i1#att~s+t i:avt[,vrotv'rs. &rtrower and Leader covenant and agree as follows: $ ~ ~.- a~ l~ CJ e3 c? ?
<br />2. P ~ P>~iset6p4 lard -ntesrAt. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />irsdebtmdtiess eviatCmced by the PIate. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />ors env Future Advances secured by this Deexi of Tntst.
<br />~. tPlsesii kr 7Csaea:sed ire. Subject to applicable law or tq a written waiver by Leader, Borrower shah pay
<br />to Lender omtht doer rtzonthly iastaf?ttsents of prncipal and interest arc payable undee the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a aunt (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly tarts and assessments which may attain peiority over this
<br />I]eed c!i Trust, andgeound rents acthe Property, if any, plus oral-twdfzh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />puss oar-twelfth of yearly ptemiumnstalltruots far mortgage insurance, if any, all: as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to tirrrc by Lereder on the bsksis of assessments and bi1Cs and reasonable estimates [hereof.
<br />~rc Ftmdc shall ]se held is an itttetitution zht deposits or arcounxs of whirls are insured or guaranteed by a Federxt ar
<br />stateagcncy (teciuzlfngLtnder if Lender is such an institution]. Ixndtr shall. apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and grou:`td rams. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Fends, analyzing said account
<br />~ verifying and comQrlieg said asse~trants and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permsts Leader zo make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />I]eeti of Trtt that interest on the Funds shalt. be paid to $orrower, and unless such agreement is made ar applicable law
<br />regtriact ouch inttrest xn bt paid; t_crzkr shall not 6c regttiral to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall gore to Borrower; without charge: an,annual accatnting of the Funds showing eredizs and debits to the Funds and the
<br />ptnpowt for which tack debit to the Funds was made. 7lu Funds are gt~ged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by z}ua Deed of Triku.
<br />ff the arteotmt of ehe Fends hdd by Lender, together with the future monthly instailtrunts of Funds payable grior to
<br />the dtu dates of taxes, assesserttnts, itesuratece pttemitrms and ground rents, shalt excced the amount required to pay said. taxes,
<br />asaasmtttts; tesurarue premiums and ground rents as :hey fail due, such excess shat] be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited zn Bortmver an monthly installments of Funds. ]f the amount of the Funds
<br />htld`by Ltteder shalt eat be sufftciem to pay taxis, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Burrower sha13 pay to I.tntMrany atnr»tnt r,x~essary to make up the deficiency w%thin 40 days fmm the dale notice is mailed
<br />bF t~9erta Honorer wing payment thereof.
<br />Uttanpaymttrt in full of at! scans srctrred h}` this Dreti of Trust. t.rndtr shall pramgtly refund to $orrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. if under paragra~ir t g herraf the Property +s snfd or thr Property +s otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall a(rtply, rte Eaicr than immedtaeety prior [a the sou of the Prapeny or its acquisittnn by ixnder, any Ftmds held by
<br />[.antler >H the tirrse of aapp~ptication as a cxodtt agautatl the sums secured by this Decd of Trust.
<br />3. A~Yeatian of Rtyaarrsts. Unkas applcable law provides athtrwrst, ail payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nate aced paregra i and Z hereof shall he applied by Letedtr first in payment of arnonnts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under praragraph ~hera:f, then f4 enterest payable on the ",late, +hen to thr princrpal of the Nate, and thrn to interest and
<br />pats rut any Future Advaatxs.
<br />~ t3afs. Borrower shah pay all tarn. asstssmen*.s and oher charges. fines and impositions attributable to
<br />the Property which tnay attars a priority over thin Deed of Trust, and leasehWd payments or grouted eaters, if arty, in the
<br />tnaoear grarrled under paragraph 2 hereof or, tf eat paid in such manner. by Borrower making payment, when due, directly
<br />to 1i1e psytaC ttstrtmf. Bturow€; steal] pratxtp:ly faro:sit t:; C.ere;3er ail nattcz-~c of amounts due t:re~: this paragraph, and in the
<br />eventrlalMCf shelf make paynxnt dtrcctty, Borrower sisal] ptxxmptly furnish Co Ltnrkr ttrtipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Hatsvwsr stroll promptly discharge any !ten which fur preorety over this C)eed of Trust;. prov,ded, that Borrower shalt not he
<br />required:to discharge eery zuch litre sa long as Borrower ciao]] agree in writing ro [hc paytneat of the obligation secured by
<br />xw:htun in a mantssr tsceeptabte to t.tndtr, or snail in good faith canttst such flan hy, of dtfead enforcrmcnt of such lien in.
<br />legal pt which operitt fo prevent ztrc tafarcemtat of the lets or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. larwraater. f3armw~ct shall keep the xmprnvemtMs aww exrst+ng or lrcrtafztr erected nn [ht Property insurtd
<br />against 6aas by flee, hazards irtcittd7d within the term "extended coverage'", aad such other hazards as Ltndtr may require
<br />and in stscle strsarats and far reach periods as f.ernicr may require; provided, ,hat ].ender shall n«x regturt that the amount of
<br />stsde coverage txeeed that attsatrm of ctrvtrage rtqutrtd to pay :ht sums sect,red try t34i4 Decd of Teusr
<br />The inaatanrt carrier providirsg the insurance shall tx ehasen fry Borrower subject to approve) try I_cnder: pnrvrded.
<br />drat a a~tawal ttP~ll test ba unreawnably wttbadd. Aii premiums nn irtauranct paiic[ts shall ht paid in tlx manner
<br />dEr prra.taph 2 hereof tss,rf naz paid in reach manna, by Harravtr making paytrten[, when dtte, directly [o iht
<br />tagaagx txurriatr.
<br />A1C instttarttt paticid and renewals rhertot that] he to form acceptable to ].ender and shalt mcludt a standard mangage
<br />^latsse in laver Of and in form acettpp[atr#t to Ltndrr. I.rt[tfer shall have the right [o twirl the palicics and rtnawalz [hereof.
<br />sal BarroMxr ciao]] promptly furnish to l..rttdtr all renewal notucs and all rttttptz crf pa,d premiums. in the went of loss.
<br />tiorxazri¢r alead gave prompe tsatett to the tnxuranct s arrter and t.endcr. f,cnder ma}` make protrf of }eras rf cwt made promptly
<br />by Barterer.
<br />Ut>ku Lender and: Harrortr otherwrse agree in wrttrng, ,nxurancc prnttcda chair trt applied to restoration or reppair of
<br />the PtgpMy darca~ed, provitkd steel; rts[oratean or repair is eet.ntamrcafty feasthle acrd iht steunty at thaw Cktd of Trttxt is
<br />not. thereby trrpetircd, ff such tcstaraeaa ar report is eat economically feazabk ar if [let security of thrs Deed a! Trust would
<br />br itt~rred, ant itsautarva pmctcda shall ire applied to flu sum± aeeurtd by this I3ccd of Trust, wuh the excess, if any. peat
<br />to Btetruwte. if the C>taperty is abatedtrned 6y Barrtrwrr, ,.r if Barrowtr falls za resound Io Ltntkr within 3Q days front leer
<br />datearx rcx is saailad lry txtrdtr~ to Harrower that the insurarert carrkr oftcrs to sleek a ,:]aim for insurance htntfits. ].atelier
<br />is atathorenod to cofleetatad apply she itraeranee pracstds at C.ttedtrs option trzher to restoration of repair of the Pnrpcrty
<br />oc w the atone axxarttdd zhrs Bead of Tent.
<br />tJniesrr Leader mid r athstwise agrcr in writteg, any such ap~tcataon of ~ot:esds to principal shall not extend
<br />oe lire dear deli- at tTxenanttity astalhert:.mis referred to in paragraphs a;ed 2 hereof or ehangc tht artwunt of.
<br />irtamilltseetats. lftmder paragracle ImS herarf the Property as acttuered try fznder. ail right,. title and inttrest of Borrower
<br />to atsd to any inatarante polities a m and sa the proceeds tturtaf resulting from damage to rite Property prior to the salt
<br />of atieset chaff patp~ to Lt»dtrxa the cxttat of flu sums secured try this Deed of Trust immediately prior to such Batt ar
<br />b Praaat'vallan trssel Rilrissuetpser ~ Property: ieteclaoid~ C P"hwwed diem De-ehspnrents. Borrower
<br />shall keep the Property in goad repair cad shall ruu ~«*snntit wasvr i+r permit impa,rmtnt s>r dtttri,tratwn ,af the Proptny
<br />ate bttaFl conapiy with the pravi~sions of any Star tf this Geed of Trust ex ctn a leaseftokh ]f this tamed of Trust is an a unit i^ a
<br />,:andrmnntum ar a piatuetd unit dtvclopstnent, $Orrawtr shah pC~arm alt of Borrower's ahtigattons under thr declarazian
<br />ur cavcnanta S:reatittg or grtvtrning [he crsndominium er planatd orate. dtveioptrtcn[, the try-kaws and rcgulauons ~+f thr
<br />sossdwntrtitme ter platrtud tenet zYcvtiapsnent, aad coreieixntnr documents. if a ctmdantinium ar planned amt dtveiapmrn[
<br />rixkr ,s E-cts:nresiby Borrower end rtrordtd togttlttr with thzx i7eed ,»f 't'rust, thr carvtnants and agrcemen[s cif such rider
<br />shtel ix hero-[soeaMd into and snail amend and sttppicmtstt the covenants and agrttmrnts of this C3tcct of Trust as +f the rider
<br />svrte a war` hrratf:
<br />7, fraerdan of ieaBdar's 3ectgily. if Borrower fails to per#atm afu cavettants and agrermcnts cantaintd in ttris
<br />fleitC a€ frtrst, ar if any° ataaors or prrxteding is commttrcal which rnateriatly affects t~tider's telecast in the Prnpeny,
<br />ttsctbdi-rg: Lxrt eat timittid ta, raruttettt domaitr: itutotvetsty, colt eniarctmettt, ar arrangtnttrets ar praercdings znvnfvireg a
<br />btEnitrtsptor dr,axttnt, then Leeee-er at i,.ender's option, upon terrier to llarrowtr, may make such appearances., dsritrrse such
<br />samra sod take such. acxo:t as is nectasary ra prattr[ I.tntits s inxertst, i~ludiag. trot not limited to, dis$trrstment of
<br />rraarrtabic attaroey`s ferns and dory upon the Properly to make repairs, if ],coder required mortgage insurance as a
<br />con64itinn cf mak,atC.tt,t ktanatcuted lay this Dttxf of Truaz, 8ixtowtr shall pay the premiums required to maln[ain such
<br />irnwtanct in effect +m u! stsehtirru as the r«tuirtmertt far such insurance termiaatts in au;ardance with Borrtrwtr's acrd
<br />i.ender'e written aarrtttttnt tsr appliesbCe taw, Borrower shah pap the aittaunt of all rrwrtgagt insurattct premiums is thr
<br />ntanntr prcrvxtc,d under paragraph':3 ht~eof,.
<br />rtny amountz dixlra'fed by Lereder pursuant to this paragraphs 1, with snttrest thtreott, shall treccmc addi[ictnai
<br />artdMttdrez5n of Barrnytr seCtstetrtl ley this. CJ'eed of Tent, LFnless Borrower anti fettdtr agree ter Diner terms at payment. sucfr
<br />atreuunrs that] tae payable tapotr ttsrricr from txreder to Borrower rxxlrststirtg payrtunz. thereof. attd shat! tsar initrtst trots etre
<br />dN,a of dEtbarrsement at the ex~payaMi frxmt titer to fixrseon antstandng principal trnsltr rift t3ntt antler payment at itutrtst
<br />at h rtrc w~+ttl+J he cnazrxy to ap~pltcabk law. in whicty tvem arch amounts <ttali hear tnrrrtst at the highest rate
<br />petrrsiuitalc cruder appE;cetbte li+e•~- hfothi,.g tortaaxtM~ in thi€ paragragh ? sf€.ait require I.tnder to incur arty rt;.tstsa nr takt
<br />fFiY 1R:10fIJ] k)tlRxifFd[r.
<br />>5. Ettapiset7~+u Lrod~ sreslB trttdtm orcat~ to he rrtavait rras5mablt tnvncs +.pcn artd ir~ptetit»t4 of silt Pa~p-n r, prole-tdtd
<br />,hat ;.rnier stxa;i cn'r Itot'rtattr~ tstttkt prier its any atach iaxpection sptcitying scasoaabie caisre [hertfc~r rtl4tcd :, 1_r»drr"s
<br />+•sprrt:arr i~ thir Prataarty
<br />