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<br />INDIYt®UAL <br />iDUE ON SALE <br />ossrsaNAL s=srrsls~E ~avaNaE~ <br />SAYINGS FUND <br />FoeM No. 720 <br />Lgan Number_ 39648--°--_-188_~_?__ <br />-. - - - - - - ryy.. B ancn <br />~~~ ~ d~c <br />h+IC?~~'GA+G~ <br />TIiIB MORTGAGE, made and executed this .---- '~ :.:..... ...... day of _~~>..~..^r.:~- ::_.:..._ A:L},, <br />-- <br />19_?~..,, between the Mortgagor, ..lxenzli._M,.:-Sh~lter_.and-Tl:sTma..~f,_~hasralt~r,..huslasnd..and..- <br />..... t~ffe.>..~aiuti~r ..and_.'-----------------------------------------------------•---------.:°..--------° <br />of ..and.IsL~.nd..._......., County of -------Hall._ ..... ........ State of ---Nehzaska..--.---; hereinafter re€ened <br />to as the horrower, and the Mortgagee, FIIt3T FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LO~iN ASSOl*ATIS3N OF <br />LINCOLN, 2235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 6$5(21., its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to <br />as Lender. <br />F~iTxESSSrzt: That the said Borrower for and in consideration sif-the sum of ....E4ATY=.FZ°78_-THQUSl1ND <br />.....3I3.~it7)AEI).A~.3i01.1A.Q-----°:'---~e~_~~_-.-'=--.-Dollars {US$ _45r&QC.O~T------- --------} <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lendea, its successors.and.assigns::-the <br />following described pmpertS' located is the Cannty of ...._-._.......Ha13 -------------------- State of Nebraska: <br />Lot Nine {9} Block Thirty-Six {36} in Charles Was®er's Addition to the City a# Grandlsland <br />Hall County, I3abraska <br />Toei;T~s$ with ail the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property; and all easernents, <br />rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, -and- <br />- water stock, .aid .all futures naw or hereafter attached to the Property, all of which, irieluding reg..:... s- <br />anents and additions i..~~eto, shall be; deemed to be and remain a part of the Property covered iry this, <br />MorCga~e,- and-all of the foregoing, together with said property for the leasehold-estate in the event-this <br />rie7stig°a~c is ~n a - ieaa@hvid j sic llerc3n Fefe?cd i€3 a$ tli2 °~i? vii ~r'r - - - <br />Borrawer eevenaats that $onawer is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has-the rig}it <br />to mnrtgage, grant and convey the Pmgerty, that tho Property is unencumbered,-and that hormwer:l <br />:varrant and_ defend. generally the title to the Property against all- claims and demands, subject to any <br />ease~x+~nts and. restrictions listedcn a schedu}e of exceptions to coverage- in any title: insurance <br />suring:Lender's interest in the Property, or E2} attorney's epinfon of title from abstract of title c5ed <br />by brinded abstracter. <br />Paovtoen ALwnvs, and these ptesenfs are executed and delivered upon the following usnditibns, agree- <br />ments and obligations of the Borrower, to-wit: <br />The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of .,.1`Q13TX-1=IYP...TH£l1ISAtLQ:-. <br />....5;.~.il1 iFi9,~i.~N"ti -slf?L.IQ#3°:'..---..-..---- -_ .......................... .. .-°°-Z}ollars tUSw-._fi,5.fe€}SL.QLI:.:._::---•~-'--~} <br />payable as provided in a note ex~~euted and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of pruicapal, <br />if not-sooner paid, on the ..-...- _ lst---.... _... day of -.--.-- Qecember _ (>(J8_ <br />UTdIE6aM Covr~.4t~~rs. harrower and Leader covenant and agree as follows: <br />I. Pagmeat of ?rzracllscl ~ Lr3terest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due-the p , I of and-zn- <br />terest on the indebtedaeas evidenced by the Nate, prepayment and late charges as provir d~e~&ra the Note, <br />and the principal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.: - <br />2. Funds for 2gxes and- Insurance. Subject to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 -and 5 hereof, Bor- <br />mover shall pay to lender on -the day monthly installments of principal and. in#erest are: payable under !='ie <br />Notae, untiY the Note fs paid in full, a sum {herein "F`unds"} equal to one:twelfth of the yearly taxes and <br />asses&cnents which may attain priority over this Mortgage, and ground rents- on the:. Property; if any plus <br />one-im€IRh ti£ ynarly premiums-inata~nent~ for hard insurance; plus cue-twel€E;h of yearly premium in- - <br />stallmrttts far mortgage iasscu^ance; i# ani, aII as reasoaably estimated irt,'tially and fro7ci tune to tune by <br />Lender on the-basis of asses$mexitsand bills and reasonable estin".ates thered ; rider shah apply the Funds - <br />iv pay =ace tasesf assessments, insurance. premiums and ground rents. Lender shall make no charge for sa <br />h is .- d ~plj *~g: tl~ Fundo ~ ~~ and earapicang said asse_x-cnerts :,n3 bil!;,. Th ^dc. shall. <br />gtv try the Bazrtswer,. without merge, an annnat accounting of the end; showing credits sad debits to the. <br />F.u~r?y .:nd the gum for which carts r~l;it to the k'artds h :natle. The Funds are pledged as additiotuil <br />s?curity fvr the s.tit5s secured. lsy this Mortgage. The. Bot~mwer three-s thnt the Funds may bs held }~y the- <br />Lender and rnmming3ed with 4t~a fends and the-Lender's ow?: funds ecul the Lender cnay pay such items <br />fiom its own funds and the Tender shall not he #Ia}i!e fur interest or dividencih on such. Hinds. <br />if the amnunt of the Funds he}d by Lender, together nrith the future monthly installments of Futuls <br />payable prior tin the due dates of taxes, assessments; insurance prenuums and .ground rents; shall exceed- <br />. the arnvunt required to pay said taxes, asse~smentc, insurance premfunis and ground rent.9 as they #aIl 3ua, <br />5xh es^css Shall be, at Berrnve;'s optinn, either promptly repaid do Borrrnwer or credited tt> 13grt~ower nn <br />n~rmtii}y instalim~nts of l:`unds. If the aruount of ttia Finds held by Lender shall nit tre.siif€'icient ttr gay <br />txxe>s, ascesanients, insurance premiums and ground zents as they fall dux, Aorrowai shall. pay to Z,erider <br />~ °arnnunt necxssazy to make uP the deflcriency within thirty days a#ter notice fcnm Lender to Box2eswer <br />n~questing p2yment thereof, or Borrower. snail; by an increase in monthly installments of Funds required; <br />relfiiy ilie de3icien<;y within the Fund accounting period. <br />I.Tp?n Pay-inent in fui! of all sums secured hy. this Rfiortgage, Lender shall-apply Funds held as a credit <br />against`all-st}rrts due: <br />