<br />DEED t~F 7C`~~51'
<br />Ot32325~s-0
<br />~~.~-~,~633~-
<br />T1-tlS DFF.I? OF TRUST is tttade this..::. , ... ~ I st- ... , • ........dav of ...pdeember• . , .. • ....... ,. .
<br />14.87. ,among the itUSmr, . : SurS. ~.o~h .lnd. E11.z-sbQ Cl! Sr 3;xaeYt~ . ~iaa~iettd • aad vi fe ......... .
<br />............ ........ ..... .............. (herein 'Bt~r*ower"},...GOt~Aez~.i32 7:ederal. ~aungs. .
<br />............and. T.o&A :'1`is~c~s~t~an.....:.............. -......(herein "Trustee"}, and the H~neftciary;
<br />.4"4~!'rei~~.Fg~iera,l, Sayirg~„ S, t,a~tn ~~sqt,• .......:................. 3 corporation organized and
<br />existing; utzdcr the laws of .. ; . ,r e ~ rc s:ca ...... . ........... , ......... , whose address: is ............... .
<br />2i ~Q. South . Z 3 ud- Sdr.©eg, . t~at,a.,. _td8 _ : 53Y 2k ...................... (herein ,.Lender-"} .
<br />&SRROwt=R, tn:c~tsiderktiast of the iszdebtednessherein recited:..tnd the trust herein created, irrevocably g~anzs
<br />and can~~cys to Trustee, in trust; wills power of sale, the. following descrsbed property located. in the County of
<br />.......:....13x31 : . . ................. - - - .,State. of 'Qebraska:
<br />Lat eleuen {lY}, Clatrssen Subdivision, being a part of Lhe
<br />tiJs:at t3al of the Srauth ';nest ~tsarter (FI i r`2 SW 1 J4 } of
<br />Se~tSoa Tvts {2 } is 7ntrashp F,] evan {11 } ~ctrtn, 3.7ange ten
<br />{l~) Hest of ttte :5ixrth P.7. ila3Y County ~lelsraska.
<br />wlach has the addreu of. 43.113, .Cd av~Sest .Fyd .~rTaRJI ,lsisttd., ,tehtaaka. 6ff~SSE1 . ... . . . . . ...... . . .
<br />t5tnrmt; rGityq .
<br />..... . ...... . ~ .......... {tlerCfO °lxfOfltttf lAi~d17"SS")
<br />i5ua ar.3 Zip CgC~I -
<br />E'tz;trtsER w~~th :ill the im~rua~cments npw or tsereafter crecttx# tsn the prt~rerig, end sll cascmrnts. rights,
<br />appurten>tnces, rears !subject ttowt:vYr to t'rtc rig3its a.~t3 auihoritzesvexr hesairiao l.ettderta colxcct and:app!} tiuch
<br />rents}, rr~}aliics, tnitscral, exit aad gas rtge`tts and profsts, v,;iter, watwr rights. grad wwater stt3tzk, and rill fixture, ncsw nr
<br />t>eteafri~ aiiaGhtd to the property, all al which, iaciscling ;epiasemeats and addisiori thercta.::hai{~ Fre <4eemcd Ca be
<br />and ttawin a part of the property coyerfd by thts L?ecd ctf Tru^;t: and all of the fore~sirtg, togcthrr wi!it satJ prolmrty
<br />dot [~ katrehok~ esszze if thii fwd. of Tru3t is an a Itasclx~dd } ntc hemSn refrrtred to as "Prdperty";
<br />Trz SlfetsaE to l.tredcr l+) ttre repraymicrst of thr endetrttdness ..vidrnccd hey. Sortovrcr'S no:.: dastrd . ,tc-+.^~m6e"r- ~1 , 1`~~3
<br />......... - . {hcrxin '°iwote"? ii9 the principal Burr, at. F('~-T.Y -[:1'.E. '"~ (~[1S 1`:~ T1L'?? `tti,4l~i~Ee7~ rzAt~S ~!1Celk ~)~
<br />..... - ................ - - _ ... _ . ....... Jollars.:x~th ent~~rest thtcr~ort, providing for rnont}tt} instailittl:n.a
<br />1st ptitsctpCti and iattrest, with the balance ;?f tit: irtdC}'#eti(i[SS, :f not worr-r braid, d;rc and payariz art. . .
<br />.... _ .3~ttussty • - 2 t . ~L13?v _ _ .... - . _ ..... : thz payment exE aIl artier stems. wt!h interest tttca°cm, xdvancctE
<br />trt acuxrGaasear 3tttewdtb to prot~~ the ~cxs7rit}~ of !tin Decd csf Trust: ;!nd the performance of ;he atven~ni. and
<br />s~ a~ 8anr~vrr Netts sxxttaialed: srrd i b) the rclvayment of nny raFnr% rdvances, ~s~3th inttrca; there4r:. rttacic
<br />tp ~lcsrrtrwarr try idnder ptxrsu~t zo Par~rapah "' S hrrcct i 1'tertVn ' }suture :2dsances"!.
<br />Etrxre~aea rtwettatstx !hat t;3Snr*~wrr s lawful}y ncisa'xi ~i the s-sxats' her~ov cnm~ttccf a a~ ;ens thy- riuht ^0 2~a;i! anal
<br />iptav~ tip P'rtaprtty, that a}1Y l"trxlcnv i~ l~ttcncrstn~erc6, nor! tF.:tt Rorc.=a-er u~~it u~arrznt as ci 1-,sr-n.. p~<r~•r-ititi 'tl~
<br />title t4 the t"nspt:zt~r s~srxct ak} t~lairn~.~nd c3emsne#s. Su??iCCi r.~ „a,eicct=tta arse;. ~2~em~,:rts .:r rc.:e,r: , i~~azf ~n x
<br />SC`.2l~t~t~F" fY{ CA£ib~ftY,CK lA Srit0r8{gC it4 :7:7V iStlr :ngttt;lttEe ~.tiis~;C nt}95irh~ l_c t~'- iu c~ra~+t :f, ~°u~~31;,. '.
<br />~' ,~~_.' .w d f err -. ~ 7, ~f!ttMNMt3}R,A~t ~Ma ;!lStRtpkkT ~~ +m a,.r ,,.y,
<br />