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nFd~ ~~~,neuuW 3.s ~~~ ~li~ ..~ il'~Fe 'k',P <br />%.~<.,;d... ;k~~ r rr~, ~r,k-rt.,er~ncirit isr ztfarltt a~E:~'i. Fay. lkr,t~r~c:+~ er ~ha3i p=1 t;hmd; a~Ei7i•i~raS~ a; ~atl7. nr.rrt,gagW istsura~r,u.r- irremJ',t;irnis ;!r r1-r <br />rtps~it,ar~e W~~r~rov:u[€~sl urta?er S~,rutra~~~~rl~€h ~, lhir:,rcv:aP, <br />,',n~; rc~.ntaruitP~t rt~i~~slturis~7 1a?~~ 1.~:n~t~..r itia~^ flat ~tlin.4~ I;am:~,i;iz~~,Co3•u fi, wv3tka i~~n~ttu,r~s2 R~Vucareora. s:h#Jid ~a,aiall;uona! <br />indebted.~s ^i' Bcrraw:r ;s,.t:rax by at:;s ~.Icrt~u~e ..ens Bc.,~~ ,. ..., Lender a o ether terra. -` faaymert. such <br />-:ousts s;aall be pa;•abiv span aotir_e from lender to ~ti~rrow;;r rqu~ting pay~sent thereof, and shall 1r•arilintsrPSr from rfe <br />date of di_';bt~<<~nrent at the late payable frztn time io time en outstanding principal ender rite dote unless paytrtent of <br />interest at such rate would be ct;ntran~ to applicable law. try xhsch event st;ch ameuns shalt bear interest at t';e hi;_::~•-t rata <br />per=m:sib#e under applicable lass.'datl;ing ecniained in this paragraph 3 shall require Lender to incur any expe,.:e or tale <br />any action hereunder. <br />$. Inspesttx'on. bender may ma_1:w or cause to be made reasvmzble entries spun and ins;rections of tre Property, provided <br />t`tat?.ender steal, give I3errower troiice p;it~r'sn a<-,y sorb inspectias spe_ifying reasonalsle cause therefor related to Lenders <br />int~re4` in the Property, <br />9. arondemnatian. The prccee~s of any ar~.ard or claim For damattes, direct er corsequentiai, ir. connection with any <br />condemnation or afher #al;ing of the Property, r_r part fltereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnarion, are hereby assi_ned <br />and slral} be paid to Lender. v <br />?n the anent of a late! taking of lets Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this hYongage, <br />with the excess, if :.try, paid #o Borrower. ?n the event of a paella! taking of tfie Property, unless Harrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be apptiad to lira sums secured by the :iortgage such prsportion of the prxeeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amaant of the sums secured by Phis Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date o€ faking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property Is abandoned by Bnrrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim far damages, Borrower fails to eespon<I to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />ilnle3s Lander and Borrower otherwise agree in w•riling, any such application of proceeds ro principal steal! trot extend <br />or postpone the due date of Ehe monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change the amount of <br />su;:h installments. <br />>!0. Bexraever Nat Released. Extension of the t='me for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall sat operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest Lender she!! not be required to commerme <br />pros:eetiingc against ss_=ch successor or eefuse, to extend time for payment or oth;:nvise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by fr~is M'nriaaaa by am nF ~ v det:tand ^`~de-by the ".^.binat B^ .,., °d B.^rrn,..°''e ~..~b ... ..~.. <br />I7. Fat~rance by Louder Not a y6alvrr. Any forbearance by Lender iniexercising any right or remedy hereunder, nr <br />othrwise afforded tsy applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or prtxiude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or chsrges by Lender she!! not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right ta, accelerate tine maturity of the indebtedness~:rured by this Mortgage. <br />Y2. Remedies ~n~tul>:tlve. Al! remedies provided in tints Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any ether right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by earn or equity. and may be exercised eonsurrently, ~~tdepz:.dzntly ar successively. <br />Y3. Senceessors sad A~Igns ltatend; 3emt! ated Several iiabBtty; CageBat~. The covenants and agreerttents herons <br />contained shal3 bind, and the rights hereunder shalt inure to, the t+espective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. till covenants and agreements of Harrower shall be joint and several. <br />`T'ern, captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and are not to be used to <br />interpret ar ikftne the provisions hereof. <br />Yd. Ner€ie~r. Ex,~yt for any ttatice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, fat any noftce to <br />Borrower provided far ig *.l:is Mortgage shalt be given by mailing such notice h_y certi&ed mail addressed to BorraH•er at <br />the Property Address ar at such other address as Borrower may designaYf by ~oticc to Lender as provided herein, and <br />(b) any notice to Lender steal! be given by certified mail, return receipt rtqueste~l, to Lender's address stared heroes or to <br />such other address as Under may designate 6y notice to Bnrrower as provided herein. Any notice provided far in this <br />iv?nrtgage shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower oe I.ettder whin given in the t!nantter rleslgnat~ herein. <br />IS. 1~1nLt tie; vent ~vr, ~ereraltBtty. This fo_rr^ of esertgage rom~ne~ uniform covenants far ts2t:ct;a1 <br />~_ _=i,1.~_tr,-=r-_=_f~-s .s_wnnr_-t. ~irl~; li~isrd ysr;~te.~~ to.; re:,.- t-_, _ -e;s _ - _r=e~.-. ~ _ °~ ,_-~t ~~~ <br />'-! pru~ity. Th_s Mn 4~- small bx a~ver~d by the~lRwref,tl~ jf~-isds,.t'=~~kin w•h. p:r~, - r_t . t_.~ <br />hta the n r:y 1-~..~. ~ it <br />tidi:iii iiaai any prtavisitan it clsets8 tai this ir3tn`:eag~ ar IhC F'epte Ct)ndtietS wit!? anplicaisi+F law, ~a?~'lt ~'~StS1i~L ~N~t ttor ast[5'~t <br />ether uravisinns of train ~_ de5rtnne_ r 4Fer Atntp vrk.rh .- ., _M_ a _ eFt..°r .u.rM..e xl,a ..~,A:~_ a...t :.~. tb;,~ <br />__,.,,.,. ..a., .tin ... ......... .........~,. ..^- ......,.....ittt;i s- <br />ead the provisions of the I~Tnrteage'and tht i°Sote are declared to be severable. - ..a.~,., s.....u ,.,.,, <br />=6. l~;:eswar=; tre~.y. Barrrxer shall be furnished a esnfat~tsred espy sf the Nnte and of this Mortgage at the iitrie' <br />of execution or after recordation hereof. <br />Y~. Trstttafei of the Yrapeetp; ArsaEmpHon. If ell or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower wtthout Lender's prior written cot>_sent, excluding fa) the eteatian of a lice ar encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Marigage, tb} the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appliances, fc} a transfer by dcvae, <br />d€~eni or by operation of law upari tlta death of a joint tenant or fd} the grant of any lea~hold inttnest of three years or !~ <br />sat containing an option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option, declare afl the sutn_s secured by this Mortgage to be <br />imtnediatety due and payable. Lender shall Nava. waived such option to auelcrate if, prior to the sale or trap±fer. Lender <br />and ilte person to witom khe Property 'ts to be sold or transferred reach agreetttent in writing that the credit of such gerstut <br />is satisfactory to Lander and that the interest payable on the sutrts secured by this h#ortgage shall bo at such rate as Lendu <br />wall regtresf. :f Lentittr etas waived tltc option to accelerate provided in ibis paragraph l7, arrct if Barrawer's successor in <br />lntetest has txecttttuf a written assumption agreement accepted in welting by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from ell <br />obiiQationa under this Mortgage and the NtNS, <br />If L~rtd~xt• acer>`isos such option io accekrate, Lender shall mail Borrower ootiee of aleratson in t:ccordatn~e Witt: <br />paragraph is heteoi. 5ttsft nc~is~ shat! provide: a penned of net less than 31} days from the date the notice es mailed within <br />which Barrav,~er may pay the sums declared due. tf Bnrrower fails to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period; <br />Lcndrer rosy, witttaui farther notice or demaml on Harrower, iovole any remedies permitted by paragraph i8 het+eof. <br />?Vert-ilttttioait Cnvext4N'ra. ~?rrower ar!d i.ender further ttoeena!tt and agr~ as follows: <br />IS. ; liaa~e:dtka. )kept as pt+usided fen para~rap9i i'f hetteuf, uRoti lit>rrawea's ~h ref troy ~t err' <br />Qf ~llrFlt"nY4r ~ thtlF l~ltF{ea - the ¢8vEl~teits.~_pa~+ ~he7i doe any xti++a ~ ~ tt~ t~8lt~ef. <br />_pttiuf _ -tit.-lam as prttv~sd-in pas~r Y4 Txres~ ~~ (i) ~ hreaxh; <br />(2) tsettn~a t?ego~d tt> amtr ash Btoeatehi (3},ti data, ash less the 3A days flam the date th+e select bt tntttled to Horraw>:r, <br />-±~ -±~t~ lam- s ~l ~ is sit ~t s~ ~£r~ t ~ t~ <br />Cttt lu of lire ~a~ erred h3' tats ~F igreciustcra by ~eial IBS tttwi sate ~ tMte may. <br />`lets pgpYl(r skate itopitsA orst tiicrrvwer t r`~d to xttatta after acctteratiea sad-the right te, assent he iha ftunseitasetre <br />praaeeedtrag #ts aon~ittsieace e-t a defastr tn' any aihttt defetaac of Beiarotser ib ~ and fiaretlasrm. Yf Ma breach <br />tt~t cer~ set ~r'~1@ost rite dsa specified ~ the tsoiita, lender at Lendtela aglirfn may eieetrtre ~ of tine canna secured by <br />t ~ to he. _ tote ear! ~tyabba witltont fnctlcer demand attd tnac fartreiost by ?a+fufetat gt•~eetiintg. l,cndsr <br />Ile._ ~~t ~ eft ettE ire, 4ud ~ tia:xited ta, ceets elf dtuerg <br />e:j ti~s~fi:®ai'K~nae Yc77erx~s..- _ _ <br />;~ c~•s ~ to '" . Igotwitttsiandirlg I.atuter's acceieratinn of foe soma secured ley this Mortgage, <br />_°~~.". aft 3~°_ .. ~ ~ .~~ ~, _F_ _~ _i€i~s~~ ta..f~ a%~~? a i'; ~~:recd at 2r, t: ~~ <br />