<br />~~ __illp~3~3?
<br />•~. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or coetsequential, in conrtretian with any
<br />cortdt:tneution orotha• tatitt;af the property, or part thenwf, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />attd tshail I96 panda- to laetLder.
<br />ixi rho watt of a total taking of the pmptrty, Che proceeds sha61 be applied to ehe sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the exctas, if any, paid to Harrower. In the event of a partsal taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />othn agnx ir_ writing, there ahaiE be agplied to she sums secured t+y this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />ss is ~'io Uant prcpottam which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Ttvst itnmedtately prier to the date of
<br />taking btara Ya rho fair tttarlcet vahteof the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Harr+oarer.
<br />cf site Ftroperty is abandoned by Harrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower thaw the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle-a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to f_rnder within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />itudNid Leader is snthatizai to correct and apply the proceeds. at Lenders option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />p opettY ar to ttLC stems sectaed by thin Deed at Tivsz.
<br />Uakss Ltttdtr at+d Borrt7eetr ottietwise agree in writing, any such applicazton of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />m the. due date of ttre tturntltly instaicmcnts refecre<i to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />itrt~ietmnes,
<br />i0. Henwir~ lliat tteieaaeei. Extension of the time for payment nr modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by 4itis E?terf'oS Tnsst granted by i.rexier to soy successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in an}° manner,
<br />the liability of the-ai•iginat &rrrowtr aatd Botsawer's successors in interest. Lender ahali eat 6e required to commence
<br />protaeediags agautat nulls strcersbor at refttst to extend iilxte €ar payment ar atfierwisc modify amortization of the. sums
<br />secured ITyr thia Dsrd of Teat by reason of any demand made by the nrigioal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />II. Fotrlr~eararre cry Limier Nat s Waiver. Any forbearance by I~nder in exercising any rigfit or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otbtttwist aHortiett by applicable law, shalt eat he a waiver of ar preclude the exercise of any sttctt right or remedy.
<br />The proctirottwnt of insurance or the payment of taxes or exher liras or charges t+y Lender shall not be a wazver of Lender's
<br />riglsc to aarlrratt ifs maturity of tits indebtedness srcurtd by this Dyed of Trust.
<br />I2. Raeeaita'Cwt. !!q remedies provtdc4l in thzs Deed of Trust arc distinct and cumulative to any other tighi
<br />or rtartedy under this f3tcxl of 'c`rust or ifforttetl by taw ar equity. and may car exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />aturttssire}y
<br />l3. ~trccrrrrs oars A,s~tiRas- wrade Joint and Several laaJ~ty; Capteons. "I'he covenants and agreements herein
<br />pactt;ainedsAai1 bi;rl, andtho rights htrcutrdrr.shali inure to.:he respettzvr successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />sabjrxt to the praviaiom of paragraph t" hereof .r.tt covenants and agrttments of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />'lhe captienss atYd tiatdtnp of the paragraphs of thrs [)trd c}f Tnnst are far conveniener only and arc not to !>e used to
<br />itttaptet ar de5ne ehe pttrviaums heaaaf.
<br />I9. Es3tlrHret. Esce¢tt f~ ales ntxrce reixuired under applicat+ie taw za k±e biven +n another manner, ?a) any notice to
<br />Hartowcr provided fct to thh t~e.+1 of Trust shalt °.se given by rnailing such nattce i+y certified mail addressed to Br+rmwer at
<br />thc:PcopertY Addrus err at such other address as Borrnwtr znay designaic by notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(bl aay noiicrTO Leridtr ahaH lse given try' crrtifted mail, return receipt rrgitested, to ixnder's address stated herein os to
<br />strchrothrr addrtrs as L.eeder may dtsitt by sttti;.e to Borrawa rs pruvrdrd herein.. .4ny notice proiided far in this
<br />Deed of 'Treat shalt br tiite€trrd to nave €xxn gisen tat Ba:ra~xc ., t.,.^der eviic^ g!vrn in the manner designated herein.
<br />I3. LieMwnt. [4ei d Treats i;,wve;rwirrt tas-t !S+evrrabAily. The; farm o€ decd oC trust camlxines unifitrnx a>venams for
<br />nasirsaal test and [tort-uniftmn tx~ve:nastta with limited variations ly iurisdicton to canstimee a uniform security instrument.
<br />ctsve+rin~ real }xopertY. Thia [3ted of Trust shat4 he gnvexnrd by the taw of the turisdietian in whicts the Property is located..
<br />In rho cusps any proviawxrar rioter of this Dori! of Trust . r she ?4o€e conflicts with applicabtc law', such conflict snail
<br />riot aRect:tuharprawiaiotts tar this L?eec! of `I"rust ar the dote which can t,r green cttrct wthout the snnllicling prnvisian,
<br />and to this end the provasiasga of the LSrat of Trusi and the tiote art declared tc+ lee stverabie.
<br />Ei,. -ferrrtrar°a C.p~; Ho€rtawtr Lhaii hr titrnished a conformed c<spy c*f the Notr attd of This Deed tf Trust at tt€e time
<br />ex# rxeerttign ar afLdr t+xat+ttfntioer htxeof.
<br />l7. TrM€rter of the !'ru~cteyt Asutplfaa. li a!t .,r any part of the Property or an intci-eti ztterein a sold or iransfern d
<br />by Hoexosrsrwithota-Leaders prior wrttttxt contnt, rscluding !aj the crrauon of a lien or encumbtanre suharditsate io
<br />the c?erd of Trtai, tb1 the creation of a purrhax nxonrl ~€ec^uruy intrres? for household app6anees, t c l a transfer by devise,
<br />deytemtor by operation of taw upon the death of a corns trnam ar w d r ttse grant of any leasehold interest of three }ears ar less
<br />not rxnrtainin an option to pturhax, Lender rnay, .+t l.rndrrs optusrn, dtriare alt ttte sums secured by ttzis fktd tat Trust u> be
<br />itrttxrediatdY~ite and'patYa£tk, Ltadrr shall have waased such alrtion to acerlcrate tE, prier to the sate stir iratrsfer. Ixnder
<br />aid thepasnn.to whom the Property is to t,r r+.slei or trartsfcrrrd reach agreement .n wriiing that the cnxdii of such person
<br />is sautifiadory, to L~dtr and that rho iateresi payatste un the sums sorurcd by this lhed a; "f-resit shall hr at such rate as
<br />I:€tidsr rhatl rengtrest. If Iaex.u bas watvtd the ,,ptitm to at:rcieratc provided in this psragraph t 7. and. tt Borrcwcr'.s successor
<br />in. ineleres/ has cxscttteda writtar u+w.urttptran agXrrrxrent accord in writing by i~rnder, l.rnder ahali release Borrower !'ram
<br />pit rdfiigafwns elder this Decd of Trutt and the tiate
<br />if Ltndtr eaorciaea atath aprasrt to ac+^e#rrare 4 ender shad enact Bormwrr notice ref acceieratinn in accordance with
<br />p~ru~rtpit !4 hereof. Str€:h natrcr snail prav,dc a pern•rct in n+?t }rss titan ul rfa°.-~ F*nrn the date the nature is ntaiisd within
<br />,arhioh t3twrow~ may y ihe:xums deefarret elec. tf fkrrr<>wer ia,h z<, pa-€ u-rr •.uctrJ pn,,r to the mxprratian of such period.
<br />Letsder may, wrttwut tartlrer starlet or demand c+n t3cxrrarorr, ,nvs.i,r am rerrtttit~c~ prrmttltd ley paragraph tg fitreof.
<br />Ittorr-l;!vtaaant f."avrteatrTS. Fiorrawrr amf Lttxitr tttrthr~r tuvtnam and erg>et as ftsliawa
<br />Ig> alta}demedieer; Rtawedka. I?ttreyf trs }rp~riiirii iw prytra~ i7 teettaf, rpow Eprrowet's beprlr a! pay covewot err
<br />a at ^aerasrer ie thie Rlksni of T'retq. irstiu [fir rowerutNS to pay when dwr rwy senor srcared by Chia Dcrd
<br />of Trtart. Lewder Grier tv ~ ai€aH rertk`e to Ilorrn+rex ~ pnns[ded in perragraph i0 lurrert spetifyintgn i19 the
<br />6esarh: f2l rMt aetiow re~aMed to carte nwrh brreocb: t3l a data. wet Leas thou 3A days trmr the date for notice is mailed to
<br />Neum~rtr. a!' whichirrel'hn+rach aswrt be ,eortd~ ~ iii that rollers to cmt sacb breach aw or before the daft apet3fted
<br />in tietwaefrrresy reewYlw scrMletNiou of the s~rnesi.ecrwed by this f)etd of Traae audsrdt at the Property. The arstice
<br />s-wl1 fssHtr ietaartt Eveeerrer of the surf to rtiaafate after arrrkratWw awd the right to brig a court action to awLerf
<br />?ht wow-e,trtt sf f dt#awif err airy allele drftnsr of 8os'awer tv xrelxratioo pad r;~e. if the bnearlt in not rnttd
<br />on >•r isefvre tlrt dieAt spdriiesi: ie sloe xwtic'+r, t-tttAar at i:.cuaLtx"s optia~ rrray eMe+riart ail of 'eiu wins retcuttd by t{as tlkt.:.
<br />of Tore K the iastwetiiaftiy dtreaerd pyaide witirwW fart~r drtnaud acrd stay iavokt the power of sale aad any other remedies
<br />P lay t~ caw; i,twder shatN ee <nttil3rri ter colitrt sir retasawaele cosh and expenses irrcwrttd in Pursrittq the
<br />rewrriies pevvirfa+i cw thi PraffmNa tg, inetwdiatt. eve ua lbnited ter, reawonahie atty's rtes.
<br />if the ptw:r of afire ishesrehtd, Trusttt sheds rteord s aatirt of default in loch comity in which the Property err sates
<br />pet tAerre.t lwiocaiad awd s'hail of strb :notice iu the tnturewer prtscriirtd by apptirabk law 1o Boerowtr and to the
<br />Meer ycreoer preadiitred ey >yrir caw.. Aftn the hirer of perch trine as may bey rtrtrired by atppticabie caw. Trstsitee shoat
<br />;ire eweii+ troaicr trf said ter filar peavoare and- in floe msrswer prescribed try appliraiirit iuw.. Trusttee, without demand- an
<br />ietYn+e~r, aierll sell the Pr+Ripertty at perbiiearetiow to t~ iu~hest birkber at the time amf place aizd needle tht tere»s dtsi~nafed
<br />it tree trance of tarir ie ere p mine parcels and. iu smh order as Ttttstee may dettcsmint. Trt~et may postpatte salt of ail
<br />or pry parch of the Ptollesty by twMir at let titaat and piece of any prcvltreasiY tirbed~sd stile. c,etrdet err
<br />I,teeeier's derittwee eeaay pterx-Laac the Peteperty at arty sale.
<br />t,7per rrrei*! ref paytnrwtni the 9rlu't bid, Trustee r,6aEi. deilverto its parrhatttr Temrstet°s decd rarvtYirtg the Property
<br />sa4. 41re eeclea4 iw the 'trsrtitee'r. dredshatlee priwta facie evidtare of the tn+nb of the statetnee#rs madt tlteseia_ frtwtee
<br />s1raN te/rfy the praeteds <rf the s:..ie ie, lire fnYawiwx: order. faits air rtaeowabit lasts awd txpertses of the std,[, ctuhtdiwq, beet
<br />not Ilewleett tn, Trtestte`x fret of cwtmareiMaet.. ~.r _ ~: enf-thtRivzs race prier., rearKruabie affarrney's lets pad rants of
<br />title r+tdewrt; {bf to dl nano rcrerre8 ey ttti, bCTrnst; and{r) the txress, if any. to the parson or persons legally etrti41te9
<br />4;11erlrR.
<br />l9. fle+rraP.er'+r itiQh! tr, Reinstate. ` zir.;andantt }.r~stairr's axelc i?i:-n .~f site sums scoured by phis Derd t>f ~Crnst.
<br />~,
<br />I{arrcw~r tt s;i }cave ??-x. right z, ~:ape ate os rn-c: din#st>cgvn hY '.cn~r t ...it=rcr this L}ccd r?f T"nist tlssumttnurd ~at
<br />r+ay tNr,r pr,+~r a.+ zht err res Yc~ :a <~(',! the filth clot %iors ti;r ark ,,,,r rfae P. °;~ny ,~~:+suanz to the pawn s*i sale c=yaia~iin"R#
<br />,n thra I)c+a rG Trap o (;i ezrq z . , ~.:dyrsrai s ti. _+ ~r:.~g ~h 3s Clod of Tr~az = ~..i °~;. rz.wer peg Lender ailsums which would
<br />ice: ;'see c!:,,r miter iy;s )_xead :.* ..-`t acre ^: ore :<;~ .~., ~°: rtrctr?rig k +; nor 1.., .+;t.x~ +f ;,r ?-•.. had net ax:~alerattun cY:+surrcd
<br />'.,:'t. Er.~r+.•+~.^r _ rs s _.e.-_es °;. .in~~ ,,her a.>--rn~riz+ -.. ~_r x..v. .. E~==s:. .: rr acvtxaineti uz this i>ecr,1 n€ `i're+vt:
<br />~, ,
<br />,.:i is.~rTaxet a5-s a:`s ;e~ZS~-s _c _. ~.rr --_ - ;; Ecai§` '_!~c cET':finanL~E anrt alf€sFrm~nis r,,t
<br />N _. r.r,..w• c. sta.~~:-: r•, t n +7+-,,,1 .d (ri st ., is z,. e;.. -+r~ k.naraS se, t`e:-~: dim a. prxt.^i~a tea fsaragraph ih
<br />e~ ~
<br />Ri _ .} €nctn „r,ry_ ..err? e.T.f seen ~t>;tt tr:_ !-e:x•.;'~ , .: r+Tey'3 'car-. a i scr ~.; c• s ~z +ar:Js actrxrn ms z..emfrr Jn ay rca~«rraata'iy
<br />c.i++r to a. .,r < ~r ..,r l+r., ~ th,~ t3itd ct l~u~ .._._ zntere -: .. ibe (`•~~ and3 Borr:.~wcr'c x.hlagxt n'tzt r ~sv
<br />