,~ ~ ~~
<br />~~~+
<br />~"-tt~ btJH. ;3 ~.~k #S~R~.:a'Lhs. + . ~~af t, r,~~,-;
<br />a~..f ~, x~efr' ,~_.., ~~$s`F ~s }~ii~g,,:; st. '~ IkJ l t's~C ~?;~. ~~~~ r' E _i `... - ~pl r--al- ~~ "?^'' c v .r `~ f ~~ :`-•:
<br />, _ ...
<br />irl r;;~ end ~~- o;y ; .~i;r ar,{! ~~ Th~itt "$LSrxer"1, and the ~€art~aga3e: 1io~z €~er~erai
<br />avzn~# ~~d' ~n r.a>~aei~xticu, a +~irpa~Sicsn rz~artiza~€ and etirtg under tha ia~vs of '~ h[: l3nit Stags ;,i
<br />At~ricat, whcx~ addr€ is 221 Sa;:th Lo>TM,t3t, StreeW, t~rattd Island, i*iebtas~a Therein "Lauder":.
<br />=~t%Kaaaa~, noria~er is indebted to Lender in the principa€ svm oi. SE?~.i<i; i z .'ai=Vii-... Ei-,itUS~.iv1~ .'i.'1E, ri~'fuREC
<br />AI~T). Id1;l.{.~~___________________n___._...,____~€€ar, which irtdebtedaaess L e}:deuced by Borrower's Hate
<br />dated.....J.~~u~;-_ , ;1,~„ i,~79_ , , , , . therein "?+€oie", pF~av€ding far usonth€y Lnst2€€meuts of principa€ and interest,
<br />with the ha€atrce of L€re indebtedness, if not scx;ner paid, due and gayab€e on...... Es.tzruary. !,. 2QC$......
<br />T'o SE~t7ttE to Leader {a; ttx~_ repayr.r~nt of thv indebc~d^evs evi3e:tced by the I*iote, vrith interest thereon, the
<br />paytrteut of a€€ other sums, with Interest thereon, advanced in accordartce herewith to prated the secur?ty of this
<br />14fartgage, and the perfr.+rmance of the ccvena„ts a=.d agreenionts of narrower herein conta'sned, and (bl the repavmerrt
<br />oI any future advances, with interest ihemon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant tea paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Futitrc Advances" j, $orrower dies hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lendet the fvi€awit.g described property
<br />located Tit the County of ............~i ~.l .......................... . State of PFebras~a.:
<br />LOTS OhiE C ! ? A8! C TN!© (2 ; , BLC.s'.i~ EOr2TY S I .`.' t ~E) '~`A S'~"•E Fc' S Ti-(i RT;' ACC I T I ~.'d TG T"rfE C f TY
<br />OT= G%rtU~iC €SLAiVu, PALL c:0iii~fTY, tsEi3EtASKA.
<br />which has safcire~ of... , , ,'ik~3 a'esf John ..................... Grenri t s i and.... .... ,
<br />., .
<br />ttt tcttrt
<br />5
<br />:-: e _..;
<br />-- - - _ _ - - -" - _ - - .: ~hErC311 "~'riApei'Tj FtitK~rl$85}'}; - - - - - _ - - - -.. _- _ - -
<br />- - --.-~$'T~~t€ w`itl°r-- - ° tKFi~i- ikY--h~`eer---~ti 6Ft spF.Ft~; artd' $~ ~-$~,rit~~tc' ! `~; -
<br />-8~,1~`R8!}~YtG~B,_Y~BtS:-~,'2Ti1fkBT8~.-. CSi~'~tRt€. -l2~ltS 8F3d ~fl'4'~TSr ~Vtt~iir~ WSi'~L il~, tt&, ~C~'i~FStCi StflC;i[, ~R~ d~€-
<br />- Tnr-=~~ t+-'t"N ~> sett,: g artdttior~ tltere~; ta1t
<br />r, ~ ~ arty at t ~f the qty covered hj tlsis rrge; atad ;iil~ of the fitrargaing, t[tg~tlter with said
<br />pragezty {ot #i le#calsl ate i£ this Yfartgtge is an a Tcasetto€d) hereirrt x'efcrred to atf t~ "F'rttpctYp".
<br />n~irrowcr~vex#~tt~ tha'tnor:awer ix €awfuu?}+ sei5er; of the esiate$ay conveyud and hats the right to mortg~e>
<br />.- _ . ~- and j ''~ °!'}, tt[at tke- Pram rtp +s unenc~umher d, _a €hat_oncciw~t _ warrant and tietend
<br />- - ~irtera115~ L.^.Y ^lie FU l37C r'!Tl~CCiy a~"tl37 L`i i17! C ..`T'~ :1!111 ,7C[[IiIJ IC:S, JIFU€Clil-LP'itdi~ SiAd~ilBViiJi Ci1SC /I ~iE;['tt~ ar IRil IV4I(IIIS
<br />- - - .- - -
<br />li~acd m a ui:ttcduic of ~tscn«: tc? c+wer~+.o 11 Ft•Y rfti ~;:~aac~ p~ izFSUrtug Lender's rRtere3i in the Frogerty.
<br />~;--2. to q fa~t€fy--8115--Fbtltiltftfl: 1~3iF~i~f {fi3#9t~iEMt
<br />