~~~D ®~ 7-'I2~ST
<br />~'I- u~~332
<br />T:C~iS I]FFn 4F TRUST is made this .. .. 3 Qt1? ....:. , ... „dgy-af ..December„ , , , ........ .
<br />I Q . ~.I ,among the Trustar, .... Gera.Ld . R. _ Lade and Ck~eryl. F} _ Ladei ; Husband and Wa.Ee :.. ; .... .
<br />. ..:.............................:.......Sheceir_°Florrower"1,,,...,.
<br />............. Law.yeres_ Title .Insurance ......:... ........ , (herein "T€ttst€e ), and the Sencftciary°;
<br />........ Superznr Mnrt~ager . Ind.. ........... ......... . ..._ ., a corparation.;orgarte?~~d and..
<br />existinE; tinder the laws of ... , . 1'k3nrasfca _ ......; ................ w}tose address is. 212i N...Webb Rd.
<br />. P.O. Hox. I68 .... Grand island f I?E _ .58t30I .......:... (herein "Lender").
<br />~+3RKO+x;Ea, in ronsidcratior, pt t7te indebtedness herein recited and the oust herein created.: irrctiacahly grunts
<br />anti cot }~ to "Tr+sstct, is trust, wtth dower of sttle, the fal}ov~ing aescrib~d pro(xerty located: in the County <rf
<br />..... ............ . ..... _,.... , .... _ ....., State of Ne}rrastta:
<br />Part ~£ F.a9t 1.$ deer Subdivision a£ Ltsts 5, 7, an3 8 of Garsett's
<br />sabdz~isan, a gait of the Fast C}xse-t~If (E#} of Ser;tion 9, Tvwnshig
<br />11. Nort}t, Range, 9s >;4est of the 6th P,Jt4., Aa11 COUnty Nettisaska, and.
<br />mare panic.alariy 3eecsibed asa Thatpastion of not i8 lying 5otrth o£
<br />the soutYrerly line of 4th Street exr_ept £os the sotitherrt 25 feet,
<br />tt~^t~sf, fr, Sa3l C.ouatty, Nebtzaska
<br />which Eats, the addr~, df, ..557: East -2tlt3s :. . ... . ... . .. . ......... . . ..C'~anLS, Ssl:atsd .. , .
<br />LGSwcer4 {C",ty1
<br />AFi? 68aQ3 . (lyrteirt °Ptrrperty address"}
<br />! Ciil~ MAR 2~6 Catltt
<br />Ttxa: t urn a~u1~, alt rho ,oipr_r. ,nt,*rst_~ ncnw ar; t,er~utrer~ rrc.~ser3 ,xst the property„ aisd atl castscnents. ri~4tts:
<br />:~ppurgrnances. rents tsubiee: hc+wel-cr ra nc~ r~gh*s anti : utftant~es ~•ivea hareinta Lcndertt~ et>41ect and app}y,uch
<br />rESttsl. rnya}tics, mirurl, u!: and yas rrgla,ts aitd prcr$ts, water. uatcr rghts, and, water stock, and all ;ixh!rds ;7r,w or
<br />hcrca#rrcr stiathcd to the pralx rtp. sP4 of a^h n:.^=, .rciudsnp. rcplac<:m~nts s:rsl addii~iasss thceeta. shat) br de~atrcd to be
<br />and ntrru:r, a bran aS the pro}~ertr caticrrd h} the, LSecd of Trust: andalt of the foinegoing_ [zgcthur with said' prol%cnr
<br />far ttrs dsuchuki rstatc iP Ehis Ucczt ~~i Trust i, or, a iras, holtt) s•c hsrrin refeued-fa as 4he "t'rtlpcrty :
<br />Ttw SEC::r:ai in Lerd~r ta) the repayment n( the irte7chtcttnrs. c~,dencetf by FlerrAwer'a Hate da4sid. D~'Q~'r .
<br />3flr. ~@x. .thirein "*iote";. in the prir3c,psi!.um ~~E- ~!~~a.~y-7~ ~hA!~$$nG~.53.r~5:?~~`~.`:~~;Y:.
<br />. ~~~~~~~ ......... . ....... .. ?~c7i]ar5, wish mteresi thcrenn, providing °++c 7ngnt4lfy rn;~talftr3aniti
<br />vt ~rnlcipYr3 and' interest. with :he ttat;rrECC of t}sr irdekrt lncss. ,P n,~t ~seo gar p-asd. dtie an3 pay ab;zon.... - . _ . ...
<br />......~~=~?Yc .. ~G'~-2_ ........... _ . _ . _ .: thr rayrttcnt of a!I other sums. with t;aiere~taht'rcon: adetan~ekl
<br />itt aecrsrd3n:.r hs:rtrwith trs pttstt~t t>'at ,ccurtty 3f this flecd r~l Trust.; ,irici the pertcrman:.e of the covenants ~snd
<br />agrrem~errisof ~cxrosrsPr?trr~in ~~.~inet;~ arsd tb3 the rcpatnscnr ~~ v•t}' iutul:) advast.~~ wdliirrtn;rcx'tktetCCtit, mai3v ~ .
<br />ev iont+vrcer by i.ender pgrrzugnt to paragrph 2 8 hrrcod' ; hiss:,n "f=utsarr ~+civ:arrc•," i
<br />dcxtt,wc* sec-.^esa3n€~ ttCt€ Bor.u±amr is lawfu3,ty z~;+%7d cat t??c *ab: hv~°ai>y c.~n. c, ed uvx! isad the r-~bt to KtYaht. arixi
<br />~°sntr~~. tfu 'P4~~, ea}~, ttetit sty 1'~tr..xaty ~s uncncwmt~r~ct.:aa~i that ESoe:rnucr x~ili ,t;tnJa,; and tic[c~ac3 ~e~a~ra3ly ah~
<br />t#betr~ ttce ifircvpcrty again±at :rtt e,F:i~es -~nc3 G:rmancs. s,. yr~c, [e :>,y c':;~~,r,,tann.=.. eatrtxt~ttr+, got r~~,Ee,cu,~tis Oared in u
<br />«:'~3,c1r_ t~>~;z:r~e+ir~ icrci~•wcraer in ersv~ srri naur.:nrr ~le~~ ~,.urcng t..r°eJ~; , ¢r.t~ro„cz m ;hc ~"rx~rr..
<br />~. A r,fin..•r.-_, !G.._.ikM~d'fit11-C U716r9~A71t tAi517}$rJtl11
<br />