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<br />,°~''~ <br />not Mend ar postpone the due date ai ttae monklily installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of"such installments, <br />t0. Banower Nat Released. Extension of the time for payment or naadifieation of amortization of the sums <br />secured by-this 1'fortgage granted b} Lenderto any successor in interest of Borrower strati not operate to release, <br />in stay ttianner, the liability of the original $armwer.and` Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall -not be <br />required to epantnenee liroceedings against such successor ar refuse to extend time for payment or attaorwise modify <br />anaortisat.ion of tlae sums seaureei:by- this \lortgage by reason? of any demand tiiade by the original Borrower-and <br />Burro''rer's successors lira interest.: <br />i i. Perce~aaace by eitrfer ivot' a. ~s-aivttr. Any foroearanee by Lerrder in exercising any-right or remedy <br />hare,,,,de*, ~r o+t,~nvi~P aff'arded by ap~li±'ahle law, ~IaaII iadt l e ~ waiver a£ er-prec3ude +hx e~~'€se srf arty-r~h.+ <br />orrsinady irzreunder_ ;"tie procurement of insurance or tits payment of taxes or other Liens ar charges by Lender <br />shalt not he d svsaver e Ixnder's rigiat, to acdtrtgratethe maturity_of the indebtedness-secured by this-~E. _ <br />12. Remedies Cuapulaiive. alt remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct anti outtiulative•#,tauy other. <br />tight cr remedy under t},is \fnrtgsgc or ,affoigled by lati~-or equity=and racy lat`exei'cired caneart~etatly, itzdepend- <br />ently'or suceessavel;. <br />1.3: $uccesators cad Aa:sigas ]3otcnd: joint and Several LialttM' y: Cttptiotss. The covenarts and agreeinc~its <br />taerein"edrttained shall binds and the rights here<Inder-shall inure tai the-respective successors. nd esiKns eif:Lend <br />sad Borrower; fiuhjoet to`ehe provision.; of paragraph 17 hereof::~Il cot-enacts and agreements of 13onawi~a=atiatl; <br />be joint and several. The captions and tzeadings of tlae.paragraphs of this \-fortgage`are #or coarvertienee only-.and <br />are not tai be used to interpret or define tits provisions hereof. <br />14, I~lotice; Any notice to Harrower provided for in tints Sortgage sfrall be given by mailingsueh notice by <br />eettifred mail addressed`to Borrower at. the Prapertu Address stated beton•, except for an}~ notice repaired under <br />paragraph l8 hereof to fie given to Borrotcei• in the ;Wanner pa•escribetl by applicable-law. Ati3~ entice provided <br />for in this ~forigage shall be degnted to have been giveia to Barror,er cslaen gr. en in the rrianner detiignated hereSn: <br />15. tTnfftsrm Mortgage; Governing Law: Severability. This farm of mortgage combines unifortu covenants. <br />for national else and non-uniform eoveastnts with limited variations by jurisdicEicn to constitute a uru#orm secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. This Mortgage shaft be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is located. ~ti the event .that any Provision or clause of this :liastgage or the Note- oan#liets with <br />agplieahle taw,, such conflict shall not sffec# ottaer provisions of this ~Iorigage or the idota whiela can tie given <br />effect without the eonflieting provision, and. to this end the provisions of the tifortgage and the-Note are declared <br />to be severable. - .. <br />2& ldt'urawer-'s Copp. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this Mortgage at the time of earecai= <br />tionor afte:• recardstion hereof. - __ <br />17, lYattatar of the Property; Asaumptian. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is-si-id <br />or learns#erred by Borrower without bender's prior written eonsent, excluding (a} the creation of a lien or enetmt- <br />brance suhorditaate to this illortgage, {b} the creation of a-purelaase money se~urityrnterest #or hauseianlct;appli- <br />ances; (e} a transfer by devise, descent or 6y operation of law upon. the death of s joint tenant or (d> #lte giant of - <br />say leasehold interest of three years qr less not containing an option to purchase, Lender may; at Lender's option, <br />declare-sil the stets secured by Ibis Mortgage to 6e itnurer3iately due and paj a61e. Lender shalt-have waixed such <br />option to accelerate if, prior fa the sale or transfer; Lender and the person to whom-the Ptvperty is to_lse sold or <br />t;ansfarr!ed reach agroetnenc m writing-that the ixedit cif such pecan is satisfactory to bender and-that the=interest <br />pays on the sums seettiQd by this zr+3prtgago shgil its at sue4a rate-as Leni3e: s}zall request. If Lender ties ;vaive,i <br />tuo ayknn3 tai aeea'tcaa$e jiixava~sed -`xri5"-p8ragaaj#1i l.i .Brad-if ~,D?rt}rr'Er'~-niia,t'£•sn? an lnt$7cai, ltafi-~5t@GiF"iez'u' -u k'ni- <br />ten assumption agreement accepted iitwriting'tiy Fender, Lender shalt release Borrower tram. nit obligations ender <br />this Mot~t~ge and the Nate. <br />t'f I.~etader exercises such option to accelerate; bender shall- quail ]3orrower entice of seceleration ~ arx_ ordance <br />n'ith paragraph 34-l:etetaf. Such notice shall provide a-period <tf not lean than aft days flare the.dste tdae notice is <br />mailed within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If "Borrower faits to pay-such sutras prior to the <br />expiration of such period, Lender may, 3vithout further notice ar demand on B'arrower, invoke any remedies per- <br />rtaitted by paragraph IS hereo#. <br />Nog-L'~rrvoa~ Ccic~xn~rxs. Barro~rer and Len3ei• fur-tiler uovenanL artd agree as folion•s <br />i8, Recwlerertion: lttearted'aes. Except as provided in ,3aragralah 1? hereof, upon Borrower's- breach of any <br />covenant or agseenaent of $orrawer in this _lfoatgage, including the covenants to pay wiien clue-any suincseeuiici- <br />by thin \fortgagP, >ender prior to.acceFeration shall mail entice to Borraaver as larovidecl in.paragrapla 14 lietseof <br />sped#ying: (11 the breaeta; (S) the action required to caaar sarrla ltreacla; f~} a date;-ndt-less than ihirtj€-days <br />foam the date the notice is mailed to Borrower, by which such bmacta must be cured; anti (4} that failure tsi dare <br />aueh breach on or before bhe-date specified in the notice Wray result in acceleration of-the suaTis seeumd by this <br />?11otigage and sale of the Property. if the hreacla is eat cured or. ar he#ore the date specified in the entice, Leader <br />at.Lend@r`s option may declare all of lire swiss secured lay Yltis :klortgagc to be immediately fue and payable. <br />~ithhut further demand and rnav.'areclare this Aortgage by ju~Ticiaf proceeding. bender shall lip entitlatl tar ct}itect <br />in such proceeding all expenses of fareelosure, including, but not- linaitecf to, costs of da.~atmentsry egidonee, <br />ab.~tractva land title reports. <br />19. &orrewawe`s Hight #a.Itsuestatq, 4afwitlistanding Lender's areelzratian of the autos sectu~ctl-by .this <br />'Efortgage, Borrower shall tapve'ne right ta_haVe any nrooeedinga begun -ray hentlei• to onforce tapir. ikdortgage`die <br />continared at ataj~ tiaaae~txior ~ entry of a judgment enfo~eing this ~iortgaga if: Ia} $orrower pays Lender all <br />rwn~ which would be taendue under--this J`loi~Lgage, Eire elate and notes securing rntuar Advances, if anY, hasl'na <br />~aieration occuazed; {bj =t~rovrer dares all bmarhes of env other covenants or agreetnetits of Bortgcve eon- <br />tallied in this?4lortgage; (c}-Barro>averpays al#iea~nable expenses incurred by7,enderiu enforcing the covenants <br />an$"$gteementa of Barrawer eoniained in this 13ortgi3g+e agd in enforcing Lender's remedies as Provided in pars- <br />- graph 18 hereof. including, butaot litnifed Eta; aeasonablenttornev's fee:; and s`d} Basi~c~iver takes ouch action as <br />F.endar may a-easanabiy require fo assut~ that .the lien~f this ~tartgagc, Lender's;ititere~t is the Property and <br />13airmwe3's ahtigasian to pay the s~~s ~ee~!*eti fir thi l~fortgage sfaa#l,cottt#nai^: azrraapsir;~ct. Upon such pay~nrent <br />read cure by }3aatnbver, Chic ?14oatgagc and.-the abligatioars tt€cured =lieit+tiy s2rall resin in f»;i force and effect ae if <br />na acceleration hod c~ecuranrl. <br />_A.,p ~ ?t*++~_ ~«'.,~a~c a? ~T,er: t~..a~. ;., a ~~:o :+_s ~~iditic:::? security, here- <br />under, Borrower hereby a4signs to Lender the rants of the Property. pro:~c3cs1 that Borrower shall, liriar tg acceler- <br />ation under parap,taph 11; hereof or abandonment of the Frolrerty, ha~'c the right to collect. and- retain such rents <br />as ricer lSeaarne due-and namable. <br />TJpotp accelearo.tion under isaragraph 38 hereof or'a}yzudanment of tine 1'roperty;:T.ender, in parson, by agent <br />or lay judicially appointed aw,ceicer Flaatt he eat-fitted to- niter i<pan; ±ake pa~seaaicin o£ and lnanagt thu Properly <br />artetn collect i~be rents of tie Yrot+erty, including tnose,psstoue..~llrents coilest~t try Lcat}ca'-or t=,r2ceivcr- <br />sl;all he applied first to paytaent of the vosks of ananagcment of the Yroprrty aril collection of roots, ineltiding, but <br />not limited to, receiver's feerr,-prett?iuma an meeiver's bonds ar_ti rcasonaW.c uttorne}•'s fees. and then-to the sums <br />secured by this z'ttortga6e. I:eader and the receiver shall Fie 1ia61c to sectueat Drily for thtise rants seta-ally received. <br />