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I <br />"rhe following natter ~ri~gs to my aluntion the rights that) have even when Nis convect is said to a financial institution or a bank, and I shrwld notice that the impor- <br />tance of this pravtswn is stressW by its appearance in ten palm. trald Fair type. <br />8~ ~ ~ 47fiII NOTICE <br />(~ This credit contract finances a purchase. Ali Isgal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising <br />I out of this, tfansaction, including ail claims and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this t;orltract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision la limksd to the amourH paid by the buyer <br />under this cortract. <br />A cia(m Is a legally valid reason for suing the Seiler. A defense is a legally valid reason for not paying <br />the Seater. A holder is anyone trying to collect for the purchase. <br />1NfitIR-.ANC$GANCELIeIT[ON: If t-have requested insurance in this purchase, 1 may cancel such regular for insurance for any reason within fifteen~~}5} days fromtbe; <br />date ofthis contract by wtifying you or the holder of this contract in walingg I know that the castceilarion of my coverage will be arranged with the instrance cacriu(sy and: <br />n fu6refund spiny prcmiumfs) mgether with applicable finance charge will t+e credited to this contract. <br />PLEASE N07E: Ff t have reeqquested insurance in this purchase, [will receive within thing {3p) days a certificate of insurance rnorcfully describing the instrance coverage. <br />~1 know that if there is anyy conflin in Ne coverage or the language of the certificate of insurance and the followingg Notice of Proposed Insurance that I am covtted only to <br />the extent stated in the foilowingNotice of Proposed NatFhave insurance coverage only iflhave btxn charged for iL - <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSEO"'iNSURANCE <br />[ take notice that either Credit L-i(e or Credit Accident and Health Insurance, or both, will bt applicable m this Sales CAttvac[ on the rtvsrsesideonty-if thareshasen <br />it by signing the request for such insurance. This insurance will only cover the person signing Nc request at the cost for each type of insurance shown, Sublectto~t <br />by the insurance company, the insurance will be effective as of today and wdl rnminue only for the number of months after the effective date equal to the of <br />monthly payments. I understand that this panicular insurance may not provide coverage for my last few payments, and that during-that period of time f will not have any <br />insurance coverage. All benefits and proL•eeds of the insurance will be paid to you or In a financial instituhon or a bank if i[ purehasts the Sales Contttut to the et:fsnt of its <br />interests and any balance will Fre payat+le m me. The initial amount of Credit Ltfe Insurance is Ne amount requited to repay the Total of Payments; thereafier, the instirenee <br />decreases by the amount of each month) y paymtnt on a scheduled 30 day basis. Ff I am jointly obligated on the Salts Congact with a Co-Buytx and we have both signed the <br />request for Credit life Insurance, death txnetiss will be payable only wnh respect to Nr first one of us to die. Sub~e<t to exclusions, eliminations orwaiting-period stated <br />m rho insurance policy or certificate, Credit Accident and Health Insurance is for the benefit amount of I r30th of eac~ monN's payment foreach day that I am totailydisabled <br />due to an injury or sickness while 1 owe any payment to you; however, I understand that I have to be prevented from working due to such total disabiliry for mac than four <br />teen I tb) consecutive days before the insurance benefit is paid back to the first day of my total disability. I also know tlwt 1 cannot obtain tiny ittsetranoe rrom-grin [[I <br />am over 65 years of age today, and 1 also know [hat the insurance cm~erage provided to me may contain a maximum amouut orrnveragewhic6 trW noEpay in amne <br />rases, the cadre amount that !awe s'ou. 1?ue to ihr maximum amount of erverage stand in the insurance policy, I know that any unpaid amount in ezcassof.ihe mstua~e <br />coverage. will stilt have m be paid. If [he Sales Canvact is prepaid in full prior to the last payment dale, any unearned insurance premiums wilt berefunded to rtu iti the man- <br />ner prescribed by taw. Within Niny t;iO) days. 1 will receive the eenificate of insurance more fully describing my insurance coverages If the insurance ii not accepted by - <br />the insurance company, 1 will receive a refund of the insurance premiums f have paid. <br />Bt.:YER:ThenexstwoparagraphscontainwarrantiesrelativtrothissalegivenbyusroNtfinanciatinsti[utionorbankinorderforittobuythis t. <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRU Tj' N INST CEMENT A CON R <br />.J i <br />FOR V Al.t. E RECEIV ED, Seiler hereby sells, assigns, conveys, transfers and delivtts to <br />~ (Assignee) alt of its rights, title and interest in and to the tkxd of Trust and Installmem Sales Contract, taoggeNerwith all liens existing to s ore its payrste dthaproperty <br />encumbered hereby. Assignee is hereby substituted as Beneficiary under the Deed of Tmst provisions of this contract. Sellerwarrants and rcptesents: t has the tight to <br />o ,` make this assignment; t 2) All statemems and figures in Nis contract and in the Huyer's statement arc materially true and correct; (3) This convect aro' from the bona fide <br />h k~sale at the 4aods and services dea:ribed hereto; l4) "the cash down payment abeam in Nis convect was actually paid by Huger artdnopanof said downpaymentwas ltiatted <br />directly or indirectly by Seller to Buvtr: (5) F;ach Buyer in legally competent to contract; (b) This contract is not and will not be subject to any claim, defense; demattii or <br />~~ right of affse[:t7)'I`he execution of tilts comma and the underlying sales!ransacoon giving rise therein did na[violate any federal or state taw, directive,_tvie oc ttgnla;ion <br />now m effect; t K f In Ne !rent that Nis atmract or Ne underlying sales vansacoon is wbjea to a right of rescission orrancellation by the Buyer, such rescission orcancella- <br />`~.,-~ lien period has expired and neithenhe sale oar this convect has hero cancelled ar rescinded. THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BP SELLER WITIIBUT RECOURSE. <br />. t~~ t\ TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the undersi rte rs a orized reprc tat a of Nc Seller and~~ntd below on behalf of Ne Seller on this <br />;, ~ day of ._ _ _ ___.~ _ ._ , i ,_ f <br />r _ _ .~.-~~- ~ <br />~~ m <br />p ~ The toregomg mstruntem was acknowledged txfara me qn - __ _ PACE$ R PRODUGTS C - U ~ haw <br />/ N -/ •'i F > <br />/3 ~ ~'-;(~ <br />)` •N .. _ ... _ _ ' Vf-~~~ ..IV- °._ it. , _.~2-t{e-i" O'aa~02 <br />t=-'TJ------- ~?ti ~ <br />n by the authorised agent or Seiler wh __ _~-~~~~f~/'L' ~ -r~__~ y ~T;y+ y <br />-~-' h C <br />iT >ty commission xove ; ~ ~. 4 <br />j . slkdttar fltiTAtR-, rtt et X,aquri~--- ' ~7 r-[ J'~^__-- O~=~ y <br />11 y -'a hi9 ~N}W~ 1:15. ~. a4 t3, } ~ ~ _._.. _-_-_-_ _ ~J3.. Puhl~: _..__EJ. <br /> <br />__ <br />