PRF,PAY:NI:7VT AND ACCRUAL OFTHF, FINANCE CHARGE: Even though f do not have to pay more than the regular scheduled monthly payment;) have the right .
<br />to prepay the wtwk amwm awing to vnu in full at any time ur in part from time to time. If the lending institution or bunk that buys my contract computes the fananegjharge
<br />daily, f know my tiname charge well 6e kss rf I make an early payttxnt, aril it will be higher if t pay tart; l alas recagnirx that anyy nectsssry adjustment to my total flnante
<br />charge will be reflected in my final bill; I ulsa know that the amounts shown on the tevetx side for the Finance Chargt, Total oY Payments, and theTtxal Sale Price are tui-
<br />mates based on the assumpt^^ t that you will rfcaiya eaefrof [he payments a%ac;ly on its due date; and 1 know that three will be no refund if 1 prepay because titereis nMiting
<br />m refund if I am charged , ` daily basis. if the knding institution or bank does not compute the finance charge daily, and if 1 prepay the whole amount, you will refund
<br />ro me the uneamed portion o, the Snarrce charge timercstt by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method; and the amount of my rebate will be figured on the
<br />scheduled dates and amounts of my mvnthly paymem and rim tin the actual dates and amounts of the prepayments that I pay to you, t know that a refund of less than SI.00
<br />will not be made.
<br />Ih) i will and should read, in detail, the separate "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this contract. Itexplains the conditions and circumstances in which
<br />the-tnanufatiured products will be repaired ar replaced. 1 take notice of the limitations on the warranty, and ! partiwlariy rccogniu chat arty implied wartanty which applies
<br />to the goads lase anh•a long as the warranty or service contract. - - -
<br />SPEClAh-ORDER GOODS: I know that you have measured m_v house and its openings so that you can make the products to fit my patticular house. 1 take nmitt that the
<br />greeds that are manufactured for my specific house probably will not ti[ any other houses, and under such conditions, I know that 1 cannot canoe! this contract at any-time
<br />aher the period uttime given to me, bylaw, in which to cancel. Aker that legal period of time, t know that I have the obligation topayyou in full the amoantnwtxl.
<br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO MY REAL ESTATE: I i promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured for at (east 8096 of its replacement value
<br />by buying a f ire and extended coverage i nsuranre policy. 'the insurance company must be approved by you, and the policy must have a standard trwt deed beneficiary claux-
<br />which sa}•s that you are to bepaid if there is a loss. The insurance company must agree that it will not cancel my policy without first telling you. T authoriu the insurance
<br />company to pay you directly f or any loss. Yau can choose to use this insurance payment m either repay any amounts I owe you m to repair my house. 2. I also promise that
<br />I will not allow anyone else to place any liens on my reel estate without your written permission. 3. 1 promise to pay alt taxes, assessments and other charges on my real estate
<br />when due. 4, 1 promise to timely make al I payments vn my pprior loans secured by my real estate. 1 also promise that I will not extend, renew or Changge prior loans without
<br />your written permission. 5. If" t do not insure my house or fulfill my other obligations to my real estate, then you can do itfor rtu if you want (but qou do ttothave to). If you
<br />do pay any of these obligations for me, t agree to pay you back an demand plus interest at an annual rate three percentage points (3%} greater than the annual percents e
<br />rate shown on the reverse side. Until 1 pay you bask. these amounts will be added to my deb[ to you which is secured by my real estate and house. I know that if you dec"ttle
<br />to bu}•insurxncr (or me that you do not have to obtain any hontcowner or liabil ity insurance.
<br />SALE OF MY HOUSE: I promise not to sal I. lease nr give my house to anyone until I have ful ly repaid my debt to you, aq until I obtain your written permission. If 1 would
<br />submit to you someone to take over this contract, t agree that you may review their qualifications. tf you approve [hem, you can Chargt rat a service fee forehanging records.
<br />You can also increase the interest rate on this contract b}' as much as the law atlowsaf you dv. you agree not to hold me responsible forthis debt _
<br />DF,FACLT: i will be m default under this contract if: IZlCOItDlRrS-
<br />1. (don't makeapayment when due: ur - WitlTMp, ryPlhKi p~~
<br />'_. (break env promise[tnade to you in this contract: or UNSATISfACTt~t - -
<br />3. Somethingelse happens which causes you to believe in ga>dfauh thatldu nut intend to pac you aspromised; or W7Mg pp,~
<br />3. 1 default ors any obligations far which I am using my home a, collateral[ ur
<br />5, Somethinghappenstomyhousewhichthreatensyournght,.nary,inv. -
<br />IF 1 AM IN DF.FAL7_T: My house and real eswm can be said by you «r pay my debt u, you. Before my house is wld, you will do everything that the law requites. Anyone
<br />can purchme my house and real estate at the sale, including you, and, you can give the purchazer a Trustee's Lked without any warranties. However, you agree that you
<br />u^ilI not sell my house and real estate if I pay al l overdue payments and tx)rrea any default before the sale. Or, you have the right to sue me and foreclose this contract az
<br />if n was a mortgage. If you hire an auurney to assist you to sett my house, ur, to, or. to protect your rights, 1 agree to pay you foryour reasonable attotneyst fees
<br />and ior<uher related expenses sash as court costs. title starches and money you expended to protect my house. - - - ~-
<br />O"fHER RIGHTS: We can choose rxx to rNixce any of the rights under this contract as often as we wain without losing them. th, we can delay enforcing any of the rights
<br />without losing them. \i'e con also use xnv ^ghta now or m the future given to us by law. _ -
<br />DELAYS: I know that wu will use your hest efforts u> install the products 1 am purchasing on my house. bra 1 also understand that in ,come situations you may encounter -
<br />- delays that rue cause) by strikes, weather amdimnrs, delays you have m obtaining materials, or for odrer reasons that are beyond your control. t undtrstand-thatytw will -
<br />nutbehaMeuxwchJelays. - _
<br />ARBITRATIpN: ii 1 have a dispum or Maim u nh you corxcming the quantity, quality ur performance of the pnduc[s, i understand that my dispute may be submitted to
<br />and settled accurdmg to the mrdiauan-m~bureuun program that may have developed in my connnuniry or by the local Better Business Aureau. 1 also know that any decision
<br />made t» an arbitratugs) would be entereJ m the court has'ingjurisdirtiint over me and you. -
<br />SALVAGE V ALIT E: 1 know that the wudvws, woodwork, and other rnatenxls that have w be renxwed by you fur this inxtallation have NO salvage value. When you re-
<br />move them, you can hart them fur u~hatruzr purpose you want. - -
<br /> SI'rUAT10NS: Uue to the uniqueness of some of the ixrxlueb that you sell, 1 understand that in special situations that your Rcgionai Office may have [o review
<br />- and accept.this vntract. 1 aLw understand that this sale uceurted m my home and that you std 1 m~ ^ not have had all the correct rnfomtation important [o this transaction
<br />at our fingertips:lgive you my rnnsent to n>mectan}obvious error that may have,xcurteJ when the lank.=. in this contract were completed.
<br />INVALID PROVISIONS: If an provision rr this contraai viulutes the law and is mienGrrt-rable, the rest of the contmet will tk vahd. {f any part of This convect requires
<br />payment of more mirrest titan the taw prmtits, then you will only have the right ta>~utlect from me the amour[ of interest which the taw allows you to collect -
<br />CO.MPLETE.'gESS OF THIS CONTRACT: 1 cannot revmke the trust that I have created by this contract. This contract can only rte changed if both you and me agrce in -
<br />writing.
<br />The followittg notice briggss to my attention the rights that l have even when this contract is sold ra a financial institution or a bank, and t should notice thatthe impor-
<br />_tartccoEtFtispravisiontsstressed bytes appearance inter poini.lwldface-type: -
<br />NOTICE Q~"""O ~~~C~~£'
<br />This credit contract finances a purchase. Ali .legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising.
<br />out of this transaction, including ail claims and defentstii>~ era also valid against any holder of this contract.
<br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the buyer
<br />under this contract.
<br />A c-aim is a legally valid reason -for suing the Seller. A defense is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />the Seiler. A holder Is anyone trying to collect for the purchase..
<br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: If 1 have requested insurance in rhea purchase, I may cancel such request (or insurance for any reason within fifteen (i 5) days from the
<br />dart of this canuaci b} notifying vau ur the holder tit this amtrert in writing. 1 know that the catirrllation of my coverage will be artanged with the inwrence eamer(sl and
<br />atoll refund of my premiumts)wgtthet with upplkablefinancr charge will t+rerodited to this contract.
<br />- PLEASE NQTF,: tflha,tre q1utft~edimnrancr:n thin purhmr,tu-ill receive withmthirt}(10)days uctrti6cate a(insurmree more(vlPo drsrribing the insurance nrverage.
<br />1 know that if there is any rr+tt'Rictin the coverage or the language of the etniticate tit msuramr and the following 'Yndue of Prupostti Insurance,that t am co}-ercd only to
<br />the eattN s[ated'en the fO lowing:Yadce of Propaseii Insuraticc. [ also [;»ow that 7 have insurance coverage only if! have [seen charged fur it. -
<br />t Wkr mice that rairer Credit Iris ar Credo Acciucnt anJ Health Insurance, or both, will tx applicable to this Salts Contract tin the reverse side aril}• ff 1 have chosen
<br />it by aignrng for request for cu ~h inserarsc .This u:sarxri. w-3 ealy cover the pcnm sign;ng tM rcquestat the cast far each type of insurance Shawn. Sublact to accepptame
<br />b} the msurarsce +. urnpan}, the inaurancr wiU be rfiestivr a, tat kxta} end aril ominue only jot the ntunber of months after ilsr effective d'art equal to the unmber of
<br />momhTv pai'rrtcn :. f unrkntand that this pariicolar in aroma may n.V nnn•tde n rragr far ntv last few payments, and chat during that peritxi of time I will not have any
<br />insura.,ct varerag Ali Ptrieffits and p vctrds of the insurance wilt be tot to yrru ur to a financial instiwvan ar a bank i(it purchaxs the Sales Caatract to the extent of its
<br />imertsts aril any balar:<Y will b<pa}•ebk to ttx, Tfu initial amount of Credit Lrfe Insurance is the amount required to repay tt;e Total of payments; thereafter, the insurantt
<br />L. ritxteaxs ny the antaum of ea. n :gortttily payment tin a sclsedultd ;w Say basis. If I am~Il'uintly vbligattd tin the Saks Contras with a Co-Buycr amt we have txsth sigrred the
<br />rcyacst for C'rtdh !.i& lnsurarxG, death hrnrtits will !+r vabk only with respect ur the first one of us us die Suksjes;[ to axciusions, eliminations <x waiting period stated
<br />n the rnsuranrr pu«c} <x ctmficatt. C'rrdit Accident oriel Hcafth insurance is fvr the berttfit amiwm of ('30th of eachh month's paymtm foreaeh day that t am tourl(v disabled
<br />duo to an loran sx tckr.ass~ whik Iarwc sty payaxnt a you, Iwwever, i erdemanJ tfla_t t have ~ hC prrveniW f'resm working due to such total disability tar rrtnre than fewr-
<br />toen { i=}_i cc~n.a tit ~;. days hctixt the ursaranrt barrel -t :. fwd lrar.~k-hr the-first day >f m} tarot dtsnr,ility. I oleo krusw that 1 tannut ot>iatn any lnsuratxx tram you if I
<br />am arer 65 yrasx ar alto today, and t also ktrow that the irsstrrance coverage provided In mr may contain a maximum amours ~ .,r :-,>s tragc which will trot pay in aorne
<br />cttsax, flee eotfre am,attni that t awe vmt. fhse is ohs maximum antiwm of cucrragr stated :n the irtsurarcc policy. I know the a . _ „t urtuwu m exs'ess of the ussttranct
<br />iovttag~ wit) step have iaeftpaid- Ff ttfr Sates C -+mract ; rtpa~d in t'ull pti<u to the last pa}meat dart, any unearned insurxncr n :. _:au wall trc nt'untirdtta me rn the man
<br />rye }uesxnra.-! hi ]aw W idssn shirt} t fdl days 1 wilt re -e vim the ctrobeatr of inaurartce mtxr PoBy descrihmg my it6 Drente c?stragc- If ilea msurmx-t is nvt accepkU by
<br />the saran+: r e.+ntpam, t u+ I ::ctl: r a atund of the incurens'e txenuu +. 1 have fratd.
<br />BI+Y€$,`ITer twat kw'u pnrog af~c,±ntam warrantees a-r-tnnv~t«>thissaSC given hY US to the f.naeaiat mstitnf+cws yr hank n oiler Eatr too huv thr-+. rococo
<br />- f..!l \'-it 1. Rf~CFfl Fes Sttkr hsr t } Seely, saigr .. ,env s t pn.. i-*° oral del viz t ,1 J' S` ~ ~- {7~ ts:.~ .i«...~` .+'~ '~ r...i=$~ s^ '~L.
<br />i< Fm- ~ x$ + r i.ts, nth sad fntErtst .tat t rho IS¢eW xi Trost a rd hrstallmtnr `t :', nt a ,x>8ether wuh a 1 troy r nl, t.. a urr to has }~( 5rsd ttu i. pert}
<br />c~ sbtra+i l+rrrFv ~atirmw rMrh} i fr ,.,, :, ..s ire r •iw. an3c; the• i)et1 + f .,.; pn srr~s t [ 9+r act !t- t~ warract, -tti rtar.•-sztH 43 ~ tt ha; tt•.y r;gryt t:~
<br />nrAkct>z <sa t !-RIl r~+iknre+a, Blfryrk4 in ch. ynu~ t<sur ifi teat Ba, tf eytrn>an ..vty, ..-••„r. t;~.,rlt Tbttt usrrx t,,af{,afe ert~tnrhr tK±rtu fide
<br />- r 6'>. 1k !era: t ' i ~. f 1,, earl sA
<br />n ... .,.. c ., fry rtrrsu chi a^n r d f-- nnx Ps t r ,toyer You rte i+a~ d alt rkrs+.r sent.. t.,aitc+?
<br />d y ;nt ~ s. ~ r krggrr S t siu+ pit, - pet rte- r< L ~ tr s ~ -
<br />'#... ,4:, '.1 ~ ':t: ## --n kit n-. .IY.1-"fix'
<br />-, ~ qtr., ,, ,, u .,.. r,'- n 1a 1 C~_ S - ! Utr_
<br />.y a r .- r.eft. ,t.v H . .,...,r,,: .ir!r rtfa
<br />. _. , >. ~. ,..,,.r : ~ ,~ w - ft,, _t ., . .=i:l tiii~ e6it't~f1CT iS SOt>t t't SEtLfR MPltttAQt itfLtiltfRSf~
<br />