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t.EA ON ITS OWN BENALF (WNICM, IF MAC, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />~ bf I wilt urn) sMwld road, m dttau. the neparue' `LLM rn:D W.4RRAh"il"' whKh acarmpnnirs thrs ennvit. It ezplwns the condnurns and circumstatten in whrch <br />the manubAured products will tae rcparmf or replied. I take notice M the limttalians on the wruranty, and 1 panmularly rcrngnne Ihet any implied wartanty which applies <br />to Ins ar+vtic tests unl y as Long as dm wartanry or >rrvice crmtract <br />SPEGALA)RDER (i(X)DS: I km,w that you have mtanurcd my hottu and us openings so that you can make the pnwiucta to tit my particular htruse. I take notice that the <br />g[xxts that ut manufacturrA for ^w epredic house prnhabiy will not 6t any other hrmsex. and under such conditions. 1 know [hat I cannot anneal thin contrit at any time <br />slice the period nftime givenw ntr. try law.mwhich mcancel Alienhat legal paned of time,lknnw thatlhave the obligation mpay y'ou in full the amountowed. <br />OBLIGATIQNS PERTAINING TO MY REAL. ESTATE: i . I promise ur keep my htwse in good repair and to keep n insured for at least AO k of its rcpiacernent value <br />by buying a f"ire arW extended coverage ntxuraner policy. "Ihe insurance company must fx approved by you, anJ the policy must haves standard wst deed beneficiaryclause <br />which cars shat }'nu art to he aid if [here is x lots. The insurance company must agree that n will not cancel my policy without first telling you. f au[horiu the insurance <br />~ompan} to pay you directly for any loss. You can choose tv uu this insurance paymtm tv either repay any amounts t owe you or to repair my house. 2. 1 also pmtnise that <br />1 will nix allow senors clog to piace:my Bans on my real estate without your written permiswon. 3. I promise tp pay all razes, assessments and other charges on my real estate <br />when duo. a. 1 przimise to timely make all paymems cm eny nor Inans secured by my real estate. I also promise that 1 will not extend, renew or changge pets loans without <br />your wrinen permizsion. 5. If I du not insure my brace or fulfill my other obligatvns [o my real estate, then you can do it for me if you want {but you da eta have to): If you <br />do per any of these obligations leer me. 1 agree m pay you bik nn demand plus intrm'sl at an annual Jle three percentage points (3°k) greater than the annu>v percentagge <br />rate stwwn nn the reverse side. Until 1 pay you bik, [hose amounts will be added to my debt to you which is securcA by my real estatt and house. I know that if you titxide <br />u r buy inwrnnce (vr me that you do not have m [>htain any homeowner or liability insurance. <br />SALF, OF S1Y HOUSF,: I pmmist not to sell. {ease nr give my house to anynne until 1 have fully repaid my debt to you. or, until I obtain your written permission If I would <br />~ubmnto}}nu somwnetotake over this eontracz,lagcee that you may review thtirqualifications. Ifynu approve them, you tan chazge measervice fee forchanging records. <br />Yuu can star incroase the interest razz nn this cvnrracl by as much xs the law allows: It you do, you agree not to hold me responsible fa this deM. <br />DEFAI7.T: 1 will he in default miler this contract if: RtCORDlItr <br />1. I don'[ make a payment when due; or 4YgIrtNG, 1 -Q/ <br />I break any promise I made to you in this contract: nr UNSATISfACTQfklf "~ ~ _ <br />3 Something else happens which causes vnu to beticve m good fanh that i do not intend u> pay you as promised; or W tlgS pp <br />1~ Idefaul[on any obligations for which tam using myhnme as collateral;ter 'M~ <br />5. Sotcething happens to my house which [hreamns yourrights. if an}', in it. <br />IF 7 AM [N DEFAULT: My house anA real esate can be sold by you to pay my deb[ m you. Before my house is sold, you will du tvery-[hing [hat the law requires. Anyone <br />can purchase my house and real estate at the salt. including vnu. and, you can give the purchaser a Trustee's (ked without any wartanties: However, you agree that you <br />will not sell my house and real estate if 1 pay al l overdue payments an[f correct any default before the sate. Or, ou have [he right [o sue tot and foreclose this contract as <br />if it was a mongage. if you hire an attorney w assist you [o sell my house, or. to sue mt. or, to protect your rights, 1 agree to pay you for's' feea~. <br />and for other rclatedexpenses such as court costs, title searches andmoney you ezpendedmproteR my house. ~ - - -~- <br />OTHER RIGHTS:-We can choose nut to enforce atrv of the rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or, we can delay enforcing arty of the dghta'- <br />withoutlosing[hem. Wecanalso useanyrights noworin [he futuregivcn to us by law. - ~ - <br />DELAYS: lknow that you will use your best efforts to install the products I em purchasing nn my house. but f also understand that in some situations you may encounter <br />delays that am caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays you have in obtaining materials. or for other reasons that arc beyond your control. I understand~tfiai you wiB <br />not he liable fvrsuch deiavs. <br />ARBITRATION: I(1 have s dispute or datm with you roncemin¢ the quanury. yualin~ or prrfbrmance nt the prdducts, 1 understand that my dispute may be submitted m - <br />and settle) according w the mediation-arbitration program that msy~ hate developed in my community or by the Iceal Better Business Bureau. I also know that any decision - <br />madehvanarhitrator(5l would bt entered in the court havingjurisdtattoo ucennr:md you. - - <br />SALVAGE V ALOE: I krrow [hat the windows, w.wdwnrk, and other mammal. that have to be renwved by you for this installation have Ng salvage value: Witte you re- <br />move [hem. } ou can hart them for whatever purpose you want. <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness of some nF the products That yea salt. I understand that in special sima[ions [hat your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this contract. I also understand [hat this sale occurred m my home and that vuu and I mxv not have had all the correct infortnanon important [o this ttansac[io6 <br />at our fingertips: I girt you my consent to correct any un.•ious errors that may hove ck~.eur: ed when the blanks in this contract were computed. - <br />INVAhID PROVISIONS: If any provision of this mnlraCt violates the !aw and is unenforceable, the rest oithe contract wilt be valid. If any pan of this contract requires <br />payment»mort interest than the law permits-then vnu will only hove lhr rcnuo rnllecrfnxm me[he amount n(intgreat which [bc low allows you to COfice[. - <br />COMPLETENESS OF THIS CONTRACT: I canna revoke the tmst that 1 hate created by this contrit. This contract can only be changed if both you and me agree in- <br />writing. <br />"The followingnotice brings to my attention the rights that 1 hove even when Ihts conuac[ a said co a Iinancrxi msntunon or a bank, and 1 should entice that [heimpor- - <br />~[anceof this provision is stressed Tiv its apptaruu:e in ten point. M,Idfietype: - <br />NOTICE ~~+ ~~~~~ <br />This credit contract finances a purchase. Ail .legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising <br />out of this transaction, including all claims and defenses, are also rated against any holder of this contract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim is a Iegaily rated reason for suing the Seller. A defense is a legally valid reason for not paying <br />the Seiler. A holder is anyone trying to collect for the putcfiase. <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: If 1 have reyues[ed :nsurance In this purchase. 7 may cancel such reyunt [or insurance fnr any reason within iifte<n (IS) days from the <br />dare nt this contract by notifying you or the holder of Ibis contract in writing. I know that the cancellation ni my mveragc will 6e arranged w•tth the insuracee eartierts; sE <br />a full refund of my premium(s) together with applicable finance {barge will be credited to this enntmct. <br />PLEASE NOTE: if I have requested insurance in this purchae, f will receive within thirty 1301 day. a ceniticate of incur rim more full}' drscribmg the insurance coverage. <br />I know that if there is an}~ en ~7ict in the coverage ur the language of the cenihcatt of insurance ud the following \otiet of Pru(wsed Insurance That 1 am rovered only' [o <br />the extent stated in the following Notice of Proposed Insurance. I star know that thaw insurance coverage only if I have been rltarged fa it. <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I take notice that tither Credit Life or Credit Accident and Health Insurance, or lxrth. will tae applicable to [his Sales Contract on the reverse side only if I have chosen <br />it by signing the reyuest (or such insurance. This insumgce will only rover the perain signing the rtyuest a[ the ms[ for each type of insuranceshown. SubleCt [o acceptance <br />by the msu once company, the insurance will be effective r of talay and well continue only for the Dumber of months slier [he effective date equal to the nrunber of <br />monthly payments. i understand that [his particular insurance may not provide coverage for my last few payments, and that daring that period of time f will not have any <br />insurance coverage. All benefits and proceeds of the insuralxt will be aid w you ur to a financial instimnon or a bank if it purchases the Sales Contmcl tv the tztent of its <br />interests and any balance will bt payable to mt. The initial amount of Credit Life Insurance Is the amount required to repay the Total of Payments, there9fter, the insurance <br />dureases by the amount o(tach rrwnthly payment on a scheduled Ll day basis. If 1 am jointly obligated on the Sales Contract with a Co•Buyer and we hart both signed the <br />request fur Credit Life Inwracet, death benefits will be payable onh• with respect In the first one of us w die. Sub}'ect to exclusions, eliminations or waiting period stated <br />m the insurance pal icy or cenil {tale. Credit Accdent and Health Insurance Is Cor the txnefit amount of is 3fhh of each month's payment for each day that 1 am totally disabled <br />dot to an injury ur sickness while I owe any paymet to you; twwtver, I unuerstand that I have to be revented from working due to such total disabilhv for [tyre than fuur- <br />tecn (13) consecutive days before the insurance benefit is pail back Io the first day of my total disability. 1 also know that t cannot obtain any losti[•auce lMm you i11 <br />am over 65 years of age today, and I also know that the insurance leverage provided to me may rnutain a maximum amotmt ortroverege which will not par m aortae <br />cases, the entire amount that I owe you. Due to the mazimmn anwunt of coverage stated in the insurance policy, 1 know [hat any tmpaid am[wn[ in eztess of the tntutrance <br />Coverage will still have to bt paid. If the Saks Contras is prepaid in full prior w the last payment daft, any untamed insurance premiums will tx refunded to nit in the man- <br />ner presrnbed by law Within thing t l~) days, I will rccerve the cenihcatt of insurance nwre fully describing my insurance covemge. If the insurance is nut accepted by <br />the insurance aompan} .1 u'i II receive a refund of the inwrnnce premiums I hart paid. <br />BUYER: The next two paragraphs contain warranties rehzuve to Ihts salt given by LL- to the tlnanmal insutution yr bank in order for It to buy thiacontrad. <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUS AjN~O ST LMENT,SA~CONTA ~ <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Seller hereby sells, :ttsigns, conveys, transfers and delivers to ~ J ~g~~---~L~ ='~ <br />(Assigner) all of its rights, title and {mares[ in and to the Deed o(Trvst and Installment Sales Contract, together with alt liens existing Ib[ucure its payers ,and the property <br />encumbered hereby Aesignce is hereby subsneuted as Berle}icixry tender [he [)eed of Trust pmvisivns of dti6 contract. Sell<r warrrn[s and represents' ) It has the right [o <br />make this assignmtm; l _) All-sW terrtents std figures in this connate amt ta the Buyer's statement are materially true and correct; (3) This contract~d~6e from the bona fide <br />sak of the goods and serviai described herein; i43 The cash [sown payment shown in Nis contrit was as:tttaily pail by Buyer and «o pen of said deCvnpayment was loaned <br />direct{ ar tndirtc[iy ti ~ Seller W Buyer. (5) Each Buyyer is legally competent to contract; t63 This tonsil is net and will na be subject to:my claim, defense, demand or <br />right of offset; (7}The execution of this cnntrect and [he utrdtrly:n~ cabs trannec!ion giving ri.x thereto ~xi n4 violate any fcderxl a-state law, dircCtive, Nu tx regulation <br />now in effect; (gt In [he t•+ent that this centrac[ Doha underlying uSts transacnen rs aubjec! to a right of rescission ur ~anCtllaliun by 1}tr Buye4 such reacisiism of tauCtlta- <br />tior, period has expired and neither the salt nor this arntmct etas ben cancelled or rcscindtd-. TNI$ CQNTRACT I$ SQLO BY SELLER WI$NQUT RECOURSE. <br />f\-TFSTtMONY WHEREOF, fire utscunigned is an~•Juj7fvr~yLtYPrtlet7[~r~v~t gCthe Seller amt has signed below on baba:; of rht Seller on this ____~ <br />day nf --____.._..--~----.._.._.._,.__..~~-1''`'-a'~_ .t9___Lrk'.r <br />The i< rag r rig msrru tun way ache edged Let re r on -.. _ -. _ __ PACESfF`TT~F. R- Py-RODUCTS, INC. (1 <br />hY the aathtm~e-d a~.ut of Sr?Era utw is Cam""."` _ +f (.ft-~• -...-...~...,.o..r...- ~- <br />---' s <br />4(; cs nmt'sts,Nt txprrc+° ---. n mo"t" ~ k <br />., ,. <br />N. <br />,, <br />.. - _ <br />a+~ ~r _tc _ <br />