<br />ANNUAL FINANCE Arttotlnt Total of Total Sale Price
<br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments The total clot of my purchase
<br />RATE The dollar amoum the The amoum of credit The amoum 1 will on credit, imauding my
<br />The cost of my credit as credit will cost me. pmvided to me or nn have paid after I downpaymem of
<br />a yearly rate my behalf. have made all payments
<br /> as scheduled. $ __.__
<br />„
<br />
<br />n/n .-~
<br />
<br />a
<br />~_
<br />°=
<br />
<br />:' .__x
<br />
<br />'` ... :r
<br /> a a
<br />I have rcmived a[ this time an itemization of the Amount Financefl, ~ ~ # f 1 ~ ry Lv p
<br />afy payment schedule will be: SV! J J (V O
<br />Number or Payments Amewm or Paymenia ~ V,'hen Faymems arc Oue,_ ~__'~
<br />1st Paytixm .- i Estimated to be ~~ days after the dam
<br />i _ ~ of the Completion Certificate.
<br />$ ~ ,+ _
<br />~ All 'ubsequent installments on the same da>
<br />._. --r--~ --
<br />each rnnsecutice month until paid in Pali.
<br />i5 '
<br />Durance~ L
<br />Credit life insurance and credit disability insurance are oat required to obtain credit, and will
<br />not t+e provided unlexs I sign and agree to pay the additional rnxt- ,~(.%~~~
<br />Type Remit m ~ Signsrure -}y~; ~V`L~-r--""`--x'4
<br />Credit Life ~- ' I want credit life SS! `y4 E
<br />insurance.
<br />Security: 1 am giving a security interest in:
<br />t . the goads, services and property befog purchased, and
<br />?. my reef _estak and improvements, including my
<br />house, ail at my "Address" designated above.
<br />FilinglRceording fees S_-.~. ~ '='~-' _
<br />Late Charge: If a payrnent is more than ten (lO) days
<br />late, 1 will tx charged $S.OO or 5% of the payment,
<br />whichever is less, or in lieu of the preceding charge, in-
<br />terest may be collected on each detinquenC installment
<br />omit paid. not exGee¢jt~ the contact rate of 16% per
<br />annum.
<br />yment: If 1 pay off early. 1 will not have to pay
<br />~ Tatty, and 7 may he emided to a rcfurtd of part of
<br />finance charge.
<br />-t-- 1 will review other pextions of this contract
<br />~ Credit Accident ~; I want credit aeciden~ .~ ` n a dirionnl information about rton- avrrtent, ,default.
<br />~ Pc Health i, artd health insurance. I a' required repayment in full before [ire settedttkd datr~
<br />$ ., ,--` i and prepayment refunds and penalties. 1
<br />-- ~ - E;sxO~ e
<br />Propem' insurance a euqured, but ~I rosy obtain this property insurance fmm anyone a means an estimate. ~0~~ LNG pR
<br />1 want. IT f obtain this insurance thrmrch You. 1 will pay $ uEE _ srtG. eaA~~. ttE~
<br />CUMMEIVCEMCh7 VF IHC ClPiA1l: C. lt1AK46: ine ^nanee charge Nnterestl 6 rsumatea 10 start on ~+••'~
<br />(insert the date) except in the event that yrou complete the mstailauon ai the gelds and services on another date, then the finance charge (interest) will begin
<br />to nm on the date that 1 shaft sego a Completion Certificate. `the amount of finance charge tintercstl may be more or less than the amount disclosed depending
<br />nn the atmwnts I pay ytw and my timeliness to making payments.
<br />PREPAYME!YT': I may cotuntarily Prey the anwunt i owe goo, m full or in part, at any time. If 1 make a partial ptepaymen[, i must continue to make
<br />my regular payments until i have pyd al. amrwnts owW.
<br />REQliF-SI' FOR FGLL PAV'MEhT: If 1 do not pay when due. you eau declare, without giving notice to me, all ttmt 1 owe under this wniract payable
<br />at once. 1 agree to pay you interest a+ that amount not to exceed the- highest (awful cmuract rate of Ibsfi omit ruher the -amount Lowe- you is brough[
<br />current or until you sell ty hoax if I haee green coo a Iked of "frusi. t understand the deflniuort Mrth of what a "defauli' is and what your power
<br />is to sell my house tinder a lyecd of Trust. - -
<br />COLLE(TION COSTS: If i am in defauli of this context and you demand Pull payment, 1 understood that }'ou may send it to an attorney for collection
<br />and enfrnrement. df you do so. [agree to pay your reasonable attorneys' fees plus any coon costs and expenses incurred by you. that ic, if you are allowed
<br />to rnllect such amounts by law.
<br />DEED OF TRLtST: As security for this a>ntract, i grant, bargain, ,ell, :onve7• and confimt to Thomas p. Egan, 1r., of Omaha, Nebraska and as a member
<br />of the Nebra~kn State Bar, as `trustee. in trust with the fxrwer m sell, a deed ut m}' real estate and irnpmvements nn it, including my house, alt of which
<br />is commonly refereed to and is Ixated at my ",4Jdres+' designated on the top portion of this contract. This [kid of Trust protects you if ! do not pay
<br />this contract m promised or if 1 break anti other pnrmrsr m:+dc un <»her ode vl Ihis contract_
<br />REVERSF:.l'IDE: 1 understand that the addrtrvnai terms a+hl pruvtswns ponied on the revert side of this Installment Sales Contract are a pan of this Install-
<br />ment Sales Contract and that ! am Mwnd by them m the ,sine manner n-~ a they were pooled un [he tn,nt oY thn very Insmlhntnl Sales Contract.
<br />I. I do not have to sign this coatnet before I read it nr if any o[ the spaces intended far the agreed terms to the rztent of then available information
<br />are left Wank. ?. 1 am entitled to a copy of this contract at the time 1 sign it. 3. [may pay off the fWl balance due under this cooiract at anY
<br />time,-and in so doia I should be entitled to a full rebate of the umaraed fi»auce and Insurance c es (if an ). 4. I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT
<br />NOTICE OF R16lIT TO CANCEL FORM- FOR AN EXPLANATION Of THIS R16HT.) s. 1 understand that this instrument is based upon a home solidtaNon
<br />sak and that this instrument is trot nego/fable-. 6. Ct shall not be legal Cur you to enter my premises unlawfully or commit any breach of the peace
<br />fo repossess gelds purchased umler this contract.
<br />COPY RECEIVED: 1 ackrwwiedge mceipt of a completely titled in copy of this cuntrxa along with two t2) copies of the Notice of Righ[ to Cancel Form.
<br />1N WITNESS WHEREOF, this ~ of "frost and Installment Saks Contract has been signtJ on this ..________ day of .__.__~_-____-. ,1.9 ~ ,
<br />at inty) ~ _ ~ - - ~'-~_-~._ ,Start ut Nebraska. ~^ ~~ a~ ~ ?
<br />PACESETTE ODUCTS, INC .ea . ae~tr c/i..r~y~, ~~(i/~/~! ~`~^p~`j( ~ t' {%/~.('~ 7
<br />~~ ~~/~~Q,rCC/'ll.-~ ~:}ER ~ 1Xl!ST(~ - ._L ~L: ~ _.____ __._
<br />By its agenC .~_-_-~-----_------_._.._. _.._ d ~l\ C ~
<br />Scam of Nchraska 1 r-` at~ at, / _~
<br />_ t ss. The feregoih i umcnt wns acknuwlalged before me cm th` .. -Z _t ~, __.
<br />C<wnty of --~~y _ 1 day of C'~ __ 19 ¢+! by the abo.~e
<br />JestgnateJ Bupenst - TmsWr(sf.
<br />.» ._
<br />My ::.rmmission ex res- _..__ ~CG~ ~1L__ ~ ~'.,~ iYitl/fYf-glMadtNlgaY
<br />S-1 tl l ~ VF :4:IiB ~ -~~~ __~_-_--~
<br />CnN`EIDENTIoi v!v;,'? FINrINtcAi, ;i~Fiiv7?USv i:wjYY ~~R>~~~-~-
<br />1_._J
<br />
<br />~_
<br />