<br />f' ~~j~" DEEO Of ... ...~f SALES CONTRACt `~ ~.,q .-, ,,~
<br />~~ Paol~ucrs, fvc PACESETTER PRODUCTS, 111G., A NEBRASKA CORPORATION f;-#~c{~~ ai ~ ~,, :i it
<br />(illE sutweNEDrt01q ,~~~s.
<br />OMANA NEBRASKA' aSt27 2660 dER$ AVE., SURE F t~ ~ ----;~-- --
<br />;Few ar¢rttoPOtrr~N oerAtu+ seavtce cut xft~ozn 'a3RAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA "~ ~. /~ J J ~'._~_
<br />r
<br />SoW To f ~ Date Of This Contract
<br />- - IOHE OP'rHf. B(.'YEitst - ~ -
<br />"Address" ~ - - ~~ - - ~ City . ~ ~ - State _.~ - -=` Z.ip -~ `~=--' Telephone No ~ '~'t"- --
<br />frt this Sales Contract rite words k tttq sad fay refer m the Buyer and Co-Buyer (if any) signing this contract. The words, you. and your, we and
<br />us, refer tb the Setter and may also mead a bank or-other financial insntution if it buys this contract. If it does,-t wilt make my-payments [o it.i3nder
<br />the Deel1-of Trust statutes, I.atn'also known-as°the "Trtistor," and you arc referred to bn[It us the "Beneficiary" and as the "Trustee." 1 understand that
<br />if more dfan one. "Buyer' signs below that- each- will be resprntible for all promises made and for paying -the o6ligaiion(s) in full; yop may sue' one or
<br />any. This contract covers my purchase of manpfacmred products of The Pacesetter Corporation. You have quoted me~~ a Cash Price' and a Total Sale :Price.
<br />- The Total Sale Price is the total cost of the products artd serntes if t buv on credit. -
<br />1 nowchoose to buy, and you agree to sell, for [he Total Sale Price. set forth below, the products and services described below. I agrree to pay
<br />you Ore atttoum~ financed in-accordance wdh. dte payment-schedule set forth below, together with interest thereon at the annual percentage: rate which-ts disclosed
<br />below. f also agm to all of tfie other terms on both sides of this contract.
<br />- - - - - -. ~ - -.ter,,.,-- - f- ~ .~' F~-s :_.-, . t -..
<br />#Na InteriorlExterior Trim Will'Be PaintetiiStained Lnlc9s Specified in This Contract.) ::: ~ _ ,.
<br />LEGAL DFSCRIPTfON: The above described goods and servces are to be installed and placed upon the "Address'" designated above, and the legal. descriptiott~ +
<br />for such "Address" is: ~ ~ ~ -
<br />SUMMARY OF SALE: Base cash price $ 'T taz + additional watranty(service coverage = $ ' ' ~`'~ `~ '
<br />"Coral cash price $ - - -Cash downpayment $ =Unpaid balance of $ -~ -
<br />$ ~"~Amounhcredited to [his contract (Same amount as the "Unpaid Balance.') WBiTING, 7YPlNG OR PRINTING
<br />$ - ~ Amount paid on net balance from prior a;ontract with us. !N iHiS DOCUMENT 1YHEN
<br />Amount(s) paid to others on my behxif: $ - to insurance company forPropettyD~atEnag insurance
<br />' $ ' to insurance company for Credit Life insurance $ -- topubticofficialsforfiling/recordingfees _ -
<br />$ - --~ toittsttrancecompanyforAecidentandHealthinstuance $ to (Specify)
<br />ANNUAL FiNANCE Amount Total of Total Sale Price
<br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments Toe oral cost of my purchase
<br />HATE: The dollaz amount the The-amount of credit The amount 1 will un credit, including my
<br />Tate cost-of my credit as credit will cost me. provded to me or on have paid after [ downpayment of
<br />a yearly rate. my behalf - have made all payments -
<br /> as scheduled. S ____-~..~
<br />
<br /> e e e ,
<br />t have received at this time an itemization of the Amount Pinanczd. -
<br />My payment schedule will 6e:
<br />Number-of P n+enrs~ A t of Pay enta 'When Aaymenh ;ue Due j
<br />--i--- -j
<br />1st Payment , -_ I Estuttated to be flays after the dale
<br />- I ~ - ,.::'___ of the Completion Certificate. i
<br />i I All subsequent installments on the saute day of
<br />$ - ` ~ zach consecutive month until paid in full
<br />Irtsuraoce ~ - 4 - _ _ _ ~
<br />Credit life insurance and credit diwbilit} insurnna:e are not required to obtain credit, and will
<br />not be prgvi~ed, ass I sign and egret to pay the additional cost.
<br />-T - .. Akmtun - S+ nature ---'-- -- ----
<br />YPe Lt
<br />CrediC Life - ant crcAi[ life
<br />$ I insurance. gr aNre + r
<br />_ ,..~.r----__._,
<br />& Health
<br />health
<br />L_°_------- i ---------i---_._.._- _----------_-f
<br />Property insurance is reyuired, but 1 may ottain this property insurance form un}une
<br />- ' ~ 4 .want. If i obtain this insurauce through You, I will, pay $ _- . -
<br />Security: I am giving a security interest in:
<br />I. the goods, services and propetty being purchased,and
<br />?. my real estate anal improvements, including my
<br />house, all at my "Address' designated above.
<br />Filing/Recortiiog fees $ '~ ""~~'~ _
<br />Late Charge: tf a payment is more than tCfl (lO) days
<br />late, i will 6e charged $5.00 or 5% of the payment,
<br />whichever is less, or in lieu of the preceding charge, in-
<br />terest ma} 6e cu0ected on each delinquent installment
<br />until paid, not exceeding the contract rate of Ili®,9 per
<br />annum.
<br />~yrttent: if I pay off early, 1 will not have to pay
<br />penalty. and I may be entitled to a refund of pan of
<br />the tinanc~e charge.
<br />~-y-~ I w511 review other portions of this conuact
<br />r~6 additional infomtation about non-payment. default,
<br />any regwrc~ repayment in full tteforc the scheduled date,
<br />and prepayment refunds and penalties.
<br />0 means an estimate. +~.1 ~1~~~~~
<br />CUMMENCEMSNT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: 'F7te ftttattce chtpge (in~resq is estimated to ton on .._
<br />(insert the date) except in the event that you coin?Iete the installation of the goods and services on another date. then the finance charge (interest) will begin
<br />m tun on the date that t shalt sign a Completion Certificate. The amount ut finance charge iinterest) may be more or less than the amount disclosed depending
<br />am,the airattnts.,F_ pay You and my timeiiras3s in-making payments.. - - -
<br />YQE?hl€A4)r+hT['f 1: inav vofuntatily prepray the amount f owe you, in-full or is part, at any time. If t make a penis: prepayment, I must continue to make
<br />[nY, regular pAYnient5 riti4il is have paiai`ail wtwunts owed.
<br />E43R EuLL RAYMENT- If l do_ ao[ pay. when. due, you can declaze, without giving notice to me, all [hot I owe under this conuact pnyable
<br />ar: pntz. 1. a$nCG. Ito paw you interest on that timount nut to'exceed the highest lawful cumrnct rate of 16% unul either the amoum 1 owe you in brought
<br />cutrertl. ate utuil you. sell m hawse- if L havt give6 you a [ked of Tnut. 1 understand the deiinitiuru _ troth of whet a °defautf' is and whet yuw~ power
<br />~ iW. ir,11-!>xY- h4ltaa undez, a. -uf Trust. - - -
<br />GULtt3C`TiUN CQb"1`5: tf 4 ant in default of this enauact amt you akmand full naynrent. 1 understand that vw .~ +cn.t it to an nttor!;ey fur collection
<br />--urt enfoe~emettt. IP yine du w, t agree lis Pay Yawr reew~rtabke aitutmys' fees plus tiny coon costs find czpcnsac -,-. : by you, that ~s _ if you aro allowed
<br />to ~ootitxr at)c!t ainhetnat T±y law. .. - - - - -
<br />BTiE1FUF TR[+SCi`; As s~atity feu ti~iicontract, 1 geani, tanrgmn, cell; .unvey auf cuntinn ni ~fhorrws P. f:g,m 1r.. of Umahn, Nebfaaka and as a nretnlre,
<br />df the~:dobnskn Slate Bat, '~ tusiee, to fors? with the power Co sell, a deed io my rest estate ntd irnpruvrrncnU on it, including- ntt ?tause. alt of which
<br />ix cvrttttumty referfed to and- i. kxatW at -nir~ "Address' 'designated un the -ktla psrrtiaii of thi* comrart. Thi, l7ecd of Trost- protcc t3 yeu if i der nut pay
<br />tfiis aanuaxt as promised err if I break any sorrel paonuu made on either side of this-cent act. - -
<br />ikL'YCBSF. S: 1 utitiaasauxi, that the adtUticu,a7 x~ std f+'u ,r~nrc pruned n the tz, tru td t tt h.t,, nan ~ r ( ntr t :. Pan t th+s tn+r+U-
<br />triem Saks Cmttrnct xnd that f am tk nMl ny there ,for =arse' manner a> _hrv roue ,ti u,[ea n .tu ,.+, , ni , n In. a Jn.e. 1 ~a)c- C ~arcra.-
<br />4 t do ttttT hate Aa aig#t. euatnxl hrtt9't I retu4-N nr if stn of tlXe spttt'ea iaierAdrd fac the agreed ter pts to ibe extent ,af then ntailaWr (nfurnsatiw+
<br />K~ k(3 tttitnk ;.; i aaFt «t~1tIM to a eaPY at t~ conirai2 at tha',.tliur t sign lt. ?. I orgy pay ads the tutl lralaucr duo wader this catatract ai an
<br />f~mc, t>~ i to a tc 3f the tloaba sad saanranc'c _-. tlf as ,. 4. l MAtl CANCEL THIS RBREE>i4EK~
<br />AT Aftr( ~F T6~1 SKE T~~ ~e~EN THE HATE Df THIS 1~~NKACTI~M. {i iIAYE READ Ti(E RCCD&6PANtliN&
<br />I~ of RI~KT TD 0~~, f@R AN T~~DIi Df TES KICNi•I S. t onttarstaaad that tai,* -natrauseaal )s tuaoy} apnr. n.harrtte scetititrfiun
<br />«aiv ac41 that /h4. tnatrntwM h 4ftl-arasrti~thit. E, It tball_ r+rrt 6r ipY,~ t~ +-t+ia t+r rMmr tut prrmixEs urrtawfufly ,:t c.utunii any hr rash ,tf ilw prxa--
<br />It• rspnwvs lnCtk Mrrtittwd rrrtdrT tt+Y r+xatraa:tt. -
<br />5'tsry' uc€'i 1K'F tl: T x a~?a 1k-'Rte. .. e,tn ,+f Y .+„q k+c fiaki ,n ...y.. t ....,.._ + +. s :r .,. - , .. -, u, r+. , . . _ ,. „
<br />