9: GraderaaeiOr. The proceeds of any award err claim for damages, dirt[;[ or caes&e~t~Eial, in~~Ortrt'ei;t57St4~Vt'ith any
<br />condemtratson or other taking of itie Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of candemaation, are hereby assigned
<br />and steal! Ix paid to Lemier.
<br />]tithe: [vent of a tarot taking a€ tht Property, the proceeds shalt lee applied to the sums seeurr~ 6y this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the etcctss, if any; paid to $orrower. to the event of a partial taking of the Property, unEt~s Borrower and tender
<br />otherwise tgres in writing,: there shalt tx appfitd to the sotto secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proeeeds
<br />as istt]tiat to that proportmn which the atetourtt of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />Eatettg 6ea:rs to the fair marks[ value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, wits the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrawsr.
<br />If'ths Property is abandotxd by Harrower, or if, after ttatict by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to snake
<br />an award or seMk a claim far damages, Harrower fails to rtspand to Lender within 30 days after the daze such notice is
<br />waited, Lender is atuhorizcd 4o cotkct and apply the. proceeds, at tender s option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property trc to the stems secured by this Did of Tnnt-
<br />tinlets Lender and Borrower etherwist agra in writing, any such application of prtscecds to principal shalt na4 extend
<br />otr pos, tporx tht dos date of ttx n[ant]tty instatimsnts refemrd to in paragraphs 1 acrd 2 hereof err change the amount of
<br />s left tttstaltsrtcnts-
<br />f0. lltaerower:tllat Reieasrd. F_xtensian of the time far payrtwnt err modiftsation of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Dezd of Truax granEtxi by ? t[tdsr to any successor in inttrtst of Harrower shaPE not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the fliabitity of iht ong[nat Barrowtr and Borrower's sun-•tssars in interest. tender shall not he required to commence
<br />proceedings agsitnt stick stxcessor or refuse to extend tame fear payr+rcnt tar attcerwisc modify amortization of the sums
<br />sttvred lay this. t3ced of Trust by rtasan of am demand made by the original Boo:aver and Borrower's successors in intt:rest
<br />]], IFatbesrarrre bar I.taier Not s Wsaiver_ Ans° fssrlsearantt b}• Linder m exercising any righ4 err remedy hereunder, err
<br />atherwist afforded by applicable taw, shall ncu tae a waiver a# or pile[[[d[ the txsrcisc of any such righ[ err remedy.
<br />Tex ptocu;rement a# irssurttttce or the paymena of texts or a[hcr 3itns or charges lay Fender shall not tie a warvtr of Lander t
<br />right. to accefetatt the ma4tuity of the indebtedness secured by this Decd of 'Trust.
<br />t2, ]terreiies Catrddivt. AtI remedies pscxvtdtd .n [tr¢s Decd of T-tttst :tie dts.tr[ct and cumulative to any cxhtr right
<br />or rstixdy utxkr this Deed of Trans or aftatxfed by taw exr equity, and may tx exercised cottcurrtntfy, independtntfy nr
<br />sticcmivt
<br />IS. ~ ~ Asrt]Err Daaeda Joiwt wed :Seveaab t.isDiiky; Csptiass. The eovsnanis and agreements heron
<br />contained allot! !rind, acrd 4he rights hereunder chat! inure ter, the respsctivs stscccsstars and assigns of t..ctxler and $orrower,
<br />sub~ct to tht pravisiorn of paragraph i7 hereof. Alt covenants and agrttmrnts of Borrower shall bt iuim and several.
<br />The tspiita[ts and headings of iht paragraphs of this. [?led of Trust arc for convtnitnce only and art not to he used to
<br />imtrpret tar th6tx the provisioru tiertsaf.
<br />]~, ftieMce, t:.xcsfst far nay ttodice rrqutrtd ondtr applrcaQlt {aw to lit given m another manner, faI any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for en this Desert of Trust shah tat given by mailing sttc:tt ttatict by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Propercty Address err at stint other address as Borrawtr may dtsignatc by natics to t-ender as provided htrain, and
<br />tb) my notice to ].e[x6er shalt Ise given by certified nand, morn rerecipt rcqussted. to Lender's address stated herein err to
<br />sisett at'as: rtss as ].ttsder may daignatt by nature to Harrower as pmvidtd htrcm. .Any notice provided fear in this
<br />i7~d of Trust shat! tat deemed to have. [seas given to Borrower t<r t.trsdtr when given in the mantttr designated herein.
<br />15. LsriRrrtw [yen) of TrrN; f+aRr*irg ].aw; SevetahiNty. Th+s farm of decd of trtast combines uniform covenants for
<br />national lase arsd non-uniform ctsvtnanis with limited variations by iurisdiction to constitute a uniform sscurity instrument
<br />aoverittg teat pprraope~ty. Thin Deed of -frost. shalt tie gavcrntd by the law of the turisdiction in which the Property is toca4sd.
<br />]n tlacevtnt [tint stay pmvtatoa or ctatne of this Uced of Trust err the Note conflicts with appficablc law, such eanHict shalt
<br />not atfetE eattttr at this Dtttd of Trust err the Nou which c.an t+t given ettect withaaI the conflicting provision,
<br />acrd !a this ettd ~isicsm oL tht L)otd pf Trust and the Nutt ors dtclartd to tae sevttablt.
<br />]f. ~! ~pl+.' Aorrower shall tss turnishtd a confarrrsnf copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time
<br />of extcutitxa err after lttoairdstioo ]terzaf.
<br />]?, 7"sarrfer at fiettYtitpsrt7t Atrrnnptiaa- If all or any pan ref rho Property err an imercat tlitrein is said ar transfsrrcd
<br />by ttarrawtr wi4hdtt leader's prior written consent, excluding ter} the crtatton ~ F a 3ien or tncumbranat sutwrdinate to
<br />this Deed of T'tuss, IhI the creadion of a purchase money security interest far hateuhafd apphatkf:ez, r c7 n ttanaftr tsy dtvist.
<br />dtscaatt err try operation of taw upon the death at a point itnan[ nr t dt the grant of a+ty leasehold intutst of three years or less
<br />nai sontainitt~an option to purchase. t.eridtr may, at l.t[sdti s option, dtxtare alt the stems seturect by this Dctd of T'rttst to be
<br />itr[mafiattiy dtse and pa[yaWe. ].tndtr shaft have waivsd such option to a.°ceterate if, prior to she salt ar transfer, [.[rider
<br />and the penioa to whom the Property is to t+c saht err transferred rtacit agrttttstnt in writing that lire credit of such person
<br />is satistartory to [.ender atta chat the irnmext payalsfe exr test sumx secured by this Datl of Trust shah ht az stix~h rate as
<br />t:ssulsrsha~l regtxat. i# t.srdar kris waiwaf t>st option to accsteratr provided in this paragraph 17, and if Eorrower's successor
<br />in intent has sttscuttd a written aataamptitm agruenren[ acttpttd in writing by t-ender, finder shall rtkase Barrowtr from
<br />all obligatiota tittd~r this fyettt of Trtas*, and test Mott.
<br />]f Larder taercisra such optics iss attefcrake, tender shall merit florrawer notice of aceeleratian in accordance wills
<br />pars 14 htveof; St~r'Is notice ;hall pravick a period a4 not leis than JO days Pram itte elate the notice is mailed within
<br />Bortrower may ppaay the wens detflanxt den:. ff Barrowtr faits to pay stack sums prior to the exptraian of such period.
<br />L.atdd may, withoset furtlacr notitx err demand cart Herr rawer, invakt any rt[nedits perrnitttd by paragraph l fl hereof.
<br />tYOas-]Jrau~tts+t Coveavara'rs, Brurower arnI ].[rider further wvsnant and agree as follows=
<br />Ig. Ateeis*ttYta~ RtraNMr. Fstsr}! sa praviAN is partrRra*is 17 tsereerf, apaN ltrrerowtr's br:arb d nay covetma or
<br />ttgrnptrrrf of Baressaer Is date fSeed or Trstsl;, iwctrdiall tie tesveaasMr to ptry wt-ew dire nary sttrsar secured by this Deed
<br />stf Tttwf, tartar yritrr to ntvuelesrUrn sbrM two aeliee to ]6arrasrK sa prevdiird is pars~raplt t4 hereof specNyieg: {t) the
<br />Wdeie (2l:ire asWtr igtitrei eo [tire wci tetractr; f33 a thee, e.e ~ ttaaw 3e days fmta ttre dace the notice ;a ma0ed to
<br />Jti1[~owar, sty. w1siti srsfa ieeaci aarrt bt [wad: ad I4) etrae fa3rre to clue srci tra7ri era or before [tit date sperified
<br />iw t-e aaHce ~-' reel, hr arseieraW~r d Ore sorts seetr<rC b± ttdt t1~ of Trtwe sad sak td' ttrc Property. The notice
<br />siaM fasller hfttxtra Sere+wvee of tit right b rairtaate atsv sranMtlsw wed tie right is brie![ a rant action to assert
<br />Ne wawdeettittenee, of a ~dNrarit or cry dbar tleftuae d Ewrrtrwrr to attderatiaw aN sak. If ttu brearM $a not clued
<br />woe befotetba-ttasa~sgKefitd intieaoNrt. Leader err [xwdeds option wry dirctare ell of tit taattn secrrctif. try this teed
<br />ed Ttru to 1t irwretgrWely ire atad p~yaMe n>tMet twtltatr iesr®d ail wry invdtrtia parrrtr of axalc and nay ottaer rtenrtdies
<br />pa~sN~ed tq sppKeaita tne, tersdrr ~ it eadtleti to collect aN rearoaatrtr each cad tapewats itacerred in pwsrieg tttc
<br />rtsrtitties prmiint it this pratpapls l#; ~ baR two iiaaltetl to, reastarbir aaaraey's fats.
<br />% sir [[[nice of lair it ivriei»-TrtaAetr stri record a aotlne of tftfadt tae eecb -wmNy it tstiidi [tie Property or some
<br />pill tbarret is tweaeei awtt sigh rrtii ea~iea of sacs ststlre iii the tasaace prtnrrfilattd try applicaitr tali to Borrower and ten fit
<br />eeitr'p~renta ptRSCrlBai b!' ttp}iiesiir ]rw. After ttte tsgrr of sell [lire as rntUr ix cea]airrd try' applicable hw, TruNee smell
<br />~ *ritfc aeoWee sl elite to tit pttrsars and ie tie taaaxter peescribed by appticri[ie taw. Trwtee, trilltoef tiem>nrd oe
<br />Yseraarer. star! srY tie ptrpesty st ]irWir aattisa to tic bidiier of sir tine aai place cad nadir tie [circa deQigaated
<br />~ tine vrraite oe >•ir ie' err or errs paroles and is anal[ ocdsr xa Trm[sre wry dtseraakae. Ttmttt aaaY P~M'K sale of ap
<br />er err p~rtt >W He t4a~eety t7' :p~trKe swweatrearea! at [tae [lint nod picet of say peevisaWp asisedaled solo. [xader or
<br />I,raAels ie>4aec.'rry pweirre tier t'rapesty.N arp arse-
<br />f.;p.a receipt sf pryaaera yf tic pritrlii. Tatrlee deliver to sir punxiarer Ttasree's deed torvty3aX ttie Property
<br />silt Tier carioca Fi [tae Trerler$,aeed Warn bt peitrra facie ttiiaeac'e of for tatpb of tie s~tateraerts made therein. Trrstee
<br />s1isM sP~1 err ppeeeeccceia d 41te sric is for foYst+iR order: fsI to all a,arfar coats std expeatres d !be sett. ilathadisp], bit
<br />ere liraierd tt., irar~eeest teas of wit rpere idtr 5 ~+ of !fair trosauk pike, reasoa~le xtoraey's fits std costs of
<br />b1Me a+ifrwe~ fbt is eb sari rrcttrrt] iy tics Decd Teat; arrdf fr3llas ea[[[se, of ayay. to ttrs° person or Prtaoas kR.sif,Y ctmtNted
<br />tlNwrb.
<br />]~. Mrrtrwasfs Ri~rt tr l>t 1*iotwithstanding LertaBers aecettratftan of the cams ssc~trrd by this Deed of Trust.
<br />8rsrrnwer steel! have [fts ngfutg'havt env pratsaediitgt btguh lay t,trtkr to tnfame this Dctd ttf 'fntst disc;antfnt[td at
<br />env tert*.e pciar to the caches to cttacurnf !:l thtfffth ibry btfnrt iht sett of kht Prc+frerty pursuant to the power oaf sate ctrtrotained
<br />~.n thn t3ca^+t of Tint t;r isr} cn¢ry of a ;trtigrsrtn't tnfarcing this Dttd of Trtnt'if: fat Barrr»vtr pays finder alt stuns which would
<br />he ffir, elere urw4..: teak t?rzd e:F Yrxat_ the ?tiote arui ntsttn securing FuTUrr Advsrttcas„ if agcy. had na arxtC+ea^attcten occ+srred:
<br />i~Y Htxr:rests tar e+ a[t hrerat~hc~s +.,t any o¢t~r eov+esiasatx tar agretxntsats #; $cakfawer cnatta+rtet in this t"kpd of Tnsct:
<br />f,a >t+srrzr.rn• VaS"" ail rca3tanatrl*_ axt-tsssea ,ncvrrsxf try t,tndtr stmd Trnsttt in enfarc.ing iht cn~,:nxxtts and agrrtmtnts ~af
<br />>tar'r 5~m~e'r catatxar.cil in tf. iti t3rct cif "f`rciat anr~ in ersftsrcirsg txrtdtr's rand- Trutittt':1 rtmcdits -.. praWidcd in paragratats i R
<br />$arree't, ,txs/>K#itag. twist .ev i+mited t+. rc;axknahde aitortsey'sftt?c.; arad kdl tEarrtw+er taktss sttcta a:~r~~:t as f.tntitr may rr;s:;esnaf;Ero
<br />t~4tc.tm t<> a+surr. :?ra+ "-ems 3-,rx .,6 +t,r:x ]yvctaf cat "frrrsr. L.~casdcs"a enttresL ere flat Psnperty nand 5ksrtxxvrcr`x atrti~,atis~n tct say
<br />