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I <br />g2=-~O~U'i~~ <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS- - ~ <br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FBVANCECHARGE: Even t}iough t donut have to pay more than the regular scheduleA monthly payment t have the nigh <br />to prepay the whole amount owing to you in ful I at any [tine or in part from time tobme. if thb lendinginstiiulion or bank that buys my contract computes the firuutce charge <br />dady, I know my finance charge will be less if 1 make an early payment, and it will Ix higher if I pay late;-I also recognize that any necessary adjustment to my total finance <br />charge will be my final bill; l also know that the amounts shown on the reverse side for the Finance Charge. Total of Payments, and theTotal Sale Price are esti- <br />mates based on the assumption drat you will receive each of the payments exactly on its due date; aml-1 know that there wiH fx no refund if f prepay because there is nuttingg. <br />- to refund if 1 am charged nn a dotty basis. if the ]ending institution or bank does not compute the finance charge daily, and if f prepay the whole amount, you will refund <br />m me the unearrced popion of the finance charge (interest) by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method: and the amount of my rebate will be figured on the <br />scheduled dates and amounts of my monthly paymen[ and not on the antral dates and amounts of the prepayments that I pay to you. f know that arefund of less than 51.00 <br />will notbe made, ~ - - - <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE.ABOUT WARRANTIES:. <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBY' DISCLAIM -ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILiTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND--SERVICES-UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />N-SHES: BUYER- WITH A.SEPARATE' WRITTEN LIMITED- WARRANTY, OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SEL- <br />LER'ON ITS OWN BEHALF-(WHICH; IF MADE;,A000MPANIES THIS CONTRACTjr ' <br />- (b) I wi0 and should read; in detail, the separate "LIMITED W ARRANTY"which accompanies this wntract. It explains the conditions anal circumstances in which - <br />- the manttfntxored products will be repaired orrepleced. T take noticeof the limitations on the warranty, and I particularly rerngvize that any implied warranty which aPphes - <br />to die goods tarts only as longas the warranty or service contract. _ _ - - - -- <br />SPECIAL-ORDER GQODS: I know [fiat you.have house,and its openings Botha;,you can make the products to fit my particular house. I take notice that the <br />goods that are manufactured For my specific house probably will not fit any other houses, and under such conditions, I krww that [ cannot caveat this contract at any time <br />aherthe Aerial of time given to me;bylaw;in which to cancel Afrerthat legal period oftime.lknow thatlhave the obligationmpay ypuinfvll dreamountawed.--; - <br />-OBLIGATTONS PERTAINING TO MY REAL ESTATE: I . t promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured far at least 80'~bf its reptacertten[value - <br />bybuyingafireandextended coverage insurance policy. The insurance companymus[be approved byyou, and the policy must haveastandard trustdcedbenefrrisry_slause - <br />which says that you are to tie paid if there is a lass. The insurance company mustagree that it will not cancel my poliey wttltoot-first telling you: ]authorize [ties-insurance <br />company to,pay you directly for any loss. You can choose to-use ihisinsurance:payment to e:iher repay any amounts I owe you or to repair mykivuse. 2: I alsapromise [fiat <br />Iwih cot allow anyone else to place anyliens on my real estate without your written permission. 3. t promise to pay all taxes; assessments and ottiercharges on my real estato'- <br />when due. 4. f promise to timely inakeall. payments on m~ pponor loans.secured-by my real estate. I also promise that I will not extend, renew or changeprior loans without <br />your written permission. 5-. [f t-do not insure my house or mlfill my other obligations to my reai_estate, then youcan do-it forme ifyou want (but you,do nothavsid) ~pou <br />dopey any of -these otiligatioiss for me; f agree to ayyou back on demand plus interest at an annual rate three percentage points-(396)-greater than the annual peieenttaagge~ <br />rate shown on [he rcperse side. Until I pay you back: these amounts will be added to my debt to you wlilch es secured by my ttal estate and house. T-liiiow tha[if.youdecide <br />to buy insurance for me that you do not have to obtain any homeowner or liability insurance. _ <br />SALE OF MY HOUSE: I promise norto sell, lease or give my house to anyone until I have fully repaid my debtto you. or, unfil I obtain youravrit[en pertnissian. If! would- <br />sutimi(to you someone to take.bver this contract,lagreethot you map review[heiryualifirations. If you approve them, you can chargemeaservice feaforchangntg records, - <br />You can also increase the interest rate on this contract by as much as the law atlowsuf you do; you agrm not to hold me responsible for this debt ~ - <br />_DEFAULT: twill be ivdefault under dtiscontract if: - - - - - - ' <br />- - 1. I don't make apayment-when due; or - - - - - - - - - - - - RECF?RDER`$ A4k7r1CI;- t£GlaitlTY QF-- - - -- - - <br />2 (break any proruise l made to you iv this contract; or - - - tVRITMItD, j'1NNG OR ?AttgfAtJ{i', _ <br />- 3. 5omethingelse happens which caused you to believe in good faith thaz 1 do not intend to pay you as promised; or UN$AT~SFACTC~t•>I - <br />S. i default on any obligations for which I am using my home as collateral; or - - - - Rd }}g5 I)t;)CUM~d W1>Qi ~- _ <br />?. Somethingttappens fumy house which threatens yourrights, if any, in it.- - - - - - - - ' - -- -_._ <br />IF I AM IN DEFAUZT:_ My house and real estate can be sold by you to pay my debt to you. Before my house is sold, You will do everything [[tar the law required. Anyoru' - <br />-can pun:hase my house end tea) estareat the sale, including you, and, gpu can give the purchaser a Trustee's Dced wtthoufany warranties. However; you a that au -- <br />- will trot sell my-house and real,estate if I pay all overdue,payments and entree[ any default before the sale. Or, yytju have.therightto-sue-tne•andfo~eclose this c~iracf as - <br />i; it was a tdoirgage. `If'.you.hire-an atmmey to assist sell-my house: or, to sue me,. or, to.protect your.rights, I agree to payyou for-yaupreasonable anormya'-fees, <br />-` and for otherrelated expenses such ascoun costs, rifle searches and money you expended to protect my house. ~ - - - -•-• ~ ~ ~ _` <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not to enforce any of the rights:under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or, wz can delay enforcing any of tlrc rights <br />without losing them. We can also use any rights now or m the future given m us by law. _ - - <br />-DELAYS: fknow-that yodwill use your best efforts to install the products t arti purehasing on my house, butt also understand that th some situations yuu rnayencounter - <br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions. delays you have. in obtaining materia}s, or for other reasons that are beyond yonr cunrroL-1 under§tand that you wi0 - <br />notcee liable farsuchdelavs. <br />~.1RBITRATION: If I-have s dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity, quality or-perfortnartce of the pratticts, t understand that my disputarnay be sutimitkd to <br />.:and settled aaording to the mediation-arbitration program that may' have developed in my community or by.the ocal Better Business Bureau. I also know that anytieoision <br />-. made6y an arbittata(s)would be entered in theco~n havmgjurisdtclion over me and yuu. - - <br />SALVAGE VALUE: tknow~[hatthe-windows, woudvrork; and other materials that have ro be removed by-you for this installation have NO salvagevalue. Whin you ra-' <br />'move them, you can have them for whatever purpose you want. ~- - - - - - _- - <br />-SPECIAL STTUATIONS:Due to the uniquenessof some of [he Products that you sell. I understand diet in special simatons That Your Ragiooal Of6txtnay have ro rt;vicw <br />and accept ibis contrnci, l._ also upderstand that [hid sale occurred m my htatse add that you and I ma not hayehad.all t1x-correct tvfortnatroa important to this"transaction <br />- at ourffngertips;lgive you my consenfto correct any bbviouserronthat may have occurtedwhen the blanks in this contract were contpleced; <br />INVALID PROVISIONS: If an provision of this contract violates the taw and is unenforceable; the rest of the contract will be valid. If anypart of this contract requues <br />_ .payment of more interest than the law permits, then you will only have the right to crollect from me the amount of interest which the taw allows you ro collect. - <br />.,, <br />"COMPLETENESS-OF THIS CONTRACT: I cannot revoke the trust that Chave created by dtis contract This rnntract can only beetianged if bout you and me agree in <br />'::writing.-, - - - <br />- 71tc-following notitt bringgss to my aaention [he rights that l have coon when this contract is soldto a iurancial ins[iWtionar a bank, and [ should notite•thactlwimpor- - <br />~''. terkaofthisprovision rsstrzssed by itsappearanee inten point: hold face type: ~~„ _ - - - <br />L..~ <br /> <br />