<br />pREPAYMENTAND.4CCR1.'AL OF THE FINANCF,CHARGE: Evrn though ldo not have ,ay rmrrc than the regular scheduled monthly paytxni,lhave the tight
<br />to prepay the while amvum owing toy ou in full at any time yr in part from time to time. if [!te Iendin~ in3thution or bank that buys my contract comports the finance charge
<br />dotty. f knrrw my finance charge wit l t+e less if f tmtkean cal y payment. and it wiB be higher if 1 pay ate; 1 also remgaiu that any necessary adjustment to my east finance
<br />charge will be reFlected in my final bill; f also know that the amounts drawn on the reverse side for the Finance Charge, TnW of Payments, artd the Taal Sale Price are qgaNu
<br />mates based on the assumption that you will receive each of the payments exMdy on its due date; and I know that there will be no refund if I prepay because errata is nothingg
<br />m rcfmtd if 1 am charged on s daisy basis. If the lending institutmn or bank does tea compute the finance charge daily, and if I prepay the whole artrount, you will referred
<br />m me the urreamed patron of the finance charge linierest) by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method; and the amount of my rebate will be figured on the
<br />scheduled dates and amtwnts of my monthly paymta and na on the actual dates and amounts of the prepayments that 1 pay to you. f know that s refund of less than 51.00
<br />will not be made.
<br />f b) I will oral should read. in detail, the separate "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this contract It explains the conditions and cireumstanees in which
<br />the manufactured products will be repaired or replaced. 1 take notice of the limitations on the warranty, and I particularly resogniu that any implied warranty whichspplies
<br />«+the goods lasts only as long as the warranty or sen~ice contract. ,
<br />SPEC[Al.-ORI3ER GOODS:.i. kno/w thatCU(t have measured my house and its openings so that you tars make the pralucts to fit my particular house. -1 take-notice tltatthe
<br />goods that are manuinctm'ed for my specific house probably will not fit any other houses, and under such conditions. f know that 1 cannot cancel this contrsa at any time
<br />aftenbe period of tune given to roe, bylaw, in which to cancel After that Iegai period of time, I know that [have the obligation to pay you in full the amount owed: ~-
<br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO MY REAI. FSTATE: i . I promise to keep my house in gaxi repair an8 m keep i[ insured for at least g0%-of its replacement value
<br />by buying a foe and extended coverage insurance policy. The insurance company nwst be approved by you, and the policy must have a standardwstdeed beneficiary clause
<br />whrch says that you are to be paid if there is a Ions. The insurance company must agree that it will not cancel my pohcy without first telling you. 1 authorise the instnance
<br />company to pay }'pu directly for any loss. Yvu can choose to use this insurance payment to either repay any amounts 1 owe you or to rcpav my hafrse. 2. [ alto pmrniu that
<br />i wifi nntallow anyone rise to place any liens on my real estate without your written permission. 3. 1 promise ro pay all [axes, assessments and other charges on myreal estate
<br />whrn due. 1. 1 promise to timely make all paymerus nn my pponor loans secutut by my real estate. 1 also promise that I wilt not extend; renew or ~hanggt ptioriotms without
<br />your written perrtrssion. 5. If 1 do not insure my house or iulfdl my other obligaturns to m}' real estate, then you tan do it fa me if you want (but you do nathavam). If you
<br />do pay any of these obligations fur me, I agree to pay you back on demand plus interest at an annual rate three percentage poitas (3%) greater than the annual pereent~gge
<br />rate shown on the reverse side. Until I pay you back, these amounts well br added to my debt to you which is secured by my r~statb~r6~ouse. I knowdretit'you.decide ~,
<br />to buy insurance for rnethat you do nor have to obtain any homeowneror liability insurance. ~ `'~ ,- .._
<br />SALE OF MY HOUSE: 1 promise not m sell, lease nr give my house to anyone until l havz tally repaid my detiltp yCu, or. uri~pbtai(~y~written permisst~ 1 would-
<br />submit to yyou someone to take over [his contract. t agree that you may review their qualifications. if you ap~?vv~th~tA. you canol@rge me aass~~rvrvice fee forchan~records.
<br />You ran:dsoincrease the interest rate on this contract by as much as the law allows; rf you do, you agree no hold me responsible for Urigddtt~. Z ~ C.
<br />DEF.4ULT:lwifibeindefauitunder[hiscontractif: ~ .- _
<br />1. i don't make a payment when due: ur ~' -~ ~ ~ ~ C7-
<br />(break any promise! made toyuu in this contract or ;n r ,--'F;,~ ~
<br />3. Soniething.elsehoppens which causes you to believe in gatd faith that I do not intend to pay ynuaapmttased: or ~ ~ j"' ~. C
<br />3. (default un any obligationsfor whichlam using my home as mllntval;or _ p ' i {3D
<br />i. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights, itam~, in it ~ '~~ '•-' "' j ~ - ~
<br />rv i
<br />IF I AAt IN DF~•'AULT: My house and real es:afe can be sold by you to pay my debt w you. Before my house n; sold, you wiI131Oevery~jttg the the law regt~. Anyone
<br />can purchase my house and-real estate at the gale, including you, end, you can give the purchaser s Tmstee's C3eed without any warranties. However, you agree that you C
<br />will nut sell my house and real estae if I pay all overdue payments and correct any default before the sale. Or, ou have [he right to sue the end foreclose. thss contract as -
<br />if it was a rnongage. If you hire an attorney [o assist you to sell my house, ur, to sue toe. or, to protect }'our rights, I agree to. pay you far your reasottablt attorrteys'_ftxs~ -
<br />aral f xother related expenses such as coon costs. title searches and money you expended to protect my house. _ _ - _
<br />OTHER RIGHTSr We can choose not to enforce any of the rights under [his contract as often as wt want without losing them. (h, we can delay enforcing any of the rights
<br />withoutlosing them.-Wrcan nLso use any rights now urin the lufure given to us by law. -
<br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts to install the products i am purchasing on m~~ house, but I also understand that in some situations you may errcountu `
<br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays you have in obtaining materials, or ,nr other reasons that are beyond your control. 1 understand that you will.
<br />no[ be Noble for sac hdelays. -
<br />ARBITIL4TiON: If t have a dispute or claim with you concerning the quenuty, quality ar performance of the products, l understand that my dispute may be submitted to
<br />and settled according to the mediation-arbitration program that may have developed in my cnmrnumty or by the Ivcai Better Business Bureau. 1 also know that any decision -,
<br />made 6v an arbitrator(s) would be entered in the court having jurisdtctiun over mr and you.
<br />SALVAGE V ALOE: 1 know the[ the wurdows, wtxulwvrk, an.i aher materials that have to hr rerrxrved by you for this installation have M~ salvage value. When you re-
<br />movrthem, you can have them for whstrverpurpose yuuwant. - -
<br />SPECIALSITUATIONS: Due to [he uniqueness of some of the product., that you sell. I understand that in special situations that your Regional Office may have to review
<br />and accept this contract. I also understand that !his sale occurred in my hemx and that you and 1 may not have had all the correct mfotmnuon important m this transaction
<br />at our fingertips; I give you my consent to correct any obvious errors that may have x cucred when the blanks in this contract were completed.
<br />-1NV ALIU PROVISIONS: If an '~ provision of this contract viulatrs the law arid is urtenfon~eable, the rest of the contract will be valid. If any part of this cornraet requires
<br />p-aynrent of mtue interest than the law permits. then you will only have the right to collect from me the amount of interest which the law allows you to collect.
<br />COMPLETENESS OF THIS CONTRACT: 1 cannot revoke the erase that 1 have created by this contract. This contract can only be changed if both you and me agrce in
<br />Lv
<br />