian seiuresi by <br />such lien in a manner acceptable fo Lender, ar shall in goad faith contest such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in, <br />IegaL prat:eedings whic;s a,{rerate to prvent ae enforcement of the lien or farftitura of th:. Property ar any pan €hereof. <br />5. I3azard i~arance. Borrowzr shalt keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected an rho Property "ensured <br />against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />and in attch amounts and for such periods as Lender ntay require; provided, that Lender shall not regtaire that the amount of <br />such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to oay the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />"Itta itasurance carrier prariding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrawer subject to app€oval Lsy lender; praeiatetl, <br />that Streit sppraval shall eat be u.-,teasoaably withheld. A:1 premiu.:,s art insurance pali:.ies stall bt psid in t~ rxaanrctr <br />provided under paragraph Z hei'zcaf or„ if not paid in such manner, try Harrower making payment, when due. directly to the <br />ors:rarer terrier. <br />- - +.L! L?su=*a~ ~1€_, d rtr-=wale th~cif hall be in forru a+~zptaLl€ to Ltnc~r and shaft in.lutft a etattdard mortgage <br />s°aavac an raver a. aswi in trriin a%tcutat is to i~rcwer, i..cria2r 51iaLl _, ~ crater t ^:.^,:d ;:"~.. ~,:.1;: 2 - -c ... •..,._ :_~~. <br />anrf Itflrmurer shall runm~riv furnish t_n tprrrLer alt rer>,uwaf nQtice_s anti aLL receints of naid nrentiurrvs~ In the event of Lass, <br />Borrawer sball give prompt notice to the icsurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make praor flf toss if not rnade prot~ip'sly <br />by 8€arrasatr. <br />Unless Lender and Borrawer othetvrise agree in writing, insurance pr~xeeds shall be applied to res#oratrwrm ar repair of <br />the Property damaged, provided such mstoration or repair is economically feasible and the security of this Mortgagors <br />not thereby impaired. if such resiaratian or report is net economically feasible ar if the security of this Mortgage v,•attld <br />be impaired, the insuranez prac~~ds shall bt applied to the stuns sta~ured by this Mortgage, with the excess, if any> paid <br />to >Iat€ovY•er. if the Property is abandoned bp' Borrawer, ar i1' Borrawer faits to respaad to Lender within 34 days from tL~ <br />date aatice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier others to settle a claim for insurance btttefits, lxnder <br />is atttharized to catleci and apply the insurance proceeds at tender's option either to restoration or repair of the Pmpa:t'ty <br />car tae the sums sscttr~l by this Mortgage. <br />tinltss Lettder and Borrower otherwise agree m writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shalt rata extend <br />ar postpone the duo date of the mcnthiy installments referred Lo ira paragraphs L and 2 hereof ar csiange the attini:it of <br />such tnstallments. ff under paragraph L8 hereof the Property is acquired by Lender, a!1 right, title and interest of B. xrower <br />in and to any insurance policies and in and to the proceeds thereof resulting from damage to else PrapetK_y prior to thr. salt' <br />tar acquisition shall pass eta Leader to the extzatt of the sutras secured by this Mortgage immtdiaiely prior to such salt ar <br />~r#uisltion. <br />6. 'o4eretvatlen sad Mmlateaaace of Propertyt Ixasatwlda; C'oadomiaiYats; Piannaul Walt !?evetaQatents. Bortawer <br />shat# keep the Property fn good repair and shall teat commit waste ar permit impairment or deterioration of the Property <br />+tiFfa 3:"~'`R ' _l~-^J _- ~ ~"Jf-~ _ - - a.. ,_za ~'u' - ~ ' - as~cnaa°'4i-F~Lu r€ tls~< _ _ ~~.~i _ ~ , . <br />'-'ls~a gn} - Fg bF as #i`sl .:-rty~ <br />s-irtttit~rtLr[t~ ar a planned unit iatvtls~yuttiti, Barrawer~siali pern3rT1 all of Borrower's ahligatians un~r s h4. d;='clarafian <br />ar covenants crtaeing or governing the condaminittm ar planneed emit devziapment, the by-taws and regulatians of the <br />canslomiititartt err Itlattned unit tlaavtlapment, and s:onstituent d~uments. If a condominium ar planned unit development <br />rides is executed by 13orraw~r and reatarded taltter witLt reels MJ~utgage, the covenants sad agresntents of Stich rider <br />shalt let: ineagocated into and steal! amend and supplement the covenants and agreerncnts of this Mertgagt as if the rider <br />- a het. <br />7= ; ~',~~te u~'s Wig, Ff Harrower fails !o pasfiarm the covenants and agr>•entents contained in this <br />14fort~$Sp, of t`; Say mttt'ru or practxdiag is contttitnctd which materially affects Lender's interest in the Property, <br />it~lt3ding, but trot limited to, eminent dosnnin, iesolaency; cads anfomerntnt, or arrangntnents ar proceedings involving a <br />~ tic d€cedent, thsti Lr~tder at I,ertd;:t's.ogtiaq upon itotix to Borrawer, may make such appearartccs, disburse such <br />stints a. ~" #^a; - h action as i4 :.::.e.,€ary t;j ~at~t Letxler's °,.tvrest, including, but rot limited ta, dishirrsemeat of <br />reaatartabfie attoracy's fees and tarry upon-the Property to make^repairs. If Lender rcquitvd mortgage insurance as a <br />conditizan of malting the loan secured by ..ibis Mortgage, Borrower shalt pay the premiWrts required to maintain such <br />iasurattee in effect until suelt time as the requirement tar such insurance terminates in accordance with Barrawer`s and <br />