21~D~~)1~0~ 200907125
<br />its successors ar~cl assigns, try acJvc~rtisa tl~e tlnils eluting lt~e r;c7r
<br />anri sales f~erlnd, Islructllnn
<br />(fl) P~ac~ful_l_IsP. No prar.,llr.,e n-' lira strati be perl~tltted nn tlhe candaminlt
<br />l:troperly ctr IIl any unit whlclt shall i.te an annnyanr;e r,r nuisance inn uit
<br />nwnr;rs or rsslrlertts ~tnd which shall Inlsrfere with lhlrir peaceful use and
<br />snJQY1Ttent of !hell' unit.
<br />(j) ~~wfu Usk, .All portions of the randornlrrlu-~t and of sac
<br />clean, refs and sanitary and no rrse Ihsronf shall he madelwl ich cons flub
<br />a violation of any laws, Inning nrclinar~ces, gnven~tmantal regulations, ar-
<br />rsgttlatiuns of tlhe Assoclaljr.~n.
<br />(I) l~ejaair of Vettic a~. Na ane sl~tal) fix r:rr retaair vehlrlas ors tJtr~ cnnclnminium
<br />Propsr.ly except 17~Innr rnrttirle repair ni vehir;Ins owned lay tl7s unit owners.
<br />(k) V_sr~etlahle_cyarrlel~s. No vegetable gardens strati lea allowed on I e
<br />conclnminirlm property. h
<br />(I) Arlir)~als. Nn animals of any kind shall bra Icspl In lha unit for commercial
<br />purposes. 1-lousehnlrl pals, Il~tr.lrxaing clogs anri pals, in tlJr~ watt will be
<br />strlaject to regulation, r~estric~tinn, ar-d exc:ltrsion and special assessment as
<br />may Las delerrr~inera by tits Assr:iciallan frnrt-t time to tuna, inducting removal
<br />caf any fiat which hecontas an annoyanr,s to other l.ulll owners. Each uni(
<br />owner stroll Indernnify this Assnc;iailart, all other unit owners, and lira
<br />Gec;larar7t against any and all liability artlsincJ from rnalntalr~llncg a pet- Nn
<br />animal of any kind shall he kepi r:rn or wiN-tin lira r:ondnnriniurn if kept ar
<br />maintairtsc) far any cmm~terrial u:;o, Cleclrlr, fenc,ss for pets are prohiktilc:d.
<br />1'e15 are la ha exercised c-rn a leans and alisndscl by an indlvlclual in an
<br />approved area and all excr~;ntenl shall kre Inrmr:dlatc:ly rsmovsd by Iht? pet
<br />owner. Fels st-tall oat tie tell autcJ+:aars wllhorrl srrpervislan and si1all not k~e
<br />a rtuisanrs, Pats shall opt ulnlals lhr: peaceful srtjayrrtent of other owners.
<br />(m) [?r^,tslr~e llsa• Awnings, sunscreens, nufslde ielsulsinn ar other Gar
<br />salellila dishes, starags ter I~arlcing of kraals, car-rtpers, trallsrs ttortnas,
<br />equiprrtant, rnacttlner"Y. ar similar Items sltctll not tan allnwecl' motor home;;,
<br />(n) (aarb~a, fndivlcfual garlaags cans ar trash rerel:rtacles era In tea ermltt
<br />outside arty lrl areas clasi4Jnec) iltersfar by ll--r~ Assc:~rlalian, anclpmust b~
<br />ahscrlred from vises ctf ariJc.alninct units anri strasls. Girt-rage; cans nr trash
<br />receptacles shat) not Its IHfI nutclnnrs far piclct.-p far roots titan arty eight (8)
<br />hour period.
<br />(o) c7th~r. outside wont! puss, rlnlhs;; liens octet clalttes t7anger's will be sut~~'er
<br />la regulation, restric,linn, exduslun dnd r7paclal assassrnenl n ~ J .l.
<br />Assn,:ialic~n. lawn arnarY~enls and clsrnrallcany (larrlrarflles, wonclen llgturety~
<br />e1c.) shall trot ha allc~wscl,
<br />(t-r) ~[I'lls. outside rise of laarUsct,s
<br />reslrlctian pr exclusion by ihs Ass ,cialjoln,lln stil~Jecl to regulation,
<br />(~) Olhei- slt~~rrt~.ri'es. Nn artt..t~tritclings ar' alhsr strrlrluras may ha erscted on
<br />the conclnminittnt l~rnpsrly without the dpprnval of tt7e Association.
<br />playgrntrnd equtlprrtenl may bo ersr:.tlerl on the crndnl"rtlnirtm faraperty. Th©
<br />Assnclaliort may aslal:,lislt from lima In rims colas octet regt.rtalions regarding
<br />rtsss and practices of owners, gttesks, noel reslrlenls of the units.
<br />(r) Thls canda-rtlnium may be ferrninalerl ar walverl key written agrcement o
<br />four fifths (~{/5) of the r.rnit awnery nr rncyrp wrlh the consent of all lien holders
<br />of reccard; which agrearnr.nl :.;hall I:,e ac;kr,~wlerlged and recardPd in the
<br />alfice of the Register nl t~4ecls of Ball County,
<br />shall be elferlivs as of the recarrling dale. ~ Ise lern`tlna ic~ n agrserr~ent may
<br />specify chat all dr part of the units and carman arras hs sold fallowing
<br />lerminaiinn. if ihs rr~al eslals consliluling ihs cnndominlul~t is not sctlr_I
<br />