CiKtiRaittf ~oveNaxts. Borrower .and Candle covenane and agree as follows: 8 ~ °' ~ i :. t`' t.::J ~
<br />t.. ~_d Ir•4t~elM1 aa~ Ialt+ayt... Borrower.. shalt..promptty Pay when due the principal of and interest on xhe
<br />indebti~Dext evideracrxf by the Nate, prepaytrrmt atrd'latc charges as provsded an the Note., and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Frnute Advanax sesureu by ibis fiend of Tn+sic
<br />2. Irtwi ~ Tart ri latt~taee. Subject to appiicah7c law or co a wriUen waiver by Lender, Horrower: shalt pay
<br />to l.cndcr on tree day nrrx+thly +rrstatitrttnts of pnncip¢I and inter~'st are payable under the Note, until the Nate is paid in fit1l;
<br />a wm (trerein "Funds"l erytral to opt-twelfth of the yearly taxes: and assessments which may attain. priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents onthe Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard Insurance;
<br />plus are-*wdfth of yearly ptcmittm installtrtcnts for mortgage inwrance, if any, off as rcasonah3y estimated initially and from
<br />titre to Grua by [_errtlet on the basil of asseaatxteois and bd#s and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />Thr_ Funds shad 6t held in tin imtitution the deposits ar accotmts of which are insured or guaranteed bq• a Federal or
<br />state agency (irrciuding Lender if Letrder is such an itastitutaonl. Lendi:r shall. apply the Funds to pay said taxes, a„essments;
<br />itrsaraixe premiums andgmund tents. Y.endei• may notchargt forxo holding astdappiying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said asatsuttanta asul 6itla, units Lender pays Harrower interest on the Funds and applicable iaw~
<br />ppeertmmits I..eoder to make such a ctrarga Borrower acrd Lender may agree in writing. az [he time of execution. of this.
<br />Dttd t>f Tnnt'that iratetrst net the Funds shall be paid to Hortxswer, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />tegtrins such attleret to be paid, Cantles xhaH'nai-ba zequired Io pay Hartowtr any interest ar earnings on,tha Funds:. Caprice
<br />shall give to 1~Ortuxrar. without charge.,. an annual accotmting of the Funds showing credits and debiss to the Ftinds and the
<br />purpose for svheda debit uo the Fonds was: stsade_ The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums second
<br />by thin Docd of Tsspt
<br />If ttte amount of the Ftsttds,hdd by txardtr. 6ogtiher with the future monthly installnttnts of Fumes payable. prior. to
<br />the due data o€ taxes, aastssnrents, innnrance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amotmt required to pay said taxes.
<br />aASeasrrrenis, irauranct'premiurnsaxtd grlwnd.rrntsas thcyfali due, such excess 4ha11 be, at Borrowers option, either
<br />promptly reptrid to Horrowtr pr credited to Harrower on monthly nsiaiitltertts of Ftrnds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />hdd by Lender' sfsall cwt be sufi'ic%ent to pay taxes, assessments, insurance. premiums and grotmd rents as tltev fail- due.
<br />BMrotxer shall ply tpLarder anyamottnt necessary to make up the deficiency wnhin 3d days from the dart notam is mailed
<br />br Leader to Htsrrorrea itgsse;aag payteent tlsermt.
<br />C'port paymrnt in full of all swans secured tits this Deed of Trust, Lender shad promptly refund to Harrower any Funds
<br />tttid by Letsdcr. If tinder paragraph 1g hereof the Property is sold ar ttsc Property is atficrwiu acquired by Lender, tender
<br />shall apply. na later than rnroeduteiy prior to the sale of the Pmperly ar its acgaisitian by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />ladtder at the tatt-e of pI as a credit against the wins secured by ihts Deed of Trust.
<br />J. A)Aiieatiaa af~P1` ~ ~ Unless appltcable law pravitks otherwise, all payments reserved by Lender under the
<br />Note rend paragraphs t arrd 2 hereof shall lxapp lied by [,ender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />ttstdrr ptrragfaph 2 trreof, iberl to interest payahlt an the Mott, thin to the principal df the Note. and. then to interest and
<br />prana~ on any Fututt:Adranca.
<br />(,1rsalR C,iert. Hrtnxyrwer Shall pay ail taxes, assessments and other charges, fines and +mposrti+ons attributable to
<br />tlxtl i4it,rerty which tnay attain a priority aver this Died of Trus4 arm leasehold payments ar ground rents, if any, in the
<br />itiaoMtr pattsided tender pyrggrriptt 2 hcrwf ar, if ncI paid in such manner, by Harrower making payment, when due. directly
<br />W idtt gpayyveee tlteraf, Nurrowsr shill promptly ftrrnish to lxrtder all rus[ides of amounts due under thes paragraph, and in the
<br />event Harrmru slsaq tmalte payment dosses Harrower shall promptly furnish za Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Horrow+tr scrap pra®ptly dittdsar~c rxny lien which has priarit}' aver this Deed of Trxtu. provided, that Harmwcr shall not lrc
<br />retNsared uI discharHe tiny stsch ttea xo long as Bareavr+er shall agree in writing to the: payment of the obi+gaaian secured by
<br />such taut in'a toansser uxtptxbk to Lender, ar shall in :good faith cdmest Bach lien by, or defend enfareement of such Gen in,
<br />Fegtd raceodir~~ which operate to prtvrnt the enforcement of zhe lien ar forfeiture of the Property or any part. thereof.
<br />;~ Arty ttrwaKt. Horrawer sitali keep the improvements now existing ar hereafter ertctM an the Properly irtsurrd
<br />agsistst taut: by bee. hazsrdsinehtdtd wrthin Ehe term "'extended coverage", and sash other tsazards as Z-ender may require
<br />find tit auth u+roaats and far such ptrtods as Lender may squirt; prowitied, that Lcrxier shall nat. require that zhe amount tsf
<br />weir t:avvertttge eaot:ed Yhat arsaauat of tavtcage regtzared to paY the xums secured try thrs Dttd of Tntst.
<br />°l'lftt hrwuriee carrier providi~ the imwranor Kali tx strrvsen My Hoaowtr sutafest to approval ksy gender: provided.
<br />drat atsc6 1 ahatl not let tisuarsattably withhekt. Afl premiums art irrsursnce paiisia shall be paid an the .manner
<br />~rorided xalph 2 heznool rn, of that paid in such tnannca, by Borrower making payment, when dot, directly to the
<br />tt4MYa'~ee 6ifri~r:.
<br />AH inwrarsce poiitits acrd rerrtwsis xhtnwf shah he m farm acceptable to bender and shall insludt a standard mangage
<br />cla+tt in faa+or ad and in farm. attxprabk tct I seeder. I.,ender xitafl have the right to halci the policies and nruewais thereof.
<br />aitld BorrowartthaY matsp9£y twarisltto tender elf renc^rval fxttaes and elf resctpts .sf pard premiums, In the event of loss.
<br />Horrrasrer trhaB give prwnpt notirx to the irmirantt canter and I.r,trder. I.erxtert may make prauf of Ir+ss i f not strode promptly
<br />69' Ba'rrwrsr.
<br />Ilniess lextder tend Hcwrtsrrer c~Iltetwaae agrse .in wriErng, Insurance prdeeeds +hail be applied to restcration or repair of
<br />the Property ~, provaskd such tetuarataon ur repass is tcorrornicaily feasible and the ±retcrrrity r)f this Heed of Tnust iti
<br />txft thereby rmprired. if xuch resta:ation ar repair rx rein ecnriamicaity feasitrte ar rf the seeuraty of this Decd of Tntst wa+tld
<br />Ar imparrtd, rise utaaK7a#ie practeds ahaFl beypp{ltd to the sums secured tsy this [7eed of Trost, +aitlt the cxcesx, if any, paid
<br />to Hxsrrawer. If the Praptrty aabsrsdarrtrl by~Borrovrtr, or if Harrower fails to respond to l,ertder withsn 3f) days from the
<br />dolt notice ix rewHnd'by 1_tatder to 13orrrower rtr~ the insurance sarraer otters to setxie a s9aam far insurance Escnefits, lender
<br />es lUlhanTied to l'JtteCe aril ilea 31rHiranLY proc~atds at Leaders option either to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />or to tree srrrrn recessed by t ~~lSuad of ?ors.
<br />Unkas t-ender an4 Horrcwre- othtrv~rsC agree in alerting, arrop Such application of proceeds to principal sfiail not. extend
<br />err pznrpmrt the dot due of ills mpKtrhty tnsfatlmcnax rdtrttd to rn pwtrsgraphs t and 2 hcrtaf or change :hc arrxrttnt of
<br />xuc6 ~ru~tallmettts. If rurdtr psragraph ! r i+ua+f stet Proptny is acyttired by i.:ersdec, ail right; title and interest of Hnrrawer
<br />in aria to any inwntsce pdreies.agd in attd to lire prac+ro6s tisertaf resulting front damage ten. the Pitaperty prior to the sale
<br />or ixoquisi[iaa :troll paxs to lcatderw xhc e<teru of the stsats :-,retired b}"this Died of "f ruse immediately prior to such sale or
<br />~~~ -taw~stlha +ttd ittivaristarcc of : leacl+Ms, C etrdaarriaiatta4 !°ktv.ssad tSxwt DevelortnetrAa. Harrower
<br />.hnii kelp the Pnspcrty ingrx+dnpairanud shailrtarc°ommst watts car permrrimparnxni. err dEKCrtnratie,n of she Praptttv
<br />:rail alrali i:tsmply with tlae provrswtra of atry itast afiliis Dtod dfTnlst. pis an a itaselrolil.. If this I)ted of Triyst is an aunit. in a
<br />rnridtminium or a planeed unit dcshetrrpanealY,.Harrorvtr shaltpecform all of Horrawer's obhgatans under the declaration
<br />er covestaata sratirg ar governntgtttesatrdatnanium or plariexd unit devefapment, the by-laws anti regulacipns xrf the
<br />oosrdaminitim or plasxred unit developrrtent, aiidcarnxttutm datutrreats. I.f a candoaninium ar planned a.inix developmens
<br />rider n executai by Bornwtr atxiiattmadat tastther wait this E3ttsf of 'trust.. the covenants andagteements of such rider
<br />sball fee inrxrrparated into grad shall artreod amt supplement tFlC covenants and agreernenis of this Decd. of Trust as f the-rider
<br />resale a pert heseaf.
<br />7, lrraeAiaa a( l,eadeTa Sieearkir, if Horrtawu fails to perform tilt savenartts and agreements contained in this
<br />Cknd cif Trot. rn i[ arty articn or prrxxeding is camnsenetd whxclr matrxiaify affects Lender's interest in the Property,
<br />strsisadmj, but not limited to, cmirrrnt domain, i;ssaivaacy, eon cntrrri etraer+t, ru arrangerraentx or proceedings invaiuing :r
<br />Caakrupt or decedene. then Lender at Lcrriicr"s option, open. tsotice to Harrower, may make such appearances,. disburse such
<br />sums aisd riles sack actron as is necessary to prc~ect lender's Interest, rrtcluziing, hui pox Iimded to. datturumenz of
<br />teasaoable attorney's ten and entry open the Property to rnail`t repairs. Lf dander requited mortgage insurance as a
<br />~wnditiorr of mdciag xhe lawn secvrtd try thr5 [3etd of Trust, Aorrowcr shall pay the premiums required to rnaintain suds
<br />iesrtaarres ie eRece m'i1 xuch time as ttie rrquirerncnt. for such insurancx terminates in accordance wall: Hrstrsssver's sad
<br />icuder's rrrtiten agta+cmrat or applreahk Iaw, Harfcrwzr shall paytlae amoezm pt all mrmgage insurance. prcmiumv ire the
<br />snaxntr groridad under Sasagrayh 2 berm{_
<br />Aaj° an+artres disAuratd by herakr pursuant tg thts paragnnh 3, with .ntetest thetecrt. sFati htrorne add~>litanai
<br />indaase~s of giorrowrr ?ax'urtc7 by the, I7ced of Tnn4. ti ak~ix Ikirrrnver and l cocker gees t:,. ether a~; r~s r*f r-+?menz, sorb
<br />amrnrnts ,~aH be ~yatdt upon police £rara l sautes to Firacrgwer rrvuetinn~ paym,•eu ?irecent, anal ~ha'.i tx ar ¢nterest from the
<br />sfatt a[ desbur!wtneet at the sax payab}c cram time to time nn :nzxstarJing prir~;:a(+ar emcirr rile ':sac uniCSS ~ayatcnE <,f interne
<br />It serCh fate waxrkS be ~aRU*ry te, app~Iicablt Iaw, in ~,vh~h event :.,ch rs[rec+unr. i-hai{ near i:.;rmi ai b`rC- hig2rest rate
<br />pm-mi~ilsir usxicr apQiaca'~le Iaw. Nrrthst>r, can;afnx-ct rn rhis avzr:,grat~ri ' ~hafi ~e~u~res i e.,x=fr rc incur pnq expense nr xaks
<br />+>ese}~.a..ion i+~crcrtrider.
<br />i, tfr/e[!~. Ietxlrr mry atatke err ~austen br ntssfenas.,~;t:rotE^s'fnee srpcrn aid ~rtcpcc~t~cxt~c thePrapcrly.Ixrawkded
<br />tEue l.ce+das xlrati prve #Wtrarrer ta~fic`t grim to nay s,tch utsprrc«m n,pecfiy,ag vcascns7zt • caa,-c thexclx>r rclatetl to Lrvider'~
<br />iateYtlat rn aAe Ptoadrr•;.
<br />