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~ao~n~~o~. 2oo9o7i25 <br />Re,:jjslar of Deeds of !-loll LnrJnfy, Nebraska, such amotlnl stJall cnnslilule <br />a lien prirJr and prefr~rrecl over all other liens ant encl.rrnbrnnces exce l <br />assessments, liens and cllarpes inr taxes due and unpaid an a unjl and <br />except prior c:lt.Jly recarcieci rnnri0~das and lien il~slruments. <br />(d) I;aGh owner of a unit sh7q be responsible; <br />(~) Ta nlaintaln, refJair and replace at his nr tJc:r expense, gall <br />portions cat his ar her t_Inil whlrh are nnl included in the <br />definlliarl and r;nntexl of c;nnlmnrJ elernenls and eac:.h owner <br />shall Ua rest,canslhlr; for the rc;pair', maintenance and <br />replacanlenl of all exlpriar doors, Includinc,~ garotte doors and <br />the nrec;harlical r~l-dralcars lltereof aplJl u-Ir;rlanl lra sold r.-wners <br />unll; It being understonrl Il,rrl Il,e only Assoclallnn <br />maintenance of exlerlor clnors shall Ud the I~air11ir1p nr <br />flnishlnp of Ilta exterior st.lrfaccs Iherenf. If any owner fails <br />Ira repair, maintain r:,r ref-lace thr~ oxlertnr clnnrs, IncllJClinq <br />narags rlonrs of his nr her ur11t as set fc~rtlt In the Masser <br />^eed and neclrJrallon or anJpru:lrnprJts ltterelc~ and the Ry.. <br />Laws ar amenclnlents theretcl ctescril.ted 1-terejn, the <br />Assaclalian may perform stJCh wont, Invc.alr,e the c-wnar <br />111erenf and rJl1r1 ellfnrctJ a rlalm and lien. therefor <br />ac~alnsl the owner' and his ar ttrar tJnjt in like manrle;r as a <br />delinquent assessmpnl for rnr11111can element expense. An <br />allrlcatlnn of malntenpnr;p fesf~nt1slt)Ilitlc,s Is attached Ilereln <br />as Cxhihit "C" arJc9 irJCnrporalpri herein l1y tltls reference, <br />(2) Tn maintain and repair tar replar,.e as necessary all utilities <br />wllhln Ihal owner's unit artd tiny damar,~r; tc~ Ilse cnrrtn-tr.,n <br />utilities r;auserl by rrsa wlllJln that trrllt. <br />t3) Tn refrain frnrn palnilnrt, dec,~rnlinq nr r;harrglnc) the <br />at~F1enrance cif any pot-lien of the exterior of tt7o rJnlt unless <br />apfJroved k.~y Ihp gssc,c;lall'al7 In wrlllrtrd, <br />~`I) Tn properly re n <br />_ p rl In the Assariallnn arty defect nr need far <br />-~polr:5 whlr:h at'e 111p reSpfalt5lblllly of Ihc~ Asscic-allnrl. <br />(h) Wllhin sixty (6h) days after occufJying a !Jost, each owner <br />shall install f7errnanent dral~erles or other auitahle window <br />trealr7tenls on at) exterior windows of the unit. In nu avant <br />shall windows lee rruereca wlllt palaPr', newspaper, alurrtinrJn- <br />fail, or other materials nnl 5pec;ifjcally intencterl fiat sur..h <br />1--urpase. <br />(e) Resideftl~al l_lsa. each anti shall I.-a user! artd r~rcul~ted only by nna family <br />cc~nsistirlp of persons app 55 ar1r1 over, its servants acid rduesls and be r.rsed <br />for resldentla) J~urlanses only, Na rJriil r7Jay Jar, srJfiiNvlciec~l inlrJ a smaller rlnlt <br />nor any I--orljnn !hereof solrt nr transferred wilhnrrt first amending this Master <br />f?eed and Declaraiinn artcl nt.~tainirtp Ijte wrillerl consent of the Aasc~riatlon <br />sellir~tg forth the char7ge In the trot! to be stJladiuirlerl- An inrliuidtJal ran lease <br />a unit srlhJect to all ccavenarlls, cnnr.llllans, ant) rratrlctlnn~, along with any <br />ruses and rer~ulations now car Iterc:afler erraclaca. <br />~f) CnrnLL~~a(..~~e• No jrlrluslry, IJuslnass. Iracir:, ncrupatlnn, prr~fessinn of <br />any kinrt, wltpther commercial, religious, eduraliarJal or niher~vise, shall l,e <br />cnnrlurtad, maintained, nr pen111tldd, r.xr.,epl It-tat -'eserved by Declarant for <br />sales prJrpases, <br />(9) Sf9r1~. No sign nr hillbc.~ard of any I<Ind (Inrit.tdirtra taut not limtled ire "For <br />Rene" nr "For dale" signs) shall be rtisplayecl to ll~e public view nn any <br />pnrtlc]rl of the cnndnrlllrtlul7t, axrept nna r;ign far ear,Yt unit caf not rnc~re than <br />eighteen (18) irtcl-es kJy twenty-fdnr (w4) inches aclverlisinp thts writ for sale, <br />with respect lc.~ wltlch the color, rtesic~n, r7~alerial, copy, aril location shall <br />have Dean approver! try the Assoc:jalian, nr except slprt used l:~y Declarant, <br />~t <br />