<br />I have received at this time an itemization of the Amount FinancerQ~,~,~ CC Pl r"1-s
<br />My'paymem schedule will be: _
<br />- Namhv-of Paymenu ~ Amwnt d Piymrnn -when PayiMrtl arc. Gun
<br />Estimated m be, ~s.c-_--days after the date i
<br />Ist Payment $: ~? 'l. '~ of the Compietion`Certificate._ -
<br />-- Ali subsequent installme :'s -on the saint day-of
<br />,,~ .~f - $ t: ,~`-'- euh consecutive month until paid in full.
<br />Ittaurance-; - - - r ; ; - - - ` - -. ` - ~
<br />Credit life insuwnce and credit disability insurance arc trot required to obtain credit, and will
<br />not 6e iirovlded unless i sitm and alstdet tH'tfa)'-,tliv-.addltionafcost. - -
<br />.Type Ptemmm _ ~ Signawre
<br />Credit Life ' -- --
<br />- 1want-credit life- --.--
<br />_ -- insurance. - - - ,,,~_ uynr -
<br />- ~
<br /> _ r
<br />~ ~gmmrc - o.
<br />vy<
<br />Credit Accident
<br />~ twain credit accident.
<br />& Health - - and health insumn gnaw uye
<br />-
<br /> :-- ~ t.
<br />.
<br />
<br />Property insurance is required'. but 7 may obtain this
<br />'I wah[. If T o(itain this instrance tfuoagh you, 1 will pay S
<br />insurance from-anyone B means an esnmaze.
<br />_~-- ... -
<br />--COMMENCEMENT OF TIIE FINANCE CHARGE:..TIx'fmance charge ,(interest) is-estimated-m Stan on
<br />(insert the date)e~cept. in the event that you coinpplate the installation of the goals and services on another date. then the finance charge {interest) will"begin
<br />-to'nin. on,theidate than shall, sign a Completion-CertificazaTheamoant of finance charge (interest) may be more dr less than the amount disclosed depetidmg
<br />-onaht amountsi:pay you-and my timeliness inmaking payments: - - - - - - - - - - -
<br />)'REPAYMENT: Imay-voluntarily pte~ay the amount I owe you, in fyll or in pair; at any nine. If t make a partial prepayment, I must„continue to make -
<br />my regular payments until I have pat al amounts dwell. - -.. - -- -
<br />'.R6QUFST FOR FULL~PAYMENT-If-f do not-pay when `due;_ you can declare, without gtving.-notice w, me, all that Lowe. undertitis; contract pa}~abk
<br />~at once. I agtee'to.pay-you interest on that:amounC na to exceed. the- highest lawful.-contract-rate.-.of 16^m until-etcher the-amount Lowe you is ,brqught
<br />-eutrent or, until.-';you-sell my house if.l'-have. giveq you a Deed.of .Trost. 1-understand the definitions both of what a "default" is and .what your.~power
<br />ts[q. sell my~hpuse under a Deed. of Trust. - - ' - - - - - - -- '. - :.. .
<br />GOLLECTIOIV-COSTS:. If 7 am,:in default of-this contract and you demand foil-payment: I understand [hat you may send-if to an euomey~for coBecvon
<br />-andenforeemenc If you :do so, 1 agree-to pay.'your reasonable--aitomeys' fees-plus any-coon cdsts and expenses incurred by you, that is; if,you are aitowed
<br />to-collect such amounts byaaw. - - -- - -- --- - ~-
<br />DEED OF TRUST: As-security for this contract, 1 grant, bargain', sell,. convey and confirm to Thomas P. Egan, Jr.. of Omaha, Nebraska; and as a member
<br />of'itie Nebraska'-State Bar: as Trustees in trust with-=-the dower-to. sell, a -deed to my real estate and improvements on it. including my #rouse, all of which
<br />is-commonly, referred to'-and~:is located--at my."Address designated 'on iht top pomon of this contract. This Deed of .Trust -protects you if Ldo-.not pay
<br />this-contract as-promised or if I break any. other ptoirtisemade on either side.of this contract. - - - - -. "
<br />REVERSE.SIDE:d.understand-that the. additional termsaml proxisions Printed on the,reverse side of this lnsmllment Sales Contract ateapan of this Install---
<br />- meet Sales Contract and that I am-bound by them in. the samemanner as tf they-were printed on [he front of this very Installment Sales Contract. - _-
<br />-, ,, << _ + .., ~"NOTICE`TO BUYER
<br />-"1.'I~do no[ have to sign'.tltis contractbefore I read it or if any of the. spaces intended for the agreed terrns.to the extent of tben. available inftit'myttion -
<br />--are left 61ank:.2. I,am~eutitled to a.mpy of. this-cootrad at. the time I,sign_it..3; I may pay. off the full balance due tender this contras at stir
<br />time, stall in so I-should be eatitkd to a full rebate of the' unearned flnatux and insurance c~a~gts (if an ). 4. I`MAT CANCEL:THIS A6REEMENt
<br />NBTICE OF'RI6NT'TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN;EXP~NAT!ON OF TNIS RIGHT.) 5>runderstand that this instrument is based upon a home soucttati~
<br />stile<and: [hat this+inatrument~is clot negottabk. 6:`.It shall-not tic-.legal For you to enter my_premises urdavvfully-or -rnmmit any breach of the peace- -
<br />[o mpossess goads purchased under this contrad:
<br />COPY RECEIVER: I acknowledge receipt of a completely filled in copy of this contract-along with two~2)-copies of the Notice of Right to Cancel: Form _
<br />- IN~wITNESS-WHEREOF, this Deed of Trust and lnstaltment Sales Contracthas bees signed on rhea - "-`" day of - ,t9 _.~`ir'-;
<br />at (eery) - ^-\ .. ~ ` ~' -'I - ,State of -Nebraska. - r1.--- - ~ -
<br />PACESETTER~ODUCTS INC --erwE~tctARV~ /1 ~' 0.~1~ 7 _ /qJQ
<br />/(/O LR -'fps o~Ih%!/~ ~.
<br />By rts -agent
<br />-State of Nebraska ~ ' ~~. - -'-.) - - co. 'r8u _ ~ - ~ --~ , ~ - -
<br />- .Y 1 ss The foregoing instrument watt acknowledged before.me on rhea
<br />- County -of. -day nt - _ '':-'- `-' 19 - ,'by the-above - -
<br />- ~ p9l/MfgM•NNa sI MInW designated Buyers)-__~~
<br />My commission expires: _ ~~ Notary- Public -
<br />` 5-101-NE-A/HB - - - ~ - - -
<br />~J
<br />(.~ StxuAty: 1 am giving a stcunty interest in:
<br />I':~'the goods, services and property being purchased, and
<br />2. my real estate and improvements: induding'my,-
<br />- house. all at my "Address" designated above.
<br />FilinglRecording fees S_~ ~--. -
<br />Lale-Charge: If apayment is-more than-tCtl (10) days
<br />Iatt, 1 will be charged 55.00 or 5% of the payment. -
<br />whichever-is le5s,~or in lieu-of 1}re preceding charge.- in-
<br />terest-may 1>e collected on each delinquent installment. _.
<br />until paid. not exceeding the contras rate of t6%; per
<br />annum.
<br />~epaymenl: If I-pay off early, I wilt-not have to-pay-"
<br />a penalty, -arid 1-may be-emitted to a`refuted of part of
<br />the finance -charge. - - - -
<br />- 1 -.will-review other portions of this connect.
<br />- - or additional - infomration"-about non-payment, default,
<br />any required repayment in full before the scheduled dale, ~.
<br />and prepayrreent. refunds,arid penalties. -_ - -
<br />
<br />