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<br />If under paragraph IS hereof the Prolzarty is sold ar the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, rza later than irnmediaiely price fa the sale of the Prnprrty ar its acquisition izy lender, any Funds <br />held by Lender at the tune of application as a creflit against t}tc sums secured by this 'Mortgage. <br />'~?~' 3. Xpp}zaation of Payments. Lnless applicable laic pavvides atltenvise, a,l] payments- received by Lender <br />l~ under the Note and Iaaragraplzs 1 and 2 Iterieof shzill he alKstieti key Lender first in payment of arnaunts payable to <br />~i Lender by Borrower under paragrapiz 2 hereof, thenta interest payable eta £he itiote and on Future ~kdvanees, if <br />Td any, and then to the principal ot" the i`lote and to flee principal. of Future 9dvance --, if any. <br />CS 4. CkstrSee: Meas. Borrower slaslT pay al] taxes, asses~taients and nther.charges, fines and impositions atGrib- <br />;~ utsf3le to the Property whfch may attain a priority aver this- llorttgage; arid- ground rents, it' any, at Lender's <br />option in the mange; provided under paragraph 2 hereof or by_33vrrower_-rii$king payment,- when-due, directly to <br />i t~-pay the-°~f, l~°•ra :2r-shs=l prcrsr:tly urniah tti Lendor-alI ;tetser_.=~,f axnountn<dire under this-Paragrapfi> <br />oCi- and in the ererzt Harrower shall make payment dtreetly, Barraccer .[,u71, larumptly furnish to Lender receipts evi- <br />T`~1 dancing ,ach.pavments, Borrower: shall protaptiy disetarge any. Lien ~+•ltieh has-priority= over this: Vlartgage; Peer--- ~' <br />vidzt?, Chet IiotTOwer shall not be required to diseitsrge any stroll-lien sn long as Harrower shall agree in writing to <br />ihr_ p:tyna,,ntef the ohligataon :.eeured-by such Iien in a manner atceptsble t3 Lender; ar shall in goad faith ctrntest <br />such lien hy: or defend enforcement of -such- lien in, legal proceedings wlaiela aiaerste to preveni -the enfareernent of <br />the lien ar forfeitirre of-the Prapertr or any Bart thereof. <br />Sr fl~azurd Iasureatee. Haarrower shall- keep the iziprovemerits now- existing or hereafter ereci;ed oa the Prop- <br />eery insured against loss by free, hazards ineIuded within the term "extended coverage"; end such other hazards us 7i <br />Lander may t'egnire snit m sneh amounts ani far suelt periods as Lender may require, provided, that Lender shall - <br />npt requirEt.tzat the amount of such coverage-exceed filet amount of coverage required Go pay the some seeured'hy- <br />`' than Mortgagee <br />. 'd'he insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be clansen by Borrower subject-to approval by LenEler; <br />provided, that-such approval shall not: be unreasonably withheld. ~tll premirmrs an insurance policies shall be paid _ ~_ <br />at Lender's option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower making payment, when diie, <br />directly to the-insurance carrier. <br />In the eveart any. policy, is-not renewed en or before- ten days of its expiration, flee Lender; to protect <br />its interest, tray procure insurance on-the improvements, pay the gretniums and such stun shall become t <br />imr~diately due- and payable with interest at the-rate set -Earth in said Bate until. -paid slid: shal'it be <br />secured by this Mortgage. Pailnre by Borrower to comply rnay, at option of Lender, coastitttte a default ' <br />under the terrris of:this Mortgage. <br />RU-insurance policies cad renewalsthereof ~ha}l he in-farm aceeptalrle to Lender-and obeli include s standa~ <br />aortgage clause in favor of and in form acceptable io Lender. Lender shall hero tl:e right to hold the paiietes -and- <br />re;rewals thereof, and Borrower shall promptly furnish-to Lender all renewal notices and all receipfs of paid pre- - <br />miurns. Irt the event of lass,-Harrower shall give prompt notice to the. insurance carrier and Lender,.anil Lender <br />may make proof of Iris if not made promptly ley Horrawer. <br />Unless Tender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shaII be applied to restoration or <br />repair of the Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is econamieaily feasible and the security of <br />this';l~iortgage i$ not thereby impaired. If -such restoration ar repair is not economically feasible or if fire security - <br />of this} ~iartgaga-would ba impaired, fire trisnrance proceeds stall Iia applied: tc the -sums secured" by tltia i~ort;;:.a~, <br />castle th~ex, if-any; maid to Parrowea•.-lf the Property is abandoned by Barrativet or if larrower fails to resptrrzd <br />to7~;zdtrwithin 30 days after notice by Lender to Borrower tlaat.tha insurance carrier offers to se.*tle a claim for <br />insuraacebenefrts Lendea• is authorized to toiieet and apply the: insurance-proceeds at I:endar's apti?i?her to <br />restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this 3lartgage. <br />IInle~ Letuler end Borrower otherwise ogles in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal'shall <br />net mttenu ar postpone Gha dzie date of the rnbnthly installments referred tci in paragraphs I and 2 Hereof ar,ehauge <br />theaztiount of such itrstalimeats. <br />If utider'psragraph 1& hereof the Property is acquired by Lender, all right, tiffs and. interest of Borrower=iii- <br />aErd ttiany ixtsuiSnee polities-and ifl end to the proceeds thereof 4to the eA~nt of the sums secured by this Alert- <br />gage -immediately prier to such sale or acquisition t resulting -from damage to the Property prior. to the sale or <br />aequi€** shall pass to L-endor. <br />5. Ptesarvraz~on-aiui M ' of Prapert~*: Leaanfinlds: Condominiuazs. Borrower shall keep-the Prop- <br />erGy in gaud repair and shall not-permit or commit w: ate, impairment, or deterioration of tine Property end shall <br />comply with the provisions of anq lease, if this ~fartgsg~ is on a leasehold. If this Mortgage is an a eondoatiinitua <br />uniC, Botrocver shall perform all of Borrower's abligstions under the declaration of condominium ar master deed, <br />the by-leers itztd-regulations of the c~ndo_minium project and constituent. daruments. <br />7, Ikotgsfi+,ts of I~ssder s purity. If Ptarrower fails is per#arm the cavanants and sgraements cantaimed in <br />this Lfor#~age, ar if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Lender's interes#. in the Pr~p- <br />erty, including, but not IimitC~st to, emiaent domain; insolvency; code- enforcement,. or arrangements ar proceed <br />inga involving a bankrupt or decedent, than Lander- at Lender's option, upon notice to Borrower, inay matte such <br />appearances, dislturse such sums and take such action as is necessary to protect Lender's- interest, iuehrding, but <br />trod tatnited ta, d~lturaenrtnt of -rsNsonsble attorney's. fees and entry upon the Property: tci taake rep~ira. Atiy <br />~rortnte disbursed by Lender pursuant tti this paragraph T, frith interest. thereon; shall become- aaiditional indelrtr <br />edr of l~otrerwer seenred_hy this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tetsns of ,,aynietrE, srtch <br />amormts shall he psyaliie-uI?oa notice from Lender to Stirrawer requesting payment thereof',-and shall besx inter: _, . <br />ast from 2lte date of diehursement st the rate stated in fire Nate unless payvierit of interest at such rate would- be <br />cotttrxr~t to applicable taw.; in evhich avant sueii amounts shall boar interest at tire-.highest rate perazrissibie by <br />applicable law, ;lrrtlaitg cantaineci iza dais paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or do any act <br />1~•eztader.. <br />8. Tatt3aeeiivn. lender ms}• make or eau.-e to he made reasonable entries upon anti insliertions of the :Prop- <br />- arty, provided rhos Lender .hall give Borrower rrat~CC,laar7or En _any suety iatsptetton specifying ressoaalzle cause <br />tluerefar related is Lender's inierzet in the Propertjr. <br />8. isaadarnuaiioa. .1'he araceadr. of any award oe cIsitn f~tr dar_ direct or cansequetitial; in rennection <br />with aEiy ao::deernation cr• othe^ taking of the Property, ur hart tlzereof~ or far conveyance in Betz of condetnna- <br />lion, sae Hereby a_csigned and shall be paid to Leader - <br />in the event of ,~ fatal taking of the Property, they proems-whall [,e applied to ttse sums secu_*ed h}° this. Mort- <br />. gage, arith the eeceis, it any, paid to $orrower. in the xvent of a nattier taking of the Property, unle~ Borro~ir <br />and T,endor otherwise agreena writing, there s}loll be xpplier; to the auma secured by this \4ortgage strah ptopar- <br />tiori d: the grai-cede as is equal to that pmpartian which the ama;mi of khe scans secured by this 1>,tortgage imme- <br />diataly E ~'r6f to fire date of taing bears to tlzc fair matitz~t value of t!te Property immediately prior to the date of <br />taking; ?-ith tlie ~,alance of the praeeenm paid tp Borratrer. <br />If = Yri:;,arty is sia;idune~i by ~orraaser ar if afiar notice tr{ I.emier to Borrower Ghat the eandentnor effete <br />to m~k:- a++ n~~~ar+i ar-seine a claim for damages, Borrower :ails to refipond to Lender wit~tin 30 da;s of the dots <br />04 sucii nutice; i.enciet is authorred to collect and aplily the ixuceeds at l,aitder?li option.eitlx±rto restasation or <br />repair of the Property or tea the errors secured. by flare Mortgage. - <br />tisless Lender and 13arrratXer otdieezTriac egret ur ~rrittr~, arty shah: applxcatfan of praeeeils to principal shall <br />_~ <br />