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Ff costae than late ^Bi.yw'" sisals htlnw tlut-tatelt ttr~ be rerpnncNde f..r ah prnettwr+ nude and for paym6 the oMiganoMSl in toil: qnd tiny sac nae ev <br />arty Ilrrs caxtUat .win mr pun har n< trllaYfiClfYad Qmdtat'Y rrf Tfte laaneseuer C.wpr.a<mn Y.w have ytttwxl me a Cash Price and a TrrW Srtk Thor <br />`Thr T'taal Sak Price a t1x 4rtra1 ctrn; ed thr prodtteta and sm"ters tf 1 huff .wr erniit. <br />i tpw Choose w buy std y+at ayxe w >eD, for dte Tate! Sak Ptxe. ,et forth hrww, the pnttlucu scat services drsathed bekrer. 1 agra w pay <br />pw the atttortnt fittanced to atxnrdance wtt6 tha puyttteat rcheduk let forth below, wga'iher with mtrrest rhererm at the annual percentage rate which is diulotdl <br />below- 1 a!w agree to all of tltc othrr terms tin !xuA .sinks of this contract. <br />r <br />t/ /~ ~. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The above described-goods and services are to be installed end placed upon the "Address" designated above. and the legal descriptttms - <br />for such "Address" is-. ~-,~ ~: - _ <br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Bate- cash price $ ~ -`'' ~+ tax " `% . k additional warrantylservice coverage >„= _ $ ~ ;„7i%' X.:r <br />Tots!-crib price $ - - -Cash dnwnpayment $ -= Unpaid balance of E ~ t. <br />ITEMIZATION OF THE AMOUNT FINANCED OF 5 _ i2ECCtRDER'S MEMO; et¢clelitrY'ple <br />$ ~' ~"~~~ ; - ~-'°~Arrtount credited to this contract (Same amount as the "Unpaid Balance."j wRmNG, TYPING OR-PRlNHNO <br />UNSATISFACTORY" ' <br />$ ~ ~~ - ' -~ Amount paid on net balance from prior contract with us. [N 7MI5 DOCUMENT 1Yf1EN~~~ <br />Amount(sj paid to others on my behalf: $ - ~ to insurance companyforPropertyDamageinsurance- <br />$~" ~' to insurance company for Credit Life insurance $ to public officials for filinghecortliugfees. - <br />_ 5- -'-~toinsurancecompanyforAccidentartdHealthinsurance $ to(Scecifv)-_ <br />ANNUAL FINANCE Amount Total of Total Sale Price <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments The total rnst of my purchase <br />RATE The dollar amount the The emaunt of credit The amount t will on credit, including my <br />The cost of my credit as credit will cost me. provtdtd to me or nn have paid after I downpayment of _ - <br />a yearly rate. my behalf. have made all payments <br />as scheduled. _ - <br />$ <br /> <br /> <br /> e e e <br />1 have received at this time an itemization of the Amount Financed. <br />My payment schedule will Ix <br />Number of Payments ~ Amount of Payments When Payments arc Uue <br />1st Payment ~ Estimated to be -_ days after the date <br />$ .,.. I of the Completion ~emficate. <br />All subsequent installments on the same day of I <br />I - I ~ ~ + each consecutive month until paid in full. ~ <br />Iavuranm - L- i <br />Credit life insurance and credit disability insurance are nm reyuircd to obtain credit, and will <br />nut be provide¢,upless 1 sign and agree to pay the additional cost. <br />;ypr t~tt,;,mm i signature <br />Credit Life 1 want credit life <br />- trtsutance. ,g wrc <br />$ - ~._ ,~: <br />Security:-1 am giving a security interest in: <br />I. the goals, services and property being purchased,and <br />2. my real estate and improvements, including my <br />house. all at my "Address" designated above. <br />FilinglRecording fees S -` ~-- ~~~•~~ <br />Late-Charge: If a payment is more than fEll O0)'days <br />late. I will be charged $S.OO or 5% of the payment, - <br />whichever is less, ar in lieu of the preceding charge, in- <br />terest may be collected on each delinquent-installment <br />until paid, not exceeding the contract rate of I6% per <br />annum. <br />payment:-If !pay off early, i will not have to pay <br />penalty, and I may be entitled to -a refund of pari. of <br />the finance charge, <br />1 Credit Accident ~ 1 want credit strider ~ 1 wilt revitw other portions of this contract <br />& Heal[h ~ ~ and health insumn ~'gaa um r additional information about non-payment, default, <br />' $ ~ ~ any reyuircd repaymem in (ull betbre the scheduled date, <br />-~ - -- _ ~ artd prepayment refunds and penalties. <br />Property insurance is required, but i may obtain [his property insurance from anyone @ means nn estimate. (finn `) ((~~ <br />-~ I.:want. If f ditaia this i~ttrance through you, I will" pay $ - -__ ~/ Matt ~J ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ . <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: The finance charge (interest) is estiuuted to start on <br />(insert rho date) except in the event that you coinplete the installation of the goods and services on another date, then the finance charge (interest) will begin <br />to run on the date that 1 shall sign a Completion Certificate. The amount of fin;tnce charge (interesq may be mote or less than the amount disclosed depending <br />on:the amounts.! pay you and my timeliness in making payments. <br />PREPAYMENT: !may -voluntarily prepay the .amount 1 owe you, in full or in pan, at any time. If 1 make a partial prepayment, I must continue-to make <br />rtiy regular payments unul I hays paid all amounts owed. <br />AEQUFST FOR.-FULL PAYMENT: [f 1 do not pay when due, you can declare, witltbut giving notice to me, all that 1 owe under this contract payable <br />at once, 1- agree lu pay. you interest on that amount nut to exceed the highest lawful contract rate of Ib% until either the amount 1 owe you is brought <br />current a uplil you sell my house--if .!.have given you a Deed of Tmst. i understand the deGnitiotu both of what a "default" is and what your power <br />is: ro oil my-house uttder.a Deed of Trust. <br />COLLECTION EOSTS: If I am in default of this coauaea and you demand full payment, f understand that you may send it to an attorney for collection <br />'atdenforcement. If-you do sec, 1 agree to-pay your reawnabk attorneys' fees plus any coon rusts and expenses incurred by you, that is, if you are allowed <br />W,c:ollect such arnounts by law.- - - - - <br />DEED OF TRUST: As security- for this contract. I gran4 bargain, sell, survey and confirm to Thomas P. Egan. 1c, of Omaha, Nebraska and as a member <br />tsf thti`Nebtaska State Bar, ag Trustee, in Trust with the Power to sell, a deed to my real esmte and improvements nn it, including my house, ail of which <br />is wntmonly~refetred to acid is located at my "Address' designated nn the wp ponton of this contract. This Deed of Trust protects you if i do nor pay <br />this contract as promised or if i break any other promix made on either side of thts contract. <br />REYERSE SIDE: I understand that the additional terms and provisions printed on the reverse side of this Insudlment Sales Contract are a part of this Install- <br />ment Sales Contract arid that Lam bound by them in the some manner as rf they were printed on the front of this very installment Sales Contract. <br />NOTICE TO BUYER. <br />,,.l. I d4 Ad;heve la sign-t~-rnntraM. be[ore t read it of if any o[ the spaces intended for the agreed terms to the extent of then available information <br />A[C. It:ft tttpnk: 2 I ttm tpdtlea W a copy of. this contrttct at thle tune I sign it. 3. I may pay off the full balance due under Ibis contract at an <br />` . and t;a so I ', 6e t~titled m a fu!! rebate o! t1~ trnearrta7 tsnance and tasurauce c ~ (if au ). 4. !MAT CANCEL THIS ASREEMENi <br />t1T ~ PR TONIBHL OE THE THikD BUSINESS DAY AFtfR-THE DATE OF TNIS TR NSACT18yN. (1 HATE READ THE ACCDMPANYIN& <br />NOTN:E-DF RI$HT T$ CANCEL fflRIA FDR AN EI(P[AiIATIDN Di THIS Ri6HTJ s. f traaerstattd that this irutrnntent is eased upon a home wlidwtion <br />tale`atia 9y!'ttils htsRrtttiteat Ia not"ttegtNiabie. 6: tt slia6 etoL 6e Legal Tor you to enter my premises unlawfully or rnmmit any breach M the pease <br />4f'ihpoeseas'goads purchssed'ttndc'r this coittrad. <br />-!`6PY t$ECEIY$D I. ackltpwledgt, raceipS of a eoptplelely,fiAC~1 in copy' of this contract along with two i'.] espies nt :be Notice ul Right to ('ancrl Fvxm. <br />IN WITNESS W HEREAF, thu [?eed g1 I tttst and InstnElprent Sales Contract has ttecn signed ~n this _.___, __. day of ___-.m. _.- _..._ , l9 ~ ._ <br />a! Ieiril $~" ~'~-:..- „ ...:...___ __. ,State nt` Nebras - <br />RACESETTER P GUCTS,-LNG sa a atvrfu lrcv <br />s : :'!>; <br />Bq to aknn[ _.~:~id~~.+a-f ___-`~4„Ot~r __..~..... - ~ .. <br />i~,~~~~-_ <.~i a <br />state ar iJet+rnafta /p ) - .. - .. <br />fc / - ,- l be fntegmn in trument///,as ac an u e..E ~ t,rfr -c n+c on q yI' [ - <br />t"ouniv ut L..~~~"~.-~ ~~a~~~ 1n,.nf ~f,~ I~+-_-~L~ . by the: 3tx..-G- <br />___ <br />ate, yryy.,R~~,. dcsigr,.ncd E?4scrt. ~~ ,~ <br />,' <br />`T TiMti4-A1n1161 -' ' <br />`#4f x.xrurns€i.a x ors __,. ._.._._.....~ - ., \otar. P==i,i., ~'~~j -..__..... _... <br /> v7 arNH l - - <br />